protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate (bundle); if (bundle == null) { SetContentView (Resource.Layout.BattlefieldActivityLayout); bf = new Battlefield (); uiThread = new Runnable (new Action (delegate { while(true) { RunOnUiThread (drawThread); Thread.Sleep(500); } })); bitmapThread = new Runnable (new Action (delegate { while(true) { bf.Draw(); Thread.Sleep(500); } //ImageView iv = FindViewById<ImageView> (Resource.Id.imageViewBattlefield); //iv.Invalidate(); })); drawThread = new Runnable (new Action (delegate { //bf.Draw(); ImageView iv = FindViewById<ImageView> (Resource.Id.imageViewBattlefield); iv.Invalidate(); })); } }
public void ShowActionSheet() { #region ActinSheet Items List<ActionSheetArgs> items = new List<ActionSheetArgs>(); var alipayItem = new ActionSheetArgs("支付宝"); alipayItem.OnClick += () => { if (!AlipayHelper.CheckConfig()) { Toast.MakeText(ApplicationContext, "系统异常.", ToastLength.Long); Log.Error(Tag, "Aplipay Config Exception "); return; } string payInfo = AlipayHelper.GetPayInfo(); // 完整的符合支付宝参数规范的订单信息 Runnable payRunnable = new Runnable(() => { PayTask alipay = new PayTask(this); // 调用支付接口,获取支付结果 string result = alipay.Pay(payInfo); Message msg = new Message { What = (int)MsgWhat.AlipayPayFlag, Obj = result }; _handler.SendMessage(msg); }); // 必须异步调用 Thread payThread = new Thread(payRunnable); payThread.Start(); }; items.Add(alipayItem); var weixinItem = new ActionSheetArgs("微信"); weixinItem.OnClick += () => { Runnable wxpayRunnable = new Runnable(() => { _weixinpayHelper = new WeixinpayHelper(this); _weixinpayHelper.Execute(); }); // 必须异步调用 Thread payThread = new Thread(wxpayRunnable); payThread.Start(); }; items.Add(weixinItem); #endregion var menuView = new ActionSheet(this); menuView.SetCancelButtonTitle("取消");// before add items menuView.Items = items; menuView.CancelableOnTouchOutside = true; menuView.ShowMenu(); }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { View rootView = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.user_detail, container, false); if (_user != null) { ((TextView)rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.user_name)).Text = $"{_user.FirstName} {_user.LastName}"; ((TextView)rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.mail_header)).Text = $"[Email]"; ((TextView)rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.user_mail)).Text = _user.Email; ((TextView)rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.phone_header)).Text = $"[Telefon]"; ((TextView)rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.user_phone)).Text = _user.Phone; ((TextView)rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.cell_header)).Text = $"[Mobil]"; ((TextView)rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.user_cell)).Text = _user.Cell; var imageView = (ImageView)rootView.FindViewById (Resource.Id.user_image); Handler handler = new Handler (Context.MainLooper); Task.Run (() => { var imageBitmap = ((ImageService)ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ImageService>()).GetUserPicture(_user); Runnable runnable = new Runnable (() => { imageView.SetImageBitmap (imageBitmap); }); handler.Post (runnable); }); } return rootView; }
public void Invoke(Action action) { //Another method // var l = Android.OS.Looper.MainLooper; //Previously Context.GetMainLooper() Handler mainHandler = new Handler(l); Runnable myRunnable = new Runnable(action); mainHandler.Post(myRunnable); }
private static void Check(string Token, bool CheckType, string card) { Handler handler = new Handler(); run = new Java.Lang.Runnable(() => { HttpApi.CheckAsync(mResult, Token, CheckType, mac.GetMac(), card); handler.PostDelayed(run, 1000 * 20); }); handler.Post(run); }
