static JsonValue Load(TextReader textReader, IJsonReader jsonReader, HjsonOptions options) { if (textReader == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("textReader"); } return(new HjsonReader(textReader, jsonReader, options).Read()); }
/// <summary>Saves Hjson to a stream.</summary> public static void Save(JsonValue json, Stream stream, HjsonOptions options = null) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); } Save(json, new StreamWriter(stream), options); }
static JsonValue Load(Stream stream, IJsonReader jsonReader, HjsonOptions options) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("stream"); } return(Load(new StreamReader(stream, true), jsonReader, options)); }
/// <summary>Parses the specified Hjson/JSON string, optionally preserving whitespace and comments.</summary> public static JsonValue Parse(string hjsonString, HjsonOptions options) { if (hjsonString == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("hjsonString"); } return(Load(new StringReader(hjsonString), options)); }
public HjsonReader(TextReader reader, IJsonReader jsonReader, HjsonOptions options) : base(reader, jsonReader) { if (options != null) { ReadWsc = options.KeepWsc; dsfProviders = options.DsfProviders; } }
/// <summary>Saves Hjson to a TextWriter.</summary> public static void Save(JsonValue json, TextWriter textWriter, HjsonOptions options = null) { if (textWriter == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("textWriter"); } new HjsonWriter(options).Save(json, textWriter, 0, false, "", true, true); textWriter.Flush(); }
/// <summary>Saves Hjson to a file.</summary> public static void Save(JsonValue json, string path, HjsonOptions options = null) { if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower() == ".json") { json.Save(path, Stringify.Formatted); return; } using (var s = File.CreateText(path)) Save(json, s, options); }
/// <summary>Saves as Hjson to a string.</summary> public string ToString(HjsonOptions options) { if (options == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("options"); } var sw = new StringWriter(); HjsonValue.Save(this, sw, options); return(sw.ToString()); }
public HjsonWriter(HjsonOptions options) { if (options != null) { writeWsc = options.KeepWsc; emitRootBraces = options.EmitRootBraces; dsfProviders = options.DsfProviders; } else { emitRootBraces = true; } }
static JsonValue Load(string path, IJsonReader jsonReader, HjsonOptions options) { if (Path.GetExtension(path).ToLower() == ".json") { return(JsonValue.Load(path)); } try { using (var s = File.OpenRead(path)) return(Load(s, jsonReader, options)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception(e.Message + " (in " + path + ")", e); } }
/// <summary>Loads Hjson/JSON from a TextReader, optionally preserving whitespace and comments.</summary> public static JsonValue Load(TextReader textReader, HjsonOptions options, IJsonReader jsonReader = null) { return(Load(textReader, jsonReader, options)); }
/// <summary>Loads Hjson/JSON from a stream, optionally preserving whitespace and comments.</summary> public static JsonValue Load(Stream stream, HjsonOptions options) { return(Load(stream, null, options)); }
/// <summary>Loads Hjson/JSON from a file, optionally preserving whitespace and comments.</summary> public static JsonValue Load(string path, HjsonOptions options) { return(Load(path, null, options)); }