/// <summary>
        /// Performs linear regression on the input data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">Training data</param>
        /// <param name="alpha">The learning rate for the algorithm</param>
        /// <param name="lambda">The regularization weight for the algorithm</param>
        /// <param name="iters">The number of training iterations to run</param>
        /// <returns>Tuple containing the parameter and error vectors</returns>
        private Tuple<InsightVector, InsightVector> PerformLinearRegression(InsightMatrix data, double alpha,
            double lambda, int iters)
            // First add a ones column for the intercept term
            data = data.InsertColumn(0, 1);

            // Split the data into training data and the target variable
            var X = data.RemoveColumn(data.ColumnCount - 1);
            var y = data.Column(data.ColumnCount - 1);

            // Initialize several variables needed for the computation
            var theta = new InsightVector(X.ColumnCount);
            var temp = new InsightVector(X.ColumnCount);
            var error = new InsightVector(iters);

            // Perform gradient descent on the parameters theta
            for (int i = 0; i < iters; i++)
                var delta = (X * theta.ToColumnMatrix()) - y.ToColumnMatrix();

                for (int j = 0; j < theta.Count; j++)
                    var inner = delta.Multiply(X.SubMatrix(0, X.RowCount, j, 1));

                    if (j == 0)
                        temp[j] = theta[j] - ((alpha / X.RowCount) * inner.Column(0).Sum());
                        var reg = (2 * lambda) * theta[j];
                        temp[j] = theta[j] - ((alpha / X.RowCount) * inner.Column(0).Sum()) + reg;

                theta = temp.Clone();
                error[i] = ComputeError(X, y, theta, lambda);

            return new Tuple<InsightVector, InsightVector>(theta, error);
        /// <summary>
        /// Performs linear discriminant analysis on the input data set.  Extra parameters 
        /// are used to specify the critera or methodology used to limit the number of features 
        /// in the transformed data set.  Only one extra parameter must be specified.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">Input matrix</param>
        /// <param name="featureLimit">Maximum number of features in the new data set</param>
        /// <param name="percentThreshold">Specifies the percent of the concept variance to use
        /// in limiting the number of features selected for the new data set (range 0-1)</param>
        /// <returns>Transformed matrix with reduced number of dimensions</returns>
        private InsightMatrix PerformLDA(InsightMatrix matrix, int? featureLimit, double? percentThreshold)
            // Calculate the mean vector for the entire data set (skipping the class column)
            int columnCount = matrix.ColumnCount - 1;
            InsightVector totalMean = new InsightVector(columnCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                totalMean[i] = matrix.Column(i).Mean();

            // Derive a sub-matrix for each class in the data set
            List<InsightMatrix> classes = matrix.Decompose(columnCount);

            // Calculate the mean and covariance matrix for each class
            var meanVectors = new List<KeyValuePair<int, InsightVector>>();
            var covariances = new List<InsightMatrix>();
            foreach (var classMatrix in classes)
                InsightVector means = new InsightVector(columnCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++)
                    means[i] = classMatrix.Column(i).Mean();

                // Using a dictionary to keep the number of samples in the class in
                // addition to the mean vector - we'll need both later on
                meanVectors.Add(new KeyValuePair<int, InsightVector>(classMatrix.RowCount, means));

                // Drop the class column then compute the covariance matrix for this class
                InsightMatrix covariance = classMatrix.SubMatrix(0, classMatrix.RowCount, 0, classMatrix.ColumnCount - 1);
                covariance = covariance.Center().CovarianceMatrix(true);

            // Calculate the within-class scatter matrix
            InsightMatrix withinClassScatter = covariances.Aggregate((x, y) => new InsightMatrix((x + y)));

            // Calculate the between-class scatter matrix
            InsightMatrix betweenClassScatter = meanVectors.Aggregate(
                new InsightMatrix(totalMean.Count), (x, y) =>
                    x + (y.Key * (y.Value - totalMean).ToColumnMatrix() *
                    (y.Value - totalMean).ToColumnMatrix().Transpose()));

            // Compute the LDA projection and perform eigenvalue decomposition on the projected matrix
            InsightMatrix projection = new InsightMatrix(
                (withinClassScatter.Inverse() * betweenClassScatter));
            MatrixFactorization evd = projection.EigenvalueDecomposition();
            int rank = evd.Eigenvalues.Where(x => x > 0.001).Count();

            // Determine the number of features to keep for the final data set
            if (featureLimit != null)
                // Enforce a raw numeric feature limit
                if (rank > featureLimit)
                    rank = featureLimit.Value;
            else if (percentThreshold != null)
                // Limit to a percent of the variance in the data set (represented by the sum of the eigenvalues)
                double totalVariance = evd.Eigenvalues.Sum() * percentThreshold.Value;
                double accumulatedVariance = 0;
                rank = 0;
                while (accumulatedVariance < totalVariance)
                    accumulatedVariance += evd.Eigenvalues[rank];

            // Extract the most important vectors (in order by eigenvalue size)
            InsightMatrix projectionVectors = new InsightMatrix(evd.Eigenvalues.Count, rank);
            for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++)
                // Find the largest remaining eigenvalue
                int index = evd.Eigenvalues.MaxIndex();
                projectionVectors.SetColumn(i, evd.Eigenvectors.Column(index));

                // Set this position to zero so the next iteration captures the next-largest eigenvalue
                evd.Eigenvalues[index] = 0;

            // Multiply each class matrix by the projection vectors
            for (int i = 0; i < classes.Count; i++)
                // Save the class vector
                InsightVector classVector = classes[i].Column(0);

                // Create a new class matrix using the projection vectors
                classes[i] = (projectionVectors.Transpose() *
                    classes[i].SubMatrix(0, classes[i].RowCount, 1, classes[i].ColumnCount - 1)

                // Insert the class vector back into the matrix
                classes[i] = classes[i].InsertColumn(0, classVector);

            // Concatenate back into a single matrix
            InsightMatrix result = classes.Aggregate((x, y) => x.Stack(y));

            return result;