public bool Start()
            //Setup the variable toggles
            int tmpMaxPlayers = 16;

            // Read in from the config file.
            DatafileWriter dataFile = new DatafileWriter("server.config.txt");
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("winningcash"))
                winningCashAmount = uint.Parse(dataFile.Data["winningcash"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("includelava"))
                includeLava = bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["includelava"]);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("includewater"))
                includeLava = bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["includewater"]);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("orefactor"))
                oreFactor = uint.Parse(dataFile.Data["orefactor"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("maxplayers"))
                tmpMaxPlayers = (int)Math.Min(32, uint.Parse(dataFile.Data["maxplayers"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("public"))
                varSet("public", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["public"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("servername"))
                varSet("name", dataFile.Data["servername"], true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("sandbox"))
                varSet("sandbox", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["sandbox"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("notnt"))
                varSet("tnt", !bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["notnt"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("sphericaltnt"))
                varSet("stnt", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["sphericaltnt"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("insane"))
                varSet("insane", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["insane"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("roadabsorbs"))
                varSet("roadabsorbs", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["roadabsorbs"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("minelava"))
                varSet("minelava", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["minelava"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("levelname"))
                levelToLoad = dataFile.Data["levelname"];
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("greeter"))
                varSet("greeter", dataFile.Data["greeter"],true);

            bool autoannounce = true;
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("autoannounce"))
                autoannounce = bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["autoannounce"]);

            // Load the ban-list.
            banList = LoadBanList();

            // Load the admin-list
            admins = LoadAdminList();

            if (tmpMaxPlayers>=0)
                varSet("maxplayers", tmpMaxPlayers, true);

            // Initialize the server.
            NetConfiguration netConfig = new NetConfiguration("InfiniminerPlus");
            netConfig.MaxConnections = (int)varGetI("maxplayers");
            netConfig.Port = 5565;
            netServer = new InfiniminerNetServer(netConfig);
            netServer.SetMessageTypeEnabled(NetMessageType.ConnectionApproval, true);

            //netServer.SimulatedMinimumLatency = 0.5f;
               // netServer.SimulatedLatencyVariance = 0.05f;
               // netServer.SimulatedLoss = 0.2f;
               // netServer.SimulatedDuplicates = 0.05f;
            //netServer.Configuration.SendBufferSize = 2048000;
            //netServer.Start();//starts too early
            // Initialize variables we'll use.
            NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
            NetMessageType msgType;
            NetConnection msgSender;

            // Store the last time that we did a flow calculation.
            DateTime lastFlowCalc = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime lastFlowCalcZ = DateTime.Now;//temporary
            DateTime sysTimer = DateTime.Now;
            //Check if we should autoload a level
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("autoload") && bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["autoload"]))
                blockList = new BlockType[MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE];
                blockCreatorTeam = new PlayerTeam[MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE];

                lavaBlockCount = 0;
                waterBlockCount = 0;
                int burstBlockCount = 0;

                for (ushort i = 0; i < MAPSIZE; i++)
                    for (ushort j = 0; j < MAPSIZE; j++)
                        for (ushort k = 0; k < MAPSIZE; k++)
                            if (blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.Lava)
                                lavaBlockCount += 1;
                            else if (blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.Water)
                                waterBlockCount += 1;
                            else if (blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.MagmaBurst)
                                burstBlockCount += 1;

                ConsoleWrite(waterBlockCount + " water blocks, " + lavaBlockCount + " lava blocks, " + burstBlockCount + " possible bursts." );
                // Calculate initial lava flows.
                ConsoleWrite("CALCULATING INITIAL LIQUID BLOCKS");

                lavaBlockCount = 0;
                waterBlockCount = 0;
                int burstBlockCount = 0;
                for (ushort i = 0; i < MAPSIZE; i++)
                    for (ushort j = 0; j < MAPSIZE; j++)
                        for (ushort k = 0; k < MAPSIZE; k++)
                            if (blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.Lava)
                                lavaBlockCount += 1;
                            else if (blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.Water)
                                waterBlockCount += 1;
                            else if (blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.MagmaBurst)
                                burstBlockCount += 1;

                ConsoleWrite(waterBlockCount + " water blocks, " + lavaBlockCount + " lava blocks, " + burstBlockCount + " possible bursts.");

            //Caculate the shape of spherical tnt explosions

            // Send the initial server list update.
            if (autoannounce)

            lastMapBackup = DateTime.Now;

            DateTime lastFPScheck = DateTime.Now;
            double frameRate = 0;

            // Main server loop!
            ConsoleWrite("SERVER READY");

            if (!physics.IsAlive)
                ConsoleWrite("Physics thread is limp.");

            while (keepRunning)
                if (!physics.IsAlive)
                    ConsoleWrite("Physics thread died.");
                   // physics.Abort();
                   // physics.Join();

                frameCount = frameCount + 1;
                if (lastFPScheck <= DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000))
                    lastFPScheck = DateTime.Now;
                    frameRate = frameCount;// / gameTime.ElapsedTotalTime.TotalSeconds;

                    if (sleeping == false && frameCount < 20)
                        ConsoleWrite("Heavy load: " + frameCount + " FPS");
                    frameCount = 0;

                // Process any messages that are here.
                while (netServer.ReadMessage(msgBuffer, out msgType, out msgSender))
                        switch (msgType)
                            case NetMessageType.ConnectionApproval:
                                    Player newPlayer = new Player(msgSender, null);
                                    newPlayer.Handle = Defines.Sanitize(msgBuffer.ReadString()).Trim();
                                    if (newPlayer.Handle.Length == 0)
                                        newPlayer.Handle = "Player";

                                    string clientVersion = msgBuffer.ReadString();
                                    if (clientVersion != Defines.INFINIMINER_VERSION)
                                        msgSender.Disapprove("VER;" + Defines.INFINIMINER_VERSION);
                                    else if (banList.Contains(newPlayer.IP))
                                else if (playerList.Count == maxPlayers)
                                        if (admins.ContainsKey(newPlayer.IP))
                                            newPlayer.admin = admins[newPlayer.IP];
                                        playerList[msgSender] = newPlayer;
                                        //Check if we should compress the map for the client
                                            bool compression = msgBuffer.ReadBoolean();
                                            if (compression)
                                                playerList[msgSender].compression = true;
                                        } catch { }

                            case NetMessageType.StatusChanged:
                                    if (!this.playerList.ContainsKey(msgSender))

                                    Player player = playerList[msgSender];

                                    if (msgSender.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                                        if (sleeping == true)
                                            sleeping = false;
                                            physicsEnabled = true;
                                        ConsoleWrite("CONNECT: " + playerList[msgSender].Handle + " ( " + playerList[msgSender].IP + " )");

                                    else if (msgSender.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected)
                                        ConsoleWrite("DISCONNECT: " + playerList[msgSender].Handle);
                                        SendPlayerLeft(player, player.Kicked ? "WAS KICKED FROM THE GAME!" : "HAS ABANDONED THEIR DUTIES!");
                                        if (playerList.ContainsKey(msgSender))

                                        sleeping = true;
                                        foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                                            sleeping = false;

                                        if (sleeping == true)
                                            physicsEnabled = false;


                            case NetMessageType.Data:
                                    if (!this.playerList.ContainsKey(msgSender))

                                    Player player = playerList[msgSender];
                                    InfiniminerMessage dataType = (InfiniminerMessage)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                    switch (dataType)
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.ChatMessage:
                                                // Read the data from the packet.
                                                ChatMessageType chatType = (ChatMessageType)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                string chatString = Defines.Sanitize(msgBuffer.ReadString());
                                                if (!ProcessCommand(chatString,GetAdmin(playerList[msgSender].IP),playerList[msgSender]))
                                                    if (chatType == ChatMessageType.SayAll)
                                                    ConsoleWrite("CHAT: (" + player.Handle + ") " + chatString);

                                                    // Append identifier information.
                                                    if (chatType == ChatMessageType.SayAll)
                                                        chatString = player.Handle + " (ALL): " + chatString;
                                                        chatString = player.Handle + " (TEAM): " + chatString;

                                                    // Construct the message packet.
                                                    NetBuffer chatPacket = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                                                    chatPacket.Write((byte)((player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red) ? ChatMessageType.SayRedTeam : ChatMessageType.SayBlueTeam));

                                                    // Send the packet to people who should recieve it.
                                                    foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                                                        if (chatType == ChatMessageType.SayAll ||
                                                            chatType == ChatMessageType.SayBlueTeam && p.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue ||
                                                            chatType == ChatMessageType.SayRedTeam && p.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                                                            if (p.NetConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                                                                netServer.SendMessage(chatPacket, p.NetConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder3);

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.UseTool:
                                                Vector3 playerPosition = msgBuffer.ReadVector3();
                                                Vector3 playerHeading = msgBuffer.ReadVector3();
                                                PlayerTools playerTool = (PlayerTools)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                BlockType blockType = (BlockType)msgBuffer.ReadByte();

                                                switch (playerTool)
                                                    case PlayerTools.Pickaxe:
                                                        UsePickaxe(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.StrongArm:
                                                        if (player.Class == PlayerClass.Miner)
                                                        UseStrongArm(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.Smash:
                                                        //if(player.Class == PlayerClass.Sapper)
                                                        //UseSmash(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.ConstructionGun:
                                                        UseConstructionGun(player, playerPosition, playerHeading, blockType);
                                                    case PlayerTools.DeconstructionGun:
                                                        UseDeconstructionGun(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.ProspectingRadar:
                                                        UseSignPainter(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.Detonator:
                                                        if (player.Class == PlayerClass.Sapper)
                                                    case PlayerTools.Remote:
                                                        if (player.Class == PlayerClass.Engineer)
                                                    case PlayerTools.SetRemote:
                                                        if (player.Class == PlayerClass.Engineer)
                                                    case PlayerTools.ThrowBomb:
                                                        if (player.Class == PlayerClass.Sapper)
                                                        ThrowBomb(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.ThrowRope:
                                                        if (player.Class == PlayerClass.Prospector)
                                                            ThrowRope(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.Hide:
                                                        if (player.Class == PlayerClass.Prospector)

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.SelectClass:
                                                PlayerClass playerClass = (PlayerClass)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                player.Alive = false;
                                                ConsoleWrite("SELECT_CLASS: " + player.Handle + ", " + playerClass.ToString());
                                                switch (playerClass)
                                                    case PlayerClass.Engineer:
                                                        player.Class = playerClass;
                                                        player.OreMax = 200 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 2] * 20);
                                                        player.WeightMax = 4 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 2]);
                                                        player.HealthMax = 100 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team,1]*20);
                                                        player.Health = player.HealthMax;
                                                        for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++)
                                                            player.Content[a] = 0;
                                                    case PlayerClass.Miner://strong arm/throws blocks
                                                        player.Class = playerClass;
                                                        player.OreMax = 100 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 2] * 20);
                                                        player.WeightMax = 10 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 2]);
                                                        player.HealthMax = 100 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 1] * 20);
                                                        player.Health = player.HealthMax;
                                                        for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++)
                                                            player.Content[a] = 0;
                                                    case PlayerClass.Prospector://profiteer/has prospectron/stealth/climb/traps
                                                        player.Class = playerClass;
                                                        player.OreMax = 100 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 2] * 20);
                                                        player.WeightMax = 6 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 2]);
                                                        player.HealthMax = 100 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 1] * 20);
                                                        player.Health = player.HealthMax;
                                                        for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++)
                                                            player.Content[a] = 0;
                                                    case PlayerClass.Sapper://berserker/charge that knocks people and blocks away/repairs block
                                                        player.Class = playerClass;
                                                        player.OreMax = 100 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 2] * 20);
                                                        player.WeightMax = 4 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 2]);
                                                        player.HealthMax = 100 + (uint)(ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 1] * 20);
                                                        player.Health = player.HealthMax;
                                                        for (int a = 0; a < 100; a++)
                                                            player.Content[a] = 0;

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerSetTeam:
                                                PlayerTeam playerTeam = (PlayerTeam)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                ConsoleWrite("SELECT_TEAM: " + player.Handle + ", " + playerTeam.ToString());
                                                player.Team = playerTeam;
                                                player.Health = 0;
                                                player.Alive = false;
                                                Player_Dead(player, "");

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerDead:
                                                string deathMessage = msgBuffer.ReadString();
                                                if (player.Alive)
                                                    Player_Dead(player, deathMessage);

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerAlive:
                                                if (toGreet.Contains(msgSender))
                                                    string greeting = varGetS("greeter");
                                                    greeting = greeting.Replace("[name]", playerList[msgSender].Handle);
                                                    if (greeting != "")
                                                        NetBuffer greetBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                                                        netServer.SendMessage(greetBuffer, msgSender, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder3);
                                                ConsoleWrite("PLAYER_ALIVE: " + player.Handle);
                                                player.Ore = 0;
                                                player.Cash = 0;
                                                player.Weight = 0;
                                                player.Health = player.HealthMax;
                                                player.Alive = true;
                                                player.respawnTimer = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerRespawn:
                                                SendPlayerRespawn(player);//new respawn
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerUpdate:
                                                if (player.Alive)
                                                    player.Position = Auth_Position(msgBuffer.ReadVector3(), player, true);
                                                    player.Heading = Auth_Heading(msgBuffer.ReadVector3());
                                                    player.Tool = (PlayerTools)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                    player.UsingTool = msgBuffer.ReadBoolean();
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerSlap:
                                                if (player.Alive)
                                                    if (player.playerToolCooldown > DateTime.Now)
                                                        break;//discard fast packet

                                                    player.Position = Auth_Position(msgBuffer.ReadVector3(), player, true);
                                                    player.Heading = Auth_Heading(msgBuffer.ReadVector3());
                                                    player.Tool = (PlayerTools)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                    player.UsingTool = true;
                                                    Auth_Slap(player, msgBuffer.ReadUInt32());

                                                    player.playerToolCooldown = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds((float)(player.GetToolCooldown(PlayerTools.Pickaxe)));

