Example #1
        public ActionResult JobTable2(int?span = 30) //2017 version
            System.DateTime dtNow   = this.GetCurrentTime();
            System.DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(dtNow.Year, dtNow.Month, dtNow.Day, 12, 0, 0);
            System.DateTime dtUntil = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays((double)span);
            dtUntil = new DateTime(dtUntil.Year, dtUntil.Month, dtUntil.Day, 23, 59, 59);
            //Column Date Labels
            System.Collections.ArrayList ColLabels = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            for (DateTime dtItem = dtStart; dtItem.CompareTo(dtUntil) < 0; dtItem = dtItem.AddDays(1))
                ColLabels.Add(dtItem.ToString("dd") + "-" + dtItem.DayOfWeek.ToString());

            System.Collections.ArrayList CustData = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            var jobMains2 = db.JobMains.Include(j => j.Customer).Include(j => j.Branch).Include(j => j.JobStatus).Include(j => j.JobThru).OrderBy(d => d.JobDate);

            var jobMains = jobMains2.ToList().Where(
                d => (d.JobStatusId == JOBRESERVATION || d.JobStatusId == JOBCONFIRMED)
//                || (d.JobStatusId == JOBCLOSED && d.JobDate.CompareTo(System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)) >= 0)

            System.Collections.ArrayList data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            foreach (var item in jobMains)
                JobTableData cust = new JobTableData();
                cust.tblValue = new List <JobTableValue>();

                cust.iCustId = item.CustomerId;
                cust.iJobId  = item.Id;

                List <Models.JobServices> svc = db.JobServices.Include(j => j.JobServicePickups).Where(d => d.JobMainId == item.Id).ToList();

                for (DateTime dtItem = dtStart; dtItem.CompareTo(dtUntil) < 0; dtItem = dtItem.AddDays(1))
                    foreach (var svcitem in svc)
                        int istart = dtItem.CompareTo((DateTime)svcitem.DtStart);
                        int iend   = dtItem.CompareTo((DateTime)svcitem.DtEnd);

                        string sLabel = dtItem.ToString("dd") + "-" + dtItem.DayOfWeek.ToString();
                        if (dtItem.CompareTo((DateTime)svcitem.DtStart) >= 0 && dtItem.CompareTo((DateTime)svcitem.DtEnd) <= 0)
                            string sDriver = "";
                                sDriver = svcitem.JobServicePickups.FirstOrDefault().ProviderName.Trim();
                            catch (Exception e)
                                sDriver = "";

                            cust.tblValue.Add(new JobTableValue {
                                DtDate = dtItem, Book = 1, supplier = svcitem.Supplier.Name, item = svcitem.SupplierItem.Description, Incharge = sDriver, label = sLabel
                            cust.tblValue.Add(new JobTableValue {
                                DtDate = dtItem, Book = 0, supplier = "", item = "", Incharge = "", label = sLabel
                        } //end of if dtItem.Compare
                    }     //end of foreach ( var svcitem...
                }         // end of for(DateTime

            }//end of foreach

            ViewBag.ColLabels = ColLabels;
            ViewBag.ColValues = CustData;

Example #2
        public ActionResult JobTable(int?span = 30)  //version: 2018
            // System.DateTime dtNow = this.GetCurrentTime();
            DateTime today = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Singapore Standard Time"));

            today = today.Date;

            System.DateTime dtNow   = today;
            System.DateTime dtStart = new DateTime(dtNow.Year, dtNow.Month, dtNow.Day, 0, 0, 0);
            System.DateTime dtUntil = System.DateTime.Now.AddDays((double)span);

            dtUntil = new DateTime(dtUntil.Year, dtUntil.Month, dtUntil.Day, 23, 59, 59);
            //Column Date Labels
            System.Collections.ArrayList ColLabels = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            for (DateTime dtItem = dtStart; dtItem.CompareTo(dtUntil) < 0; dtItem = dtItem.AddDays(1))
                ColLabels.Add(dtItem.ToString("dd") + "-" + dtItem.DayOfWeek.ToString());