public static ICharSequence Parse( Context context, List<IconFontDescriptorWrapper> iconFontDescriptors, string text, TextView target) { context = context.ApplicationContext; // Analyse the text and replace {} blocks with the appropriate character // Retain all transformations in the accumulator SpannableStringBuilder spannableBuilder = new SpannableStringBuilder(text); RecursivePrepareSpannableIndexes(context, text, spannableBuilder, iconFontDescriptors, 0); bool isAnimated = HasAnimatedSpans(spannableBuilder); if (isAnimated) { if (target == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("You can't use \"spin\" without providing the target TextView."); if (!(target is IHasOnViewAttachListener)) throw new IllegalArgumentException(target.GetType().Name + " does not implement " + "HasOnViewAttachListener. Please use IconTextView, IconButton or IconToggleButton."); bool isAttached = false; var listener = new OnViewAttachListener(); listener.Attach += (s, e) => { isAttached = true; Runnable runnable = null; runnable = new Runnable(() => { if (isAttached) { target.Invalidate(); ViewCompat.PostOnAnimation(target, runnable); } }); ViewCompat.PostOnAnimation(target, runnable); }; listener.Detach += (s, e) => isAttached = false; ((IHasOnViewAttachListener)target).SetOnViewAttachListener(listener); } else { (target as IHasOnViewAttachListener)?.SetOnViewAttachListener(null); } return spannableBuilder; }
public void ShowToast(string text, bool IsLengthShort = false) { Handler mainHandler = new Handler(Looper.MainLooper); Java.Lang.Runnable runnableToast = new Java.Lang.Runnable(() => { var duration = IsLengthShort ? ToastLength.Short : ToastLength.Long; Toast.MakeText(this, text, duration).Show(); }); mainHandler.Post(runnableToast); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); show = (TextView)FindViewById(Resource.Id.editText_prepay_id); req = new PayReq(); sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); msgApi = WXAPIFactory.CreateWXAPI(this, null); msgApi.RegisterApp(Constants.APP_ID); //生成prepay_id Button payBtn = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.unifiedorder_btn); Dictionary<string, string> xml = new Dictionary<string, string>(); payBtn.Click += (o, e) => { ProgressDialog dialog = ProgressDialog.Show(this, "abc".ToString(), "def"); IRunnable payRunnable = new Runnable(() => { string url = string.Format(""); string entity = genProductArgs(); byte[] buf = Util.httpPost(url, entity); string content = Encoding.Default.GetString(buf); xml = decodeXml(content); }); AsyncTask.Execute(payRunnable); if (dialog != null) { dialog.Dismiss(); } sb.Append("prepay_id\n" + resultunifiedorder["prepay_id"] + "\n\n"); show.Text = sb.ToString(); }; Button appayBtn = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.appay_btn); appayBtn.Click += (o, e) => { sendPayReq(); }; //生成签名参数 Button appay_pre_btn = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.appay_pre_btn); appay_pre_btn.Click += (o, e) => { genPayReq(); }; }
public Enemy(int x, int y, int sizeShape, Paint paint, Direction current_direction) : base(x,y,sizeShape,paint) { this.current_direction = current_direction; moveThread = new Runnable (new Action (delegate { while(true) { SetLocation (5, 5, current_direction); CheckBounds (); //Shape.Draw (Battlefield.Draw_canvas); Thread.Sleep(500); } })); }
public void Execute() { var checkRunnable = new Runnable(() => { const string url = ""; string entity = GenProductArgs(); var buf = Util.httpPost(url, entity); string content = Encoding.Default.GetString(buf); _resultunifiedorder = DecodeXml(content); VoidPayWindow(content); }); var checkThread = new Thread(checkRunnable); checkThread.Start(); }
public MediaPlayerService() { PlayingHandler = new Handler(Looper.MainLooper); // Create a runnable, restarting itself if the status still is "playing" PlayingHandlerRunnable = new Java.Lang.Runnable(() => { OnPlaying(EventArgs.Empty); if (MediaPlayerState == PlaybackStateCode.Playing) { PlayingHandler.PostDelayed(PlayingHandlerRunnable, 250); } }); // On Status changed to PLAYING, start raising the Playing event StatusChanged += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { if (MediaPlayerState == PlaybackStateCode.Playing) { PlayingHandler.PostDelayed(PlayingHandlerRunnable, 0); } }; }