                                                    if (player.Class == PlayerClass.Prospector && player.Content[5] > 0)//reveal when hit
                                                        player.Content[6] = 0;//uncharge
                                                        player.Content[1] = 0;//reappear on radar
                                                        SendPlayerContentUpdate(player, 1);
                                                        player.Content[5] = 0;//sight
                                                        SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 5);
                                                        SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 6);
                                                        SendPlayerContentUpdate(player, 5);
                                                        SendServerMessageToPlayer("You have been revealed!", player.NetConn);
                                                        EffectAtPoint(player.Position - Vector3.UnitY * 1.5f, 1);
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerUpdate1://minus position
                                                if (player.Alive)
                                                    player.Heading = Auth_Heading(msgBuffer.ReadVector3());
                                                    player.Tool = (PlayerTools)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                    player.UsingTool = msgBuffer.ReadBoolean();
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerUpdate2://minus position and heading
                                                if (player.Alive)
                                                    player.Tool = (PlayerTools)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                    player.UsingTool = msgBuffer.ReadBoolean();
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerHurt://client speaks of fall damage
                                                uint newhp = msgBuffer.ReadUInt32();
                                                if (newhp < player.Health)
                                                    if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                                                        DebrisEffectAtPoint((int)(player.Position.X), (int)(player.Position.Y), (int)(player.Position.Z), BlockType.SolidRed, 10 + (int)(player.Health - newhp));
                                                        DebrisEffectAtPoint((int)(player.Position.X), (int)(player.Position.Y), (int)(player.Position.Z), BlockType.SolidBlue, 10 + (int)(player.Health - newhp));

                                                    player.Health = newhp;
                                                    if (player.Health < 1)
                                                        Player_Dead(player, "FELL TO THEIR DEATH!");
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerPosition://server not interested in clients complaints about position

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerInteract://client speaks of mashing on block
                                                player.Position = Auth_Position(msgBuffer.ReadVector3(), player, true);

                                                uint btn = msgBuffer.ReadUInt32();
                                                uint btnx = msgBuffer.ReadUInt32();
                                                uint btny = msgBuffer.ReadUInt32();
                                                uint btnz = msgBuffer.ReadUInt32();

                                                //if (blockList[btnx, btny, btnz] == BlockType.Pump || blockList[btnx, btny, btnz] == BlockType.Pipe || blockList[btnx, btny, btnz] == BlockType.Generator || blockList[btnx, btny, btnz] == BlockType.Barrel || blockList[btnx, btny, btnz] == BlockType.Switch)
                                                    if (Get3DDistance((int)btnx, (int)btny, (int)btnz, (int)player.Position.X, (int)player.Position.Y, (int)player.Position.Z) < 4)
                                                        PlayerInteract(player,btn, btnx, btny, btnz);
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.DepositOre:
                                                foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.WithdrawOre:
                                                foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerPing:
                                                if (player.Ping == 0)
                                                    player.Ping = 2;

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlaySound:
                                                InfiniminerSound sound = (InfiniminerSound)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                Vector3 position = msgBuffer.ReadVector3();
                                                PlaySoundForEveryoneElse(sound, position,player);

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.DropItem:
                                                DropItem(player, msgBuffer.ReadUInt32());

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.GetItem:
                                                //verify players position before get
                                                player.Position = Auth_Position(msgBuffer.ReadVector3(), player, false);

                    catch { }

                //Time to backup map?
                TimeSpan mapUpdateTimeSpan = DateTime.Now - lastMapBackup;
                if (mapUpdateTimeSpan.TotalMinutes > 5)
                    lastMapBackup = DateTime.Now;

                // Time to send a new server update?
                PublicServerListUpdate(); //It checks for public server / time span

                //Time to terminate finished map sending threads?

                // Check for players who are in the zone to deposit.

                // Is it time to do a lava calculation? If so, do it!
                TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - sysTimer;
                if (timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds > 2000)
                    //ConsoleWrite("" + delta);
                    sysTimer = DateTime.Now;

                    //secondflow += 1;

                    //if (secondflow > 2)//every 2nd flow, remove the vacuum that prevent re-spread
                    //    EraseVacuum();
                    //    secondflow = 0;
                    if (randGen.Next(1, 4) == 3)
                        bool isUpdateOre = false;
                        bool isUpdateCash = false;
                        for (int a = 1; a < 3; a++)
                            if (artifactActive[a, 1] > 0)//material artifact
                                isUpdateOre = true;
                                if (a == 1)
                                    teamOreRed = teamOreRed + (uint)(10 * artifactActive[a, 1]);
                                else if (a == 2)
                                    teamOreBlue = teamOreBlue + (uint)(10 * artifactActive[a, 1]);

                            if (artifactActive[a, 5] > 0)//golden artifact
                                isUpdateCash = true;
                                if (a == 1)
                                    teamCashRed = teamCashRed + (uint)(2 * artifactActive[a, 5]);
                                else if (a == 2)
                                    teamCashBlue = teamCashBlue + (uint)(2 * artifactActive[a, 5]);


                        if (isUpdateOre)
                            foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)

                        foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                    foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)//regeneration
                        if (p.Ping > 0)

                        if (p.Alive)
                            if (p.Content[10] == 1)//material artifact personal
                                if (randGen.Next(1, 4) == 3)
                                    if (p.Ore < p.OreMax)
                                        p.Ore += 10;
                                        if (p.Ore >= p.OreMax)
                                            p.Ore = p.OreMax;

                            else if (p.Content[10] == 5)//golden artifact personal
                                if (p.Ore > 99)
                                    if (p.Weight < p.WeightMax)
                                        p.Cash += 10;
                                        p.Ore -= 100;
                                        PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.CashDeposit, p.Position);
                            else if (p.Content[10] == 6)//storm artifact personal

                                if(artifactActive[(byte)((p.Team == PlayerTeam.Red) ? PlayerTeam.Blue : PlayerTeam.Red),6] == 0)//stored storm artifact makes team immune
                                foreach (Player pt in playerList.Values)
                                    if (p.Team != pt.Team && pt.Alive)
                                        float distfromPlayer = (p.Position - pt.Position).Length();
                                        if (distfromPlayer < 5)
                                            pt.Health -= 5;
                                            if (pt.Health <= 0)
                                                Player_Dead(pt,"WAS SHOCKED!");

                                            EffectAtPoint(pt.Position, 1);

                            if (p.Health >= p.HealthMax)
                                p.Health = p.HealthMax;
                                p.Health = (uint)(p.Health + teamRegeneration[(byte)p.Team]);
                                if (p.Content[10] == 3)//regeneration artifact
                                    p.Health += 4;

                                if (p.Health >= p.HealthMax)
                                    p.Health = p.HealthMax;

                            if (p.Class == PlayerClass.Prospector)
                                if (p.Content[5] == 1)
                                    if (p.Content[6] < 1)
                                        p.Content[1] = 0;
                                        SendPlayerContentUpdate(p, 1);
                                        p.Content[5] = 0;//sight
                                        SendContentSpecificUpdate(p, 5);
                                        SendPlayerContentUpdate(p, 5);
                                        SendServerMessageToPlayer("Hide must now recharge!", p.NetConn);
                                        EffectAtPoint(p.Position - Vector3.UnitY * 1.5f, 1);
                                    if(p.Content[6] < 4)

                            //if (p.Class == PlayerClass.Prospector)//temperature data//giving everyone
                            //    p.Content[6] = 0;
                            //    for(int a = -5;a < 6;a++)
                            //        for(int b = -5;b < 6;b++)
                            //            for (int c = -5; c < 6; c++)
                            //            {
                            //                int nx = a + (int)p.Position.X;
                            //                int ny = b + (int)p.Position.Y;
                            //                int nz = c + (int)p.Position.Z;
                            //                if (nx < MAPSIZE - 1 && ny < MAPSIZE - 1 && nz < MAPSIZE - 1 && nx > 0 && ny > 0 && nz > 0)
                            //                {
                            //                    BlockType block = blockList[nx,ny,nz];
                            //                    if (block == BlockType.Lava || block == BlockType.MagmaBurst || block == BlockType.MagmaVent)
                            //                    {
                            //                        p.Content[6] += 5 - Math.Abs(a) + 5 - Math.Abs(b) + 5 - Math.Abs(c);
                            //                    }
                            //                }
                            //            }

                            //    if (p.Content[6] > 0)
                            //        SendContentSpecificUpdate(p, 6);

                TimeSpan timeSpanZ = DateTime.Now - lastFlowCalcZ;
                serverTime[timeQueue] = DateTime.Now - lastTime;//timeQueue

                timeQueue += 1;
                if (timeQueue > 19)
                    timeQueue = 0;

                lastTime = DateTime.Now;
                delta = (float)((serverTime[0].TotalSeconds + serverTime[1].TotalSeconds + serverTime[2].TotalSeconds + serverTime[3].TotalSeconds + serverTime[4].TotalSeconds + serverTime[5].TotalSeconds + serverTime[6].TotalSeconds + serverTime[7].TotalSeconds + serverTime[8].TotalSeconds + serverTime[9].TotalSeconds + serverTime[10].TotalSeconds + serverTime[11].TotalSeconds + serverTime[12].TotalSeconds + serverTime[13].TotalSeconds + serverTime[14].TotalSeconds + serverTime[15].TotalSeconds + serverTime[16].TotalSeconds + serverTime[17].TotalSeconds + serverTime[18].TotalSeconds + serverTime[19].TotalSeconds) / 20);
                if (timeSpanZ.TotalMilliseconds > 50)

                    lastFlowCalcZ = DateTime.Now;

                //random diamond appearance
                if (sleeping == false)
                if (randGen.Next(1, 100000) == 2)
                    ushort diamondx = (ushort)randGen.Next(4, 57);
                    ushort diamondy = (ushort)randGen.Next(3, 30);
                    ushort diamondz = (ushort)randGen.Next(4, 57);

                    if (blockList[diamondx, diamondy, diamondz] == BlockType.Dirt)
                       // ConsoleWrite("diamond spawned at " + diamondx + "/" + diamondy + "/" + diamondz);
                        SetBlock(diamondx, diamondy, diamondz, BlockType.Diamond, PlayerTeam.None);
                        blockListHP[diamondx, diamondy, diamondz] = BlockInformation.GetMaxHP(BlockType.Diamond);
                // Handle console keypresses.
                while (Console.KeyAvailable)
                    ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey();
                    if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                        if (consoleInput.Length > 0)
                    else if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace)
                        if (consoleInput.Length > 0)
                            consoleInput = consoleInput.Substring(0, consoleInput.Length - 1);
                        consoleInput += keyInfo.KeyChar;

                // Is the game over?
                if (winningTeam != PlayerTeam.None && !restartTriggered)
                    restartTriggered = true;
                    restartTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10);

                // Restart the server?
                if (restartTriggered && DateTime.Now > restartTime)
                    SaveLevel("autosave_" + (UInt64)DateTime.Now.ToBinary() + ".lvl");

                    netServer.Shutdown("The server is restarting.");


                   // mechanics.Abort();
                    return true;//terminates server thread completely

                // Pass control over to waiting threads.
                if(sleeping == true) {

            MessageAll("Server going down NOW!");

            netServer.Shutdown("The server was terminated.");
            return false;
Example #2
        // Start of mods for detecting client mods
        // Checks the players speed over last 10 updates and trys to figure out if they are above expected speed - DCaudill
        public bool CheckSpeed(Player player)
            // Calculate expected max avg distance
            double maxDistance = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < player.positionList.Count; i++)
                Vector3 footPosition = player.positionList[i].position + new Vector3(0f, -1.5f, 0f);
                BlockType standingOnBlock = BlockAtPoint(new Vector3(footPosition.X, footPosition.Y, footPosition.Z));

                if (standingOnBlock == BlockType.Road)
                    maxDistance += .5;
                    maxDistance += .3;
            maxDistance = maxDistance / player.positionList.Count;

            // Calculate the players avg distance
            double distance = 0;
            bool oddDistance = false;
            for (int i = 0; i < player.positionList.Count; i++)
                if (player.positionList[i].distanceFromLast > .3 && !oddDistance)
                    oddDistance = true;

                distance += player.positionList[i].distanceFromLast;

            distance = distance / player.positionList.Count;

            if (distance > maxDistance)
                return true;
                return false;
Example #3
        public void DepositCash(Player player)
            if (player.Cash <= 0)

            player.Score += player.Cash;

            if (!varGetB("sandbox"))
                if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                    teamCashRed += player.Cash;
                    teamCashBlue += player.Cash;
                SendServerMessage("SERVER: " + player.Handle + " HAS EARNED $" + player.Cash + " FOR THE " + GetTeamName(player.Team) + " TEAM!");

            PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.CashDeposit, player.Position);
            ConsoleWrite("DEPOSIT_CASH: " + player.Handle + ", " + player.Cash);

            player.Cash = 0;
            player.Weight = 0;

            foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
Example #4
        public void UseDeconstructionGun(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading)
            bool actionFailed = false;

            // If there's no surface within range, bail.
            Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 buildPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 6, 25, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint))
                actionFailed = true;
            ushort x = (ushort)hitPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)hitPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)hitPoint.Z;

            // If this is another team's block, bail.
            if (blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z] != player.Team)
                actionFailed = true;

            BlockType blockType = blockList[x, y, z];
            if (!(blockType == BlockType.SolidBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.SolidRed ||
                blockType == BlockType.BankBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.BankRed ||
                blockType == BlockType.Jump ||
                blockType == BlockType.Ladder ||
                blockType == BlockType.Road ||
                blockType == BlockType.Shock ||
                blockType == BlockType.BeaconRed ||
                blockType == BlockType.BeaconBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.TransBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.TransRed))
                actionFailed = true;

            if (actionFailed)
                // Decharge the player's gun.
                TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, -0.2f);
                // Fire the player's gun.
                TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, 0.5f);

