Example #1
        public static string[] GetConfig()
            string[] ret = null;

            var personalFolder = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal) + "/Library/Application Support/JiraCon";

            if (!Directory.Exists(personalFolder))
            string configFile = Path.Combine(personalFolder, configFileName);

            if (File.Exists(configFile))
                //check to confirm file has 3 arguments
                using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(configFile))
                    var text = reader.ReadLine();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))
                        var arr = text.Split(' ');
                        if (arr.Length == 3)
                            ret = arr;

            if (ret == null)
                string userName    = "";
                string apiToken    = "";
                string jiraBaseUrl = "";

                userName    = GetConsoleInput("Missing config -- please enter username (email address) for Jira login:"******"Missing config -- please enter API token for Jira login:"******"Missing config -- please enter base url for Jira instance:");

                bool validCredentials = false;
                //test connection
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("testing Jira connection ...");
                    var testConn = new JiraRepo(jiraBaseUrl, userName, apiToken);

                    if (testConn != null)
                        var test = testConn.GetJira().IssueTypes.GetIssueTypesAsync().Result.ToList();
                        if (test != null && test.Count > 0)
                            validCredentials = true;
                            ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("testing Jira connection ... successful");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("testing Jira connection ... failed");

                if (!validCredentials)
                    using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(configFile))
                        writer.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", userName, apiToken, jiraBaseUrl));

Example #2
        private static bool Menu()

            //string jql2 = string.Format("project in (BAM,POS) AND parentEpic={0}", epicKey);

            //project in (require 1 or more))

             * 1.  specify 1 or more projects, space delimited
             * 2.  optional
             *   - ANY search terms found in Summary OR Description
             *   - ALL search terms found in Summary OR Description
             *   -

            var resp = Console.ReadKey(true);

            if (resp.Key == ConsoleKey.K)
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Enter Epic Key (e.g. BAM-1234)");
                var epicKey = Console.ReadLine();
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("Create time metrics for Epic: {0}? (ENTER 'Y' TO CONTINUE OR PRESS ANOTHER KEY TO RETURN TO MENU", epicKey));
                var read = Console.ReadKey(true);
                if (read.Key != ConsoleKey.Y)

                var dic       = MainClass.GetBusinessHours();
                int startHour = dic["start"];
                int endHour   = dic["end"];

                MainClass.CreateWorkMetricsFile(BuildJQL_EpicChildren(epicKey), startHour, endHour, epicKey);

                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Press any key to continue.");
            else if (resp.Key == ConsoleKey.F)
                string projects           = string.Empty;
                bool   ANDED              = false;
                bool   SUMMARY_ONLY       = false;
                bool   RETURN_ALL_RESULTS = false;;
                string searchTerms        = string.Empty;

                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("You are required to enter 1 or more project keys.", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("optionally you can enter search terms to finds Epics by Summary (Title) or Description.", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("ENTER 1 OR MORE PROJECT KEYS, SEPARATED BY SPACES (e.g. BAM POS)", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                projects = Console.ReadLine();
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("***** Epic Summary (Title) and Description Search *****", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("***** Choose a search option *****", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("1 - Return epics where Summary or Description contain ANY search terms", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("2 - Return epics where Summary or Description contain ALL search terms", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("3 - Return epics where Summary (Title) contains ANY search terms", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("4 - Return epics where Summary (Title) contains ALL search terms", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("5 - View list of all epics for selected project(s).", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);

                var    searchOption       = Console.ReadKey(true);
                string searchStrategyDesc = string.Empty;

                if (searchOption.KeyChar.ToString() == "1")
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Search Option 1 selected", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, false);
                    searchStrategyDesc = "Enter 1 or more search terms, separated by spaces. Epics that contain ** ANY ** search terms (Summary or Desc fields) will be returned.";
                    ANDED = false;
                else if (searchOption.KeyChar.ToString() == "2")
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Search Option 2 selected", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, false);
                    searchStrategyDesc = "Enter 1 or more search terms, separated by spaces. Epics that contain ** ALL ** search terms (Summary or Desc fields) will be returned.";
                    ANDED = true;
                else if (searchOption.KeyChar.ToString() == "3")
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Search Option 3 selected", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, false);
                    searchStrategyDesc = "Enter 1 or more search terms, separated by spaces. Epics that contain ** ANY ** search terms (Summary field) will be returned.";
                    ANDED        = false;
                    SUMMARY_ONLY = true;
                else if (searchOption.KeyChar.ToString() == "4")
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Search Option 4 selected", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, false);
                    searchStrategyDesc = "Enter 1 or more search terms, separated by spaces. Epics that contain ** ALL ** search terms (Summary field) will be returned.";
                    ANDED        = true;
                    SUMMARY_ONLY = true;
                else if (searchOption.KeyChar.ToString() == "5")
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Search Option 5 selected", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkYellow, false);

