Example #1
        private static X509Certificate2 KeychainCertificateFromThumbprint(string thumbprint, bool validOnly)
            X509Certificate2 resultCert = null;

            using (SafeKeychainHandle handle = SafeKeychainHandle.Open(CertificateManager.OSXCustomKeychainFilePath, CertificateManager.OSXCustomKeychainPassword))
                using (X509Store store = new X509Store(handle.DangerousGetHandle()))
                    resultCert = CertificateFromThumbprint(store, thumbprint, validOnly);

Example #2
        // Install the certificate into a custom keychain on OSX. The TrustedPeople store isn't supported
        // on OSX but a similar mechanism can be achieved by creating a custom keychain and using it in
        // the same way as the TrustedPeople store.
        // It will not install the certificate if it is already present in the store.
        // It returns the thumbprint of the certificate, regardless whether it was added or found.
        public static X509Certificate2 InstallCertificateToOSXKeychainStore(X509Certificate2 certificate)
            SafeKeychainHandle keychain;

            if (!File.Exists(OSXCustomKeychainFilePath))
                keychain = SafeKeychainHandle.Create(OSXCustomKeychainFilePath, OSXCustomKeychainPassword);
                keychain = SafeKeychainHandle.Open(OSXCustomKeychainFilePath, OSXCustomKeychainPassword);

            certificate = AddToOSXKeyChainIfNeeded(keychain, certificate);
