Example #1
        private ActinInstantiator getOrCreateExternalInstantiator(Type type)
            if (!this.Running)
                throw new AccessViolationException("The director has not yet started running.");
            var success = false;
            ActinInstantiator inst;

            lock (lockInstantiators) {
                this.instantiators.TryGetValue(type, out inst);
            if (!success)
                inst = new ActinInstantiator(type);
                lock (lockInstantiators) {
                    //It's better to lock for the whole creation process, as this ensures all internal instantiator
                    //state is also locked. This only happens when a new type is discovered, so it shouldn't
                    //cause too much delay in exchange for that safety.
                    var skippedBecauseConcreteLineageRequired = !inst.Build(t => {
                        if (!this.instantiators.TryGetValue(t, out var dependencyInstantiator))
                            dependencyInstantiator = new ActinInstantiator(t);
                            this.instantiators[t]  = dependencyInstantiator;
                    if (skippedBecauseConcreteLineageRequired)
                        throw new ApplicationException($"{type.Name} must remove the [Parent] or [Sibling] attribute. Top level external objects may not have Parents or Siblings injected.");
                    instantiators[type] = inst;
Example #2
        //Init ======================= Init:
        private async Task <ConfigureUtil> init(Action <ConfigureUtil> configure)
            this.runtimeLog = new LogDispatcher(this.Clock);
            lock (lockRunning) {
                if (__running__)
                __running__ = true;
            this.AddSingletonDependency(this, typeof(ICreateInstanceActorForScene));

            //Get configuration from the user:
            var config = new ConfigureUtil();


            //Add this director to the static list of running directors:
            try {
                if (directors.ContainsKey(config.DirectorName))
                    throw new ApplicationException($"There is already a running director with the name '{config.DirectorName}'");
                directors[config.DirectorName] = this;
            finally {

            //Get an instance of the start up log, or throw an exception:
            var   log = new LogDispatcherForActor(new LogDispatcher(this.Clock), "Before Start");
            Actor startUpLogAsActor;

                var startUpLogInstantiator = new ActinInstantiator(config.StartUpLogType);
                if (!startUpLogInstantiator.Build((t) => {
                    throw new ApplicationException($"{config.StartUpLogType.Name} is being used as the 'StartUp' Log, and must not have any dependencies.");
                    throw new ApplicationException($"{config.StartUpLogType.Name} is being used as the 'StartUp' Log, and must not have any dependencies.");
                lock (lockInstantiators) {
                    instantiators[config.StartUpLogType] = startUpLogInstantiator;
                var startUpLog = startUpLogInstantiator.GetSingletonInstance(this) as IActinLogger;
                if (startUpLog == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException("The 'StartUp' Log must implement IActinLogger.");
                startUpLogAsActor = startUpLog as Actor;

                if (startUpLog is ActinStandardLogger && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(config.StandardLogOutputFolder))
                    var standardLogger = startUpLog as ActinStandardLogger;

            try {
                //Do manual user start up:
                log.Info("Director Initializing");
                await config.RunBeforeStart(new ActorUtil(null, this.Clock) {
                    Log = log,

                //Do automated DI startup:
                foreach (var a in config.AssembliesToCheckForDI)
                    try {
                        foreach (var t in a.GetTypes())
                            if (t.HasAttribute <SingletonAttribute>() || t.HasAttribute <InstanceAttribute>())
                                lock (lockInstantiators) {
                                    if (!instantiators.ContainsKey(t))
                                        //If it's already contained, then it was manually added as a Singleton dependency.
                                        //We can't add it again, as when manually added, a singleton instance was provided.
                                        instantiators[t] = new ActinInstantiator(t);
                    catch (Exception ex) {
                        var msg = $"Actin Failed in assembly {a.FullName}. Inner Exception: {ex.Message}";
                        log.Error(msg, ex);
                        await runStartUpLog();

                        throw new Exception(msg, ex);

                lock (lockInstantiators) {
                    //At this point, we should only have manually added singletons, and attribute marked Singleton or Instance classes.
                    var rootableInstantiators = instantiators.Values.ToList();
                    rootableInstantiators = rootableInstantiators.Where(config.RootActorFilter).ToList();
                    var skipped = new List <ActinInstantiator>();
                    foreach (var instantiator in rootableInstantiators)
                        try {
                            var skippedBecauseConcreteLineageRequired = !instantiator.Build(t => {
                                if (!this.instantiators.TryGetValue(t, out var dependencyInstantiator))
                                    dependencyInstantiator = new ActinInstantiator(t);
                                    this.instantiators[t]  = dependencyInstantiator;
                            if (skippedBecauseConcreteLineageRequired)
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            throw new ApplicationException($"Failed to build rootable type {instantiator.Type.Name}: {ex.Message}", ex);

