Example #1
        getTimestamp(TimeZone tz)
            ** Ingres dates are overloaded with 'empty' date,
            ** date only, timestamp and interval values.  The
            ** first three types are handled explicitly below.
            ** Intervals will either cause an exception while
            ** attempting to parse the value or as the default
            ** action for an unrecognized format.
                if (value.Length == 0)                                                  // Empty date
                    ** Create a timstamp EPOCH value.  If no timezone is
                    ** provided, we can return the local epoch constant.
                    ** Otherwise, the epoch value for the requested
                    ** timezone must be generated.
                    return((tz == null) ? SqlDates.getEpochTimestamp()
                                                : SqlDates.parseTimestamp(SqlDates.TS_EPOCH, tz));
                else if (value.Length == SqlDates.D_FMT.Length)                         // Date only
                    ** There is no time component, so convert to timestamp with
                    ** a 0 time component for the requested/local timezone.
                    DateTime date = (tz == null)
                                                ? SqlDates.parseDate(value, false)
                                                : SqlDates.parseDate(value, tz);
                else if (value.Length == SqlDates.TS_FMT.Length)                        // Timestamp
                    ** Convert to GMT timestamp using TZ for current connection.
                    DateTime ts = SqlDates.parseTimestamp(value, use_gmt);

                    if (osql_dates && tz != null)
                        ** Effectively, we need to apply time difference
                        ** between local and requested timezones.  First,
                        ** apply local TZ to get local timestamp.  Then
                        ** apply requested TZ to get desired GMT value.
                        String str = SqlDates.formatTimestamp(ts, false);
                        ts = SqlDates.parseTimestamp(str, tz);

                else                                                                    // Interval
                    ** Can't support intervals with Timestamp objects.
                    throw SqlEx.get(ERR_GC401B_INVALID_DATE);
            catch (SqlEx ex)
                ** Any parsing error is assumed to be caused by an interval.
                interval = true;
                throw ex;
        }         // getTimestamp