Example #1
        private static AstNode ParseFunction(TokenStream stream, bool prototype = false,
			ClassDeclaration cdecl = null)
            if (stream.Accept (TokenClass.Operator, "@")) {
                 * Function decorators in the form of
                 * @myDecorator
                 * func foo () {
                 * }
                 * are merely syntatic sugar for
                 * func foo () {
                 * }
                 * foo = myDecorator (foo)
                AstNode expr = ParseExpression (stream); // Decorator expression
                /* This is the original function which is to be decorated */
                FunctionDeclaration idecl = ParseFunction (stream, prototype, cdecl) as FunctionDeclaration;
                /* We must construct an arglist which will be passed to the decorator */
                ArgumentList args = new ArgumentList (stream.Location);
                args.Add (new NameExpression (stream.Location, idecl.Name));
                 * Since two values can not be returned, we must return a single node containing both
                 * the function declaration and call to the decorator
                AstRoot nodes = new AstRoot (stream.Location);
                nodes.Add (idecl);
                nodes.Add (new Expression (stream.Location, new BinaryExpression (stream.Location,
                    new NameExpression (stream.Location, idecl.Name),
                    new CallExpression (stream.Location, expr, args))));
                return nodes;
            stream.Expect (TokenClass.Keyword, "func");
            bool isInstanceMethod;
            bool isVariadic;
            bool hasKeywordArgs;
            Token ident = stream.Expect (TokenClass.Identifier);
            List<string> parameters = ParseFuncParameters (stream,
                out isInstanceMethod,
                out isVariadic,
                out hasKeywordArgs);

            FunctionDeclaration decl = new FunctionDeclaration (stream.Location, ident != null ?
                ident.Value : "",

            if (!prototype) {

                if (stream.Accept (TokenClass.Operator, "=>")) {
                    decl.Add (new ReturnStatement (stream.Location, ParseExpression (stream)));
                } else {
                    stream.Expect (TokenClass.OpenBrace);
                    CodeBlock scope = new CodeBlock (stream.Location);

                    if (stream.Match (TokenClass.Keyword, "super")) {
                        scope.Add (ParseSuperCall (stream, cdecl));

                    while (!stream.Match (TokenClass.CloseBrace)) {
                        scope.Add (ParseStatement (stream));

                    decl.Add (scope);
                    stream.Expect (TokenClass.CloseBrace);
            return decl;
Example #2
 private static ArgumentList ParseTypeList(TokenStream stream)
     ArgumentList argList = new ArgumentList (stream.Location);
     while (!stream.Match (TokenClass.CloseParan)) {
         argList.Add (ParseExpression (stream));
         if (!stream.Accept (TokenClass.Comma)) {
     return argList;
Example #3
        private static AstNode ParseArgumentList(TokenStream stream)
            ArgumentList argList = new ArgumentList (stream.Location);
            stream.Expect (TokenClass.OpenParan);
            KeywordArgumentList kwargs = null;
            while (!stream.Match (TokenClass.CloseParan)) {
                if (stream.Accept (TokenClass.Operator, "*")) {
                    argList.Packed = true;
                    argList.Add (ParseExpression (stream));
                AstNode arg = ParseExpression (stream);
                if (stream.Accept (TokenClass.Colon)) {
                    if (kwargs == null) {
                        kwargs = new KeywordArgumentList (arg.Location);
                    NameExpression ident = arg as NameExpression;
                    AstNode val = ParseExpression (stream);
                    if (ident == null) {
                        stream.ErrorLog.AddError (ErrorType.ParserError, arg.Location,
                            "Keyword must be a valid identifier");
                    } else {
                        kwargs.Add (ident.Value, val);
                } else
                    argList.Add (arg);
                if (!stream.Accept (TokenClass.Comma)) {

            if (kwargs != null) {
                argList.Add (kwargs);
            stream.Expect (TokenClass.CloseParan);
            return argList;
		public override void Accept (ArgumentList arglist)
			arglist.VisitChildren (this);
Example #5
 private static AstNode ParseTryExcept(TokenStream stream)
     TryExceptStatement retVal = null;
     stream.Expect (TokenClass.Keyword, "try");
     AstNode tryBody = ParseStatement (stream);
     AstNode typeList = new ArgumentList (stream.Location);
     stream.Expect (TokenClass.Keyword, "except");
     if (stream.Accept (TokenClass.OpenParan)) {
         Token ident = stream.Expect (TokenClass.Identifier);
         if (stream.Accept (TokenClass.Operator, "as")) {
             typeList = ParseTypeList (stream);
         stream.Expect (TokenClass.CloseParan);
         retVal = new TryExceptStatement (stream.Location, ident.Value);
     } else {
         retVal = new TryExceptStatement (stream.Location, null);
     retVal.Add (tryBody);
     retVal.Add (ParseStatement (stream));
     retVal.Add (typeList);
     return retVal;
Example #6
 public void Accept(ArgumentList arglist)
     visitSubnodes (arglist);
Example #7
 public void Accept(ArgumentList arglist)
     arglist.Visit (functionCompiler);
Example #8
		public override void Accept (ArgumentList arglist)
			arglist.Visit (parentVisitor);
 public virtual void Accept(ArgumentList arglist)
 public SuperCallStatement(SourceLocation location, ClassDeclaration parent, ArgumentList argumentList)
     : base(location)
     Parent    = parent;
     Arguments = argumentList;