Example #1
        static JWT()
            defaultSettings = new JWTSettings();

            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.none]  = "none";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.HS256] = "HS256";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.HS384] = "HS384";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.HS512] = "HS512";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.RS256] = "RS256";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.RS384] = "RS384";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.RS512] = "RS512";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.ES256] = "ES256";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.ES384] = "ES384";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.ES512] = "ES512";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.PS256] = "PS256";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.PS384] = "PS384";
            JwsAlgorithms[JwsAlgorithm.PS512] = "PS512";

            JweEncryptionMethods[JweEncryption.A128CBC_HS256] = "A128CBC-HS256";
            JweEncryptionMethods[JweEncryption.A192CBC_HS384] = "A192CBC-HS384";
            JweEncryptionMethods[JweEncryption.A256CBC_HS512] = "A256CBC-HS512";
            JweEncryptionMethods[JweEncryption.A128GCM]       = "A128GCM";
            JweEncryptionMethods[JweEncryption.A192GCM]       = "A192GCM";
            JweEncryptionMethods[JweEncryption.A256GCM]       = "A256GCM";

            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.RSA1_5]             = "RSA1_5";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP]           = "RSA-OAEP";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.RSA_OAEP_256]       = "RSA-OAEP-256";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.DIR]                = "dir";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.A128KW]             = "A128KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.A192KW]             = "A192KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.A256KW]             = "A256KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.ECDH_ES]            = "ECDH-ES";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.ECDH_ES_A128KW]     = "ECDH-ES+A128KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.ECDH_ES_A192KW]     = "ECDH-ES+A192KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.ECDH_ES_A256KW]     = "ECDH-ES+A256KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.PBES2_HS256_A128KW] = "PBES2-HS256+A128KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.PBES2_HS384_A192KW] = "PBES2-HS384+A192KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.PBES2_HS512_A256KW] = "PBES2-HS512+A256KW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.A128GCMKW]          = "A128GCMKW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.A192GCMKW]          = "A192GCMKW";
            JweAlgorithms[JweAlgorithm.A256GCMKW]          = "A256GCMKW";

            JweCompressionMethods[JweCompression.DEF] = "DEF";
Example #2
        private static byte[] DecodeBytes(string token, object key = null, JwsAlgorithm?jwsAlg = null, JweAlgorithm?jweAlg = null, JweEncryption?jweEnc = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
            Ensure.IsNotEmpty(token, "Incoming token expected to be in compact serialization form, not empty, whitespace or null.");

            byte[][] parts = Compact.Parse(token);

            if (parts.Length == 5) //encrypted JWT
                return(DecryptBytes(parts, key, jweAlg, jweEnc, settings));
                //signed or plain JWT
                byte[] header    = parts[0];
                byte[] payload   = parts[1];
                byte[] signature = parts[2];

                byte[] securedInput = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Compact.Serialize(header, payload));

                var headerData = GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Parse <Dictionary <string, object> >(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(header));
                var algorithm  = (string)headerData["alg"];

                if (jwsAlg != null && (JwsAlgorithm)jwsAlg != GetHashAlgorithm(algorithm))
                    throw new InvalidAlgorithmException("The algorithm type passed to the Decode method did not match the algorithm type in the header.");

                if (!GetSettings(settings).HashAlgorithms[GetHashAlgorithm(algorithm)].Verify(signature, securedInput, key))
                    throw new IntegrityException("Invalid signature.");

Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes JWT token by performining necessary decompression/decryption and signature verification as defined in JWT token header.
 /// Resulting json string will be parsed and mapped to desired type via configured IJsonMapper implementation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">Deserid object type after json mapping</typeparam>
 /// <param name="token">JWT token in compact serialization form.</param>
 /// <param name="key">key for decoding suitable for JWT algorithm used, can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>object of provided T, result of decoded json mapping</returns>
 /// <exception cref="IntegrityException">if signature valdation failed</exception>
 /// <exception cref="EncryptionException">if JWT token can't be decrypted</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidAlgorithmException">if JWT signature, encryption or compression algorithm is not supported</exception>
 public static T Decode <T>(string token, object key = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Parse <T>(Decode(token, key, settings)));
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes JWT token by performining necessary decompression/decryption and signature verification as defined in JWT token header.
 /// Resulting json string will be parsed and mapped to desired type via configured IJsonMapper implementation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">Deserid object type after json mapping</typeparam>
 /// <param name="token">JWT token in compact serialization form.</param>
 /// <param name="key">key for decoding suitable for JWT algorithm used.</param>
 /// <param name="alg">The algorithm type that we expect to receive in the header.</param>
 /// <param name="enc">The encryption type that we expect to receive in the header.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>object of provided T, result of decoded json mapping</returns>
 /// <exception cref="IntegrityException">if signature valdation failed</exception>
 /// <exception cref="EncryptionException">if JWT token can't be decrypted</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidAlgorithmException">if JWT signature, encryption or compression algorithm is not supported</exception>
 public static T Decode <T>(string token, object key, JweAlgorithm alg, JweEncryption enc, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Parse <T>(Decode(token, key, alg, enc, settings)));
Example #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes JWT token by performining necessary decompression/decryption and signature verification as defined in JWT token header.
 /// Resulting binary payload is returned untouched (e.g. no parsing or mapping)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="token">JWT token in compact serialization form.</param>
 /// <param name="key">key for decoding suitable for JWT algorithm used, can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>The payload as binary data</returns>
 /// <exception cref="IntegrityException">if signature valdation failed</exception>
 /// <exception cref="EncryptionException">if JWT token can't be decrypted</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidAlgorithmException">if JWT signature, encryption or compression algorithm is not supported</exception>
 public static byte[] DecodeBytes(string token, object key = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(DecodeBytes(token, key, null, null, null, settings));
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes JWT token by performining necessary decompression/decryption and signature verification as defined in JWT token header.
 /// Resulting json string is returned untouched (e.g. no parsing or mapping)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="token">JWT token in compact serialization form.</param>
 /// <param name="key">key for decoding suitable for JWT algorithm used, can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>decoded json string</returns>
 /// <exception cref="IntegrityException">if signature valdation failed</exception>
 /// <exception cref="EncryptionException">if JWT token can't be decrypted</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidAlgorithmException">if JWT signature, encryption or compression algorithm is not supported</exception>
 public static string Decode(string token, object key = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(Decode(token, key, null, null, null, settings));
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses JWT token, extracts and attempst to unmarshall headers to requested type
        /// This method is NOT performing integrity checking.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="token">signed JWT token</param>
        /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
        /// <typeparam name="T">desired type after unmarshalling</typeparam>
        /// <returns>unmarshalled headers</returns>
        public static T Headers <T>(string token, JWTSettings settings = null)
            byte[][] parts = Compact.Parse(token);

            return(GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Parse <T>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(parts[0])));
Example #8
 private static JWTSettings GetSettings(JWTSettings settings)
     return(settings ?? defaultSettings);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes given binary data to JWT token and sign it using given algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload">Binary data to encode (not null)</param>
        /// <param name="key">key for signing, suitable for provided JWS algorithm, can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
        /// <returns>JWT in compact serialization form, digitally signed.</returns>
        public static string EncodeBytes(byte[] payload, object key, JwsAlgorithm algorithm, IDictionary <string, object> extraHeaders = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
            if (payload == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(payload));

            if (extraHeaders == null) //allow overload, but keep backward compatible defaults
                extraHeaders = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                    { "typ", "JWT" }

            var jwtHeader = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "alg", JwsAlgorithms[algorithm] }

            Dictionaries.Append(jwtHeader, extraHeaders);

            byte[] headerBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Serialize(jwtHeader));

            var bytesToSign = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Compact.Serialize(headerBytes, payload));

            byte[] signature = GetSettings(settings).HashAlgorithms[algorithm].Sign(bytesToSign, key);

            return(Compact.Serialize(headerBytes, payload, signature));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes given json string to JWT token and sign it using given algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload">json string to encode (not null or whitespace)</param>
        /// <param name="key">key for signing, suitable for provided JWS algorithm, can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
        /// <returns>JWT in compact serialization form, digitally signed.</returns>
        public static string Encode(string payload, object key, JwsAlgorithm algorithm, IDictionary <string, object> extraHeaders = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
            Ensure.IsNotEmpty(payload, "Payload expected to be not empty, whitespace or null.");

