Example #1
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        String sparql = File.ReadAllText("../query.sparql");
        var parameters = new Dictionary<string, string>();
        parameters["query"] = sparql;
        parameters["format"] = "text/turtle";

        var client = new HttpClient();
        StringContent queryString = new StringContent(sparql);
        HttpResponseMessage resp = client.PostAsync("http://virhp07.libris.kb.se/sparql",new FormUrlEncodedContent(parameters)).Result;
        Console.WriteLine ("Hello Mono World" + resp.StatusCode);
        var turtle = resp.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
        var options = new JsonLdOptions() {format = "text/turtle"};
        var expanded = JsonLdProcessor.FromRDF(turtle, options);
        var context = File.ReadAllText("../context.jsonld");
        var compOptions = new JsonLdOptions();
        var compacted = JsonLdProcessor.Frame(expanded, context, compOptions);
Example #2
        /// <summary>Uses a specific serializer.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Uses a specific serializer.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static JToken FromRDF(JToken input, JsonLdOptions options, IRDFParser parser
            RDFDataset dataset = parser.Parse(input);
            // convert from RDF
            JToken rval = new JsonLdApi(options).FromRDF(dataset);

            // re-process using the generated context if outputForm is set
            if (options.outputForm != null)
                if ("expanded".Equals(options.outputForm))
                    if ("compacted".Equals(options.outputForm))
                        return(Compact(rval, dataset.GetContext(), options));
                        if ("flattened".Equals(options.outputForm))
                            return(Flatten(rval, dataset.GetContext(), options));
                            throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.UnknownError);
Example #3
        /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static JObject Frame(JToken input, JToken frame, JsonLdOptions
            if (frame is JObject)
                frame = JsonLdUtils.Clone((JObject)frame);
            // TODO string/IO input
            JToken    expandedInput = Expand(input, options);
            JArray    expandedFrame = Expand(frame, options);
            JsonLdApi api           = new JsonLdApi(expandedInput, options);
            JArray    framed        = api.Frame(expandedInput, expandedFrame);
            Context   activeCtx     = api.context.Parse(frame["@context"
            JToken compacted = api.Compact(activeCtx, null, framed);

            if (!(compacted is JArray))
                JArray tmp = new JArray();
                compacted = tmp;
            string  alias = activeCtx.CompactIri("@graph");
            JObject rval  = activeCtx.Serialize();

            rval[alias] = compacted;
            JsonLdUtils.RemovePreserve(activeCtx, rval, options);
        /// <summary>Uses a specific serializer.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Uses a specific serializer.</remarks>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static async Task <JToken> FromRdfAsync(JToken input,
                                                       JsonLdOptions options,
                                                       IRdfParser parser
            var dataset = parser.Parse(input);

            // convert from RDF
            JToken rval = new JsonLdApi(options).FromRdf(dataset);

            // re-process using the generated context if outputForm is set
            if (options.outputForm != null)
                if ("expanded".Equals(options.outputForm))
                    if ("compacted".Equals(options.outputForm))
                        return(await CompactAsync(rval, dataset.GetContext(), options));

                    if ("flattened".Equals(options.outputForm))
                        return(await FlattenAsync(rval, dataset.GetContext(), options));
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.UnknownError);

