Example #1
        public BookStoreGamePlay()
            ChosenBackground chosenbackground = ChosenBackground.background1;

            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            // textures for background change
            #region ChangingBackground array initiation
            changingbackgrounds = new Texture2D[10];

            texttospeechengine = new TextToSpeechEngine();
            texttospeechobject = new TextToSpeechObject();

            reading           = Reading.nothing;
            backgroundchanger = 1;
            buttonobject      = new ChangingBackgroundButtonObject();
            buttonengine      = new ChangingBackgroundButtonEngine();
            //background key initialize
            backgroundkey = new KeyboardState();

            changingbackgroundsrect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600);

            place = new string[1];

            place[0]       = "I I T";
            title          = new string[1];
            title[0]       = "Bookstore";
            phonenumber    = new string[1];
            phonenumber[0] = "3 1 2 5 6 7 3 1 2 0";

            website        = new string[1];
            website[0]     = "yourschoolyourbookstore.com";
            explination    = new string[1];
            explination[0] = "A complete line of books, supplies, architecture/engineering equipment, and IIT gifts and clothing are available in the IIT Main Campus, Barnes and Noble Bookstore.";
Example #2
        public ChangingBackgroundState()
            ChosenBackground chosenbackground = ChosenBackground.background1;

            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            // textures for background change
            #region ChangingBackground array initiation
            changingbackgrounds = new Texture2D[10];

            texttospeechengine = new TextToSpeechEngine();
            texttospeechobject = new TextToSpeechObject();

            reading           = Reading.nothing;
            backgroundchanger = 1;
            buttonobject      = new ChangingBackgroundButtonObject();
            buttonengine      = new ChangingBackgroundButtonEngine();
            //background key initialize
            backgroundkey = new KeyboardState();

            changingbackgroundsrect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600);

            place = new string[1];

            place[0]       = "mccormik tribune campus center";
            title          = new string[1];
            title[0]       = "Academic Resource Center";
            phonenumber    = new string[1];
            phonenumber[0] = "3 1 2 5 6 7 5 2 1 6";

            website        = new string[1];
            website[0]     = "arc.iit.edu";
            explination    = new string[1];
            explination[0] = "The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is a comprehensive center with a variety of free services for students and faculty.";
        public CampusInformationCenter()
            ChosenBackground chosenbackground = ChosenBackground.background1;

            // TODO: Add your initialization logic here
            // textures for background change
            #region ChangingBackground array initiation
            changingbackgrounds = new Texture2D[10];

            texttospeechengine = new TextToSpeechEngine();
            texttospeechobject = new TextToSpeechObject();

            reading           = Reading.nothing;
            backgroundchanger = 1;
            buttonobject      = new ChangingBackgroundButtonObject();
            buttonengine      = new ChangingBackgroundButtonEngine();
            //background key initialize
            backgroundkey = new KeyboardState();

            changingbackgroundsrect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 800, 600);

            place = new string[1];

            place[0]       = "I I T";
            title          = new string[1];
            title[0]       = "Campus Information Center";
            phonenumber    = new string[1];
            phonenumber[0] = "3 1 2 5 6 7 3 7 0 0";

            website        = new string[1];
            website[0]     = "iit.edu/campus_and_conference_centers";
            explination    = new string[1];
            explination[0] = "The Campus Information Center is your one-stop shop for any questions you have regarding the university. The CIC is located right outside of the MTCC Commons.";
Example #4
        //constructor 1
        public LoginTitleScreen(bool choice)
            #region Loginscreen initializer
            idnumber               = new char[9];
            count                  = 0;
            hitkey                 = false;
            idkey                  = new KeyboardState();
            spokenidnumberarray    = new string[1];
            spokenidnumberarray[0] = "empty";
            for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
                idnumber[i] = '0';

            texttospeechengine = new TextToSpeechEngine();
            texttospeechobject = new TextToSpeechObject();

            idnumberplace = 0;

             * idnumber[0] = '0';
             * idnumber[1] = '0';
             * idnumber[2] = '0';
             * idnumber[3] = '0';
             * idnumber[4] = '0';
             * idnumber[5] = '0';
             * idnumber[6] = '0';
             * idnumber[7] = '0';
             * idnumber[8] = '0';

            textboxrec = new Rectangle(0, 0, 230, 45);

            virusplayer = new VideoPlayer();

            virusvidtexturerect       = new Rectangle(0, 0, 512, 512);
            backwards                 = new ScrollingBackgroundBackwards();
            leapfingersrect           = new Rectangle[6];
            scrollingbackgroundbottom = new ScrollingBackgroundBottom();
            fingertextures            = new Texture2D[5];
            leapfingersrect[0]        = new Rectangle(0, 0, 128, 128);
            leapfingersrect[1]        = new Rectangle(0, 0, 128, 128);
            leapfingersrect[2]        = new Rectangle(0, 0, 128, 128);
            leapfingersrect[3]        = new Rectangle(0, 0, 128, 128);
            leapfingersrect[4]        = new Rectangle(0, 0, 128, 128);
            leapfingersrect[5]        = new Rectangle(0, 0, 128, 128);
            this.displayEndScenes     = choice;

            forward = new ScrollingBackground();

            //<<< graphics pheonomina >>> scrolling background of snow flakes at the bottom or any itemm;
            scrollingbackgroundtop = new ScrollingBackgroundTop();

            hitboxrect = new Rectangle[11];

            for (int x = 0; x < 11; x++)
                hitboxrect[x].X = 200;
                hitboxrect[x].Y = (x + 2) * 50;

            broken = new bool[11];
            for (int g = 0; g < 11; g++)
                broken[g] = false;