public Game(Graphics g, Rectangle boundaries) { //Initialize the stars to plot a black background and to be able to add the stars to the //Canvas; this.g = g; this.boundaries.X = 0; this.boundaries.Y = 0; this.boundaries.Height = boundaries.Y; this.boundaries.Width = boundaries.X; this.random = new Random(); //Initializes two collections that keeps track of the shots fired respectively this.playerShots = new Shots(); this.enemyShots = new Shots(); this.stars = new Stars(boundaries); Point initialPosition = new Point(boundaries.X / 2, boundaries.Y); this.playerShip = new PlayerShip(initialPosition, boundaries, playerShots, enemyShots, livesLeft); this.invaders = new Invaders(boundaries, playerShots, enemyShots, random, display); invaders.MoveInvaders(); this.display = new Display(boundaries); //Plays the music for the life force System.Media.SoundPlayer player = new System.Media.SoundPlayer(); player.SoundLocation = @"C:\GameMusic\LifeForce.wav"; player.Load(); player.Play(); this.initialScreen = DateTime.Now; this.initialImage = (Bitmap)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("LifeForce1"); }
public PlayerShip(Point location, Rectangle boundaries, Shots playerShots, Shots enemyShots, int livesLeft) { //Initialize the image this.image = (Bitmap)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("SpaceShip"); //Initialize the location of the ship this.location.X = location.X; this.location.Y = location.Y - 30;// -image.Height; //Set the ship boolean to true for being alive this.Alive = true; //Initialize the original height deadShipHeight = image.Size.Height; this.boundaries = boundaries; //Shots fired this.playerShots = playerShots; this.enemyShots = enemyShots; this.timeOfDeath = timeOfDeath; }
//Constructor for the Invaders class taken the boundaries and the list of shots to be fired public Invaders(Rectangle boundaries, Shots playerShots, Shots enemyShots, Random random, Display scoreBoard) { //Initializing the distribution of the invaders to centralize them in //starting in the middle this.xMax = boundaries.Right; this.xMin = boundaries.Left; this.yMax = boundaries.Top; this.yMin = boundaries.Bottom; this.invaders = new List <Invader>(); //Initializing the shots this.playerShots = playerShots; this.enemyShots = enemyShots; this.random = random; this.boundaries = boundaries; this.invadersLeft = 30; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { // int xcoordinate=(xMax+xMin)/2-(3+i)*(HorizontalInterval+pictureWidth); int xcoordinate = 200 + (i) * (HorizontalInterval + pictureWidth); invaders.Add(new Invader("bug", new Point(xcoordinate, 0), 10)); invaders.Add(new Invader("flyingsaucer", new Point(xcoordinate, pictureHeight + 10), 20)); invaders.Add(new Invader("satellite", new Point(xcoordinate, pictureHeight + 70), 30)); invaders.Add(new Invader("watchit", new Point(xcoordinate, pictureHeight + 130), 40)); invaders.Add(new Invader("star", new Point(xcoordinate, pictureHeight + 190), 50)); } }