Example #5
 /// <summary>Removes the @preserve keywords as the last step of the framing algorithm.
 ///     </summary>
 /// <remarks>Removes the @preserve keywords as the last step of the framing algorithm.
 ///     </remarks>
 /// <param name="ctx">the active context used to compact the input.</param>
 /// <param name="input">the framed, compacted output.</param>
 /// <param name="options">the compaction options used.</param>
 /// <returns>the resulting output.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="JsonLdError">JsonLdError</exception>
 /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
 internal static JToken RemovePreserve(Context ctx, JToken input, JsonLdOptions opts
     // recurse through arrays
     if (IsArray(input))
         JArray output = new JArray();
         foreach (JToken i in (JArray)input)
             JToken result = RemovePreserve(ctx, i, opts);
             // drop nulls from arrays
             if (!result.IsNull())
         input = output;
         if (IsObject(input))
             // remove @preserve
             if (((JObject)input).ContainsKey("@preserve"))
                 if (((JObject)input)["@preserve"].SafeCompare("@null"))
             // skip @values
             if (IsValue(input))
             // recurse through @lists
             if (IsList(input))
                 ((JObject)input)["@list"] = RemovePreserve(ctx, ((JObject)input)["@list"], opts);
             // recurse through properties
             foreach (string prop in input.GetKeys())
                 JToken result = RemovePreserve(ctx, ((JObject)input)[prop], opts
                 string container = ctx.GetContainer(prop);
                 if (opts.GetCompactArrays() && IsArray(result) && ((JArray)result).Count ==
                     1 && container == null)
                     result = ((JArray)result)[0];
                 ((JObject)input)[prop] = result;
Example #6
 public NormalizeUtils(JArray quads, JObject bnodes, UniqueNamer
                       namer, JsonLdOptions options)
     this.options = options;
     this.quads   = quads;
     this.bnodes  = bnodes;
     this.namer   = namer;
Example #7
 public NormalizeUtils(IList <RDFDataset.Quad> quads, IDictionary <string, IDictionary <string, object> > bnodes, UniqueNamer
                       namer, JsonLdOptions options)
     this.options = options;
     this.quads   = quads;
     this.bnodes  = bnodes;
     this.namer   = namer;
        /// <summary>Performs RDF dataset normalization on the given JSON-LD input.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        ///     Performs RDF dataset normalization on the given JSON-LD input. The output
        ///     is an RDF dataset unless the 'format' option is used.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="input">the JSON-LD input to normalize.</param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static async Task <object> NormalizeAsync(JToken input, JsonLdOptions options)
            var opts = options.Clone();

            opts.format = null;
            var dataset = (RdfDataset) await ToRdfAsync(input, opts);

            return(new JsonLdApi(options).Normalize(dataset));
        /// <summary>Performs RDF dataset normalization on the given JSON-LD input.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Performs RDF dataset normalization on the given JSON-LD input. The output
        /// is an RDF dataset unless the 'format' option is used.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="input">the JSON-LD input to normalize.</param>
        /// <?></?>
        /// <param name="callback">(err, normalized) called once the operation completes.</param>
        /// <exception cref="JSONLDProcessingError">JSONLDProcessingError</exception>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLDNet.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static object Normalize(JToken input, JsonLdOptions options)
            JsonLdOptions opts = options.Clone();

            opts.format = null;
            RDFDataset dataset = (RDFDataset)ToRDF(input, opts);

            return(new JsonLdApi(options).Normalize(dataset));
        /// <summary>Outputs the RDF dataset found in the given JSON-LD object.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Outputs the RDF dataset found in the given JSON-LD object.</remarks>
        /// <param name="input">the JSON-LD input.</param>
        /// <param name="callback"></param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static async Task <object> ToRdfAsync(JToken input,
                                                     IJsonLdTripleCallback callback,
                                                     JsonLdOptions options)
            JToken expandedInput = await ExpandAsync(input, options);

            var api = await JsonLdApi.CreateAsync(expandedInput, options);

            var dataset = api.ToRdf();

            // generate namespaces from context
            if (options.useNamespaces)
                JArray _input;
                if (input is JArray array)
                    _input = array;
                    _input = new JArray();

                foreach (var e in _input)
                    if (((JObject)e).ContainsKey("@context"))

            if (callback != null)
            if (options.format != null)
                if ("application/nquads".Equals(options.format))
                    return(new NQuadTripleCallback().Call(dataset));
                    if ("text/turtle".Equals(options.format))
                        return(new TurtleTripleCallback().Call(dataset));
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.UnknownFormat, options.format);

