public int Read(ByteContainer buffer, int offset, int count)
            Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Entered");

            long currentLength = (long)_info.size;

            // just touch the file
            if (count == 0 || _pos >= currentLength)

            long bytesLeft;

            if (currentLength - _pos > (long)count)
                bytesLeft = (long)count;
                bytesLeft = currentLength - _pos;

            //Console.WriteLine("ReadArgs: count = " + args.count +
            //                " offset = " + args.offset +
            //                " bytes to be read " + bytesLeft);

            if (buffer == null)
                //Console.WriteLine("ReadNFS: user buffer was null!");
                throw new ArgumentNullException("Buffer given to Read was null");
            else if ((long)buffer.Length < bytesLeft)
                throw new ArgumentException("Not enough room in buffer");

            long uBufOff    = (long)offset; // offset into user's buffer;
            long curFileOff = _pos;
            long blockno    = -1;

            while (bytesLeft > 0)
                long curBlk     = _info.BlockFromByte(curFileOff);
                long curBlkSize = Iso9660FileInfo.BlockSize(curBlk);
                long curBlkOff  = curFileOff % curBlkSize;

                //Console.WriteLine("ReadArgs: curBlockNum " + curBlk +
                //                " curBlkSize = " + curBlkSize +
                //                " cur offset into blk " + curBlkOff);
                if (blockno < curBlk)
                    blockno = curBlk;

                    //  1. fetch data from media's block

                    Iso9660.Stdio.RawDevice.ReadBlock(_info.buf, (ulong)blockno);
                long dist;
                if (curBlkSize - curBlkOff > bytesLeft)
                    dist = bytesLeft;
                    dist = curBlkSize - curBlkOff;

                //  2. store data into user's buffer

                buffer.CopyTo(_info.buf, (int)curBlkOff, (int)uBufOff, (int)dist);

                uBufOff    += dist;
                curFileOff += dist;
                bytesLeft  -= dist;

            _pos += uBufOff;

            Tracing.Log(Tracing.Debug, "Exit");
 public Iso9660FileStream(Iso9660FileInfo info, FileMode mode,
                          FileAccess access)
     _info = info;
     _pos  = 0;