                // Remove the block.
                SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);
                PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.ConstructionGun, player.Position);
Example #5
        public void UsePickaxe(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading)
            player.QueueAnimationBreak = true;

            // Figure out what we're hitting.
            Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 buildPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 2, 10, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint))
            ushort x = (ushort)hitPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)hitPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)hitPoint.Z;

            // Figure out what the result is.
            bool removeBlock = false;
            uint giveOre = 0;
            uint giveCash = 0;
            uint giveWeight = 0;
            InfiniminerSound sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;

            switch (BlockAtPoint(hitPoint))
                case BlockType.Lava:
                    if (varGetB("minelava"))
                        removeBlock = true;
                        sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
                case BlockType.Dirt:
                case BlockType.DirtSign:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;

                case BlockType.Ore:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    giveOre = 20;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;

                case BlockType.Gold:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    giveWeight = 1;
                    giveCash = 100;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;

                case BlockType.Diamond:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    giveWeight = 1;
                    giveCash = 1000;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;

            if (giveOre > 0)
                if (player.Ore < player.OreMax)
                    player.Ore = Math.Min(player.Ore + giveOre, player.OreMax);

            if (giveWeight > 0)
                if (player.Weight < player.WeightMax)
                    player.Weight = Math.Min(player.Weight + giveWeight, player.WeightMax);
                    player.Cash += giveCash;
                    removeBlock = false;

            if (removeBlock)
                SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);
                PlaySound(sound, player.Position);
Example #6
 // Checks to see if the player has 4 consecutive no clipping flags - DCaudill
 public bool CheckNoClipping(Player player)
     int counter = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < player.positionList.Count; i++)
         if (BlockAtPoint(player.positionList[i].position) != BlockType.None &&
         BlockAtPoint(player.positionList[i].position) != BlockType.TransBlue &&
         BlockAtPoint(player.positionList[i].position) != BlockType.TransRed &&
         BlockAtPoint(player.positionList[i].position) != BlockType.Lava)
             if (counter > 4)
                 return true;
             counter = 0;
     return false;
Example #7
        public void TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(Player player, float animationValue)
            if (player.NetConn.Status != NetConnectionStatus.Connected)

            // ore, cash, weight, max ore, max weight, team ore, red cash, blue cash, all uint
            NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
            netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, player.NetConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1);
 public void UseRemote(Player player)
     if (player.Content[5] > 0)
         PlayerInteract(player, (uint)(player.Content[5]), (uint)(player.Content[6]), (uint)(player.Content[7]), (uint)(player.Content[8]));
         SendServerMessageToPlayer("Remote is not attached to anything.", player.NetConn);
 public void UseSmash(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading)
Example #10
        public void UseDeconstructionGun(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading)
            bool actionFailed = false;

            // If there's no surface within range, bail.
            Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 buildPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 6, 25, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint, BlockType.Water))
                actionFailed = true;
            ushort x = (ushort)hitPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)hitPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)hitPoint.Z;

            // If this is another team's block, bail.
            if (blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z] != player.Team)
                actionFailed = true;

            BlockType blockType = blockList[x, y, z];
            if (!(blockType == BlockType.SolidBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.SolidRed ||
                blockType == BlockType.SolidBlue2 ||
                blockType == BlockType.SolidRed2 ||
                blockType == BlockType.BankBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.BankRed ||
                blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseR ||
                blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseB ||
                blockType == BlockType.Jump ||
                blockType == BlockType.Ladder ||
                blockType == BlockType.Road ||
                blockType == BlockType.Shock ||
                blockType == BlockType.ResearchR ||
                blockType == BlockType.ResearchB ||
                blockType == BlockType.BeaconRed ||
                blockType == BlockType.BeaconBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.Water ||
                blockType == BlockType.TransBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.TransRed ||
                blockType == BlockType.GlassR ||
                blockType == BlockType.GlassB ||
                blockType == BlockType.Generator ||
                blockType == BlockType.Pipe ||
                blockType == BlockType.Pump ||
                blockType == BlockType.RadarBlue ||
                blockType == BlockType.RadarRed ||
                blockType == BlockType.Barrel ||
                blockType == BlockType.Hinge ||
                blockType == BlockType.Lever ||
                blockType == BlockType.Plate ||
                blockType == BlockType.Controller ||
                blockType == BlockType.Water ||
                blockType == BlockType.StealthBlockB ||
                blockType == BlockType.StealthBlockR ||
                blockType == BlockType.TrapB ||
                blockType == BlockType.TrapR
                actionFailed = true;

            if (actionFailed)
                // Decharge the player's gun.
                TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, -0.2f);
                // Fire the player's gun.
                TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, 0.5f);

                if (blockType == BlockType.RadarRed)//requires special remove
                    foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                        if (p.Alive && p.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue)
                                if (p.Content[1] == 1)
                                    p.Content[1] = 0;//goes off radar again
                                    SendPlayerContentUpdate(p, 1);
                else if (blockType == BlockType.RadarBlue)//requires special remove
                    foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                        if (p.Alive && p.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                            if (p.Content[1] == 1)
                                p.Content[1] = 0;//goes off radar again
                                SendPlayerContentUpdate(p, 1);
                else if (blockType == BlockType.ConstructionR || blockType == BlockType.ConstructionB)
                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] == (byte)BlockType.ArtCaseR || blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] == (byte)BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                        if (y < MAPSIZE - 1)
                            if (blockList[x, y + 1, z] == BlockType.Vacuum)
                                blockList[x, y + 1, z] = BlockType.None;//restore vacuum to normal

                else if (blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseR || blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                    if (y < MAPSIZE - 1)
                        if (blockList[x, y + 1, z] == BlockType.ForceR || blockList[x, y + 1, z] == BlockType.ForceB)
                            SetBlock(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);//remove field

                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] > 0)
                        uint arty = (uint)(blockListContent[x, y, z, 6]);
                        itemList[arty].Content[6] = 0;//unlock arty
                        SendItemContentSpecificUpdate(itemList[(uint)(blockListContent[x, y, z, 6])], 6);

                        if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                        else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR)
                // Remove the block.
                SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);
                PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.ConstructionGun, player.Position);
Example #11
        public void UsePickaxe(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading)
            player.QueueAnimationBreak = true;

            // Figure out what we're hitting.
            Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 buildPoint = Vector3.Zero;

            if (artifactActive[(byte)player.Team, 4] > 0 || player.Content[10] == 4)
                if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 2, 10, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint, BlockType.Water))
                    //ConsoleWrite(player.Handle + " lost a block sync.");
                if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 2, 10, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint, BlockType.None))
                    //ConsoleWrite(player.Handle + " lost a block sync.");
            ushort x = (ushort)hitPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)hitPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)hitPoint.Z;

            if (player.Alive == false || player.playerToolCooldown > DateTime.Now)
                //ConsoleWrite("fixed " + player.Handle + " synchronization");
                SetBlockForPlayer(x, y, z, blockList[x, y, z], blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z], player);
                player.playerToolCooldown = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds((float)(player.GetToolCooldown(PlayerTools.Pickaxe)));
            // Figure out what the result is.
            bool removeBlock = false;
            uint giveOre = 0;
            uint giveCash = 0;
            uint giveWeight = 0;
            int Damage = 2 + ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 5];
            InfiniminerSound sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
            BlockType block = BlockAtPoint(hitPoint);
            switch (block)
                case BlockType.Lava:
                    if (varGetB("minelava"))
                        removeBlock = true;
                        sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
                case BlockType.Water:
                    if (varGetB("minelava"))
                        removeBlock = true;
                        sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
                case BlockType.Dirt:
                case BlockType.Mud:
                case BlockType.Grass:
                case BlockType.Sand:
                case BlockType.DirtSign:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
                case BlockType.StealthBlockB:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
                case BlockType.StealthBlockR:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
                case BlockType.TrapB:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
                case BlockType.TrapR:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;
                case BlockType.Ore:
                    removeBlock = true;
                    giveOre = 20;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;

                case BlockType.Gold:
                    Damage = 2;
                    giveWeight = 1;
                    giveCash = 10;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;

                case BlockType.Diamond:
                    //removeBlock = true;
                    //giveWeight = 1;
                    //giveCash = 1000;
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;

                case BlockType.SolidRed:
                case BlockType.SolidBlue:
                case BlockType.SolidRed2:
                case BlockType.SolidBlue2:
                    sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;


            if (giveOre > 0)
                if (player.Ore < player.OreMax - giveOre)
                    player.Ore += giveOre;
                else if(player.Ore < player.OreMax)//vaporize some ore to fit into players inventory
                    player.Ore = player.OreMax;
                else//ore goes onto ground
                    SetItem(ItemType.Ore, hitPoint - (playerHeading * 0.3f), playerHeading, new Vector3(playerHeading.X * 1.5f, 0.0f, playerHeading.Z * 1.5f), PlayerTeam.None, 0);

            if (giveWeight > 0)
                if (player.Weight < player.WeightMax)
                    player.Weight = Math.Min(player.Weight + giveWeight, player.WeightMax);
                    player.Cash += giveCash;
                    removeBlock = false;
                    if (block == BlockType.Gold)
                        if (player.Weight == player.WeightMax)
                            //gold goes onto the ground
                            SetItem(ItemType.Gold, hitPoint, playerHeading, new Vector3(playerHeading.X * 1.5f, 0.0f, playerHeading.Z * 1.5f), PlayerTeam.None, 0);

            if (removeBlock)//block falls away with any hit
                //SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);
                SetBlockDebris(x, y, z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);//blockset + adds debris for all players
                PlaySoundForEveryoneElse(sound, player.Position, player);
            else if (Damage > 0 && BlockInformation.GetMaxHP(block) > 0)//this block is resistant to pickaxes
                if (blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z] != player.Team)//block does not belong to us: destroy it
                    if (blockListHP[x, y, z] < Damage)
                        if(block == BlockType.RadarRed)
                            foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                                if (p.Alive && p.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue)
                                    if (p.Content[1] == 1)
                                        p.Content[1] = 0;//goes off radar again
                                        SendPlayerContentUpdate(p, 1);
                        else if(block == BlockType.RadarBlue)
                            foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                                if (p.Alive && p.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                                    if (p.Content[1] == 1)
                                        p.Content[1] = 0;//goes off radar again
                                        SendPlayerContentUpdate(p, 1);
                        else if (block == BlockType.ArtCaseR || block == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                            if (y < MAPSIZE - 1)
                                if (blockList[x, y + 1, z] == BlockType.ForceR || blockList[x, y + 1, z] == BlockType.ForceB)
                                    SetBlock(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);

                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] > 0)
                                uint arty = (uint)(blockListContent[x, y, z, 6]);
                                itemList[arty].Content[6] = 0;//unlock arty
                                SendItemContentSpecificUpdate(itemList[(uint)(blockListContent[x, y, z, 6])], 6);

                                if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR)
                                    ArtifactTeamBonus(PlayerTeam.Red, itemList[arty].Content[10], false);
                                else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                                    ArtifactTeamBonus(PlayerTeam.Blue, itemList[arty].Content[10], false);

                                if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                                else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR)

                            NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                            msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();

                            if(block == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                            else if(block == BlockType.ArtCaseR)

                            msgBuffer.Write(Defines.Sanitize("The enemy team has destroyed one of our artifact safehouses!"));

                            foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
                                if (netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                                    if (playerList[netConn].Team == PlayerTeam.Red && block == BlockType.ArtCaseR)
                                        netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableUnordered);
                                    else if (playerList[netConn].Team == PlayerTeam.Blue && block == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                                        netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableUnordered);

                        else if (block == BlockType.Diamond)
                            uint piece = SetItem(ItemType.Diamond, new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, PlayerTeam.None, 0);

                        SetBlockDebris(x, y, z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);//blockset + adds debris for all players

                        blockListHP[x, y, z] = 0;
                        sound = InfiniminerSound.Explosion;
                        hitPoint -= playerHeading * 0.3f;

                        DebrisEffectAtPoint(hitPoint.X, hitPoint.Y, hitPoint.Z, block, 0);

                        blockListHP[x, y, z] -= Damage;
                        hitPoint -= (playerHeading*0.4f);

                        if (block == BlockType.SolidRed2 || block == BlockType.SolidBlue2)
                            if (blockListHP[x, y, z] < 21)
                                SetBlock(x, y, z, blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z] == PlayerTeam.Red ? BlockType.SolidRed : BlockType.SolidBlue, blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z]);
                        else if (block == BlockType.Gold)
                            PlaySoundForEveryoneElse(InfiniminerSound.RadarLow, new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f), player);
                        else if (block == BlockType.Diamond)
                            PlaySoundForEveryoneElse(InfiniminerSound.RadarHigh, new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 0.5f, z + 0.5f), player);

                        if (artifactActive[(byte)blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z], 7] > 0)//reflection artifact
                            if (player.Health > 2 * artifactActive[(byte)blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z], 7])
                                player.Health -= (uint)(2 * artifactActive[(byte)blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z], 7]);
                                Player_Dead(player, "BEAT THEMSELVES AGAINST A WALL!");

                    PlaySoundForEveryoneElse(sound, player.Position, player);
                    if (player.Ore > ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 4])//make repairs
                        Damage = -(2 * ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 4] + 2);
                        //sound = repair?