Example #11
		public JsonLdApi(JsonLdOptions opts)
			if (opts == null)
				opts = new JsonLdOptions(string.Empty);
				this.opts = opts;
Example #12
        /// <summary>Performs RDF dataset normalization on the given JSON-LD input.</summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Performs RDF dataset normalization on the given JSON-LD input. The output
        /// is an RDF dataset unless the 'format' option is used.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="input">the JSON-LD input to normalize.</param>
        /// <?></?>
        /// <param name="callback">(err, normalized) called once the operation completes.</param>
        /// <exception cref="JSONLDProcessingError">JSONLDProcessingError</exception>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLDNet.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static object Normalize(JToken input, JsonLdOptions options)
            JsonLdOptions opts = options.Clone();
            opts.format = null;
            RDFDataset dataset = (RDFDataset)ToRDF(input, opts);
            return(new JsonLdApi(options).Normalize(dataset));
            throw new PlatformNotSupportedException();
Example #13
        /// <summary>Outputs the RDF dataset found in the given JSON-LD object.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Outputs the RDF dataset found in the given JSON-LD object.</remarks>
        /// <param name="input">the JSON-LD input.</param>
        /// <param name="callback">
        /// A callback that is called when the input has been converted to
        /// Quads (null to use options.format instead).
        /// </param>
        /// <?></?>
        /// <param name="callback">(err, dataset) called once the operation completes.</param>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLDNet.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static object ToRDF(JToken input, IJSONLDTripleCallback callback, JsonLdOptions
            JToken     expandedInput = Expand(input, options);
            JsonLdApi  api           = new JsonLdApi(expandedInput, options);
            RDFDataset dataset       = api.ToRDF();

            // generate namespaces from context
            if (options.useNamespaces)
                JArray _input;
                if (input is JArray)
                    _input = (JArray)input;
                    _input = new JArray();
                foreach (JToken e in _input)
                    if (((JObject)e).ContainsKey("@context"))
            if (callback != null)
            if (options.format != null)
                if ("application/nquads".Equals(options.format))
                    return(new NQuadTripleCallback().Call(dataset));
                    if ("text/turtle".Equals(options.format))
                        return(new TurtleTripleCallback().Call(dataset));
                        throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.UnknownFormat, options.format);
Example #14
        /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static JObject Compact(JToken input, JToken context, JsonLdOptions
            // 1)
            // TODO: look into java futures/promises
            // 2-6) NOTE: these are all the same steps as in expand
            JToken expanded = Expand(input, opts);

            // 7)
            if (context is JObject && ((IDictionary <string, JToken>)context).ContainsKey(
                context = ((JObject)context)["@context"];
            Context activeCtx = new Context(opts);

            activeCtx = activeCtx.Parse(context);
            // 8)
            JToken compacted = new JsonLdApi(opts).Compact(activeCtx, null, expanded, opts.GetCompactArrays

            // final step of Compaction Algorithm
            // TODO: SPEC: the result result is a NON EMPTY array,
            if (compacted is JArray)
                if (((JArray)compacted).IsEmpty())
                    compacted = new JObject();
                    JObject tmp = new JObject();
                    // TODO: SPEC: doesn't specify to use vocab = true here
                    tmp[activeCtx.CompactIri("@graph", true)] = compacted;
                    compacted = tmp;
            if (!compacted.IsNull() && !context.IsNull())
                // TODO: figure out if we can make "@context" appear at the start of
                // the keySet
                if ((context is JObject && !((JObject)context).IsEmpty()) ||
                    (context is JArray && !((JArray)context).IsEmpty()))
                    compacted["@context"] = context;
            // 9)
Example #15
		/// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        private void Initialize(JToken input, JToken context, JsonLdOptions opts)
			// set option defaults (TODO: clone?)
			// NOTE: sane defaults should be set in JsonLdOptions constructor
			this.opts = opts;
			if (input is JArray || input is JObject)
				this.value = JsonLdUtils.Clone(input);
			// TODO: string/IO input
			this.context = new Context(opts);
			if (!context.IsNull())
				this.context = this.context.Parse(context);
        /// <exception cref="JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static async Task <JObject> CompactAsync(JToken input,
                                                        JToken context,
                                                        JsonLdOptions opts)
            // 1)
            // TODO: look into java futures/promises
            // 2-6) NOTE: these are all the same steps as in expand
            JToken expanded = await ExpandAsync(input, opts);

