Example #1
        private void RecreateBackAndMoreKeys()
            voiceKeys[VoiceKeyCount - 1] = new VoiceKey
                Text     = Resources.BACK,
                KeyValue = KeyValues.BackFromKeyboardKey,

            if (remainingVoices.Any())
                voiceKeys[VoiceKeyCount - 2] = new VoiceKey
                    Text     = Resources.MORE,
                    KeyValue = KeyValues.MoreKey,
Example #2
        public Voice(Action backAction, List <string> voices) : base(backAction)
            int displayedVoiceCount = (voices.Count < VoiceKeyCount)
                ? voices.Count       // We have enough room to display keys for all the voices as well as a key for "Back".
                : VoiceKeyCount - 2; // Display as much as we can. Reserve a key for "More" in addition to "Back".

            remainingVoices = voices.Skip(displayedVoiceCount).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < displayedVoiceCount; i++)
                voiceKeys[i] = new VoiceKey
                    Text     = voices[i],
                    KeyValue = new KeyValue(FunctionKeys.SelectVoice, voices[i]),
