Example #1
  // implement recycler mechanics
  public void FixedUpdate()
    // do nothing in the editor
    if (HighLogic.LoadedSceneIsEditor) return;

    // do nothing until tech tree is ready
    if (!Lib.TechReady()) return;

    if (use_efficiency)
      // deduce quality from technological level if necessary
      if (efficiency <= double.Epsilon) efficiency = Scrubber.DeduceEfficiency();

    if (is_enabled)
      // get vessel info from the cache
      vessel_info vi = Cache.VesselInfo(vessel);

      // do nothing if vessel is invalid
      if (!vi.is_valid) return;

      // get elapsed time
      double elapsed_s = Kerbalism.elapsed_s * vi.time_dilation;

      // get resource cache
      vessel_resources resources = ResourceCache.Get(vessel);

      // recycle EC+waste+filter into resource
      resource_recipe recipe = new resource_recipe(resource_recipe.scrubber_priority);
      recipe.Input(waste_name, waste_rate * elapsed_s);
      recipe.Input("ElectricCharge", ec_rate * elapsed_s);
      if (filter_name.Length > 0 && filter_rate > double.Epsilon)
        recipe.Input(filter_name, filter_rate * elapsed_s);
      recipe.Output(resource_name, waste_rate * waste_ratio * efficiency * elapsed_s);

      // set status
      Status = "Running";
      Status = "Off";

    // add efficiency to status
    if (use_efficiency) Status += Lib.BuildString(" (Efficiency: ", (efficiency * 100.0).ToString("F0"), "%)");
Example #2
  public static oxygen_data analyze_oxygen(List<Part> parts, environment_data env, crew_data crew)
    // store data
    oxygen_data oxygen = new oxygen_data();

    // get scrubber efficiency
    oxygen.scrubber_efficiency = Scrubber.DeduceEfficiency();

    // calculate oxygen consumed
    oxygen.consumed = !env.breathable ? (double)crew.count * Settings.OxygenPerSecond : 0.0;

    // deduce co2 produced by the crew per-second
    double simulated_co2 = oxygen.consumed;

    // scan the parts
    foreach(Part p in parts)
      // accumulate food storage
      oxygen.storage += Lib.GetResourceAmount(p, "Oxygen");

      // for each module
      foreach(PartModule m in p.Modules)
        // scrubber
        if (m.moduleName == "Scrubber")
          Scrubber mm = (Scrubber)m;

          // do nothing inside breathable atmosphere
          if (mm.is_enabled && !env.breathable)
            double co2_scrubbed = Math.Min(simulated_co2, mm.co2_rate);
            if (co2_scrubbed > double.Epsilon)
              oxygen.scrubber_cost += mm.ec_rate * (co2_scrubbed / mm.co2_rate);
              oxygen.recycled += co2_scrubbed * oxygen.scrubber_efficiency;
              simulated_co2 -= co2_scrubbed;

    // calculate life expectancy
    oxygen.life_expectancy = !env.breathable ? oxygen.storage / Math.Max(oxygen.consumed - oxygen.recycled, 0.0) : double.NaN;

    // return data
    return oxygen;