            // 7)
            if (context is JObject jObj && jObj.ContainsKey("@context"))
                context = jObj["@context"];

            var activeCtx = await Context.ParseAsync(context, opts);

            // 8)
            var compacted = new JsonLdApi(opts).Compact(activeCtx,

            // final step of Compaction Algorithm
            // TODO: SPEC: the result result is a NON EMPTY array,
            if (compacted is JArray jArray)
                compacted = jArray.IsEmpty() ? new JObject() : new JObject {
                    [activeCtx.CompactIri("@graph", true)] = compacted

            if (!compacted.IsNull() && !context.IsNull())
                if (context is JObject && !((JObject)context).IsEmpty() ||
                    context is JArray && !((JArray)context).IsEmpty())
                    compacted["@context"] = context;

            // 9)
Example #17
 public JsonNormalizer(object @object, JsonLdOptions options)
     if (options == null)
         this.options        = new JsonLdOptions();
         this.options.format = "application/nquads";
     this.options       = options;
     this.initialObject = @object;
         options.algorithm     = JsonLdOptions.URDNA2015;
         this.normalizedObject = JsonLdProcessor.Normalize(JToken.FromObject(this.initialObject), this.options);
     catch (JsonLdError ex)
        /// <summary>Converts an RDF dataset to JSON-LD.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Converts an RDF dataset to JSON-LD.</remarks>
        /// <param name="dataset">
        ///     a serialized string of RDF in a format specified by the format
        ///     option or an RDF dataset to convert.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="options"></param>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static async Task <JToken> FromRdfAsync(JToken dataset, JsonLdOptions options)
            // handle non specified serializer case
            IRdfParser parser;

            if (options.format == null && dataset.Type == JTokenType.String)
                options.format = "application/nquads";
            if (rdfParsers.ContainsKey(options.format))
                parser = rdfParsers[options.format];
                throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.UnknownFormat, options.format);

            // convert from RDF
            return(await FromRdfAsync(dataset, options, parser));
Example #19
        /// <summary>Converts an RDF dataset to JSON-LD.</summary>
        /// <remarks>Converts an RDF dataset to JSON-LD.</remarks>
        /// <param name="dataset">
        /// a serialized string of RDF in a format specified by the format
        /// option or an RDF dataset to convert.
        /// </param>
        /// <?></?>
        /// <param name="callback">(err, output) called once the operation completes.</param>
        /// <exception cref="JsonLDNet.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static JToken FromRDF(JToken dataset, JsonLdOptions options)
            // handle non specified serializer case
            IRDFParser parser = null;

            if (options.format == null && dataset.Type == JTokenType.String)
                // attempt to parse the input as nquads
                options.format = "application/nquads";
            if (rdfParsers.ContainsKey(options.format))
                parser = rdfParsers[options.format];
                throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.UnknownFormat, options.format);
            // convert from RDF
            return(FromRDF(dataset, options, parser));
        /// <exception cref="JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static async Task <JObject> FrameAsync(JToken input,
                                                      JToken frame,
                                                      JsonLdOptions options)
            if (frame is JObject)
                frame = JsonLdUtils.Clone((JObject)frame);

            // TODO string/IO input
            JToken expandedInput = await ExpandAsync(input, options);

            var expandedFrame = await ExpandAsync(frame, options);

            var api = await JsonLdApi.CreateAsync(expandedInput, options);

            var framed    = api.Frame(expandedInput, expandedFrame);
            var activeCtx = await api.context.ParseAsync(frame["@context"

            var compacted = api.Compact(activeCtx, null, framed);

            if (!(compacted is JArray))
                compacted = new JArray {

            var alias = activeCtx.CompactIri("@graph");
            var rval  = activeCtx.Serialize();

