public static object Load(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyModule/*!*/ self, MutableString/*!*/ libraryName) { object loaded; scope.RubyContext.Loader.LoadFile(null, self, libraryName, LoadFlags.ResolveLoaded | LoadFlags.AnyLanguage, out loaded); Debug.Assert(loaded != null); return loaded; }
public static object MethodRetry(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, Proc proc) { if (proc != null) { return RetrySingleton; } else { throw new LocalJumpError("retry used out of rescue", scope.FlowControlScope); } }
internal Proc(ProcKind kind, object self, RubyScope/*!*/ scope, BlockDispatcher/*!*/ dispatcher) { Assert.NotNull(scope, dispatcher); _kind = kind; _self = self; _scope = scope; _dispatcher = dispatcher; }
public virtual Proc/*!*/ ToProc(RubyScope/*!*/ scope) { ContractUtils.RequiresNotNull(scope, "scope"); // TODO: // This should pass a proc parameter (use BlockDispatcherUnsplatProcN). // MRI 1.9.2 doesn't do so though (see if (_procDispatcher == null) { var site = CallSite<Func<CallSite, object, object, object>>.Create( // TODO: use InvokeBinder RubyCallAction.Make( scope.RubyContext, "call", new RubyCallSignature(1, RubyCallFlags.HasImplicitSelf | RubyCallFlags.HasSplattedArgument) ) ); var block = new BlockCallTargetUnsplatN((blockParam, self, args, unsplat) => { // block takes no parameters but unsplat => all actual arguments are added to unsplat: Debug.Assert(args.Length == 0); return site.Target(site, this, unsplat); }); _procDispatcher = new BlockDispatcherUnsplatN(0, BlockDispatcher.MakeAttributes(BlockSignatureAttributes.HasUnsplatParameter, _info.GetArity()), null, 0 ); _procDispatcher.SetMethod(block); } // TODO: // MRI: source file/line are that of the to_proc method call: return new Proc(ProcKind.Block, scope.SelfObject, scope, _procDispatcher); }
/// <summary> /// Builds backtrace for the exception if it wasn't built yet. /// Captures a full stack trace starting with the current frame and combines it with the trace of the exception. /// Called from compiled code. /// </summary> internal void CaptureExceptionTrace(RubyScope/*!*/ scope) { if (_backtrace == null) { StackTrace catchSiteTrace = RubyStackTraceBuilder.ExceptionDebugInfoAvailable ? new StackTrace(true) : new StackTrace(); _backtrace = new RubyStackTraceBuilder(scope.RubyContext, _exception, catchSiteTrace, scope.InterpretedFrame != null).RubyTrace; DynamicSetBacktrace(scope.RubyContext, _backtrace); } }
public DebugView(RubyScope /*!*/ scope) { Assert.NotNull(scope); _scope = scope; var name = _scope.RubyContext.GetImmediateClassOf(_scope._selfObject).GetDisplayName(_scope.RubyContext, true); _selfClassName = name != null?name.ConvertToString() : null; }
private static RubyModule GetModule(RubyScope scope, String className) { RubyModule module; if (!scope.RubyContext.TryGetModule(scope.GlobalScope, className, out module)) { throw RubyExceptions.CreateNameError(className); } return module; }
/// <summary> /// Builds backtrace for the exception if it wasn't built yet. /// Captures a full stack trace starting with the current frame and combines it with the trace of the exception. /// Called from compiled code. /// </summary> internal void CaptureExceptionTrace(RubyScope /*!*/ scope) { if (_backtrace == null) { StackTrace catchSiteTrace = RubyStackTraceBuilder.GetClrStackTrace(null); _backtrace = new RubyStackTraceBuilder(scope.RubyContext, _exception, catchSiteTrace, scope.InterpretedFrame != null).RubyTrace; DynamicSetBacktrace(scope.RubyContext, _backtrace); } }
public static bool IsMethodUnwinderTargetFrame(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, Exception/*!*/ exception) { var unwinder = exception as MethodUnwinder; if (unwinder == null) { RubyExceptionData.GetInstance(exception).CaptureExceptionTrace(scope); return false; } else { return unwinder.TargetFrame == scope.RuntimeFlowControl; } }
public RubyMethodScope GetInnerMostMethodScope() { RubyScope scope = this; while (scope != null && scope.Kind != ScopeKind.Method) { scope = scope.Parent; } return((RubyMethodScope)scope); }
public static object/*!*/ Require(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyModule/*!*/ self, MutableString/*!*/ libraryName) { object loaded; scope.RubyContext.Loader.LoadFile( null, self, libraryName, LoadFlags.LoadOnce | LoadFlags.AppendExtensions | LoadFlags.ResolveLoaded, out loaded ); Debug.Assert(loaded != null); return loaded; }
public static RubyModuleScope/*!*/ CreateModuleScope(LocalsDictionary/*!*/ locals, RubyScope/*!*/ parent, RuntimeFlowControl/*!*/ rfc, RubyModule/*!*/ module) { Assert.NotNull(locals, parent, rfc, module); RubyModuleScope scope = new RubyModuleScope(parent, module, false, rfc, module); scope.SetDebugName((module.IsClass ? "class" : "module") + " " + module.Name); scope.Frame = locals; return scope; }