            byte[] payloadBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload);

            return(EncodeBytes(payloadBytes, key, algorithm, extraHeaders, settings));
Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Serialize and encodes object to JWT token and sign it using given algorithm.
 /// Json string to encode will be obtained via configured IJsonMapper implementation.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload">object to map to json string and encode</param>
 /// <param name="key">key for signing, suitable for provided JWS algorithm, can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>JWT in compact serialization form, digitally signed.</returns>
 public static string Encode(object payload, object key, JwsAlgorithm algorithm, IDictionary <string, object> extraHeaders = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(Encode(GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Serialize(payload), key, algorithm, extraHeaders, settings));
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes given binary data to JWT token and applies requested encryption/compression algorithms.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload">Binary data to encode (not null)</param>
        /// <param name="key">key for encryption, suitable for provided JWS algorithm, can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
        /// <returns>JWT in compact serialization form, encrypted and/or compressed.</returns>
        public static string EncodeBytes(byte[] payload, object key, JweAlgorithm alg, JweEncryption enc, JweCompression?compression = null, IDictionary <string, object> extraHeaders = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
            if (payload == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(payload));

            IKeyManagement keys = GetSettings(settings).KeyAlgorithms[alg];
            IJweAlgorithm  _enc = GetSettings(settings).EncAlgorithms[enc];

            IDictionary <string, object> jwtHeader = new Dictionary <string, object> {
                { "alg", JweAlgorithms[alg] }, { "enc", JweEncryptionMethods[enc] }

            Dictionaries.Append(jwtHeader, extraHeaders);

            byte[][] contentKeys  = keys.WrapNewKey(_enc.KeySize, key, jwtHeader);
            byte[]   cek          = contentKeys[0];
            byte[]   encryptedCek = contentKeys[1];

            if (compression.HasValue)
                jwtHeader["zip"] = JweCompressionMethods[compression.Value];
                payload          = GetSettings(settings).CompressionAlgorithms[compression.Value].Compress(payload);

            byte[]   header   = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Serialize(jwtHeader));
            byte[]   aad      = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Compact.Serialize(header));
            byte[][] encParts = _enc.Encrypt(aad, payload, cek);

            return(Compact.Serialize(header, encryptedCek, encParts[0], encParts[1], encParts[2]));
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes given json string to JWT token and applies requested encryption/compression algorithms.
        /// Json string to encode will be obtained via configured IJsonMapper implementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload">json string to encode (not null or whitespace)</param>
        /// <param name="key">key for encryption, suitable for provided JWS algorithm, can be null.</param>
        /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
        /// <returns>JWT in compact serialization form, encrypted and/or compressed.</returns>
        public static string Encode(string payload, object key, JweAlgorithm alg, JweEncryption enc, JweCompression?compression = null, IDictionary <string, object> extraHeaders = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
            Ensure.IsNotEmpty(payload, "Payload expected to be not empty, whitespace or null.");

            byte[] plainText = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(payload);

            return(EncodeBytes(plainText, key, alg, enc, compression, extraHeaders, settings));
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Serialize and encodes object to JWT token and applies requested encryption/compression algorithms.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="payload">json string to encode</param>
 /// <param name="key">key for encryption, suitable for provided JWS algorithm, can be null.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>JWT in compact serialization form, encrypted and/or compressed.</returns>
 public static string Encode(object payload, object key, JweAlgorithm alg, JweEncryption enc, JweCompression?compression = null, IDictionary <string, object> extraHeaders = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(Encode(GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Serialize(payload), key, alg, enc, compression, extraHeaders, settings));
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses signed JWT token, extracts payload part and attempts to unmarshall string to requested type with configured json mapper.
 /// This method is NOT supported for encrypted JWT tokens.
 /// This method is NOT performing integrity checking.
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">desired type after unmarshalling</typeparam>
 /// <param name="token">signed JWT token</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>unmarshalled payload</returns>
 /// <exception cref="JoseException">if encrypted JWT token is provided</exception>
 public static T Payload <T>(string token, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Parse <T>(Payload(token)));
Example #16
        private static string Decode(string token, object key = null, JwsAlgorithm?jwsAlg = null, JweAlgorithm?jweAlg = null, JweEncryption?jweEnc = null, JWTSettings settings = null)
            var payloadBytes = DecodeBytes(token, key, jwsAlg, jweAlg, jweEnc, settings);