                        if (blockListHP[x, y, z] >= BlockInformation.GetMaxHP(blockList[x, y, z]))
                            if (block == BlockType.SolidRed || block == BlockType.SolidBlue)
                                hitPoint -= playerHeading * 0.3f;
                                player.Ore -= (uint)ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 4] + 1;
                                blockListHP[x, y, z] -= Damage;
                                DebrisEffectAtPoint(hitPoint.X, hitPoint.Y, hitPoint.Z, block, 0);
                                SetBlock(x, y, z, player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red ? BlockType.SolidRed2 : BlockType.SolidBlue2, player.Team);
                                PlaySoundForEveryoneElse(sound, player.Position, player);
                            else if (block == BlockType.ConstructionR && player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red || block == BlockType.ConstructionB && player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue)//construction complete
                                SetBlock(x, (ushort)(y + 1), z, player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red ? BlockType.ForceR : BlockType.ForceB, player.Team);
                                SetBlock(x, y, z, (BlockType)blockListContent[x,y,z,0], player.Team);
                                blockListHP[x, y, z] = BlockInformation.GetMaxHP(blockList[x, y, z]);
                            hitPoint -= playerHeading * 0.3f;
                            player.Ore -= (uint)ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, 4] + 1;
                            DebrisEffectAtPoint(hitPoint.X, hitPoint.Y, hitPoint.Z, block, 0);
                            blockListHP[x, y, z] -= Damage;
                            PlaySoundForEveryoneElse(sound, player.Position, player);
            {//player was out of sync, replace his empty block
                //ConsoleWrite("fixed " + player.Handle + " synchronization");
                SetBlockForPlayer(x, y, z, block, blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z], player);
Example #12
        public void UseConstructionGun(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading, BlockType blockType)
            bool actionFailed = false;
            bool constructionRequired = false;
            // If there's no surface within range, bail.
            Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 buildPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 6, 25, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint,BlockType.Water))
                actionFailed = true;

            // If the block is too expensive, bail.
            uint blockCost = BlockInformation.GetCost(blockType);

            if (varGetB("sandbox") && blockCost <= player.OreMax)
                blockCost = 0;
            if (blockCost > player.Ore)
                actionFailed = true;
            if (!allowBlock[(byte)player.Team, (byte)player.Class, (byte)blockType])
                actionFailed = true;
            // If there's someone there currently, bail.
            ushort x = (ushort)buildPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)buildPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)buildPoint.Z;
            foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                if ((int)p.Position.X == x && (int)p.Position.Z == z && ((int)p.Position.Y == y || (int)p.Position.Y - 1 == y))
                    actionFailed = true;

            // If it's out of bounds, bail.
            if (x <= 0 || y <= 0 || z <= 0 || (int)x > MAPSIZE - 1 || (int)y >= MAPSIZE - 1 || (int)z > MAPSIZE - 1)//y >= prevent blocks going too high on server
                actionFailed = true;

            // If it's near a base, bail.
            //if (LocationNearBase(x, y, z))
            //    actionFailed = true;

            // If it's lava, don't let them build off of lava.
            if (blockList[(ushort)hitPoint.X, (ushort)hitPoint.Y, (ushort)hitPoint.Z] == BlockType.Lava || blockList[(ushort)hitPoint.X, (ushort)hitPoint.Y, (ushort)hitPoint.Z] == BlockType.Water)
                actionFailed = true;

                if (blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseR || blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
            {//space above must be cleared
                constructionRequired = true;
                //if (blockList[(ushort)hitPoint.X, (ushort)hitPoint.Y + 1, (ushort)hitPoint.Z] != BlockType.None)
                //    actionFailed = true;
                //    SetBlock(x, (ushort)(y+1), z, BlockType.Vacuum, player.Team);//space for artifact

            if (actionFailed)
                // Decharge the player's gun.
                TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, -0.2f);
                // Fire the player's gun.
                TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, 0.5f);

                // Build the block.
               // if (blockType == BlockType.Lava)
                    //blockType = BlockType.Fire;

                if (constructionRequired == true)//block changes into construction block with blocktype on content[0]
                    if (blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseR || blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                        //check above for space
                        if (blockList[x, y+1, z] == BlockType.None)
                            blockList[x, y+1, z] = BlockType.Vacuum;//player cant see, dont bother updating for client
                            return;//wasnt space for the glass

                    if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                        SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.ConstructionR, player.Team);
                    else if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue)
                        SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.ConstructionB, player.Team);
                    blockListHP[x, y, z] = BlockInformation.GetHP(blockType);//base block hp
                    blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] = (byte)blockType;

                    if (blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseR || blockType == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] = 0;
                    if(blockType == BlockType.Metal)
                        SetBlock(x, y, z, blockType, PlayerTeam.None);
                    SetBlock(x, y, z, blockType, player.Team);

                    if (BlockInformation.GetMaxHP(blockType) > 0)
                        blockListHP[x, y, z] = BlockInformation.GetHP(blockType);//base block hp

                player.Ore -= blockCost;

                // Play the sound.
                PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.ConstructionGun, player.Position);

                // If it's an explosive block, add it to our list.
                if (blockType == BlockType.Explosive)
                    player.ExplosiveList.Add(new Vector3(x,y,z) );
Example #13
        public bool Trigger(int x, int y, int z, int ox, int oy, int oz, int btn, Player player)
            //if object can be manipulated by levers, it should always return true if the link should remain persistent
            //if the Trigger function returns false, it will remove the link
            if (player != null)
            if (player.Content[2] > 0)//player is attempting to link something
                if (player.Content[9] == 1 && player.Class == PlayerClass.Engineer)
                    if (x > 0 && x < MAPSIZE - 1 && y > 0 && y < MAPSIZE - 1 && z > 0 && z < MAPSIZE - 1)
                        if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ResearchB || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ResearchR || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BaseBlue || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BaseRed || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BankRed || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BankBlue)
                            player.Content[2] = 0;
                            player.Content[3] = 0;
                            player.Content[4] = 0;
                            player.Content[5] = 0;
                            player.Content[9] = 0;
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("The remote cannot function on " + blockList[x, y, z] + ".", player.NetConn);
                            player.Content[5] = (int)btn;
                            player.Content[6] = (int)x;
                            player.Content[7] = (int)y;
                            player.Content[8] = (int)z;
                            player.Content[2] = 0;
                            player.Content[3] = 0;
                            player.Content[4] = 0;
                            //player.Content[5] = 0;
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("Linked remote to action " + btn + " on " + blockList[x, y, z] + ".", player.NetConn);
                            player.Content[9] = 0;
                        return true;
                if (x == player.Content[2] && y == player.Content[3] && z == player.Content[4])
                    player.Content[2] = 0;
                    player.Content[3] = 0;
                    player.Content[4] = 0;
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 2);
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 3);
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 4);
                    SendServerMessageToPlayer("Cancelled link.", player.NetConn);
                    return true;

                int freeslot = 9;
                int nb = 0;
                for (nb = 2; nb < 7; nb++)
                    if (blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 1] == x && blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 2] == y && blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 3] == z)

                        blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6] = 0;
                        blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 1] = 0;
                        blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 2] = 0;
                        blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 3] = 0;
                        blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 4] = 0;//unlinked

                        player.Content[2] = 0;
                        player.Content[3] = 0;
                        player.Content[4] = 0;
                        SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 2);
                        SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 3);
                        SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 4);

                        SendServerMessageToPlayer(blockList[x, y, z] + " was unlinked.", player.NetConn);

                        return true;
                    else if (blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6] == 0 && freeslot == 9)
                        freeslot = nb;
                        break;//makes sure that we arent reattaching links over and over

                if (freeslot == 9)
                    return false;

                if (nb != 7)//didnt hit end of switch-link limit
                {//should check teams and connection to itself
                    //range check

                    if (Distf(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4])) < 10)
                        //Vector3 heading = new Vector3(player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4]);
                        //heading -= new Vector3(x, y, z);
                        //if (RayCollision(new Vector3(x, y, z) + heading * 0.4f, heading, (float)(Distf(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector3(player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4]))), 10, blockList[x, y, z]))
                            blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 1] = (int)(x);
                            blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 2] = (int)(y);
                            blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 3] = (int)(z);
                            blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6 + 4] = (int)(btn);
                            blockListContent[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4], nb * 6] = 100;
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer(blockList[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4]] + " linked action " + btn + " on " + blockList[x, y, z] + ".", player.NetConn);
                        //    SendServerMessageToPlayer(blockList[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4]] + " was not in line of sight of " + blockList[x, y, z] + " to link!", player.NetConn);
                        SendServerMessageToPlayer(blockList[player.Content[2], player.Content[3], player.Content[4]] + " was too far away from the " + blockList[x, y, z] + " to link!", player.NetConn);
                    player.Content[2] = 0;
                    player.Content[3] = 0;
                    player.Content[4] = 0;
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 2);
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 3);
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 4);
                    SendServerMessageToPlayer("Lever is too overloaded to link more objects.", player.NetConn);
                    player.Content[2] = 0;
                    player.Content[3] = 0;
                    player.Content[4] = 0;
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 2);
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 3);
                    SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 4);
                return true;

            //beginning of trigger actions
            if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.Pipe)
                ConsoleWrite("Chain connected to src:" + blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] + " src: " + blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] + " dest: " + blockListContent[x, y, z, 4] + " Connections: " + blockListContent[x, y, z, 3]);
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BeaconRed || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BeaconBlue)
                if (player != null)
                    if (btn == 1)
                        if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BeaconRed || player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BeaconBlue)

            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ResearchR || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ResearchB)
                if (player != null)
                    if (btn == 1)
                        if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ResearchR || player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ResearchB)
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] == 0)
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 0]++;
                                SendServerMessageToPlayer("Research has begun.", player.NetConn);

                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 0]--;
                                SendServerMessageToPlayer("Research paused.", player.NetConn);
                    else if (btn == 2)
                        if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ResearchR || player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ResearchB)
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] < (byte)Research.MAXIMUM-1)
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] = 0;
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 1]++;
                                SendServerMessageToPlayer("Research topic:" + ResearchInformation.GetName((Research)blockListContent[x, y, z, 1]) + "(" + ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, blockListContent[x, y, z, 1]] + ") (" + ResearchProgress[(byte)player.Team, blockListContent[x, y, z, 1]] + " gold)", player.NetConn);
                               // blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = ResearchInformation.GetCost((Research)blockListContent[x, y, z, 1]);
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] = 0;
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] = 1;
                                SendServerMessageToPlayer("Research topic:" + ResearchInformation.GetName((Research)blockListContent[x, y, z, 1]) + "(" + ResearchComplete[(byte)player.Team, blockListContent[x, y, z, 1]] + ") (" + ResearchProgress[(byte)player.Team, blockListContent[x, y, z, 1]] + " gold)", player.NetConn);
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                if (player != null)
                    if (btn == 1)
                        if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR || player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                            if (player.Content[10] > 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] == 0)
                            {//place artifact
                                uint arty = SetItem(ItemType.Artifact, new Vector3(x + 0.5f, y + 1.5f, z + 0.5f), Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero, player.Team, player.Content[10]);
                                itemList[arty].Content[6] = 1;//lock artifact in place
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] = (int)(arty);
                                player.Content[10] = 0;
                                SendItemContentSpecificUpdate(itemList[arty], 6);//lock item
                                SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 10);//inform players
                                SendPlayerContentUpdate(player, 10);//inform activator

                                ArtifactTeamBonus(player.Team, itemList[arty].Content[10], true);

                                if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                                else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR)
                    else if (btn == 2)
                        if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR || player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                            if (player.Content[10] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] > 0)
                            {//retrieve artifact
                                uint arty = (uint)(blockListContent[x, y, z, 6]);
                                itemList[arty].Content[6] = 0;//unlock artifact in place
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] = 0;//artcase empty
                                player.Content[10] = itemList[arty].Content[10];//player is holding the new artifact
                                itemList[arty].Disposing = true;//item gets removed

                                SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 10);//inform players
                                SendPlayerContentUpdate(player, 10);//inform activator

                                ArtifactTeamBonus(player.Team, itemList[arty].Content[10], false);

                                if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseB)
                                else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.ArtCaseR)
                return true;
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BaseBlue || blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BaseRed)
                if (player != null)
                    if (btn == 1)
                        if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BaseRed || player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue && blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.BaseBlue)
                            //if (player.Content[11] > 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0)
                            {//begin forge
                              //  player.Content[11]--;
                              //  player.Weight--;
                              //requirement turned off for now

                                SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 11);

                                blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] = artifactCost;
                                NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                                msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();

                                if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                                else if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue)

                                msgBuffer.Write(Defines.Sanitize("The " + player.Team + " has begun forging an artifact!"));

                                foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
                                    if (netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                                        netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableUnordered);
                    else if (btn == 2)

                return true;
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.Lever)
                if (btn == 1)
                    if (player != null)
                        SendServerMessageToPlayer("You pull the lever!", player.NetConn);

                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] == 0)//not falling
                        for (int a = 2; a < 7; a++)
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] > 0)
                                int bx = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1];
                                int by = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2];
                                int bz = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3];
                                int bbtn = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 4];

                                if (Trigger(bx, by, bz, x, y, z, bbtn, null) == false)
                                    //trigger returned no result, delete the link
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = 0;
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = 0;
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = 0;
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = 0;
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 4] = 0;

                else if (btn == 2)
                    if (player != null)//only a player can invoke this action
                        int nb = 0;
                        for (nb = 2; nb < 7; nb++)
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, nb * 6] == 0)

                        if (nb != 7)//didnt hit end of switch-link limit

                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("You are now linking objects.", player.NetConn);

                            player.Content[2] = (int)(x);//player is creating a link to this switch
                            player.Content[3] = (int)(y);
                            player.Content[4] = (int)(z);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 2);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 3);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 4);
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("This lever is overloaded, you are now unlinking objects.", player.NetConn);

                            player.Content[2] = (int)(x);//player is creating a link to this switch
                            player.Content[3] = (int)(y);
                            player.Content[4] = (int)(z);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 2);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 3);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 4);

                return true;
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.Plate)
                if (btn == 1)
                    // if (player != null)
                    //   SendServerMessageToPlayer("You stand on a pressure plate!", player.NetConn);

                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] < 1)//not falling and recharged
                        if (player != null)
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] = blockListContent[x, y, z, 2];//only players will trigger the timer

                        for (int a = 2; a < 7; a++)
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] > 0)
                                int bx = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1];
                                int by = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2];
                                int bz = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3];
                                int bbtn = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 4];