public static object MethodRetry(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, Proc proc) { if (proc != null) { return BlockReturnResult.Retry; } else { // TODO: can this happen? // If proc was null then the block argument passed to the call-with-block that returned RetrySingleton would be null and thus // the call cannot yield to any block that retries. throw new LocalJumpError("retry used out of rescue", scope.FlowControlScope); } }
public RubyClosureScope /*!*/ GetInnerMostClosureScope() { RubyScope scope = this; while (scope != null && !scope.IsClosureScope) { scope = scope.Parent; } return((RubyClosureScope)scope); }
// thread-safe: // Returns null on success, the lexically inner-most module on failure. internal RubyModule TryResolveConstantNoLock(RubyGlobalScope autoloadScope, string /*!*/ name, out ConstantStorage result) { var context = RubyContext; context.RequiresClassHierarchyLock(); RubyScope scope = this; // lexical lookup first: RubyModule innerMostModule = null; do { RubyModule module = scope.Module; if (module != null) { Debug.Assert(module.Context == context); if (module.TryGetConstantNoLock(autoloadScope, name, out result)) { return(null); } // remember the module: if (innerMostModule == null) { innerMostModule = module; } } scope = scope.Parent; } while (scope != null); // check the inner most module and it's base classes/mixins: if (innerMostModule != null) { if (innerMostModule.TryResolveConstantNoLock(autoloadScope, name, out result)) { return(null); } } else { innerMostModule = context.ObjectClass; } if (context.ObjectClass.TryResolveConstantNoLock(autoloadScope, name, out result)) { return(null); } return(innerMostModule); }
public void InitializeLibrary(RubyScope scope) { KernelOps.Require(scope, this, MutableString.CreateAscii("json/common")); _maxNesting = scope.RubyContext.CreateAsciiSymbol("max_nesting"); _allowNan = scope.RubyContext.CreateAsciiSymbol("allow_nan"); _jsonCreatable = scope.RubyContext.CreateAsciiSymbol("json_creatable?"); _jsonCreate = scope.RubyContext.CreateAsciiSymbol("json_create"); _createId = scope.RubyContext.CreateAsciiSymbol("create_id"); _createAdditions = scope.RubyContext.CreateAsciiSymbol("create_additions"); _chr = scope.RubyContext.CreateAsciiSymbol("chr"); }
private static RubyCompilerOptions /*!*/ CreateCompilerOptionsForEval(RubyScope /*!*/ targetScope, RubyMethodScope methodScope, bool isModuleEval, int line) { return(new RubyCompilerOptions(targetScope.RubyContext.RubyOptions) { IsEval = true, IsModuleEval = isModuleEval, LocalNames = targetScope.GetVisibleLocalNames(), TopLevelMethodName = (methodScope != null) ? methodScope.Method.DefinitionName : null, InitialLocation = new SourceLocation(0, line <= 0 ? 1 : line, 1), }); }
public static object BlockReplaceAll(ConversionStorage<MutableString>/*!*/ tosConversion, RubyScope/*!*/ scope, [NotNull]BlockParam/*!*/ block, MutableString/*!*/ self, [NotNull]RubyRegex pattern) { object blockResult; MutableString result; self.TrackChanges(); object r = BlockReplaceAll(tosConversion, scope, self, block, pattern, out blockResult, out result) ? blockResult : (result ?? self.Clone()); RequireNoVersionChange(self); return r; }
public static void SetDataConstant(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, string/*!*/ dataPath, int dataOffset) { Debug.Assert(dataOffset >= 0); RubyFile dataFile; RubyContext context = scope.RubyContext; if (context.DomainManager.Platform.FileExists(dataPath)) { dataFile = new RubyFile(context, dataPath, RubyFileMode.RDONLY); dataFile.Seek(dataOffset, SeekOrigin.Begin); } else { dataFile = null; } context.ObjectClass.SetConstant("DATA", dataFile); }
public ParserEngineState(Parser parser, RubyScope scope, MutableString source) { Parser = parser; Scope = scope; OriginalSource = source; Source = source.ConvertToString(); CreateID = Helpers.GetCreateId(scope); AllowNaN = DEFAULT_ALLOW_NAN; MaxNesting = DEFAULT_MAX_NESTING; CurrentNesting = 0; Memo = 0; }
/// <summary> /// Builds backtrace for the exception if it wasn't built yet. /// Captures a full stack trace starting with the current frame and combines it with the trace of the exception. /// Called from compiled code. /// </summary> internal void CaptureExceptionTrace(RubyScope /*!*/ scope) { if (_backtrace == null) { #if FEATURE_STACK_TRACE StackTrace catchSiteTrace = RubyStackTraceBuilder.GetClrStackTrace(null); _backtrace = new RubyStackTraceBuilder(scope.RubyContext, _exception, catchSiteTrace, scope.InterpretedFrame != null).RubyTrace; #else _backtrace = new RubyArray(); #endif DynamicSetBacktrace(scope.RubyContext, _backtrace); } }
