Example #1
        static void DownloadIronWASPFile(string FileName, string PseudoName)
            Request IronWASPFileFetchReq = new Request(IronWASPDownloadBaseUrl + PseudoName);

            IronWASPFileFetchReq.Source = RequestSource.Stealth;
            Response IronWASPFileFetchRes = IronWASPFileFetchReq.Send();

            if (!IronWASPFileFetchRes.IsSslValid)
                throw new Exception("Invalid SSL Certificate provided by the server");
            if (IronWASPFileFetchRes.Code != 200)
                throw new Exception("Downloading updated IronWASP version failed");
            if (FileName.Equals("Updater.exe"))
                    File.Delete(Config.Path + "\\Updater.exe");
                catch { }
                IronWASPFileFetchRes.SaveBody(Config.Path + "\\Updater.exe");
                IronWASPFileFetchRes.SaveBody(Config.Path + "\\updates\\ironwasp\\" + FileName);
            NewUpdateAvailable = true;
Example #2
        static void DownloadModule(string ModuleName, string PseudoName)
            Request ModuleFetchReq = new Request(ModuleDownloadBaseUrl + "/" + PseudoName);

            ModuleFetchReq.Source = RequestSource.Stealth;
            Response ModuleFetchRes = ModuleFetchReq.Send();

            if (!ModuleFetchRes.IsSslValid)
                throw new Exception("Invalid SSL Certificate provided by the server");
            if (ModuleFetchRes.Code != 200)
                throw new Exception("Downloading updated modules failed");
                ModuleFetchRes.SaveBody(Config.Path + "\\updates\\modules\\" + ModuleName + ".zip");
                using (ZipFile ZF = ZipFile.Read(Config.Path + "\\updates\\modules\\" + ModuleName + ".zip"))
                    ZF.ExtractAll(Config.Path + "\\updates\\modules\\");
                NewUpdateAvailable = true;
            catch (Exception Exp) { IronException.Report(string.Format("Error Downloading Module: {0} - {1} ", ModuleName, PseudoName), Exp); }
Example #3
        static void DownloadPlugin(string PluginType, string FileName, string PseudoName)
            Request PluginFetchReq = new Request(PluginDownloadBaseUrl + PluginType + "/" + PseudoName);

            PluginFetchReq.Source = RequestSource.Stealth;
            Response PluginFetchRes = PluginFetchReq.Send();

            if (!PluginFetchRes.IsSslValid)
                throw new Exception("Invalid SSL Certificate provided by the server");
            if (PluginFetchRes.Code != 200)
                throw new Exception("Downloading updated plugins failed");
                PluginFetchRes.SaveBody(Config.Path + "\\updates\\plugins\\" + PluginType + "\\" + FileName);
                NewUpdateAvailable = true;
            catch (Exception Exp) { IronException.Report(string.Format("Error Downloading Plugin: {0} - {1} - {2}", PluginType, FileName, PseudoName), Exp); }