                                if (Trigger(bx, by, bz, x, y, z, bbtn, null) == false)
                                    //trigger returned no result, delete the link
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = 0;
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = 0;
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = 0;
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = 0;
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 4] = 0;

                else if (btn == 2)
                    if (player != null)//only a player can invoke this action
                        int nb = 0;
                        for (nb = 2; nb < 7; nb++)
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, nb * 6] == 0)

                        if (nb != 7)//didnt hit end of switch-link limit

                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("You are now linking objects.", player.NetConn);

                            player.Content[2] = (int)(x);//player is creating a link to this switch
                            player.Content[3] = (int)(y);
                            player.Content[4] = (int)(z);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 2);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 3);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 4);
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("This lever is overloaded, you are now unlinking objects.", player.NetConn);

                            player.Content[2] = (int)(x);//player is creating a link to this switch
                            player.Content[3] = (int)(y);
                            player.Content[4] = (int)(z);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 2);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 3);
                            SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 4);

                else if (btn == 3)
                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] > 1)
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] -= 1;//decrease retrigger timer
                        if (player != null)
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("The pressure plate retrigger decreased to " + (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] * 400) + " milliseconds.", player.NetConn);
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;
                        SendServerMessageToPlayer("The pressure plate now only retriggers when touched.", player.NetConn);
                else if (btn == 4)
                    blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] += 1;//increase retrigger timer
                    if (player != null)
                        SendServerMessageToPlayer("The pressure plate retrigger increased to " + (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] * 400) + " milliseconds.", player.NetConn);
                return true;
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.Pump)
                if (btn == 1)
                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] == 0)

                        if (player != null)
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer(blockList[x, y, z] + " activated.", player.NetConn);

                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] = 1;
                        if (player != null)
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer(blockList[x, y, z] + " deactivated.", player.NetConn);

                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] = 0;
                else if (btn == 2)
                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] < 5)//rotate
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] += 1;

                        if (player != null)
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer(blockList[x, y, z] + " rotated to " + blockListContent[x, y, z, 1], player.NetConn);

                        if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 1)
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;//x input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 3] = -1;//y input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 4] = 0;//z input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 5] = 1;//x output
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] = 0;//y output
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 7] = 0;//z output
                            //pulls from below, pumps to side
                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 2)
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;//x input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 3] = -1;//y input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 4] = 0;//z input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 5] = -1;//x output
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] = 0;//y output
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 7] = 0;//z output
                            //pulls from below, pumps to otherside
                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 3)
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;//x input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 3] = -1;//y input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 4] = 0;//z input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 5] = 0;//x output
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] = 0;//y output
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 7] = 1;//z output
                            //pulls from below, pumps to otherside
                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 4)
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;//x input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 3] = -1;//y input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 4] = 0;//z input
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 5] = 0;//x output
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] = 0;//y output
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 7] = -1;//z output
                            //pulls from below, pumps to otherside
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] = 0;//reset rotation

                        if (player != null)
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer(blockList[x, y, z] + " rotated to " + blockListContent[x, y, z, 1], player.NetConn);

                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;//x input
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 3] = -1;//y input
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 4] = 0;//z input
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 5] = 0;//x output
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 6] = 1;//y output
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 7] = 0;//z output
                        //pulls from below, pumps straight up
                return true;
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.Barrel)
                if (btn == 1)
                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] == 0)
                        if (player != null)
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("Filling..", player.NetConn);

                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] = 1;
                        if (player != null)
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("Emptying..", player.NetConn);

                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] = 0;
                else if (btn == 2)

                return true;
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.Hinge)
                if (btn == 1)
                    bool repairme = false;

                    if (player != null)
                        SendServerMessageToPlayer("You attempt to work the hinge!", player.NetConn);

                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 0] == 0)//not falling
                        bool green = true;
                        //blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;
                        // blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;// +x
                        // blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 2;// -x

                        for (int a = 2; a < 7; a++)
                            //if (blockList[blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]] == (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]))
                            if (HingeBlockTypes(blockList[blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]]))
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = 0;
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = 0;
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = 0;
                                blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = 0;
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] > 0)
                                int bx = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1];
                                int by = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2];
                                int bz = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3];
                                int relx = bx - x;
                                int rely = by - y;
                                int relz = bz - z;

                                BlockType block = BlockType.Pipe;
                                int mod = 1;

                                if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2 || blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4)//-x & -z
                                    mod = -1;

                                if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 1 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] < 3)//+x -> +y//checking upwards clear
                                    //if (player != null)
                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("gc +-x +y", player.NetConn);
                                    //diagonal block = blockList[x + rely, y + relx, z + relz];//x + rely * (a - 1), y + relx * (a - 1), z + relz * (a - 1)];
                                    block = blockList[x, y + (relx * mod), z];//relx*mod
                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 1 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] > 2)//+z -> +y//checking upwards clear
                                    //if (player != null)
                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("gc +-z +y", player.NetConn);
                                    block = blockList[x, y + (relz * mod), z];//relx*mod
                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 0)//+y -> +x
                                    //if (player != null)
                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("gc +y +x",player.NetConn);
                                    block = blockList[x + rely, y, z];
                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2)//+y -> -x
                                    //if (player != null)
                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("gc +y -x", player.NetConn);
                                    block = blockList[x - rely, y, z];
                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 3)//+y -> +z
                                    //if (player != null)
                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("gc +y +z", player.NetConn);
                                    block = blockList[x, y, z + rely];
                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4)//+y -> -z
                                    //if (player != null)
                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("gc +y -z", player.NetConn);

                                    block = blockList[x, y, z - rely];
                                if (block != BlockType.None && block != BlockType.Water && block != BlockType.Lava)
                                    green = false;//obstruction

                                    //if (player != null)
                                    //    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] != 1 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 0)
                                    //        SendServerMessageToPlayer("not clear +x +y:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[x, y + (relx * mod), z], player.NetConn);
                                    //    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] != 1 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2)
                                    //        SendServerMessageToPlayer("not clear -x +y:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[x, y + (relx * mod), z], player.NetConn);
                                    //    else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 3)
                                    //        SendServerMessageToPlayer("not clear y+z:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[x, y, z + rely], player.NetConn);
                                    //    else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4)
                                    //        SendServerMessageToPlayer("not clear y-z:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[x, y, z - rely], player.NetConn);
                                    //    else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2)
                                    //        SendServerMessageToPlayer("not clear y-x:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[x-rely, y, z], player.NetConn);
                                    //    else
                                    //        SendServerMessageToPlayer("not clear y+x:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[x+rely, y, z], player.NetConn);


                        if (repairme == false)
                            if (player != null)
                                SendServerMessageToPlayer("Hinge requires repair.", player.NetConn);

                        if (repairme == false)
                            if (green == true)
                                for (int a = 2; a < 7; a++)//7
                                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] > 0)
                                        if (repairme == false)
                                            if (HingeBlockTypes(blockList[blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]]))
                                                int bx = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1];//data of block about to move
                                                int by = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2];
                                                int bz = blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3];

                                                int relx = 0;
                                                int rely = 0;
                                                int relz = 0;

                                                if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 1 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 0)// +x -> +y
                                                    relx = bx - x;
                                                    rely = 0;
                                                    relz = 0;

                                                    SetBlock((ushort)(x), (ushort)(by + relx), (ushort)(z), (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]), blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz]);
                                                    blockListHP[x, by + relx, z] = blockListHP[bx, by, bz];

                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x, y + a - 1, z];
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y + a - 1;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z;
                                                    //if (player != null)
                                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("green +x +y", player.NetConn);
                                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 1 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 3)// +z -> +y
                                                    relx = 0;
                                                    rely = 0;
                                                    relz = bz - z;

                                                    SetBlock((ushort)(x), (ushort)(by + relz), (ushort)(z), (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]), blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz]);
                                                    blockListHP[x, by + relz, z] = blockListHP[bx, by, bz];

                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x, y + a - 1, z];
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y + a - 1;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z;
                                                    //if (player != null)
                                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("green +z +y", player.NetConn);
                                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 1 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2)// -x -> +y
                                                    relx = bx - x;
                                                    rely = 0;
                                                    relz = 0;

                                                    SetBlock((ushort)(x), (ushort)(by - relx), (ushort)(z), (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]), blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz]);
                                                    blockListHP[x, by - relx, z] = blockListHP[bx, by, bz];

                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x, y + (a - 1), z];
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y + (a - 1);
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z;
                                                    //if (player != null)
                                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("green -x +y", player.NetConn);
                                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 1 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4)// -z -> +y
                                                    relx = 0;
                                                    rely = 0;
                                                    relz = bz - z;

                                                    SetBlock((ushort)(x), (ushort)(by - relz), (ushort)(z), (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]), blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz]);
                                                    blockListHP[x, by - relz, z] = blockListHP[bx, by, bz];

                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x, y + (a - 1), z];
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y + (a - 1);
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z;
                                                    //if (player != null)
                                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("green -z +y", player.NetConn);
                                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 0)// +y -> +x
                                                    relx = 0;
                                                    rely = by - y;
                                                    relz = 0;

                                                    if (blockList[bx + rely, y, z] == BlockType.Water || blockList[bx + rely, y, z] == BlockType.Lava)
                                                    {//water in our way
                                                        if (blockList[bx + rely, y + 1, z] == BlockType.None)
                                                        {//push water up one
                                                            SetBlock((ushort)(bx + rely), (ushort)(y + 1), (ushort)(z), blockList[bx + rely, y, z], PlayerTeam.None);
                                                            blockListContent[bx + rely, y + 1, z, 1] = blockListContent[bx + rely, y, z, 1];//copy temperature
                                                            blockListContent[bx + rely, y + 1, z, 2] = blockListContent[bx + rely, y, z, 2];//copy blocks future type

                                                    SetBlock((ushort)(bx + rely), (ushort)(y), (ushort)(z), (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]), blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz]);
                                                    blockListHP[bx + rely, y, z] = blockListHP[bx, by, bz];

                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x + a - 1, y, z];
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x + a - 1;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z;
                                                    //if (player != null)
                                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("green +y +x", player.NetConn);
                                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 3)// +y -> +z
                                                    relx = 0;
                                                    rely = by - y;
                                                    relz = 0;

                                                    if (blockList[x, y, bz + rely] == BlockType.Water || blockList[x, y, bz + rely] == BlockType.Lava)
                                                    {//water in our way
                                                        if (blockList[x, y + 1, bz + rely] == BlockType.None)
                                                        {//push water up one
                                                            SetBlock((ushort)(x), (ushort)(y + 1), (ushort)(bz + rely), blockList[x, y, bz + rely], PlayerTeam.None);
                                                            blockListContent[x, y + 1, bz + rely, 1] = blockListContent[x, y, bz + rely, 1];//copy temperature
                                                            blockListContent[x, y + 1, bz + rely, 2] = blockListContent[x, y, bz + rely, 2];//copy blocks future type
                                                    SetBlock((ushort)(x), (ushort)(y), (ushort)(bz + rely), (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]), blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz]);
                                                    blockListHP[x, y, bz + rely] = blockListHP[bx, by, bz];

                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x, y, z + a - 1];
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z + a - 1;
                                                    //if (player != null)
                                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("green +y +z", player.NetConn);
                                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2)// +y -> -x
                                                    relx = 0;
                                                    rely = by - y;
                                                    relz = 0;

                                                    if (blockList[bx - rely, y, z] == BlockType.Water || blockList[bx - rely, y, z] == BlockType.Lava)
                                                    {//water in our way
                                                        if (blockList[bx - rely, y + 1, z] == BlockType.None)
                                                        {//push water up one
                                                            SetBlock((ushort)(bx - rely), (ushort)(y + 1), (ushort)(z), blockList[bx - rely, y, z], PlayerTeam.None);
                                                            blockListContent[bx - rely, y + 1, z, 1] = blockListContent[bx - rely, y, z, 1];//copy temperature
                                                            blockListContent[bx - rely, y + 1, z, 2] = blockListContent[bx - rely, y, z, 2];//copy blocks future type

                                                    SetBlock((ushort)(bx - rely), (ushort)(y), (ushort)(z), (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]), blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz]);
                                                    blockListHP[bx - rely, y, z] = blockListHP[bx, by, bz];

                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x - (a - 1), y, z];
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x - (a - 1);
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z;
                                                    //if (player != null)
                                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("green +y -x", player.NetConn);
                                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 0 && blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4)// +y -> -z
                                                    relx = 0;
                                                    rely = by - y;
                                                    relz = 0;

                                                    if (blockList[x, y, bz - rely] == BlockType.Water || blockList[x, y, bz - rely] == BlockType.Lava)
                                                    {//water in our way
                                                        if (blockList[x, y + 1, bz - rely] == BlockType.None)
                                                        {//push water up one
                                                            SetBlock((ushort)(x), (ushort)(y + 1), (ushort)(bz - rely), blockList[x, y, bz - rely], PlayerTeam.None);
                                                            blockListContent[x, y + 1, bz - rely, 1] = blockListContent[x, y, bz - rely, 1];//copy temperature
                                                            blockListContent[x, y + 1, bz - rely, 2] = blockListContent[x, y, bz - rely, 2];//copy blocks future type

                                                    SetBlock((ushort)(x), (ushort)(y), (ushort)(bz - rely), (BlockType)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6]), blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz]);
                                                    blockListHP[x, y, bz - rely] = blockListHP[bx, by, bz];

                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x, y, z - (a - 1)];
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y;
                                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z - (a - 1);
                                                    //if (player != null)
                                                    //SendServerMessageToPlayer("green +y -z", player.NetConn);
                                                //setblockdebris for visible changes
                                                SetBlock((ushort)(bx), (ushort)(by), (ushort)(bz), BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);
                                        blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = 0;//clear block out
                                        blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = 0;
                                        blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = 0;
                                        blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = 0;
                                        repairme = true;
                                        //if (player != null)
                                        //SendServerMessageToPlayer("Empty requires repair on " + a, player.NetConn);