public static object MethodRetry(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, Proc proc) { if (proc != null) { return(BlockReturnResult.Retry); } else { // TODO: can this happen? // If proc was null then the block argument passed to the call-with-block that returned RetrySingleton would be null and thus // the call cannot yield to any block that retries. throw new LocalJumpError("retry used out of rescue", scope.FlowControlScope); } }
public Parser(RubyScope scope, MutableString source, Hash options) { InitializeLibrary(scope); _json = new ParserEngineState(this, scope, source); if (options.Count > 0) { if (options.ContainsKey(_maxNesting)) { _json.MaxNesting = options[_maxNesting] is int ? (int)options[_maxNesting] : 0; } _json.AllowNaN = options.ContainsKey(_allowNan) ? (bool)options[_allowNan] : ParserEngineState.DEFAULT_ALLOW_NAN; // TODO: check needed, create_id could be TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass or String _json.CreateID = options.ContainsKey(_createAdditions) && (bool)options[_createAdditions] ? Helpers.GetCreateId(scope) : null; } }
private static RubyModule/*!*/ SetVisibility(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, object/*!*/ self, string/*!*/[]/*!*/ methodNames, RubyMethodAttributes attributes) { Assert.NotNull(scope, self, methodNames); RubyModule module; // MRI: Method is searched in the class of self (Object), not in the main singleton class. // IronRuby specific: If we are in a top-level scope with redirected method lookup module we use that module (hosted scopes). var topScope = scope.Top.GlobalScope.TopLocalScope; if (scope == topScope && topScope.MethodLookupModule != null) { module = topScope.MethodLookupModule; } else { module = scope.RubyContext.GetClassOf(self); } ModuleOps.SetMethodAttributes(scope, module, methodNames, attributes); return module; }
private RubyModule /*!*/ GetInnerMostModule(bool skipSingletons, RubyModule /*!*/ fallbackModule) { RubyScope scope = this; do { RubyModule result = scope.Module; if (result != null && (!skipSingletons || !result.IsSingletonClass)) { return(result); } scope = scope.Parent; } while (scope != null); return(fallbackModule); }
public RubyModule /*!*/ GetInnerMostModule(bool skipSingletons) { RubyScope scope = this; do { RubyModule result = scope.Module; if (result != null && (!skipSingletons || !result.IsSingletonClass)) { return(result); } scope = (RubyScope)scope.Parent; } while (scope != null); return(RubyContext.ObjectClass); }
public static object MethodPropagateReturn(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, Proc block, BlockReturnResult /*!*/ unwinder) { if (unwinder.TargetFrame == scope) { return(unwinder.ReturnValue); } else if (block != null) { return(unwinder); } else { throw unwinder.ToUnwinder(); } }
public static Hash ToJsonRawObject(RubyScope scope, MutableString self) { byte[] selfBuffer = self.ToByteArray(); var array = new RubyArray(selfBuffer.Length); foreach (byte b in selfBuffer) { array.Add(b & 0xFF); } var context = scope.RubyContext; var result = new Hash(context); var createId = Helpers.GetCreateId(scope); result.Add(createId, MutableString.Create(context.GetClassName(self), RubyEncoding.Binary)); result.Add(MutableString.CreateAscii("raw"), array); return result; }
internal RubyModule /*!*/ GetMethodDefinitionOwner() { // MRI 1.9: // - define_method doesn't influence the definition owner (unlike MRI 1.8) // - skips module_eval blocks above method scope // MRI 1.8: // - skips module_eval and define_method blocks above method scope. // IronRuby: // - Fallback to the top-level singleton class when hosted. RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { Debug.Assert(scope != null); switch (scope.Kind) { case ScopeKind.TopLevel: Debug.Assert(scope == Top); return(Top.MethodLookupModule ?? Top.TopModuleOrObject); case ScopeKind.Module: Debug.Assert(scope.Module != null); return(scope.Module); case ScopeKind.Method: return(scope.GetInnerMostModuleForMethodLookup()); case ScopeKind.BlockMethod: if (RubyContext.RubyOptions.Compatibility == RubyCompatibility.Ruby19) { break; } return(((RubyBlockScope)scope).BlockFlowControl.Proc.Method.DeclaringModule); case ScopeKind.BlockModule: BlockParam blockParam = ((RubyBlockScope)scope).BlockFlowControl; Debug.Assert(blockParam.MethodLookupModule != null); return(blockParam.MethodLookupModule); } scope = scope.Parent; } }
private static void EvalNextOrRedo(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, object returnValue, bool isRedo) { if (scope.InLoop) { throw new BlockUnwinder(returnValue, isRedo); } RubyBlockScope blockScope; RubyMethodScope methodScope; scope.GetInnerMostBlockOrMethodScope(out blockScope, out methodScope); if (blockScope != null) { throw new BlockUnwinder(returnValue, isRedo); } throw new LocalJumpError(String.Format("unexpected {0}", isRedo ? "redo" : "next")); }