                    RETURN_ALL_RESULTS = true;

                if (projects == null || projects.Trim().Length == 0)
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("1 Or More Project Keys is required!  Doh!", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.White, false);
                if (!RETURN_ALL_RESULTS)
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(searchStrategyDesc, ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.DarkCyan, false);
                    searchTerms = Console.ReadLine();

                    if (searchTerms == null || searchTerms.Trim().Length == 0)
                        ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("You chose to search for epics based on search terms, but failed to enter any search terms.  Doh!", ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.Yellow, false);
                string epicSearchJQL = BuildJQL_EpicSearch(projects, searchTerms, ANDED, SUMMARY_ONLY, RETURN_ALL_RESULTS);;
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("AWESOME -- Please be patient while your results are fetched using the following *** JQL: {0}", epicSearchJQL), ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, ConsoleColor.Gray, false);

                var epics = JiraUtil.JiraRepo.GetIssues(epicSearchJQL);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("***** ***** *****", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("***** ***** *****", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} epics were found matching your search criteria", epics.Count), ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("***** ***** *****", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black, false);
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("***** ***** *****", ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Black, false);

                if (epics.Count == 0)
                ConsoleUtil.WriteLine("Please wait while the search results are evaluated", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, ConsoleColor.Gray, false);
                SortedList <JIssue, List <JIssue> > epicsWithChildren = new SortedList <JIssue, List <JIssue> >();

                string[] projArray       = projects.ToUpper().Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string   projSearchItems = projArray.Length == 1 ? projArray[0] : String.Join(",", projArray);

                int epicsEvaluated  = 0;
                int totalEpicsFound = epics.Count;

                foreach (Issue epic in epics)
                    epicsEvaluated += 1;
                    SortedDictionary <string, int> epicIssueBreakdown = new SortedDictionary <string, int>();
                    JIssue jepic = new JIssue(epic);
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("Analyzing Epic: {0} ({1}) - {2}", jepic.Key, jepic.StatusName, jepic.Summary), ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, ConsoleColor.Gray, false);

                    string epicIssuesJQL = string.Format("project in({0}) AND parentEpic={1}", projSearchItems, jepic.Key);

                    List <Issue>  epicIssues   = JiraUtil.JiraRepo.GetIssues(epicIssuesJQL);
                    List <JIssue> epicChildren = new List <JIssue>();
                    foreach (Issue epicIssue in epicIssues)
                        JIssue epicChild = new JIssue(epicIssue);
                        if (epicIssueBreakdown.ContainsKey(epicChild.IssueType.ToLower()))
                            epicIssueBreakdown[epicChild.IssueType.ToLower()] = epicIssueBreakdown[epicChild.IssueType.ToLower()] + 1;
                            epicIssueBreakdown.Add(epicChild.IssueType.ToLower(), 1);
                    ConsoleTable table = new ConsoleTable(string.Format("Epic:{0} ({1}/{2} results)", jepic.Key, epicsEvaluated, totalEpicsFound), "ChildType", "Qty");
                    foreach (var kvp in epicIssueBreakdown)
                        table.AddRow(" ***** ", kvp.Key, kvp.Value);

                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("Isn't this cool? -- Do you want to generate the Work Time Analytics for this Epic ({0})? (Don't worry, we'll come back here where you left off if you decide to do that!)", jepic.Key), ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, ConsoleColor.Gray, false);
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("Press 'Y' to generate the Work Time Analytics file for epic {0}", jepic.Key), ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, ConsoleColor.Gray, false);
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("Press 'E' to stop reviewing epic search results", jepic.Key), ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, ConsoleColor.Gray, false);
                    ConsoleUtil.WriteLine(string.Format("Press any other key to continue reviewing epic search results.", jepic.Key), ConsoleColor.DarkBlue, ConsoleColor.Gray, false); var read = Console.ReadKey(true);
                    if (read.Key == ConsoleKey.Y)
                        MainClass.CreateWorkMetricsFile(epicIssuesJQL, 7, 18, jepic.Key);
                    else if (read.Key == ConsoleKey.E)
            else if (resp.Key == ConsoleKey.M)