            rval[alias] = compacted;
            JsonLdUtils.RemovePreserve(activeCtx, rval, options);
Example #21
 /// <summary>Removes the @preserve keywords as the last step of the framing algorithm.
 /// 	</summary>
 /// <remarks>Removes the @preserve keywords as the last step of the framing algorithm.
 /// 	</remarks>
 /// <param name="ctx">the active context used to compact the input.</param>
 /// <param name="input">the framed, compacted output.</param>
 /// <param name="options">the compaction options used.</param>
 /// <returns>the resulting output.</returns>
 /// <exception cref="JsonLdError">JsonLdError</exception>
 /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
 internal static JToken RemovePreserve(Context ctx, JToken input, JsonLdOptions opts
     // recurse through arrays
     if (IsArray(input))
         JArray output = new JArray();
         foreach (JToken i in (JArray)input)
             JToken result = RemovePreserve(ctx, i, opts);
             // drop nulls from arrays
             if (!result.IsNull())
         input = output;
         if (IsObject(input))
             // remove @preserve
             if (((JObject)input).ContainsKey("@preserve"))
                 if (((JObject)input)["@preserve"].SafeCompare("@null"))
                     return null;
                 return ((JObject)input)["@preserve"];
             // skip @values
             if (IsValue(input))
                 return input;
             // recurse through @lists
             if (IsList(input))
                 ((JObject)input)["@list"] = RemovePreserve(ctx, ((JObject)input)["@list"], opts);
                 return input;
             // recurse through properties
             foreach (string prop in input.GetKeys())
                 JToken result = RemovePreserve(ctx, ((JObject)input)[prop], opts
                 string container = ctx.GetContainer(prop);
                 if (opts.GetCompactArrays() && IsArray(result) && ((JArray)result).Count ==
                      1 && container == null)
                     result = ((JArray)result)[0];
                 ((JObject)input)[prop] = result;
     return input;
Example #22
        /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static JArray Expand(JToken input, JsonLdOptions opts)
            // 1)
            // TODO: look into java futures/promises

            // 2) verification of DOMString IRI
            bool isIriString = input.Type == JTokenType.String;

            if (isIriString)
                bool hasColon = false;
                foreach (var c in ((string)input))
                    if (c == ':')
                        hasColon = true;

                    if (!hasColon && (c == '{' || c == '['))
                        isIriString = false;

            if (isIriString)
                    RemoteDocument tmp = opts.documentLoader.LoadDocument((string)input);
                    input = tmp.document;
                catch (Exception e)
                    // TODO: figure out how to deal with remote context
                    throw new JsonLdError(JsonLdError.Error.LoadingDocumentFailed, e.Message);
                // if set the base in options should override the base iri in the
                // active context
                // thus only set this as the base iri if it's not already set in
                // options
                if (opts.GetBase() == null)
            // 3)
            Context activeCtx = new Context(opts);

            // 4)
            if (opts.GetExpandContext() != null)
                JObject exCtx = opts.GetExpandContext();
                if (exCtx is JObject && ((IDictionary <string, JToken>)exCtx).ContainsKey("@context"
                    exCtx = (JObject)((IDictionary <string, JToken>)exCtx)["@context"];
                activeCtx = activeCtx.Parse(exCtx);
            // 5)
            // TODO: add support for getting a context from HTTP when content-type
            // is set to a jsonld compatable format
            // 6)
            JToken expanded = new JsonLdApi(opts).Expand(activeCtx, input);

            // final step of Expansion Algorithm
            if (expanded is JObject && ((IDictionary <string, JToken>)expanded).ContainsKey("@graph") && (
                    (IDictionary <string, JToken>)expanded).Count == 1)
                expanded = ((JObject)expanded)["@graph"];
                if (expanded.IsNull())
                    expanded = new JArray();
            // normalize to an array
            if (!(expanded is JArray))
                JArray tmp = new JArray();
                expanded = tmp;
Example #23
 /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
 public static object ToRDF(JToken input, JsonLdOptions options)
     return(ToRDF(input, null, options));
 /// <exception cref="JsonLdError"></exception>
 public static Task <object> ToRdfAsync(JToken input, JsonLdOptions options)
     return(ToRdfAsync(input, null, options));
Example #25
		/// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public JsonLdApi(JToken input, JToken context, JsonLdOptions opts)
			Initialize(input, null, opts);
Example #26
 /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
 public static JToken Flatten(JToken input, JsonLdOptions opts)
     return(Flatten(input, null, opts));
 public static object Normalize(object dataset, JsonLdOptions options)
     return(new JsonLdApi(options).Normalize((RDFDataset)dataset));
Example #28
        /// <exception cref="JsonLD.Core.JsonLdError"></exception>
        public static JToken Flatten(JToken input, JToken context, JsonLdOptions opts)
            // 2-6) NOTE: these are all the same steps as in expand
            JArray expanded = Expand(input, opts);