public RubyScope /*!*/ GetMethodAttributesDefinitionScope() { RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { switch (scope.Kind) { case ScopeKind.Module: case ScopeKind.BlockModule: case ScopeKind.Method: case ScopeKind.TopLevel: case ScopeKind.FileInitializer: return(scope); } scope = scope.Parent; } }
internal object ResolveLocalVariable(string /*!*/ name) { RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { object result; if (scope.Frame.TryGetValue(SymbolTable.StringToId(name), out result)) { return(result); } if (!scope.InheritsLocalVariables) { return(null); } scope = (RubyScope)scope.Parent; } }
internal object ResolveAndSetLocalVariable(string /*!*/ name, object value) { RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { if (scope.TrySetLocal(name, value)) { return(value); } if (!scope.InheritsLocalVariables) { DefineDynamicVariable(name, value); return(value); } scope = scope.Parent; } }
internal object ResolveLocalVariable(string /*!*/ name) { RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { object value; if (scope.TryGetLocal(name, out value)) { return(value); } if (!scope.InheritsLocalVariables) { return(null); } scope = scope.Parent; } }
public List <string /*!*/> /*!*/ GetVisibleLocalNames() { var result = new List <string>(); RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { foreach (string name in scope.GetDeclaredLocalSymbols()) { result.Add(name); } if (!scope.InheritsLocalVariables) { return(result); } scope = scope.Parent; } }
public static void EvalRetry(RubyScope/*!*/ scope) { if (scope.InRescue) { throw new EvalUnwinder(BlockReturnReason.Retry, RetrySingleton); } RubyBlockScope blockScope; RubyMethodScope methodScope; scope.GetInnerMostBlockOrMethodScope(out blockScope, out methodScope); if (methodScope != null && methodScope.BlockParameter != null) { throw new EvalUnwinder(BlockReturnReason.Retry, RetrySingleton); } else if (blockScope != null) { if (blockScope.BlockFlowControl.CallerKind == BlockCallerKind.Yield) { throw new EvalUnwinder(BlockReturnReason.Retry, null, blockScope.BlockFlowControl.Proc.Kind, RetrySingleton); } //if (blockScope.BlockFlowControl.IsMethod) { throw new LocalJumpError("retry from proc-closure");// TODO: RFC } throw new LocalJumpError("retry used out of rescue", scope.FlowControlScope); }
public static void EvalBreak(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, object returnValue) { if (scope.InLoop) { throw new EvalUnwinder(BlockReturnReason.Break, returnValue); } RubyBlockScope blockScope; RubyMethodScope methodScope; scope.GetInnerMostBlockOrMethodScope(out blockScope, out methodScope); if (blockScope != null) { var proc = blockScope.BlockFlowControl.Proc; throw new EvalUnwinder(BlockReturnReason.Break, proc.Converter, proc.Kind, returnValue); } else { throw new LocalJumpError("unexpected break"); } }
public static object GetConstant(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, RubyModule /*!*/ owner, string /*!*/ name, bool lookupObject) { Assert.NotNull(scope, owner, name); object result; if (owner.TryResolveConstant(scope.GlobalScope, name, out result)) { return(result); } RubyClass objectClass = owner.Context.ObjectClass; if (owner != objectClass && lookupObject && objectClass.TryResolveConstant(scope.GlobalScope, name, out result)) { return(result); } CheckConstantName(name); return(RubySites.ModuleConstMissing(scope.RubyContext, owner, name)); }
public RubyScope /*!*/ GetMethodAttributesDefinitionScope() { RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { if (scope.Kind == ScopeKind.Block) { BlockParam blockParam = ((RubyBlockScope)scope).BlockParameter; if (blockParam.ModuleDeclaration != null && blockParam.SuperMethodName == null) { return(scope); } } else { return(scope); } scope = (RubyScope)scope.Parent; } }
internal RubyModule /*!*/ GetMethodDefinitionOwner() { RubyScope scope = this; bool skipBlocks = false; while (true) { Debug.Assert(scope != null); switch (scope.Kind) { case ScopeKind.TopLevel: return(((RubyTopLevelScope)scope).TopModuleOrObject); case ScopeKind.Module: Debug.Assert(scope.Module != null); return(scope.Module); case ScopeKind.Method: // MRI 1.8: skips module_evals above // MRI 1.9: just continue search for a module or module_eval skipBlocks = RubyContext.RubyOptions.Compatibility == RubyCompatibility.Ruby18; break; case ScopeKind.Block: if (!skipBlocks) { BlockParam blockParam = ((RubyBlockScope)scope).BlockParameter; if (blockParam.ModuleDeclaration != null) { return(blockParam.ModuleDeclaration); } } break; } scope = (RubyScope)scope.Parent; } }