public UnderlinePageIndicator(Context context, IAttributeSet attrs, int defStyle) : base(context, attrs, defStyle) { if (IsInEditMode) return; var res = Resources; var defaultFades = res.GetBoolean(Resource.Boolean.default_underline_indicator_fades); var defaultFadeDelay = res.GetInteger(Resource.Integer.default_underline_indicator_fade_delay); var defaultFadeLength = res.GetInteger(Resource.Integer.default_underline_indicator_fade_length); var defaultSelectedColor = res.GetColor(Resource.Color.default_underline_indicator_selected_color); var a = context.ObtainStyledAttributes(attrs, Resource.Styleable.UnderlinePageIndicator, defStyle, 0); Fades = a.GetBoolean(Resource.Styleable.UnderlinePageIndicator_fades, defaultFades); SelectedColor = a.GetColor(Resource.Styleable.UnderlinePageIndicator_selectedColor, defaultSelectedColor); FadeDelay = a.GetInteger(Resource.Styleable.UnderlinePageIndicator_fadeDelay, defaultFadeDelay); FadeLength = a.GetInteger(Resource.Styleable.UnderlinePageIndicator_fadeLength, defaultFadeLength); var background = a.GetDrawable(Resource.Styleable.UnderlinePageIndicator_android_background); if(null != background) Background = background; a.Recycle(); var configuration = ViewConfiguration.Get(context); _touchSlop = ViewConfigurationCompat.GetScaledPagingTouchSlop(configuration); _fadeRunnable = new Runnable(() => { if (!_fades) return; var alpha = Math.Max(_paint.Alpha - _fadeBy, 0); _paint.Alpha = alpha; Invalidate(); if (alpha > 0) PostDelayed(_fadeRunnable, FadeFrameMs); }); }
private void AnimateToIcon(int position) { var iconView = _iconsLayout.GetChildAt(position); if (_iconSelector != null) RemoveCallbacks(_iconSelector); _iconSelector = new Runnable(() => { var scrollPos = iconView.Left - (Width - iconView.Width) / 2; SmoothScrollTo(scrollPos, 0); _iconSelector = null; }); Post(_iconSelector); }
/** * check whether the device has authentication alipay account. * 查询终端设备是否存在支付宝认证账户 * */ public void check(object o, EventArgs e) { Runnable checkRunnable = new Runnable(()=> { PayTask payTask = new PayTask(this); // 调用查询接口,获取查询结果 bool isExist = payTask.CheckAccountIfExist(); Message msg = new Message(); msg.What = SDK_CHECK_FLAG; msg.Obj = isExist; mHandler.SendMessage(msg); }); Thread checkThread = new Thread(checkRunnable); checkThread.Start(); }
public void pay(object o, EventArgs e) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(PARTNER) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(RSA_PRIVATE) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SELLER)) { new AlertDialog.Builder(this) .SetTitle("警告") .SetMessage("需要配置PARTNER | RSA_PRIVATE| SELLER") .SetPositiveButton("确定", (dialoginterface, i) => { Finish(); } ).Show(); return; } // 订单 string orderInfo = GetOrderInfo("测试的商品", "该测试商品的详细描述", "0.01"); // 对订单做RSA 签名 string sign = Sign(orderInfo); try { // 仅需对sign 做URL编码 sign = Java.Net.URLEncoder.Encode(sign, "UTF-8"); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { ex.PrintStackTrace(); } finally { string payInfo = orderInfo + "&sign=\"" + sign + "\"&" + GetSignType(); // 完整的符合支付宝参数规范的订单信息 Runnable payRunnable = new Runnable(()=> { PayTask alipay = new PayTask(this); // 调用支付接口,获取支付结果 string result = alipay.Pay(payInfo); Message msg = new Message(); msg.What = SDK_PAY_FLAG; msg.Obj = result; mHandler.SendMessage(msg); }); // 必须异步调用 Thread payThread = new Thread(payRunnable); payThread.Start(); } }
public override void OnBindViewHolder(RecyclerView.ViewHolder holder, int position) { ((ViewHolder)holder).mItem = _users [position]; ((ViewHolder)holder).mIdView.SetImageBitmap (null); // set user image async Handler handler = new Handler (_context.MainLooper); Task.Run (() => { var imageBitmap = ((ImageService)ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<ImageService> ()).GetUserThumbnail (((ViewHolder)holder).mItem); Runnable runnable = new Runnable (() => { ((ViewHolder)holder).mIdView.SetImageBitmap (imageBitmap); }); handler.Post (runnable); }); ((ViewHolder)holder).mContentView.Text = $"{(_users[position]).FirstName} {(_users[position]).LastName}"; ((ViewHolder)holder).mView.SetOnClickListener (new ClickListener ((ViewHolder)holder, _fragmentManager)); }