                    var skippedAndNeverBuilt = skipped.Where(x => !x.WasBuilt).ToList();
                    if (skippedAndNeverBuilt.Any())
                        throw new AggregateException(skippedAndNeverBuilt.Select(
                                                         x => new ApplicationException($"{x.Type.Name} has a concrete [Parent] or [Sibling], but its parent was not found in the dependency chain."
                                                                                       + "Most likely you forgot to mark the parent class with a [Singleton] or [Instance] attribute."
                                                                                       + "If the Parent is a Scene, or not always available, then you must instead use [FlexibleParent] or [FlexibleSibling]."
                                                                                       + "Note that the flexible attributes do not do type checking on start-up.")));

                    foreach (var singletonInstantiator in rootableInstantiators.Where(x => x.IsRootSingleton))
                        var singleton = singletonInstantiator.GetSingletonInstance(this);

                if (!TryGetSingleton(config.RuntimeLogType, out var rtLog))
                    throw new ApplicationException($"Actin failed to get a singleton instance of the 'Runtime' log. Ensure you've marked {config.RuntimeLogType.Name} with the Singleton attribute, or manually added it to the Director as a singleton.");
                var rtLogAsIActinLogger = rtLog as IActinLogger;
                if (rtLogAsIActinLogger == null)
                    throw new ApplicationException($"{config.RuntimeLogType} must implement IActinLogger, as it is being used as the 'Runtime' Log.");

                await config.RunAfterStart(new ActorUtil(null, this.Clock) {
                    Log = new LogDispatcherForActor(runtimeLog, "After Start"),

            catch (Exception ex) when(logFailedStartup(ex))
                //Exception is always unhandled, this is a nicer way to ensure logging before the exception propagates.

            bool logFailedStartup(Exception ex)
                log.Log(new ActinLog {
                    Time        = Clock.Now,
                    Location    = "StartUp",
                    UserMessage = "Actin failed to start.",
                    Details     = ex?.ToString(),
                    Type        = LogType.Error,

            async Task runStartUpLog()
                try {
                    if (startUpLogAsActor != null)
                        var disposeHandle = await startUpLogAsActor.Init(() => new DispatchData {
                            MainLog = new ConsoleLogger(),

                        if (disposeHandle != null)
                            lock (lockDisposeHandles) {
                        await startUpLogAsActor.Run(() => new DispatchData {
                            MainLog = new ConsoleLogger(),
                catch {
                    //Nowhere to put this if the log is failing.
        internal void ResolveDependencies(object instance, DependencyType dependencyType, object parent, ActinInstantiator parentInstantiator, Director director)
            if (director is null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Director may not be null.");
            var asActor = instance as Actor_SansType;

            if (asActor != null)
                asActor.Instantiator = this; //Used for automatically disposing child dependencies.
                asActor.Util         = new ActorUtil(asActor, director.Clock);
            Func <AccessorInstantiatorPair, bool> notSet = (x) => x.Accessor.GetVal(instance) == null;

            //Set and Resolve Singletons:
            foreach (var dep in SingletonDependencies.Where(notSet))
                dep.Accessor.SetVal(instance, dep.Instantiator.GetSingletonInstance(director));
            //Set Child Instances:
            var unresolvedInstanceDependencies = new List <AccessorInstantiatorPairWithInstance>();

            foreach (var dep in InstanceDependencies.Where(notSet))
                var childInstance = dep.Instantiator.CreateNew();
                unresolvedInstanceDependencies.Add(new AccessorInstantiatorPairWithInstance {
                    Pair     = dep,
                    Instance = childInstance,
                dep.Accessor.SetVal(instance, childInstance);

            if (instance != null)   //It should never be null, but it doesn't hurt to be safe.
            //Note that it's important that we called this before we resolved child dependencies.
            //The director assumes that the order it receives dependencies in is the order in
            //which they should be initialized.
            //Resolve Child Instances:
            foreach (var dep in unresolvedInstanceDependencies)
                dep.Pair.Instantiator.ResolveDependencies(dep.Instance, DependencyType.Instance, instance, this, director);

            if (dependencyType == DependencyType.Instance && parent != null)
                //Means we can have parents and siblings:
                foreach (var dep in ParentDependencies.Where(notSet))
                    try {
                        dep.Accessor.SetVal(instance, parent);
                    catch when(dep.Accessor.Markers.Contains(nameof(FlexibleParentAttribute)))
                        //Swallow the exception, as FlexibleParents may be different types.