public static bool BlockYield(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, BlockParam /*!*/ ownerBlockFlowControl, BlockParam /*!*/ yieldedBlockFlowControl, object returnValue) { Assert.NotNull(scope, ownerBlockFlowControl, yieldedBlockFlowControl); switch (yieldedBlockFlowControl.ReturnReason) { case BlockReturnReason.Retry: // the result that the caller returns should already be RetrySingleton: BlockRetry(ownerBlockFlowControl); return(true); case BlockReturnReason.Return: // the result that the caller returns should already be MethodUnwinder: YieldBlockReturn(ownerBlockFlowControl, returnValue); return(true); case BlockReturnReason.Break: YieldBlockBreak(scope, ownerBlockFlowControl, yieldedBlockFlowControl, returnValue); return(true); } return(false); }
public static bool EvalYield(RubyScope /*!*/ scope, BlockParam /*!*/ yieldedBlockFlowControl, object returnValue) { Assert.NotNull(scope, yieldedBlockFlowControl); switch (yieldedBlockFlowControl.ReturnReason) { case BlockReturnReason.Retry: // the result that the caller returns is already RetrySingleton: Debug.Assert(returnValue == BlockReturnResult.Retry); EvalRetry(scope); throw Assert.Unreachable; case BlockReturnReason.Return: // The result that the caller returns is already MethodUnwinder. // We can't continue fast unwind since the eval call-site doesn't propagate it (a call w/o block). throw ((BlockReturnResult)returnValue).ToUnwinder(); case BlockReturnReason.Break: YieldEvalBreak(yieldedBlockFlowControl, returnValue); throw Assert.Unreachable; } return(false); }
public bool TryResolveConstant(bool autoload, string /*!*/ name, out object result) { Scope autoloadScope = autoload ? GlobalScope : null; RubyScope scope = this; // lexical lookup first: RubyModule innerMostModule = null; do { RubyModule module = scope.Module; if (module != null) { if (module.TryGetConstant(autoloadScope, name, out result)) { return(true); } // remember the module: if (innerMostModule == null) { innerMostModule = module; } } scope = (RubyScope)scope.Parent; } while (scope != null); // check the inner most module and it's base classes/mixins: if (innerMostModule != null && innerMostModule.TryResolveConstant(autoloadScope, name, out result)) { return(true); } return(RubyContext.ObjectClass.TryResolveConstant(autoloadScope, name, out result)); }
/// <summary> /// Returns /// -1 if there is no method or block-method scope, /// 0 if the target scope is a method scope, /// id > 0 of the target lambda for block-method scopes. /// </summary> internal int GetSuperCallTarget(out RubyModule declaringModule, out string /*!*/ methodName, out RubyScope targetScope) { RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { Debug.Assert(scope != null); switch (scope.Kind) { case ScopeKind.Method: RubyMethodScope methodScope = (RubyMethodScope)scope; // See RubyOps.DefineMethod for why we can use Method here. declaringModule = methodScope.DeclaringModule; methodName = methodScope.DefinitionName; targetScope = scope; return(0); case ScopeKind.BlockMethod: RubyLambdaMethodInfo info = ((RubyBlockScope)scope).BlockFlowControl.Proc.Method; Debug.Assert(info != null); declaringModule = info.DeclaringModule; methodName = info.DefinitionName; targetScope = scope; return(info.Id); case ScopeKind.TopLevel: declaringModule = null; methodName = null; targetScope = null; return(-1); } scope = scope.Parent; } }
// TODO: public List <string /*!*/> /*!*/ GetVisibleLocalNames() { var result = new List <string>(); RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { foreach (object name in scope.Frame.Keys) { string strName = name as string; if (strName != null && !strName.StartsWith("#")) { result.Add(strName); } } if (!scope.InheritsLocalVariables) { return(result); } scope = (RubyScope)scope.Parent; } }
internal void GetSuperCallTarget(out RubyModule declaringModule, out string /*!*/ methodName, out object self) { RubyScope scope = this; while (true) { Debug.Assert(scope != null); switch (scope.Kind) { case ScopeKind.Method: RubyMethodScope methodScope = (RubyMethodScope)scope; // See RubyOps.DefineMethod for why we can use Method here. declaringModule = methodScope.Method.DeclaringModule; methodName = methodScope.Method.DefinitionName; self = scope.SelfObject; return; case ScopeKind.Block: BlockParam blockParam = ((RubyBlockScope)scope).BlockParameter; if (blockParam.SuperMethodName != null) { declaringModule = blockParam.ModuleDeclaration; methodName = blockParam.SuperMethodName; self = scope.SelfObject; return; } break; case ScopeKind.TopLevel: throw RubyOps.MakeTopLevelSuperException(); } scope = (RubyScope)scope.Parent; } }