public virtual void HideAndStop() { Hide(); var r = new Runnable(Start); _handler.PostDelayed(r, ShowSpeed); }
public virtual void ShowAndPlay() { Show(); var r = new Runnable(Start); _handler.PostDelayed(r, ShowSpeed); }
public GlobalLayoutListener(View view, Runnable runnable) { _view = view; _runnable = runnable; }
/** * Add an OnGlobalLayoutListener for the view. * This is just a convenience method for using {@code ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener()}. * This also handles removing listener when onGlobalLayout is called. * * @param view the target view to add global layout listener * @param runnable runnable to be executed after the view is laid out */ public static void AddOnGlobalLayoutListener(View view, Runnable runnable) { view.ViewTreeObserver.AddOnGlobalLayoutListener(new GlobalLayoutListener(view, runnable)); }
private void TecentPayPay(object sender, EventArgs args) { _msgApi.RegisterApp(Constants.AppId); var checkRunnable = new Runnable(() => { string url = string.Format(""); string entity = GenProductArgs(); var buf = Util.httpPost(url, entity); string content = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(buf); _resultunifiedorder = DecodeXml(content); var msg = new Message { What = (int)MsgWhat.TencentValidateFlag, Obj = content }; _handler.SendMessage(msg); }); Java.Lang.Thread checkThread = new Java.Lang.Thread(checkRunnable); checkThread.Start(); }
/** * Execute code in a separate thread. * Use this for blocking and/or cpu intensive operations and thus avoid blocking the UI. * * @param r The Runner subclass to execute */ protected void execInThread(Runnable r) { pool.execute(r); }
/** * Execute code in a separate thread. * Any exception thrown by the thread will be added to the error list * @param r The runner subclass to execute */ protected void SyncInThread(Runnable r) { // Runnable task = new Runnable() { // public void run() { // try { //; // } catch(Exception e) { // TLog.e(TAG, e, "Problem syncing in thread"); // SendMessage(PARSING_FAILED, ErrorList.createError("System Error", "system", e)); // } // } // }; execInThread(task); }
private void AlipayPay(object sender, EventArgs args) { if (!AliPayHelper.CheckConfig()) { Toast.MakeText(ApplicationContext, "系统异常.", ToastLength.Long); Log.Error(Tag, "Aplipay Config Exception "); return; } string payInfo = AliPayHelper.GetPayInfo(); // 完整的符合支付宝参数规范的订单信息 Runnable payRunnable = new Runnable(() => { PayTask alipay = new PayTask(this); // 调用支付接口,获取支付结果 string result = alipay.Pay(payInfo); Message msg = new Message { What = (int)MsgWhat.AlipayPayFlag, Obj = result }; _handler.SendMessage(msg); }); // 必须异步调用 Thread payThread = new Thread(payRunnable); payThread.Start(); }
public System.Text.StringBuilder build() { runner = new Runnable() { // public void run() { // // // bool successful = true; // // try { // // Parsing // // XML // // Get a SAXParser from the SAXPArserFactory // SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); // // // trashing the namespaces but keep prefixes (since we don't have the xml header) // spf.setFeature("", false); // spf.setFeature("", true); // SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser(); // // TLog.v(TAG, "parsing note {0}", subjectName); // // sp.parse(noteContentIs, new NoteContentHandler(noteContent)); // } catch (Exception e) { // e.PrintStackTrace(); // // TODO handle error in a more granular way // TLog.e(TAG, "There was an error parsing the note {0}", noteContentstring); // successful = false; // } // // warnHandler(successful); // } }; System.Threading.Thread thread = new System.Threading.Thread(runner); thread.Start(); return noteContent; }