            System.Collections.ArrayList CustData = new System.Collections.ArrayList();

            var jobMains2 = db.JobMains.Include(j => j.Customer).Include(j => j.Branch).Include(j => j.JobStatus).Include(j => j.JobThru).OrderBy(d => d.JobDate);

            var jobMains = jobMains2.ToList().Where(
                d => (d.JobStatusId == JOBRESERVATION || d.JobStatusId == JOBCONFIRMED)
                //                || (d.JobStatusId == JOBCLOSED && d.JobDate.CompareTo(System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(1)) >= 0)

            System.Collections.ArrayList data = new System.Collections.ArrayList();
            foreach (var item in jobMains)
                JobTableData cust = new JobTableData();
                cust.tblValue = new List <JobTableValue>();

                cust.iCustId = item.CustomerId;
                cust.iJobId  = item.Id;

                List <Models.JobServices> svc = db.JobServices.Include(j => j.JobServicePickups).Where(d => d.JobMainId == item.Id).ToList();

                for (DateTime dtItem = dtStart; dtItem.CompareTo(dtUntil) < 0; dtItem = dtItem.AddDays(1))
                    foreach (var svcitem in svc)
                        int istart = dtItem.CompareTo((DateTime)svcitem.DtStart);
                        int iend   = dtItem.CompareTo((DateTime)svcitem.DtEnd);

                        //update jobdate from service dates

                        item.JobDate = (DateTime)svcitem.DtEnd;


                        string sLabel = dtItem.ToString("dd") + "-" + dtItem.DayOfWeek.ToString();
                        if (dtItem.CompareTo((DateTime)svcitem.DtStart) >= 0 && dtItem.CompareTo((DateTime)svcitem.DtEnd) <= 0)
                            // get Inventory items - Internal
                            var invItems = db.JobServiceItems.Where(d => d.JobServicesId == svcitem.Id);
                            foreach (var invitemtmp in invItems)
                                string itemiconpath = "*";
                                var    itemcat      = invitemtmp.InvItem.InvItemCategories.FirstOrDefault();
                                if (itemcat != null)
                                    itemiconpath = itemcat.InvItemCat.ImgPath;

                                JobTableValue jtvTmp = new JobTableValue
                                    DtDate   = dtItem,
                                    Book     = 1,
                                    supplier = "Internal",
                                    item     = invitemtmp.InvItem.ItemCode + " " + invitemtmp.InvItem.Description,
                                    Incharge = "",
                                    label    = sLabel,
                                    itemicon = itemiconpath


                            // get Supplier Items - Po
                            var suppItems = db.SupplierPoDtls.Where(d => d.JobServicesId == svcitem.Id);
                            foreach (var supPoDtl in suppItems)
                                foreach (var supItem in supPoDtl.SupplierPoItems)
                                    string itemiconpath = "*";
                                    var    itemcat      = supItem.InvItem.InvItemCategories.FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (itemcat != null)
                                        itemiconpath = itemcat.InvItemCat.ImgPath;

                                    JobTableValue jtvTmp = new JobTableValue
                                        DtDate   = dtItem,
                                        Book     = 1,
                                        supplier = supPoDtl.SupplierPoHdr.Supplier.Name,
                                        item     = supItem.InvItem.ItemCode + " " + supItem.InvItem.Description,
                                        Incharge = "",
                                        label    = sLabel,
                                        itemicon = itemiconpath

                            cust.tblValue.Add(new JobTableValue {
                                DtDate = dtItem, Book = 0, supplier = "", item = "", Incharge = "", label = sLabel
                        } //end of if dtItem.Compare
                    }     //end of foreach ( var svcitem...
                }         // end of for(DateTime

            }//end of foreach

            ViewBag.ColLabels = ColLabels;
            ViewBag.ColValues = CustData;

            return(View(jobMains.ToList().Where(j => j.JobDate.CompareTo(DateTime.Today) >= 0)));