public FunctionDefinition(string name, Parameter[] parameters, Stmt body)
            ContractUtils.RequiresNotNullItems(parameters, "parameters");

            if (name == null)
                _name = "$lambda-" + Interlocked.Increment(ref _lambdaId);
                _lambda = true;
                _name = name;

            _parameters = parameters;
            _body = body;
Example #2
        public BlockStmt(Stmt[] statements)
            ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(statements, "statements");

            _statements = statements;
Example #3
 public LambdaExpr(Parameter[] parameters, Stmt body)
     _function = new FunctionDefinition(null, parameters, body);
Example #4
 public RewrittenBodyStmt(Stmt originalBody, Expression body)
     _body = body;
     _originalBody = originalBody;
     SetLoc(originalBody.GlobalParent, originalBody.IndexSpan);
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when parsing is complete, the body is built, the line mapping and language features are known.
        /// This is used in conjunction with the constructor which does not take a body.  It enables creating
        /// the outer most PythonAst first so that nodes can always have a global parent.  This lets an un-bound
        /// tree to still provide it's line information immediately after parsing.  When we set the location
        /// of each node during construction we also set the global parent.  When we name bind the global 
        /// parent gets replaced with the real parent ScopeStatement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="lineLocations">a mapping of where each line begins</param>
        /// <param name="body">The body of code</param>
        /// <param name="languageFeatures">The language features which were set during parsing.</param>
        public void ParsingFinished(int[] lineLocations, Stmt body, ModuleOptions languageFeatures)
            ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(body, "body");

            if (_body != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("cannot set body twice");

            _body = body;
            _lineLocations = lineLocations;
            _languageFeatures = languageFeatures;
Example #6
        private TotemAst FinishParsing(Stmt ret)
            var res = _globalParent;
            _globalParent = null;
            var lineLocs = _tokenizer.GetLineLocations();
            // update line mapping
            if (_sourceUnit.HasLineMapping)
                List<int> newLineMapping = new List<int>();
                int last = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < lineLocs.Length; i++)
                    while (newLineMapping.Count < i)
                    last = lineLocs[i] + 1;

                lineLocs = newLineMapping.ToArray();
            res.ParsingFinished(lineLocs, ret, _languageFeatures);

            return res;
Example #7
 private void UpdateLoops(Stmt stmt)
     if (_inFinally || _inLoop)
         if (!LoopAndFinallyLocations.ContainsKey(stmt.Span.Start.Line))
             LoopAndFinallyLocations.Add(stmt.Span.Start.Line, new Dictionary<int, bool>(LoopOrFinallyIds));
Example #8
                private void WalkLoopBody(Stmt body, bool isFinally)

                    bool inLoop = _inLoop;
                    bool inFinally = _inFinally;

                    int loopId = ++_loopId;
                    _inFinally = false;
                    _inLoop = true;
                    _loopIds.Add(loopId, isFinally);


                    _inLoop = inLoop;
                    _inFinally = inFinally;