                                if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] == 1)//swap between +x -> +y to +x
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] = 0;//blockListContent[x, y, z, 2];
                                    blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] = 1;//revert to its original position
                                if (player != null)
                                    SendServerMessageToPlayer("It's jammed!", player.NetConn);

                else if (btn == 2)
                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] != 1 && blockList[x, y + 1, z] != BlockType.None)//checks hinge vert / if it has a block
                        //SendServerMessageToPlayer("The hinge must returned to horizontal position.", player.NetConn);
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] += 1;
                        if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] > 4)
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;

                        if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 1)//1 is not a viable direction to set
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 2;

                        if (player != null)
                            string direction = "";
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 0) //+x
                                direction = "North";
                            else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2) //-x
                                direction = "South";
                            else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 3) //+z
                                direction = "East";
                            else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4) //-z
                                direction = "West";

                            SendServerMessageToPlayer("The hinge was rotated to face " + direction + ".", player.NetConn);

                        for (int a = 2; a < 7; a++)
                            if (blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] > 0)
                                if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 0) //+x
                                    DebrisEffectAtPoint(x + a, y, z, BlockType.Highlight, 1);
                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2) //-x
                                    DebrisEffectAtPoint(x - a, y, z, BlockType.Highlight, 1);
                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 3) //+z
                                    DebrisEffectAtPoint(x, y, z + a, BlockType.Highlight, 1);
                                else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4) //-z
                                    DebrisEffectAtPoint(x, y, z - a, BlockType.Highlight, 1);
                        //rotate without changing anything
                        return true;

                    blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] += 1;
                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] > 4)
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 0;

                    if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 1)//1 is not a viable direction to set
                        blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 2;

                    //blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] = 3;//2 ;//-x -> +
                    blockListContent[x, y, z, 1] = 1;

                    if (player != null)
                        string direction = "";
                        if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 0) //+x
                            direction = "North";
                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2) //-x
                            direction = "South";
                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 3) //+z
                            direction = "East";
                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4) //-z
                            direction = "West";

                        SendServerMessageToPlayer("The hinge was rotated to face " + direction + ".", player.NetConn);

                    PlayerTeam team = PlayerTeam.None;
                    if (player != null)
                        team = player.Team;

                    for (int a = 2; a < 7; a++)//7
                        if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 0)
                            if (!HingeBlockTypes(blockList[x + a - 1, y, z], team))

                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x + a - 1, y, z];
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x + a - 1;
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y;
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z;

                            DebrisEffectAtPoint((float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1]), (float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2]), (float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]), BlockType.Highlight, 1);
                            //if (player != null)
                            //    SendServerMessageToPlayer("lposx:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]], player.NetConn);

                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 2)
                            if (!HingeBlockTypes(blockList[x - (a - 1), y, z], team))

                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x - (a - 1), y, z];
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x - (a - 1);
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y;
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z;

                            DebrisEffectAtPoint((float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1]), (float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2]), (float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]), BlockType.Highlight, 1);
                            //if (player != null)
                            //    SendServerMessageToPlayer("lnegx:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]], player.NetConn);

                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 3)
                            if (!HingeBlockTypes(blockList[x, y, z + a - 1], team))

                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x, y, z + a - 1];
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x;
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y;
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z + a - 1;

                            DebrisEffectAtPoint((float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1]), (float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2]), (float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]), BlockType.Highlight, 1);
                            //if (player != null)
                            //    SendServerMessageToPlayer("lposz:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]], player.NetConn);

                        else if (blockListContent[x, y, z, 2] == 4)
                            if (!HingeBlockTypes(blockList[x, y, z - (a - 1)], team))

                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6] = (byte)blockList[x, y, z - (a - 1)];
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1] = x;
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2] = y;
                            blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3] = z - (a - 1);

                            DebrisEffectAtPoint((float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1]), (float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2]), (float)(blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]), BlockType.Highlight, 1);

                            //if (player != null)
                            //    SendServerMessageToPlayer("lnegz:" + (a - 1) + " " + blockList[blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 1], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 2], blockListContent[x, y, z, a * 6 + 3]], player.NetConn);

                return true;

            if (blockList[x, y, z] != BlockType.None && blockList[x, y, z] != BlockType.Water && blockList[x, y, z] != BlockType.Lava && blockList[x, y, z] != BlockType.Lever && blockList[x, y, z] != BlockType.Plate && player == null)
                //activated by a lever?
                Vector3 originVector = new Vector3(x, y, z);
                Vector3 destVector = new Vector3(ox, oy, oz);

                Vector3 finalVector = destVector - originVector;
                blockListContent[x, y, z, 10] = 1;
                blockListContent[x, y, z, 11] = (int)(finalVector.X * 100);
                blockListContent[x, y, z, 12] = (int)(finalVector.Y * 100) + 50;
                blockListContent[x, y, z, 13] = (int)(finalVector.Z * 100);
                blockListContent[x, y, z, 14] = x * 100;
                blockListContent[x, y, z, 15] = y * 100;
                blockListContent[x, y, z, 16] = z * 100;

                if (blockList[ox, oy, oz] == BlockType.Lever)
                    for (int a = 1; a < 7; a++)
                        if (blockListContent[ox, oy, oz, a * 6] > 0)
                            if (blockListContent[ox, oy, oz, a * 6 + 1] == x && blockListContent[ox, oy, oz, a * 6 + 2] == y && blockListContent[ox, oy, oz, a * 6 + 3] == z)
                                return false;//this removes link from switch
                else if (blockList[ox, oy, oz] == BlockType.Plate)
                    for (int a = 1; a < 7; a++)
                        if (blockListContent[ox, oy, oz, a * 6] > 0)
                            if (blockListContent[ox, oy, oz, a * 6 + 1] == x && blockListContent[ox, oy, oz, a * 6 + 2] == y && blockListContent[ox, oy, oz, a * 6 + 3] == z)
                                return false;//this removes link from switch
            return false;
Example #14
        //private bool LocationNearBase(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z)
        //    for (int i=0; i<MAPSIZE; i++)
        //        for (int j=0; j<MAPSIZE; j++)
        //            for (int k = 0; k < MAPSIZE; k++)
        //                if (blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.HomeBlue || blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.HomeRed)
        //                {
        //                    double dist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - i, 2) + Math.Pow(y - j, 2) + Math.Pow(z - k, 2));
        //                    if (dist < 3)
        //                        return true;
        //                }
        //    return false;
        public void ThrowRope(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading)
            bool actionFailed = false;

            if (player.Alive == false || player.playerToolCooldown > DateTime.Now)
                actionFailed = true;
            else if (player.Ore > 49)
                player.Ore -= 50;
                actionFailed = true;
            // If there's no surface within range, bail.
            Vector3 hitPoint = playerPosition;
            Vector3 buildPoint = playerPosition;
            Vector3 exactPoint = playerPosition;

            ushort x = (ushort)buildPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)buildPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)buildPoint.Z;

            if (x <= 0 || y <= 0 || z <= 0 || (int)x > MAPSIZE - 1 || (int)y > MAPSIZE - 1 || (int)z > MAPSIZE - 1)
                actionFailed = true;

            if (blockList[(ushort)hitPoint.X, (ushort)hitPoint.Y, (ushort)hitPoint.Z] == BlockType.Lava || blockList[(ushort)hitPoint.X, (ushort)hitPoint.Y, (ushort)hitPoint.Z] == BlockType.Water)
                actionFailed = true;

            if (actionFailed)
                // Decharge the player's gun.
                //    TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, -0.2f);
                player.playerToolCooldown = DateTime.Now + TimeSpan.FromSeconds((float)(player.GetToolCooldown(PlayerTools.ThrowRope)));
                // Fire the player's gun.
                //    TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, 0.5f);

                // Build the block.
                //hitPoint = RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 6, 25, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint, 1);

                exactPoint.Y = exactPoint.Y + (float)0.25;//0.25 = items height

                uint ii = SetItem(ItemType.Rope, exactPoint, playerHeading, playerHeading * 5, player.Team, 0);
                itemList[ii].Content[6] = (byte)player.Team;//set teamsafe
                // player.Ore -= blockCost;
                // SendResourceUpdate(player);

                // Play the sound.
                PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.ConstructionGun, player.Position);
Example #15
        public bool Start()
            //Setup the variable toggles

            int tmpMaxPlayers = 16;

            // Read in from the config file.
            DatafileWriter dataFile = new DatafileWriter("server.config.txt");
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("winningcash"))
                winningCashAmount = uint.Parse(dataFile.Data["winningcash"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("includelava"))
                includeLava = bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["includelava"]);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("orefactor"))
                oreFactor = uint.Parse(dataFile.Data["orefactor"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("maxplayers"))
                tmpMaxPlayers = (int)Math.Min(32, uint.Parse(dataFile.Data["maxplayers"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture));
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("public"))
                varSet("public", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["public"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("servername"))
                varSet("name", dataFile.Data["servername"], true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("sandbox"))
                varSet("sandbox", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["sandbox"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("notnt"))
                varSet("tnt", !bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["notnt"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("sphericaltnt"))
                varSet("stnt", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["sphericaltnt"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("insanelava"))
                varSet("insanelava", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["insanelava"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("shockspreadslava"))
                varSet("sspreads", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["shockspreadslava"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("roadabsorbs"))
                varSet("roadabsorbs", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["roadabsorbs"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("minelava"))
                varSet("minelava", bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["minelava"]), true);
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("levelname"))
                levelToLoad = dataFile.Data["levelname"];
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("greeter"))
                varSet("greeter", dataFile.Data["greeter"], true);

            bool autoannounce = true;
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("autoannounce"))
                autoannounce = bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["autoannounce"]);

            // Load the ban-list.
            banList = LoadBanList();

            // Load the admin-list
            admins = LoadAdminList();

            if (tmpMaxPlayers >= 0)
                varSet("maxplayers", tmpMaxPlayers, true);

            // Initialize the server.
            NetConfiguration netConfig = new NetConfiguration("InfiniminerPlus");
            netConfig.MaxConnections = (int)varGetI("maxplayers");
            netConfig.Port = 5565;
            netServer = new InfiniminerNetServer(netConfig);
            netServer.SetMessageTypeEnabled(NetMessageType.ConnectionApproval, true);
            //netServer.SimulatedMinimumLatency = 0.1f;
            //netServer.SimulatedLatencyVariance = 0.05f;
            //netServer.SimulatedLoss = 0.1f;
            //netServer.SimulatedDuplicates = 0.05f;

            // Initialize variables we'll use.
            NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
            NetMessageType msgType;
            NetConnection msgSender;

            // Store the last time that we did a flow calculation.
            DateTime lastFlowCalc = DateTime.Now;

            //Check if we should autoload a level
            if (dataFile.Data.ContainsKey("autoload") && bool.Parse(dataFile.Data["autoload"]))
                blockList = new BlockType[MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE];
                blockCreatorTeam = new PlayerTeam[MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE, MAPSIZE];
                // Calculate initial lava flows.
                ConsoleWrite("CALCULATING INITIAL LAVA FLOWS");
                ConsoleWrite("TOTAL LAVA BLOCKS = " + newMap());

            //Caculate the shape of spherical tnt explosions

            // Send the initial server list update.
            if (autoannounce)

            lastMapBackup = DateTime.Now;

            // Main server loop!
            ConsoleWrite("SERVER READY");
            while (keepRunning)
                // Process any messages that are here.
                while (netServer.ReadMessage(msgBuffer, out msgType, out msgSender))
                        switch (msgType)
                            case NetMessageType.ConnectionApproval:
                                    Player newPlayer = new Player(msgSender, null);
                                    newPlayer.Handle = Defines.Sanitize(msgBuffer.ReadString()).Trim();
                                    if (newPlayer.Handle.Length == 0)
                                        newPlayer.Handle = "Player";

                                    string clientVersion = msgBuffer.ReadString();
                                    if (clientVersion != Defines.INFINIMINER_VERSION)
                                        msgSender.Disapprove("VER;" + Defines.INFINIMINER_VERSION);
                                    else if (banList.Contains(newPlayer.IP))
                                else if (playerList.Count == maxPlayers)
                                        if (admins.ContainsKey(newPlayer.IP))
                                            newPlayer.admin = admins[newPlayer.IP];
                                        playerList[msgSender] = newPlayer;
                                        //Check if we should compress the map for the client
                                            bool compression = msgBuffer.ReadBoolean();
                                            if (compression)
                                                playerList[msgSender].compression = true;
                                        catch { }

                            case NetMessageType.StatusChanged:
                                    if (!this.playerList.ContainsKey(msgSender))

                                    Player player = playerList[msgSender];

                                    if (msgSender.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                                        ConsoleWrite("CONNECT: " + playerList[msgSender].Handle + " ( " + playerList[msgSender].IP + " )");

                                    else if (msgSender.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected)
                                        ConsoleWrite("DISCONNECT: " + playerList[msgSender].Handle);
                                        SendPlayerLeft(player, player.Kicked ? "WAS KICKED FROM THE GAME!" : "HAS ABANDONED THEIR DUTIES!");
                                        if (playerList.ContainsKey(msgSender))

                            case NetMessageType.Data:
                                    if (!this.playerList.ContainsKey(msgSender))

                                    Player player = playerList[msgSender];

                                    //If player isnt arround we dont care anymore - Cbock
                                    //If player is suspected of modding ignore updates for this cycle - Cbock
                                    if (player.Kicked == true || player.Flagged == true)

                                    InfiniminerMessage dataType = (InfiniminerMessage)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                    switch (dataType)
                                        case InfiniminerMessage.ChatMessage:
                                                // Read the data from the packet.
                                                ChatMessageType chatType = (ChatMessageType)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                string chatString = Defines.Sanitize(msgBuffer.ReadString());
                                                if (!ProcessCommand(chatString, GetAdmin(playerList[msgSender].IP), playerList[msgSender]))
                                                    ConsoleWrite("CHAT: (" + player.Handle + ") " + chatString);