Example #17
        private static byte[] DecryptBytes(byte[][] parts, object key, JweAlgorithm?jweAlg, JweEncryption?jweEnc, JWTSettings settings = null)
            byte[] header       = parts[0];
            byte[] encryptedCek = parts[1];
            byte[] iv           = parts[2];
            byte[] cipherText   = parts[3];
            byte[] authTag      = parts[4];

            IDictionary <string, object> jwtHeader = GetSettings(settings).JsonMapper.Parse <Dictionary <string, object> >(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(header));

            JweAlgorithm  headerAlg = GetJweAlgorithm((string)jwtHeader["alg"]);
            JweEncryption headerEnc = GetJweEncryption((string)jwtHeader["enc"]);

            IKeyManagement keys = GetSettings(settings).KeyAlgorithms[headerAlg];
            IJweAlgorithm  enc  = GetSettings(settings).EncAlgorithms[headerEnc];

            if (jweAlg != null && (JweAlgorithm)jweAlg != headerAlg)
                throw new InvalidAlgorithmException("The algorithm type passed to the Decrypt method did not match the algorithm type in the header.");

            if (jweEnc != null && (JweEncryption)jweEnc != headerEnc)
                throw new InvalidAlgorithmException("The encryption type passed to the Decrypt method did not match the encryption type in the header.");

            byte[] cek = keys.Unwrap(encryptedCek, key, enc.KeySize, jwtHeader);
            byte[] aad = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Compact.Serialize(header));

            byte[] plainText = enc.Decrypt(aad, cek, iv, cipherText, authTag);

            if (jwtHeader.ContainsKey("zip"))
                plainText = GetSettings(settings).CompressionAlgorithms[GetJweCompression((string)jwtHeader["zip"])].Decompress(plainText);

Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes JWT token by performining necessary decompression/decryption and signature verification as defined in JWT token header.
 /// Resulting bytes of the payload are returned untouched (e.g. no parsing or mapping)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="token">JWT token in compact serialization form.</param>
 /// <param name="key">key for decoding suitable for JWT algorithm used.</param>
 /// <param name="alg">The algorithm type that we expect to receive in the header.</param>
 /// <param name="enc">The encryption type that we expect to receive in the header.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>Decrypted payload as binary data</returns>
 /// <exception cref="IntegrityException">if signature valdation failed</exception>
 /// <exception cref="EncryptionException">if JWT token can't be decrypted</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidAlgorithmException">if JWT signature, encryption or compression algorithm is not supported</exception>
 public static byte[] DecodeBytes(string token, object key, JweAlgorithm alg, JweEncryption enc, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(DecodeBytes(token, key, null, alg, enc, settings));
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Decodes JWT token by performining necessary decompression/decryption and signature verification as defined in JWT token header.
 /// Resulting bytes of the payload are returned untouched (e.g. no parsing or mapping)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="token">JWT token in compact serialization form.</param>
 /// <param name="key">key for decoding suitable for JWT algorithm used.</param>
 /// <param name="alg">The algorithm type that we expect to receive in the header.</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>The payload as binary data</returns>
 /// <exception cref="IntegrityException">if signature valdation failed</exception>
 /// <exception cref="EncryptionException">if JWT token can't be decrypted</exception>
 /// <exception cref="InvalidAlgorithmException">if JWT signature, encryption or compression algorithm is not supported</exception>
 public static byte[] DecodeBytes(string token, object key, JwsAlgorithm alg, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(DecodeBytes(token, key, alg, null, null, settings));
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Parses JWT token, extracts and unmarshall headers as IDictionary<string, object>.
 /// This method is NOT performing integrity checking.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="token">signed JWT token</param>
 /// <param name="settings">optional settings to override global DefaultSettings</param>
 /// <returns>unmarshalled headers</returns>
 public static IDictionary <string, object> Headers(string token, JWTSettings settings = null)
     return(Headers <IDictionary <string, object> >(token, settings));