            // 7)
            if (context is JObject && ((IDictionary <string, JToken>)context).ContainsKey(
                context = context["@context"];
            // 8) NOTE: blank node generation variables are members of JsonLdApi
            // 9) NOTE: the next block is the Flattening Algorithm described in
            // http://json-ld.org/spec/latest/json-ld-api/#flattening-algorithm
            // 1)
            JObject nodeMap = new JObject();

            nodeMap["@default"] = new JObject();
            // 2)
            new JsonLdApi(opts).GenerateNodeMap(expanded, nodeMap);
            // 3)
            JObject defaultGraph = (JObject)JsonLD.Collections.Remove
                                       (nodeMap, "@default");

            // 4)
            foreach (string graphName in nodeMap.GetKeys())
                JObject graph = (JObject)nodeMap[graphName];
                // 4.1+4.2)
                JObject entry;
                if (!defaultGraph.ContainsKey(graphName))
                    entry                   = new JObject();
                    entry["@id"]            = graphName;
                    defaultGraph[graphName] = entry;
                    entry = (JObject)defaultGraph[graphName];
                // 4.3)
                // TODO: SPEC doesn't specify that this should only be added if it
                // doesn't exists
                if (!entry.ContainsKey("@graph"))
                    entry["@graph"] = new JArray();
                JArray keys = new JArray(graph.GetKeys());
                foreach (string id in keys)
                    JObject node = (JObject)graph[id];
                    if (!(node.ContainsKey("@id") && node.Count == 1))
            // 5)
            JArray flattened = new JArray();
            // 6)
            JArray keys_1 = new JArray(defaultGraph.GetKeys());

            foreach (string id_1 in keys_1)
                JObject node = (JObject)defaultGraph[id_1
                if (!(node.ContainsKey("@id") && node.Count == 1))
            // 8)
            if (!context.IsNull() && !flattened.IsEmpty())
                Context activeCtx = new Context(opts);
                activeCtx = activeCtx.Parse(context);
                // TODO: only instantiate one jsonldapi
                JToken compacted = new JsonLdApi(opts).Compact(activeCtx, null, flattened, opts.GetCompactArrays
                if (!(compacted is JArray))
                    JArray tmp = new JArray();
                    compacted = tmp;
                string  alias = activeCtx.CompactIri("@graph");
                JObject rval  = activeCtx.Serialize();
                rval[alias] = compacted;
Example #29
 public virtual JsonLD.Core.JsonLdOptions Clone()
     JsonLD.Core.JsonLdOptions rval = new JsonLD.Core.JsonLdOptions(GetBase());
     return rval;
Example #30
		public JsonLdApi()
			opts = new JsonLdOptions(string.Empty);
 /// <exception cref="JsonLdError"></exception>
 public static Task <JToken> FlattenAsync(JToken input, JsonLdOptions opts)
     return(FlattenAsync(input, null, opts));
Example #32
        public virtual JsonLdOptions Clone()
            var rval = new JsonLdOptions(GetBase());

Example #33
 public virtual JsonLD.Core.JsonLdOptions Clone()
     JsonLD.Core.JsonLdOptions rval = new JsonLD.Core.JsonLdOptions(GetBase());
Example #34
 public Urdna2015(Dictionary <string, Object> dataset, JsonLdOptions options)
     this.dataset = dataset;
     this.options = options;