Add() public method

public Add ( JetBrains.ReSharper.Plugins.AngularJS.Feature.Services.Caches.Directive directive ) : void
directive JetBrains.ReSharper.Plugins.AngularJS.Feature.Services.Caches.Directive
return void
        private void ProcessDirective(IInvocationExpression invokedExpression, string identifier, int offset)
            if (invokedExpression.Arguments.Count != 2)

            var restrictions = CalculateRestrictions(invokedExpression);

            // Directives declared in code cannot be applied to just a single tag
            var tags      = new string[0];
            var directive = new Directive(identifier, DirectiveUtil.GetNormalisedName(identifier), restrictions, tags, offset, new List <Parameter>());

Example #2
        public void ProcessJsDocFile(IJsDocFile jsDocFile)
            ISimpleTag            ngdocTag    = null;
            ISimpleTag            nameTag     = null;
            ISimpleTag            restrictTag = null;
            ISimpleTag            elementTag  = null;
            IList <IParameterTag> paramTags   = null;

            foreach (var simpleTag in jsDocFile.GetTags <ISimpleTag>())
                if (simpleTag.Keyword == null)

                if (simpleTag.Keyword.GetText() == "@ngdoc")
                    ngdocTag = simpleTag;
                else if (simpleTag.Keyword.GetText() == "@name")
                    nameTag = simpleTag;
                else if (simpleTag.Keyword.GetText() == "@restrict")
                    restrictTag = simpleTag;
                else if (simpleTag.Keyword.GetText() == "@element")
                    elementTag = simpleTag;

            foreach (var parameterTag in jsDocFile.GetTags <IParameterTag>())
                if (paramTags == null)
                    paramTags = new List <IParameterTag>();

            if (ngdocTag != null && nameTag != null)
                var nameValue = nameTag.DescriptionText;
                var name      = string.IsNullOrEmpty(nameValue) ? null : nameTag.DescriptionText;

                // TODO: Should we strip off the module?
                // What about 3rd party documented code?
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                    name = name.Substring(name.IndexOf(':') + 1);

                var nameOffset = nameTag.GetDocumentStartOffset().TextRange.StartOffset;

                var ngdocValue = ngdocTag.DescriptionText;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ngdocValue))
                    // TODO: Could support "event", "function", etc.
                    if (ngdocValue == "directive")
                        // Default is AE for 1.3 and above, just A for 1.2
                        // This why the IntelliJ plugin uses "D", and resolves when required
                        // Also checks angular version by presence of known directives for those
                        // versions
                        var restrictions = restrictTag != null ? restrictTag.DescriptionText : "AE";
                        var element      = elementTag != null ? elementTag.DescriptionText : "ANY";
                        var tags         = element.Split(new[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                        // Pull the attribute/element type from the param tag(s). Optional parameters
                        // are specified with a trailing equals sign, e.g. {string=}
                        // There can be more than one parameter, especially for E directives, e.g. textarea
                        // (Presumably these parameters are named attributes)
                        // Type can also be another directive, e.g. textarea can have an ngModel parameter
                        // Might be worth setting up special attribute types, e.g. string, expression, template
                        // For attributes, the parameter name is the same as the directive name

                        name = StringUtil.Unquote(name);
                        var formattedName = DirectiveUtil.GetNormalisedName(name);

                        // TODO: There might be alternative names <- what does this mean?
                        // If the description starts with e.g. "|name ", then this is an alternative name
                        // Type can be string, expression, number, boolean
                        // TODO: Type can also be multiple values, e.g. string|expression (ngPluralize.count)
                        // TODO: A parameter with the same name as the directive gives the type + default value of the directive itself - add this information to Directive
                        var parameters = from p in paramTags ?? EmptyArray <IParameterTag> .Instance
                                         let parameterName = DirectiveUtil.GetNormalisedName(p.DeclaredName)
                                                             where !parameterName.Equals(formattedName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)
                                                             select CreateParameter(p, parameterName);

                        cacheBuilder.Add(new Directive(name, formattedName, restrictions, tags, nameOffset, parameters.ToList()));
                    else if (ngdocValue == "filter")
                        cacheBuilder.Add(new Filter(name, nameOffset));