                                                    // Append identifier information.
                                                    if (chatType == ChatMessageType.SayAll)
                                                        chatString = player.Handle + " (ALL): " + chatString;
                                                        chatString = player.Handle + " (TEAM): " + chatString;

                                                    // Construct the message packet.
                                                    NetBuffer chatPacket = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                                                    chatPacket.Write((byte)((player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red) ? ChatMessageType.SayRedTeam : ChatMessageType.SayBlueTeam));

                                                    // Send the packet to people who should recieve it.
                                                    foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                                                        if (chatType == ChatMessageType.SayAll ||
                                                            chatType == ChatMessageType.SayBlueTeam && p.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue ||
                                                            chatType == ChatMessageType.SayRedTeam && p.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                                                            if (p.NetConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                                                                netServer.SendMessage(chatPacket, p.NetConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder3);

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.UseTool:
                                                Vector3 playerPosition = msgBuffer.ReadVector3();
                                                Vector3 playerHeading = msgBuffer.ReadVector3();
                                                PlayerTools playerTool = (PlayerTools)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                BlockType blockType = (BlockType)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                switch (playerTool)

                                                    case PlayerTools.Pickaxe:
                                                        //Modification to prevent client from ignoring axe cooldown times - Cbock
                                                        updateTime = DateTime.Now - player.AxeUsed;
                                                        if (updateTime.TotalSeconds < 0.1f)
                                                            player.Flagged = true;
                                                            player.AxeUsed = DateTime.Now;
                                                            UsePickaxe(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.ConstructionGun:
                                                        //Modification to prevent client from ignoring gun cooldown times - Cbock
                                                        updateTime = DateTime.Now - player.GunUsed;
                                                        if (updateTime.TotalSeconds < 0.35f)
                                                            player.Flagged = true;
                                                            player.GunUsed = DateTime.Now;
                                                            UseConstructionGun(player, playerPosition, playerHeading, blockType);
                                                        //End Mod
                                                    case PlayerTools.DeconstructionGun:
                                                        //Modification to prevent client from ignoring gun cooldown times - Cbock
                                                        updateTime = DateTime.Now - player.GunUsed;
                                                        if (updateTime.TotalSeconds < 0.35f)
                                                            player.Flagged = true;
                                                            player.GunUsed = DateTime.Now;
                                                            UseDeconstructionGun(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                        //End Mod
                                                    case PlayerTools.ProspectingRadar:
                                                        UseSignPainter(player, playerPosition, playerHeading);
                                                    case PlayerTools.Detonator:

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.SelectClass:
                                                PlayerClass playerClass = (PlayerClass)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                ConsoleWrite("SELECT_CLASS: " + player.Handle + ", " + playerClass.ToString());
                                                switch (playerClass)
                                                    case PlayerClass.Engineer:
                                                        player.OreMax = 350;
                                                        player.WeightMax = 4;
                                                    case PlayerClass.Miner:
                                                        player.OreMax = 200;
                                                        player.WeightMax = 8;
                                                    case PlayerClass.Prospector:
                                                        player.OreMax = 200;
                                                        player.WeightMax = 4;
                                                    case PlayerClass.Sapper:
                                                        player.OreMax = 200;
                                                        player.WeightMax = 4;

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerSetTeam:
                                                PlayerTeam playerTeam = (PlayerTeam)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                ConsoleWrite("SELECT_TEAM: " + player.Handle + ", " + playerTeam.ToString());
                                                player.Team = playerTeam;

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerDead:
                                                ConsoleWrite("PLAYER_DEAD: " + player.Handle);
                                                player.Ore = 0;
                                                player.Cash = 0;
                                                player.Weight = 0;
                                                player.Alive = false;

                                                string deathMessage = msgBuffer.ReadString();
                                                if (deathMessage != "")
                                                    msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                                                    msgBuffer.Write((byte)(player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red ? ChatMessageType.SayRedTeam : ChatMessageType.SayBlueTeam));
                                                    msgBuffer.Write(player.Handle + " " + deathMessage);
                                                    foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
                                                        if (netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                                                            netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder3);

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerAlive:
                                                if (toGreet.Contains(msgSender))
                                                    string greeting = varGetS("greeter");
                                                    greeting = greeting.Replace("[name]", playerList[msgSender].Handle);
                                                    if (greeting != "")
                                                        NetBuffer greetBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                                                        netServer.SendMessage(greetBuffer, msgSender, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder3);
                                                ConsoleWrite("PLAYER_ALIVE: " + player.Handle);
                                                player.Ore = 0;
                                                player.Cash = 0;
                                                player.Weight = 0;
                                                player.Alive = true;

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerUpdate:
                                                player.Position = msgBuffer.ReadVector3();
                                                player.Heading = msgBuffer.ReadVector3();

                                                // Code to pervent speed, no clipping, and flying mods - DCaudill

                                                // Find out if the player is in the air
                                                Vector3 footPosition = player.Position + new Vector3(0f, -1.5f, 0f);
                                                BlockType standingOnBlock = BlockAtPoint(new Vector3(footPosition.X, footPosition.Y, footPosition.Z));
                                                bool inAir = false;
                                                if (standingOnBlock == BlockType.None && !CheckOnLadder(player))
                                                    inAir = true;

                                                // Update the players list of last 10 updates
                                                playerList[msgSender].UpdatePositionServer(player.Position, inAir, player.Alive, DateTime.Now);

                                                // Check for speed mods and kick if found
                                                if (CheckSpeed(player) && player.positionList.Count > 9)
                                                    SendServerMessage(player.Handle + " was kicked for speed mods, Sorry");
                                                    ConsoleWrite(player.Handle + " was kicked for speed mods, Sorry");

                                                // Check for flying mods and kick if found
                                                if (CheckFlying(player) && player.positionList.Count > 9)
                                                    SendServerMessage(player.Handle + " was kicked for flying, Sorry");
                                                    ConsoleWrite(player.Handle + " was kicked for flying mods, Sorry");

                                                // Check for no clipping mods and kick if found
                                                if (CheckNoClipping(player) && player.positionList.Count > 9)
                                                    SendServerMessage(player.Handle + " was kicked for no clipping, Sorry");
                                                    ConsoleWrite(player.Handle + " was kicked for no clipping, Sorry");

                                                player.Tool = (PlayerTools)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                player.UsingTool = msgBuffer.ReadBoolean();


                                        case InfiniminerMessage.DepositOre:
                                                foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.WithdrawOre:
                                                foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlayerPing:

                                        case InfiniminerMessage.PlaySound:
                                                InfiniminerSound sound = (InfiniminerSound)msgBuffer.ReadByte();
                                                Vector3 position = msgBuffer.ReadVector3();
                                                PlaySound(sound, position);
                    catch { }

                // Unflag all clients after data is finished being parsed - Cbock
                foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                    p.Flagged = false;

                //Time to backup map?
                TimeSpan mapUpdateTimeSpan = DateTime.Now - lastMapBackup;
                if (mapUpdateTimeSpan.TotalMinutes > 5)

                // Time to send a new server update?
                PublicServerListUpdate(); //It checks for public server / time span

                //Time to terminate finished map sending threads?

                // Check for players who are in the zone to deposit.

                // Is it time to do a lava calculation? If so, do it!
                TimeSpan timeSpan = DateTime.Now - lastFlowCalc;
                if (timeSpan.TotalMilliseconds > 500)
                    lastFlowCalc = DateTime.Now;

                // Handle console keypresses.
                while (Console.KeyAvailable)
                    ConsoleKeyInfo keyInfo = Console.ReadKey();
                    if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter)
                    else if (keyInfo.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace)
                        if (consoleInput.Length > 0)
                            consoleInput = consoleInput.Substring(0, consoleInput.Length - 1);
                        consoleInput += keyInfo.KeyChar;

                // Is the game over?
                if (winningTeam != PlayerTeam.None && !restartTriggered)
                    restartTriggered = true;
                    restartTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10);

                // Restart the server?
                if (restartTriggered && DateTime.Now > restartTime)
                    SaveLevel("autosave_" + (UInt64)DateTime.Now.ToBinary() + ".lvl");
                    netServer.Shutdown("The server is restarting.");
                    return true;

                // Pass control over to waiting threads.

            MessageAll("Server going down NOW!");

            netServer.Shutdown("The server was terminated.");
            return false;
Example #16
        public void UseStrongArm(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading)
            player.QueueAnimationBreak = true;
            Vector3 headPosition = playerPosition + new Vector3(0f, 0.1f, 0f);
            // Figure out what we're hitting.
            Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 buildPoint = Vector3.Zero;

            if (player.Content[5] == 0)
                if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 2, 10, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint, BlockType.Water))

            if (player.Content[5] > 0)
                //Vector3 throwPoint = RayCollisionExact(playerPosition, playerHeading, 10, 100, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint);
                //if (throwPoint != playerPosition)
                    //double dist = Distf(playerPosition, throwPoint);
                    //if (dist < 2)
                     //   return;//distance of ray should be strength
                        //begin throw
                        buildPoint = headPosition + (playerHeading*2);
                            //RayCollisionExactNone(playerPosition, playerHeading, 2, 10, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint);
              //  }
            ushort x = (ushort)hitPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)hitPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)hitPoint.Z;
            // Figure out what the result is.
            bool grabBlock = false;

            if (player.Content[5] == 0)
                uint giveWeight = 0;
                InfiniminerSound sound = InfiniminerSound.DigDirt;

                BlockType block = BlockAtPoint(hitPoint);
                switch (block)

                    case BlockType.Dirt:
                    case BlockType.Grass:
                    case BlockType.Pump:
                    case BlockType.Barrel:
                    case BlockType.Pipe:
                    case BlockType.Rock:
                    case BlockType.Mud:
                    case BlockType.Sand:
                    case BlockType.DirtSign:
                    case BlockType.StealthBlockB:
                    case BlockType.StealthBlockR:
                    case BlockType.TrapB:
                    case BlockType.TrapR:
                    case BlockType.Ore:
                    case BlockType.Explosive:
                        grabBlock = true;
                        giveWeight = 10;
                        sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;
                    case BlockType.SolidBlue:
                        if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue)
                            grabBlock = true;
                            giveWeight = 10;
                            sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;
                    case BlockType.SolidRed:
                        if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                            grabBlock = true;
                            giveWeight = 10;
                            sound = InfiniminerSound.DigMetal;

                if (blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z] == PlayerTeam.Blue && player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                    return;//dont allow enemy team to manipulate other teams team-blocks
                else if (blockCreatorTeam[x, y, z] == PlayerTeam.Red && player.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue)

                if (giveWeight > 0)
                    if (player.Weight + giveWeight <= player.WeightMax)
                        player.Weight += giveWeight;
                        grabBlock = false;

                if (grabBlock)
                    player.Content[5] = (byte)block;
                    for (uint cc = 0; cc < 20; cc++)//copy the content values
                        player.Content[50 + cc] = blockListContent[x, y, z, cc];//50 is past players accessible content, it is for server only

                    if (block == BlockType.Explosive)//must update player explosive keys
                        foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                            int cc = p.ExplosiveList.Count;

                            int ca = 0;
                            while(ca < cc)
                                if (p.ExplosiveList[ca].X == x && p.ExplosiveList[ca].Y == y && p.ExplosiveList[ca].Z == z)
                                    player.Content[50 + 17] = (int)p.ID;
                                ca += 1;


                    SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);
                    PlaySound(sound, player.Position);
            {//throw the block
                BlockType block = (BlockType)(player.Content[5]);
                if (block != BlockType.None)
                    ushort bx = (ushort)buildPoint.X;
                    ushort by = (ushort)buildPoint.Y;
                    ushort bz = (ushort)buildPoint.Z;
                    if (blockList[bx, by, bz] == BlockType.None)
                        SetBlock(bx, by, bz, block, PlayerTeam.None);
                        player.Weight -= 10;
                        player.Content[5] = 0;
                        SendContentSpecificUpdate(player, 5);
                        for (uint cc = 0; cc < 20; cc++)//copy the content values
                            blockListContent[bx, by, bz, cc] = player.Content[50 + cc];
                            if (cc == 17 && block == BlockType.Explosive)//explosive list for tnt update
                                foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                                    if (p.ID == (uint)(blockListContent[bx, by, bz, cc]))
                                        //found explosive this belongs to
                                        p.ExplosiveList.Add(new Vector3(bx,by,bz));
                            player.Content[50 + cc] = 0;

                        blockListContent[bx, by, bz, 10] = 1;//undergoing gravity changes
                        blockListContent[bx, by, bz, 11] = (int)((playerHeading.X*1.2)*100);//1.2 = throw strength
                        blockListContent[bx, by, bz, 12] = (int)((playerHeading.Y*1.2)*100);
                        blockListContent[bx, by, bz, 13] = (int)((playerHeading.Z*1.2)*100);
                        blockListContent[bx, by, bz, 14] = (int)((buildPoint.X) * 100);
                        blockListContent[bx, by, bz, 15] = (int)((buildPoint.Y) * 100);
                        blockListContent[bx, by, bz, 16] = (int)((buildPoint.Z) * 100);

