public void GetAllNames_Successful()
            //  Arrange
            var mockHelper = new Mock<IRenUkHtmlHelper>();

            var dataSource = new RenUkDataSource(mockHelper.Object);
            dataSource.SetData(_aggregateData);     // call public method, not on I/F, to set the data for testing

            //  Act
            var result = dataSource.GetAllNames().ToArray();

            //  Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(3, result.Count(), "Expected the names of 3 import aggregates to be returned.");
            Assert.AreEqual(AchairnFarm, result[0], string.Format("Expected first aggregate name to be {0}", AchairnFarm));
            Assert.AreEqual(AchanyEstate, result[1], string.Format("Expected first aggregate name to be {0}", AchanyEstate));
            Assert.AreEqual(Achlachan, result[2], string.Format("Expected first aggregate name to be {0}", Achlachan));
        public void GetAllNames_None_Unsuccessful()
            //  Arrange
            var mockHelper = new Mock<IRenUkHtmlHelper>();

            var dataSource = new RenUkDataSource(mockHelper.Object);
            dataSource.SetData(new List<ImportAggregate>());     // call public method, not on I/F, to set the data for testing

            //  Act
            var result = dataSource.GetAllNames().ToArray();

            //  Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count(), "Expected Zero import aggregates to be returned.");