public void GetInnerMostBlockOrMethodScope(out RubyBlockScope blockScope, out RubyMethodScope methodScope) { methodScope = null; blockScope = null; RubyScope scope = this; while (scope != null) { switch (scope.Kind) { case ScopeKind.Block: case ScopeKind.BlockMethod: case ScopeKind.BlockModule: blockScope = (RubyBlockScope)scope; return; case ScopeKind.Method: methodScope = (RubyMethodScope)scope; return; } scope = scope.Parent; } }
public static MutableString/*!*/ ReadLine(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyIO/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol, NotNull]Union<MutableString, int> separatorOrLimit) { if (separatorOrLimit.IsFixnum()) { return ReadLine(scope, self, scope.RubyContext.InputSeparator, separatorOrLimit.Fixnum()); } else { return ReadLine(scope, self, separatorOrLimit.String(), -1); } }
public static MutableString/*!*/ ReadLine(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyIO/*!*/ self, DynamicNull separator) { return ReadLine(scope, self, null, -1); }
public static MutableString/*!*/ ReadLine(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyIO/*!*/ self) { return ReadLine(scope, self, scope.RubyContext.InputSeparator, -1); }
public static MutableString Gets(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyIO/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]MutableString separator, [DefaultProtocol]int limit) { MutableString result = self.ReadLineOrParagraph(separator, limit); if (result != null) { result.IsTainted = true; } scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().LastInputLine = result; scope.RubyContext.InputProvider.LastInputLineNumber = ++self.LineNumber; return result; }
public static MutableString Gets(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyIO/*!*/ self, DynamicNull separator) { return Gets(scope, self, null, -1); }
public override void SetValue(RubyContext/*!*/ context, RubyScope scope, string/*!*/ name, object value) { switch (_id) { // regex: case GlobalVariableId.MatchData: if (scope == null) { throw ReadOnlyError(name); } scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().CurrentMatch = (value != null) ? RequireType<MatchData>(value, name, "MatchData") : null; return; case GlobalVariableId.MatchLastGroup: case GlobalVariableId.MatchPrefix: case GlobalVariableId.MatchSuffix: case GlobalVariableId.EntireMatch: throw ReadOnlyError(name); // exceptions: case GlobalVariableId.CurrentException: context.SetCurrentException(value); return; case GlobalVariableId.CurrentExceptionBacktrace: context.SetCurrentExceptionBacktrace(value); return; // input: case GlobalVariableId.LastInputLine: if (scope == null) { throw ReadOnlyError(name); } scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().LastInputLine = value; return; case GlobalVariableId.LastInputLineNumber: context.InputProvider.LastInputLineNumber = RequireType<int>(value, name, "Fixnum"); return; case GlobalVariableId.CommandLineArguments: case GlobalVariableId.InputFileName: throw ReadOnlyError(name); // output: case GlobalVariableId.OutputStream: context.StandardOutput = RequireWriteProtocol(context, value, name); return; case GlobalVariableId.ErrorOutputStream: context.StandardErrorOutput = RequireWriteProtocol(context, value, name); break; case GlobalVariableId.InputStream: context.StandardInput = value; return; // separators: case GlobalVariableId.InputContent: throw ReadOnlyError(name); case GlobalVariableId.InputSeparator: context.InputSeparator = (value != null) ? RequireType<MutableString>(value, name, "String") : null; return; case GlobalVariableId.OutputSeparator: context.OutputSeparator = (value != null) ? RequireType<MutableString>(value, name, "String") : null; return; case GlobalVariableId.StringSeparator: // type not enforced: context.StringSeparator = value; return; case GlobalVariableId.ItemSeparator: context.ItemSeparator = (value != null) ? RequireType<MutableString>(value, name, "String") : null; return; // loader: case GlobalVariableId.LoadedFiles: case GlobalVariableId.LoadPath: throw ReadOnlyError(name); // misc: case GlobalVariableId.SafeLevel: context.SetSafeLevel(RequireType<int>(value, name, "Fixnum")); return; case GlobalVariableId.Verbose: context.Verbose = value; return; case GlobalVariableId.CommandLineProgramPath: context.CommandLineProgramPath = (value != null) ? RequireType<MutableString>(value, name, "String") : null; return; case GlobalVariableId.KCode: #if !SILVERLIGHT if (context.RubyOptions.Compatibility == RubyCompatibility.Ruby18) { // MRI calls to_str; we don't do that, it's inconsistent with other globals. // If some app depends on this behavior, it will fail gracefully: context.KCode = RubyEncoding.GetKCodingByNameInitial(RequireType<MutableString>(value, name, "String").GetFirstChar()); Utils.Log(String.Format("Set to {0}", context.KCode), "KCODE"); return; } #endif context.ReportWarning("variable $KCODE is no longer effective"); return; case GlobalVariableId.ChildProcessExitStatus: throw ReadOnlyError(name); default: throw Assert.Unreachable; } }
