public void SortPropertyPathInaccessibleValues()
			ViewFactory factory = ViewFactory.IListOrders();
			ObjectListView view = factory.View;
			IList list = factory.List;

			view.ItemType = typeof(Order);

			Company acme = new Company("Acme", "Seattle", "WA");
			Company ajax = new Company("Ajax", "Detroit", "MI");
			AccountRep steve = new AccountRep("Steve O'Donnell", 56);
			AccountRep carol = new AccountRep("Carol Hanson", 12);
			AccountRep john = new AccountRep("John Roche", 10);

			Customer bob = new Customer("Bob Smith", acme, steve);
			Customer tom = new Customer("Tom Kelly", ajax, null);
			Customer mike = new Customer("Mike Palooza", acme, carol);
			Customer rick = new Customer("Rick Doohan", ajax, john);

			list.Add(new Order(bob, "Widgets", 10));
			list.Add(new Order(bob, "Nails", 200));
			list.Add(new Order(tom, "Boxes", 20));
			list.Add(new Order(tom, "Gadgets", 7));
			list.Add(new Order(mike, "Bolts", 3000));
			list.Add(new Order(rick, "Glue", 15));

			// Sort should be:
			// (note that the items that compare equally will be sorted in reverse of list order because the sort direction is descending)
			// Nails
			// Widgets
			// Bolts
			// Glue
			// Gadgets
			// Boxes
			view.Sort = "Customer.AccountRep.Department DESC";

			Assert.AreEqual(6, view.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual("Nails", ((Order)view[0]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Widgets", ((Order)view[1]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Bolts", ((Order)view[2]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Glue", ((Order)view[3]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Gadgets", ((Order)view[4]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Boxes", ((Order)view[5]).Product);
		public void SortPropertyPath()
			ViewFactory factory = ViewFactory.IListOrders();
			ObjectListView view = factory.View;
			IList list = factory.List;

			view.ItemType = typeof(Order);

			Company acme = new Company("Acme", "Seattle", "WA");
			Company ajax = new Company("Ajax", "Detroit", "MI");
			AccountRep steve = new AccountRep("Steve O'Donnell", 56);
			AccountRep carol = new AccountRep("Carol Hanson", 12);
			AccountRep john = new AccountRep("John Roche", 10);

			Customer bob = new Customer("Bob Smith", acme, steve);
			Customer tom = new Customer("Tom Kelly", ajax, carol);
			Customer mike = new Customer("Mike Palooza", acme, john);

			list.Add(new Order(bob, "Widgets", 10));
			list.Add(new Order(bob, "Nails", 200));
			list.Add(new Order(tom, "Boxes", 20));
			list.Add(new Order(tom, "Gadgets", 7));
			list.Add(new Order(mike, "Bolts", 3000));

			// Sort should be:
			// Bolts
			// Boxes
			// Gadgets
			// Widgets
			// Nails
			view.Sort = "Customer.AccountRep.Department ASC";

			Assert.AreEqual(5, view.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual("Bolts", ((Order)view[0]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Boxes", ((Order)view[1]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Gadgets", ((Order)view[2]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Widgets", ((Order)view[3]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Nails", ((Order)view[4]).Product);
		public void FindCriteriaPath()
			ViewFactory factory = ViewFactory.IListOrders();
			ObjectListView view = factory.View;
			IList list = factory.List;

			view.ItemType = typeof(Order);

			Company acme = new Company("Acme", "Seattle", "WA");
			Company ajax = new Company("Ajax", "Detroit", "MI");
			AccountRep steve = new AccountRep("Steve O'Donnell", 56);
			AccountRep carol = new AccountRep("Carol Hanson", 12);
			AccountRep john = new AccountRep("John Roche", 12);

			Customer bob = new Customer("Bob Smith", acme, steve);
			Customer tom = new Customer("Tom Kelly", ajax, carol);
			Customer mike = new Customer("Mike Palooza", acme, john);

			list.Add(new Order(bob, "Widgets", 10));
			list.Add(new Order(bob, "Nails", 200));
			list.Add(new Order(tom, "Boxes", 20));
			list.Add(new Order(tom, "Gadgets", 7));
			list.Add(new Order(mike, "Bolts", 3000));

			int firstIndex = view.Find("Customer.AccountRep.Department = 12 AND Customer.AccountRep.Name = Carol*");

			Assert.AreEqual(2, firstIndex);
		public void SelectCriteriaPathInaccessibleValue()
			ViewFactory factory = ViewFactory.IListOrders();
			ObjectListView view = factory.View;
			IList list = factory.List;

			view.ItemType = typeof(Order);

			Company acme = new Company("Acme", "Seattle", "WA");
			Company ajax = new Company("Ajax", "Detroit", "MI");
			AccountRep steve = new AccountRep("Steve O'Donnell", 56);
			AccountRep carol = new AccountRep("Carol Hanson", 12);
			AccountRep john = new AccountRep("John Roche", 12);

			Customer bob = new Customer("Bob Smith", acme, steve);
			Customer tom = new Customer("Tom Kelly", ajax, carol);
			Customer mike = new Customer("Mike Palooza", acme, john);
			Customer rick = new Customer("Rick Doohan", ajax, null);

			list.Add(new Order(bob, "Widgets", 10));
			list.Add(new Order(bob, "Nails", 200));
			list.Add(new Order(tom, "Boxes", 20));
			list.Add(new Order(tom, "Gadgets", 7));
			list.Add(new Order(mike, "Bolts", 3000));
			list.Add(new Order(rick, "Glue", 15));

			IList matches = view.Select("Customer.AccountRep.Department = 12 AND Customer.AccountRep.Name = Carol*");

			Assert.AreEqual(2, matches.Count);
			Assert.AreEqual("Boxes", ((Order)matches[0]).Product);
			Assert.AreEqual("Gadgets", ((Order)matches[1]).Product);
Example #5
		public Order(Customer customer, string product, int quantity)
			this.customer = customer;
			this.product = product;
			this.qty = quantity;