Example #1
        private Vector3D BringToSafeZone(Vector3D destination, Vector3D armBasePoint, Vector3D armElbowPoint, Vector3D armTipPoint)
            // calculating blind radius and max reach radius
            var segment1Length    = Vector3D.Distance(armBasePoint, armElbowPoint);
            var segment2Length    = Vector3D.Distance(armTipPoint, armElbowPoint);
            var armBlindRadius    = Math.Abs(segment1Length - segment2Length) * (InnerLimit + 1);
            var armMaxReachRadius = Math.Abs(segment1Length + segment2Length) * OuterLimit;

            // calculating just an average thing not to let segments angle too small
            var averageSegmentLength = (segment1Length + segment2Length) / 2;
            var averageSafeRadius    = averageSegmentLength * InnerLimit;

            // taking most strict limitation for inner radius
            var safeInnerRadius = Math.Max(armBlindRadius, averageSafeRadius);

            // taking limitation for outer radius
            var destinationDistance = Vector3D.Distance(destination, armBasePoint);
            var safeOuterRadius     = Math.Min(armMaxReachRadius, destinationDistance);

            // checking if it is OK
            if (destinationDistance >= safeInnerRadius && destinationDistance <= safeOuterRadius)

            // if not OK, then calculating closest point inside safe zone
            var awayVector = VectorUtility.Normalize(destination - armBasePoint);

            if (destinationDistance < safeInnerRadius)
                return(armBasePoint + awayVector * safeInnerRadius);

            return(armBasePoint + awayVector * safeOuterRadius);
Example #2
        private Vector3D TakeNearbyPoint(Vector3D destination, Vector3D armTipPoint, double averageLength)
            // calculating where the tip is heading
            var generalDirection = VectorUtility.Normalize(destination - armTipPoint);

            // calculating how far should we cut the trail to make destination more nearby
            var generalDistance   = Vector3D.Distance(armTipPoint, destination);
            var preferredDistance = averageLength * NearbyPointFromLengthMultiplier;
            var minDistance       = Math.Min(generalDistance, preferredDistance);

            return(armTipPoint + generalDirection * minDistance);
Example #3
        private Vector3D GetRotationEndPoint(Vector3D destination, Vector3D rotationBasePoint, Vector3D armTipPoint)
            // caution: local points here are different than in main method
            var localDestination = destination - rotationBasePoint;
            var localTip         = armTipPoint - rotationBasePoint;

            var rotorUpVector = RotorRotation.Rotor.WorldMatrix.Up;
            var plane         = new PlaneD(new Vector3D(0d, 0d, 0d), rotorUpVector);
            // Project destination point onto horizontal rotation plane
            var projectedLocalDestination = plane.ProjectPoint(ref localDestination);
            var projectedLocalTip         = plane.ProjectPoint(ref localTip);

            var abovePlaneVector = localTip - projectedLocalTip;

            return(VectorUtility.Normalize(projectedLocalDestination) * projectedLocalTip.Length() + rotationBasePoint + abovePlaneVector);
Example #4
        public Crawler(RoboticArm leftBack, RoboticArm leftFront, RoboticArm rightBack, RoboticArm rightFront, IMyRemoteControl rc)
            LeftBack   = leftBack;
            LeftFront  = leftFront;
            RightBack  = rightBack;
            RightFront = rightFront;
            Rc         = rc;

            StepIndent = new []
            }.Average() *StepIndentMultiplier;

            // getting local positions of leg base rotation rotors
            var lb = VectorUtility.GetLocalVector(Rc.WorldMatrix, Rc.GetPosition(), LeftBack.RotorRotation.Rotor.GetPosition());
            var lf = VectorUtility.GetLocalVector(Rc.WorldMatrix, Rc.GetPosition(), LeftFront.RotorRotation.Rotor.GetPosition());
            var rb = VectorUtility.GetLocalVector(Rc.WorldMatrix, Rc.GetPosition(), RightBack.RotorRotation.Rotor.GetPosition());
            var rf = VectorUtility.GetLocalVector(Rc.WorldMatrix, Rc.GetPosition(), RightFront.RotorRotation.Rotor.GetPosition());

            Center = VectorUtility.GetAverageVector(
                VectorUtility.GetAverageVector(lb, lf),
                VectorUtility.GetAverageVector(rb, rf));

            lb -= Center;
            lf -= Center;
            rb -= Center;
            rf -= Center;

            LbMarchPoint = VectorUtility.Normalize(lb) * (StepIndent + lb.Length());
            LfMarchPoint = VectorUtility.Normalize(lf) * (StepIndent + lf.Length());
            RbMarchPoint = VectorUtility.Normalize(rb) * (StepIndent + rb.Length());
            RfMarchPoint = VectorUtility.Normalize(rf) * (StepIndent + rf.Length());

            Lbh = new Vector3D(LbMarchPoint.X, LbMarchPoint.Y - 0.5, LbMarchPoint.Z);
            Lfh = new Vector3D(LfMarchPoint.X, LfMarchPoint.Y - 0.5, LfMarchPoint.Z);
            Rbh = new Vector3D(RbMarchPoint.X, RbMarchPoint.Y - 0.5, RbMarchPoint.Z);
            Rfh = new Vector3D(RfMarchPoint.X, RfMarchPoint.Y - 0.5, RfMarchPoint.Z);

            Lbs = new Vector3D(LbMarchPoint.X, LbMarchPoint.Y - 1.5, LbMarchPoint.Z + 3);
            Lfs = new Vector3D(LfMarchPoint.X, LfMarchPoint.Y - 1.5, LfMarchPoint.Z - 3);
            Rbs = new Vector3D(RbMarchPoint.X, RbMarchPoint.Y - 1.5, RbMarchPoint.Z + 3);
            Rfs = new Vector3D(RfMarchPoint.X, RfMarchPoint.Y - 1.5, RfMarchPoint.Z - 3);
Example #5
        private double GetRotationSpeedPart(Vector3D localDestination, Vector3D localArmTipPoint, Vector3D localRotationBase, double armDistance)
            var localArmDirectionPoint = VectorUtility.Normalize(localRotationBase - localArmTipPoint) * armDistance + localArmTipPoint;
            var pathCenter             = new Vector3D(
                (localArmTipPoint.X + localDestination.X) / 2,
                (localArmTipPoint.Y + localDestination.Y) / 2,
                (localArmTipPoint.Z + localDestination.Z) / 2);

            // using completion to parallelogram
            var centerToArmVector           = localArmDirectionPoint - pathCenter;
            var localRotationDirectionPoint = localArmDirectionPoint - 2 * centerToArmVector;

            var armSpeed      = Vector3D.Distance(localArmTipPoint, localArmDirectionPoint);
            var rotationSpeed = Vector3D.Distance(localArmTipPoint, localRotationDirectionPoint);

            return(rotationSpeed / (rotationSpeed + armSpeed));