public static object MethodMissing(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, BlockParam block, string/*!*/ self, SymbolId symbol, [NotNull]params object[]/*!*/ args) { string name = SymbolTable.IdToString(symbol); if (name.EndsWith("=", StringComparison.Ordinal) || name.EndsWith("!", StringComparison.Ordinal)) { throw RubyExceptions.CreateTypeError("Mutating method `{0}' called for an immutable string (System::String)", name); } // TODO: forward to MutableString until we implement the methods here: return KernelOps.SendMessageOpt(scope, block, ToStr(self), name, args); }
public override object GetValue(RubyContext /*!*/ context, RubyScope scope) { switch (_id) { // regular expressions: case GlobalVariableId.MatchData: return((scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().CurrentMatch : null); case GlobalVariableId.MatchLastGroup: return((scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().GetCurrentMatchLastGroup() : null); case GlobalVariableId.PreMatch: return((scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().GetCurrentPreMatch() : null); case GlobalVariableId.PostMatch: return((scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().GetCurrentPostMatch() : null); case GlobalVariableId.EntireMatch: return((scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().GetCurrentMatchGroup(0) : null); // exceptions: case GlobalVariableId.CurrentException: return(context.CurrentException); case GlobalVariableId.CurrentExceptionBacktrace: return(context.GetCurrentExceptionBacktrace()); // input: case GlobalVariableId.InputContent: return(context.InputProvider.Singleton); case GlobalVariableId.InputFileName: return(context.InputProvider.CurrentFileName); case GlobalVariableId.LastInputLine: return((scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().LastInputLine : null); case GlobalVariableId.LastInputLineNumber: return(context.InputProvider.LastInputLineNumber); case GlobalVariableId.CommandLineArguments: return(context.InputProvider.CommandLineArguments); // output: case GlobalVariableId.OutputStream: return(context.StandardOutput); case GlobalVariableId.ErrorOutputStream: return(context.StandardErrorOutput); case GlobalVariableId.InputStream: return(context.StandardInput); // separators: case GlobalVariableId.InputSeparator: return(context.InputSeparator); case GlobalVariableId.OutputSeparator: return(context.OutputSeparator); case GlobalVariableId.StringSeparator: return(context.StringSeparator); case GlobalVariableId.ItemSeparator: return(context.ItemSeparator); // loader: case GlobalVariableId.LoadPath: return(context.Loader.LoadPaths); case GlobalVariableId.LoadedFiles: return(context.Loader.LoadedFiles); // misc: case GlobalVariableId.SafeLevel: return(context.CurrentSafeLevel); case GlobalVariableId.Verbose: return(context.Verbose); case GlobalVariableId.KCode: if (context.RubyOptions.Compatibility < RubyCompatibility.Ruby19) { var kcode = KCoding.GetKCodeName(context.KCode); Utils.Log("KCODE set to " + kcode, "KCODE"); return(MutableString.CreateAscii(kcode)); } context.ReportWarning("variable $KCODE is no longer effective"); return(null); case GlobalVariableId.ChildProcessExitStatus: return(context.ChildProcessExitStatus); case GlobalVariableId.CommandLineProgramPath: return(context.CommandLineProgramPath); default: throw Assert.Unreachable; } }
public static MutableString/*!*/ ReadLine(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyIO/*!*/ self, [DefaultProtocol]MutableString separator, [DefaultProtocol]int limit) { // no dynamic call, modifies $_ scope variable: MutableString result = Gets(scope, self, separator, limit); if (result == null) { throw new EOFError("end of file reached"); } return result; }
internal MSA.LambdaExpression/*!*/ TransformBody(AstGenerator/*!*/ gen, RubyScope/*!*/ declaringScope, RubyModule/*!*/ declaringModule) { string encodedName = RubyExceptionData.EncodeMethodName(_name, gen.SourcePath, Location); AstParameters parameters; ScopeBuilder scope = DefineLocals(out parameters); var scopeVariable = scope.DefineHiddenVariable("#scope", typeof(RubyMethodScope)); var selfParameter = parameters[0]; var blockParameter = parameters[1]; // exclude block parameter even if it is explicitly specified: int visiblePrameterCountAndSignatureFlags = (parameters.Count - 2) << 2; if (_parameters.Block != null) { visiblePrameterCountAndSignatureFlags |= RubyMethodScope.HasBlockFlag; } if (_parameters.Array != null) { visiblePrameterCountAndSignatureFlags |= RubyMethodScope.HasUnsplatFlag; } gen.EnterMethodDefinition( scope, selfParameter, scopeVariable, blockParameter, _name, _parameters ); // profiling: MSA.Expression profileStart, profileEnd; if (gen.Profiler != null) { int profileTickIndex = gen.Profiler.GetTickIndex(encodedName); var stampVariable = scope.DefineHiddenVariable("#stamp", typeof(long)); profileStart = Ast.Assign(stampVariable, Methods.Stopwatch_GetTimestamp.OpCall()); profileEnd = Methods.UpdateProfileTicks.OpCall(AstUtils.Constant(profileTickIndex), stampVariable); } else { profileStart = profileEnd = AstUtils.Empty(); } // tracing: MSA.Expression traceCall, traceReturn; if (gen.TraceEnabled) { traceCall = Methods.TraceMethodCall.OpCall( scopeVariable, gen.SourcePathConstant, AstUtils.Constant(Location.Start.Line) ); traceReturn = Methods.TraceMethodReturn.OpCall( gen.CurrentScopeVariable, gen.SourcePathConstant, AstUtils.Constant(Location.End.Line) ); } else { traceCall = traceReturn = AstUtils.Empty(); } MSA.ParameterExpression unwinder; MSA.Expression body = AstUtils.Try( profileStart, _parameters.TransformOptionalsInitialization(gen), traceCall, Body.TransformResult(gen, ResultOperation.Return) ).Filter(unwinder = Ast.Parameter(typeof(Exception), "#u"), Methods.IsMethodUnwinderTargetFrame.OpCall(scopeVariable, unwinder), Ast.Return(gen.ReturnLabel, Methods.GetMethodUnwinderReturnValue.OpCall(unwinder)) ).Finally( // leave frame: Methods.LeaveMethodFrame.OpCall(scopeVariable), Ast.Empty(), profileEnd, traceReturn ); body = gen.AddReturnTarget( scope.CreateScope( scopeVariable, Methods.CreateMethodScope.OpCall(new AstExpressions { scope.MakeLocalsStorage(), scope.GetVariableNamesExpression(), Ast.Constant(visiblePrameterCountAndSignatureFlags), Ast.Constant(declaringScope, typeof(RubyScope)), Ast.Constant(declaringModule, typeof(RubyModule)), Ast.Constant(_name), selfParameter, blockParameter, EnterInterpretedFrameExpression.Instance }), body ) ); gen.LeaveMethodDefinition(); return CreateLambda(encodedName, parameters, body); }
public Binding(RubyScope/*!*/ localScope) { Assert.NotNull(localScope); _localScope = localScope; }
public override object GetValue(RubyContext/*!*/ context, RubyScope scope) { switch (_id) { // regular expressions: case GlobalVariableId.MatchData: return (scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().CurrentMatch : null; case GlobalVariableId.MatchLastGroup: return (scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().GetCurrentMatchLastGroup() : null; case GlobalVariableId.MatchPrefix: // TODO: throw new NotImplementedException(); case GlobalVariableId.MatchSuffix: // TODO: throw new NotImplementedException(); case GlobalVariableId.EntireMatch: return (scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().GetCurrentMatchGroup(0) : null; // exceptions: case GlobalVariableId.CurrentException: return context.CurrentException; case GlobalVariableId.CurrentExceptionBacktrace: return context.GetCurrentExceptionBacktrace(); // input: case GlobalVariableId.InputContent: return context.InputProvider.Singleton; case GlobalVariableId.InputFileName: return context.InputProvider.CurrentFileName; case GlobalVariableId.LastInputLine: return (scope != null) ? scope.GetInnerMostClosureScope().LastInputLine : null; case GlobalVariableId.LastInputLineNumber: return context.InputProvider.LastInputLineNumber; case GlobalVariableId.CommandLineArguments: return context.InputProvider.CommandLineArguments; // output: case GlobalVariableId.OutputStream: return context.StandardOutput; case GlobalVariableId.ErrorOutputStream: return context.StandardErrorOutput; case GlobalVariableId.InputStream: return context.StandardInput; // separators: case GlobalVariableId.InputSeparator: return context.InputSeparator; case GlobalVariableId.OutputSeparator: return context.OutputSeparator; case GlobalVariableId.StringSeparator: return context.StringSeparator; case GlobalVariableId.ItemSeparator: return context.ItemSeparator; // loader: case GlobalVariableId.LoadPath: return context.Loader.LoadPaths; case GlobalVariableId.LoadedFiles: return context.Loader.LoadedFiles; // misc: case GlobalVariableId.SafeLevel: return context.CurrentSafeLevel; case GlobalVariableId.Verbose: return context.Verbose; case GlobalVariableId.KCode: #if !SILVERLIGHT if (context.RubyOptions.Compatibility == RubyCompatibility.Ruby18) { return MutableString.Create(KCoding.GetKCodeName(context.KCode)); } #endif context.ReportWarning("variable $KCODE is no longer effective"); return null; case GlobalVariableId.ChildProcessExitStatus: return context.ChildProcessExitStatus; case GlobalVariableId.CommandLineProgramPath: return context.CommandLineProgramPath; default: throw Assert.Unreachable; } }
public static MutableString Gets(RubyScope/*!*/ scope, RubyIO/*!*/ self) { return Gets(scope, self, scope.RubyContext.InputSeparator, -1); }