                        blockCreatorTeam[bx, by, bz] = player.Team;
                        PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.GroundHit, player.Position);
Example #17
        // Checks to see if the player is flying by testing if its alive and stationary
        // in the air for 6 consecutive updates - DCaudill
        public bool CheckFlying(Player player)
            int counter = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < player.positionList.Count; i++)
                if (player.positionList[i].inAir && player.positionList[i].deltaY == 0 && player.positionList[i].alive)

                    if (counter > 6)
                        return true;
                    counter = 0;
            return false;
Example #18
        public bool ProcessCommand(string input, short authority, Player sender)
            if (authority == 0)
                return false;
            if (sender != null)
                sender.admin = GetAdmin(sender.IP);
            string[] args = input.Split(' '.ToString().ToCharArray(), 2);
            if (args[0].StartsWith("\\") && args[0].Length > 1)
                args[0] = args[0].Substring(1);
            switch (args[0].ToLower())
                case "help":
                        if (sender == null)
                            ConsoleWrite("SERVER CONSOLE COMMANDS:");
                            ConsoleWrite(" announce");
                            ConsoleWrite(" players");
                            ConsoleWrite(" kick <ip>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" kickn <name>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" ban <ip>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" bann <name>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" say <message>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" save <mapfile>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" load <mapfile>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" toggle <var>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" <var> <value>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" <var>");
                            ConsoleWrite(" listvars");
                            ConsoleWrite(" status");
                            ConsoleWrite(" restart");
                            ConsoleWrite(" quit");
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer(sender.Handle + ", the " + args[0].ToLower() + " command is only for use in the server console.", sender.NetConn);
                case "players":
                        if (sender == null)
                            ConsoleWrite("( " + playerList.Count + " / " + varGetI("maxplayers") + " )");
                            foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                                string teamIdent = "";
                                if (p.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
                                    teamIdent = " (R)";
                                else if (p.Team == PlayerTeam.Blue)
                                    teamIdent = " (B)";
                                if (p.IsAdmin)
                                    teamIdent += " (Admin)";
                                ConsoleWrite(p.Handle + teamIdent);
                                ConsoleWrite("  - " + p.IP);
                            SendServerMessageToPlayer(sender.Handle + ", the " + args[0].ToLower() + " command is only for use in the server console.", sender.NetConn);
                case "admins":
                        ConsoleWrite("Admin list:");
                        foreach (string ip in admins.Keys)
                case "admin":
                        if (args.Length == 2)
                            if (sender == null || sender.admin >= 2)
                                SendServerMessageToPlayer("You do not have the authority to add admins.", sender.NetConn);
                case "adminn":
                        if (args.Length == 2)
                            if (sender == null || sender.admin >= 2)
                                AdminPlayer(args[1], true);
                                SendServerMessageToPlayer("You do not have the authority to add admins.", sender.NetConn);
                case "listvars":
                    if (sender == null)
                        SendServerMessageToPlayer(sender.Handle + ", the " + args[0].ToLower() + " command is only for use in the server console.", sender.NetConn);
                case "status":
                    if (sender == null)
                        SendServerMessageToPlayer(sender.Handle + ", the " + args[0].ToLower() + " command is only for use in the server console.", sender.NetConn);
                case "announce":
                case "kick":
                        if (authority >= 1 && args.Length == 2)
                            if (sender != null)
                                ConsoleWrite("SERVER: " + sender.Handle + " has kicked " + args[1]);
                case "kickn":
                        if (authority >= 1 && args.Length == 2)
                            if (sender != null)
                                ConsoleWrite("SERVER: " + sender.Handle + " has kicked " + args[1]);
                            KickPlayer(args[1], true);

                case "ban":
                        if (authority >= 1 && args.Length == 2)
                            if (sender != null)
                                ConsoleWrite("SERVER: " + sender.Handle + " has banned " + args[1]);

                case "bann":
                        if (authority >= 1 && args.Length == 2)
                            if (sender != null)
                                ConsoleWrite("SERVER: " + sender.Handle + " has bannec " + args[1]);
                            BanPlayer(args[1], true);
                            KickPlayer(args[1], true);

                case "toggle":
                    if (authority >= 1 && args.Length == 2)
                        int exists = varExists(args[1]);
                        if (exists == 1)
                            bool val = varGetB(args[1]);
                            varSet(args[1], !val);
                        else if (exists == 2)
                            ConsoleWrite("Cannot toggle a string value.");
                        ConsoleWrite("Need variable name to toggle!");
                case "quit":
                        if (authority >= 2)
                            if (sender != null)
                                ConsoleWrite(sender.Handle + " is shutting down the server.");
                            keepRunning = false;

                case "restart":
                        if (authority >= 2)
                            if (sender != null)
                                ConsoleWrite(sender.Handle + " is restarting the server.");
                            restartTriggered = true;
                            restartTime = DateTime.Now;

                case "say":
                        if (args.Length == 2)
                            string message = "SERVER: " + args[1];

                case "save":
                        if (args.Length >= 2)
                            if (sender != null)
                                ConsoleWrite(sender.Handle + " is saving the map.");

                case "load":
                        if (args.Length >= 2)
                            if (sender != null)
                                ConsoleWrite(sender.Handle + " is loading a map.");
                            /*if (LoadLevel(args[1]))
                                Console.WriteLine("Loaded level " + args[1]);
                                Console.WriteLine("Level file not found!");*/
                        else if (levelToLoad != "")
                default: //Check / set var
                        string name = args[0];
                        int exists = varExists(name);
                        if (exists > 0)
                            if (args.Length == 2)
                                    if (exists == 1)
                                        bool newVal = false;
                                        newVal = bool.Parse(args[1]);
                                        varSet(name, newVal);
                                    else if (exists == 2)
                                        varSet(name, args[1]);
                                    else if (exists == 3)
                                        varSet(name, Int32.Parse(args[1]));

                                catch { }
                                if (sender == null)
                                    SendServerMessageToPlayer(sender.Handle + ": The " + args[0].ToLower() + " command is only for use in the server console.", sender.NetConn);
                            char first = args[0].ToCharArray()[0];
                            if (first == 'y' || first == 'Y')
                                string message = "SERVER: " + args[0].Substring(1);
                                if (args.Length > 1)
                                    message += (message != "SERVER: " ? " " : "") + args[1];
                                if (sender == null)
                                    ConsoleWrite("Unknown command/var.");
                                return false;
            return true;
Example #19
        // Checks to see if the player is on a ladder - DCaudill
        public bool CheckOnLadder(Player player)
            Vector3[] directions = new Vector3[4] { new Vector3(1, 0, 0),
                        new Vector3(-1, 0, 0),
                        new Vector3(0, 0, 1),
                        new Vector3(0, 0, -1)};
            Vector3 midBodyPoint;
            Vector3 lowerBodyPoint;
            Vector3 uperBodyPoint;

            for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                lowerBodyPoint = player.Position + directions[j] + new Vector3(0, -1.4f, 0);
                midBodyPoint = player.Position + directions[j] + new Vector3(0, -0.7f, 0);
                uperBodyPoint = player.Position + directions[j];

                BlockType lowerBlock = BlockAtPoint(lowerBodyPoint);
                BlockType midBlock = BlockAtPoint(midBodyPoint);
                BlockType upperBlock = BlockAtPoint(uperBodyPoint);

                if (upperBlock == BlockType.Ladder || lowerBlock == BlockType.Ladder || midBlock == BlockType.Ladder)
                    return true;
            return false;
Example #20
        public void SendPlayerJoined(Player player)
            NetBuffer msgBuffer;

            // Let this player know about other players.
            foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                msgBuffer.Write(p == player);
                if (player.NetConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                    netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, player.NetConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder2);

                msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                if (player.NetConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                    netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, player.NetConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder2);

            // Let this player know about all placed beacons.
            foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector3, Beacon> bPair in beaconList)
                Vector3 position = bPair.Key;
                position.Y += 1; // beacon is shown a block below its actually position to make altitude show up right
                msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
                if (player.NetConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                    netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, player.NetConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder2);

            // Let other players know about this player.
            msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();

            foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
                if (netConn != player.NetConn && netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                    netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder2);

            // Send this out just incase someone is joining at the last minute.
            if (winningTeam != PlayerTeam.None)

            // Send out a chat message.
            msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
            msgBuffer.Write(player.Handle + " HAS JOINED THE ADVENTURE!");
            foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
                if (netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                    netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder3);
Example #21
        //private bool LocationNearBase(ushort x, ushort y, ushort z)
        //    for (int i=0; i<MAPSIZE; i++)
        //        for (int j=0; j<MAPSIZE; j++)
        //            for (int k = 0; k < MAPSIZE; k++)
        //                if (blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.HomeBlue || blockList[i, j, k] == BlockType.HomeRed)
        //                {
        //                    double dist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(x - i, 2) + Math.Pow(y - j, 2) + Math.Pow(z - k, 2));
        //                    if (dist < 3)
        //                        return true;
        //                }
        //    return false;
        public void UseConstructionGun(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading, BlockType blockType)
            bool actionFailed = false;

            // If there's no surface within range, bail.
            Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 buildPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 6, 25, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint))
                actionFailed = true;

            // If the block is too expensive, bail.
            uint blockCost = BlockInformation.GetCost(blockType);
            if (varGetB("sandbox") && blockCost <= player.OreMax)
                // This code gives blocks in sandbox mode correct pricing and denies lavaspam etc. - Cbock
                blockCost = BlockInformation.GetCostSandbox(blockType);
            if (blockCost > player.Ore)
                actionFailed = true;

            // If there's someone there currently, bail.
            ushort x = (ushort)buildPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)buildPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)buildPoint.Z;
            foreach (Player p in playerList.Values)
                if ((int)p.Position.X == x && (int)p.Position.Z == z && ((int)p.Position.Y == y || (int)p.Position.Y - 1 == y))
                    actionFailed = true;

            // If it's out of bounds, bail.
            if (x <= 0 || y <= 0 || z <= 0 || (int)x >= MAPSIZE - 1 || (int)y >= MAPSIZE - 1 || (int)z >= MAPSIZE - 1)
                actionFailed = true;

            // If it's near a base, bail.
            //if (LocationNearBase(x, y, z))
            //    actionFailed = true;

            // If it's lava, don't let them build off of lava.
            if (blockList[(ushort)hitPoint.X, (ushort)hitPoint.Y, (ushort)hitPoint.Z] == BlockType.Lava)
                actionFailed = true;

            if (actionFailed)
                // Decharge the player's gun.
                TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, -0.2f);
                // Fire the player's gun.
                TriggerConstructionGunAnimation(player, 0.5f);

                // Build the block.
                SetBlock(x, y, z, blockType, player.Team);
                player.Ore -= blockCost;

                // Play the sound.
                PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.ConstructionGun, player.Position);

                // If it's an explosive block, add it to our list.
                if (blockType == BlockType.Explosive)
Example #22
        public void SendPlayerLeft(Player player, string reason)
            NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
            foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
                if (netConn != player.NetConn && netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                    netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder2);

            // Send out a chat message.
            msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
            msgBuffer.Write(player.Handle + " " + reason);
            foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
                if (netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                    netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder3);
Example #23
        public void UseDetonator(Player player)
            while (player.ExplosiveList.Count > 0)
                Vector3 blockPos = player.ExplosiveList[0];
                ushort x = (ushort)blockPos.X;
                ushort y = (ushort)blockPos.Y;
                ushort z = (ushort)blockPos.Z;

                if (blockList[x, y, z] != BlockType.Explosive)
                else if (!varGetB("tnt"))
                    ExplosionEffectAtPoint(x, y, z);
                    // Remove the block that is detonating.
                    SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.None, PlayerTeam.None);
                    DetonateAtPoint(x, y, z);
Example #24
 public void SendPlayerSetTeam(Player player)
     NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
     foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
         if (netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
             netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder2);
Example #25
        public void UseSignPainter(Player player, Vector3 playerPosition, Vector3 playerHeading)
            // If there's no surface within range, bail.
            Vector3 hitPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            Vector3 buildPoint = Vector3.Zero;
            if (!RayCollision(playerPosition, playerHeading, 4, 25, ref hitPoint, ref buildPoint))
            ushort x = (ushort)hitPoint.X;
            ushort y = (ushort)hitPoint.Y;
            ushort z = (ushort)hitPoint.Z;

            if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.Dirt)
                SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.DirtSign, PlayerTeam.None);
                PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.ConstructionGun, player.Position);
            else if (blockList[x, y, z] == BlockType.DirtSign)
                SetBlock(x, y, z, BlockType.Dirt, PlayerTeam.None);
                PlaySound(InfiniminerSound.ConstructionGun, player.Position);
Example #26
        public void SendPlayerUpdate(Player player)
            NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();

            if (player.QueueAnimationBreak)
                player.QueueAnimationBreak = false;

            msgBuffer.Write((ushort)player.Score / 100);

            foreach (NetConnection netConn in playerList.Keys)
                if (netConn.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Connected)
                    netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, netConn, NetChannel.UnreliableInOrder1);
Example #27
 public void WithdrawOre(Player player)
     if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
         uint withdrawAmount = Math.Min(player.OreMax - player.Ore, Math.Min(50, teamOreRed));
         player.Ore += withdrawAmount;
         teamOreRed -= withdrawAmount;
         uint withdrawAmount = Math.Min(player.OreMax - player.Ore, Math.Min(50, teamOreBlue));
         player.Ore += withdrawAmount;
         teamOreBlue -= withdrawAmount;
Example #28
        // Lets a player know about their resources.
        public void SendResourceUpdate(Player player)
            if (player.NetConn.Status != NetConnectionStatus.Connected)

            // ore, cash, weight, max ore, max weight, team ore, red cash, blue cash, all uint
            NetBuffer msgBuffer = netServer.CreateBuffer();
            msgBuffer.Write((uint)(player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red ? teamOreRed : teamOreBlue));
            netServer.SendMessage(msgBuffer, player.NetConn, NetChannel.ReliableInOrder1);
Example #29
 public void DepositOre(Player player)
     uint depositAmount = Math.Min(50, player.Ore);
     player.Ore -= depositAmount;
     if (player.Team == PlayerTeam.Red)
         teamOreRed = Math.Min(teamOreRed + depositAmount, 9999);
         teamOreBlue = Math.Min(teamOreBlue + depositAmount, 9999);
Example #30
 public void SetRemote(Player player, uint btn, uint x, uint y, uint z)
     if(x > 0 && x < MAPSIZE - 1 && y > 0 && y < MAPSIZE - 1 && z > 0 && z < MAPSIZE - 1)
             player.Content[5] = (int)btn;
             player.Content[6] = (int)x;
             player.Content[7] = (int)y;
             player.Content[8] = (int)z;
             SendServerMessageToPlayer("linked remote to action " + btn + " on " + blockList[x, y, z] + ".", player.NetConn);