public static Account accountInfo(int account_id) { Account acc = new Account(); using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()){ wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", Imgur.getAuthBearer()); try { byte[] response = wc.DownloadData(""); string res = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(response); var JsonReader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(response, new System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas()); var root = System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(JsonReader); = Int32.Parse(root.Element("data").Element("id").Value); acc.url = root.Element("data").Element("url").Value; = root.Element("data").Element("bio").Value; acc.reputation = float.Parse(root.Element("data").Element("reputation").Value); acc.created = Int32.Parse(root.Element("data").Element("created").Value); if (!Int32.TryParse(root.Element("data").Element("pro_expiration").Value, out acc.pro_expiration)) { acc.pro_expiration = 0; } acc.success = true; } catch (Exception e) { acc.success = false; acc.ex = e; } } return(acc); }
public static ImageInfo toImgur(Bitmap bmp) { ImageConverter convert = new ImageConverter(); byte[] toSend = (byte[])convert.ConvertTo(bmp, typeof(byte[])); using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection { { "image", Convert.ToBase64String(toSend) } }; wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", Imgur.getAuth()); ImageInfo info = new ImageInfo(); try { byte[] response = wc.UploadValues("", nvc); string res = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(response); var xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.LoadXml(res); = new Uri(xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("data/link").InnerText); info.deletehash = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("data/deletehash").InnerText; = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("data/id").InnerText; info.success = true; } catch (Exception e) { info.success = false; info.ex = e; } return(info); } }
private void btnConfirmHelper() { btnConfirm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { btnConfirm.Enabled = false; }); string pin = textboxPin.Text; if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pin)) { pin = "Invalid PIN"; } Imgur.AuthInfo info = Imgur.authAccount(textboxPin.Text); if (info.success) { Properties.Settings.Default.account_access_token = info.access_token; Properties.Settings.Default.account_refresh_token = info.refresh_token; Properties.Settings.Default.account_id = info.account_id; Properties.Settings.Default.account_authed = true; Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); refreshAccountStatus(); } else { Globals.ErrorLog("Imgur.authAccount() Failed from btnConfirm_Click() : " + info.ex.Message, false); } btnConfirm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { btnConfirm.Enabled = true; }); }
public static void deleteImage(ImageInfo info) { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", Imgur.getAuth()); byte[] response = wc.UploadValues(String.Format("{0}", info.deletehash), "DELETE", new NameValueCollection()); } }
private void listViewLinks_ItemActivate(object sender, EventArgs e) { var toDelete = new Imgur.ImageInfo(); = new Uri(listViewLinks.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text); toDelete.deletehash = listViewLinks.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; Imgur.deleteImage(toDelete); listViewLinks.SelectedItems[0].Remove(); Notification.DisplayBubbleMessage(3, "Image Deletion", "You have deleted the image located at " +; GC.Collect(); }
private void _UploadImage() { try { this.InvokeIfRequired(() => { while (this.Handle == null) { Application.DoEvents(); } this.Hide(); }); Imgur.ImageInfo PictureLink = new Imgur.ImageInfo(); PictureLink.success = false; bool bShouldRetry = Properties.Settings.Default.ShouldRetryUpload; int numTries = Properties.Settings.Default.ShouldRetryUpload ? Properties.Settings.Default.NumRetries + 1 : 1; for (int i = 1; i <= numTries && !PictureLink.success; i++) { PictureLink = Imgur.toImgur(curImg); } if (PictureLink.success) { bool shouldClipboard = Properties.Settings.Default.ClipboardOnUpload; Notification.DisplayBubbleMessage(3, "Imgur Upload Completed", "Your image is live at " + + "!" + (shouldClipboard ? " This link has been copied to your clipboard." : "")); if (shouldClipboard) { Clipboard.SetText(; } GC.Collect(); Globals.getMainForm().addImgurItem(, PictureLink.deletehash); curImg.Dispose(); } else { Globals.ErrorLog("Imgur.toImgur() failed : " + PictureLink.ex.Message, true); } this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { this.Close(); }); } catch (Exception ex) { Globals.ErrorLog("_UploadImage() Failed: " + ex.Message, false); } }
private void refreshAccountStatus() { bool linked = Properties.Settings.Default.account_authed; lblLinked.InvokeIfRequired(() => { lblLinked.Text = linked ? "Linked!" : "Not Linked!"; lblLinked.ForeColor = linked ? Color.Green : Color.Red; }); Imgur.Account acc = new Imgur.Account(); acc.url = "none"; if (linked) { acc = Imgur.accountInfo(Properties.Settings.Default.account_id); if (!acc.success) { Globals.ErrorLog("Imgur.accountInfo() Failed from refreshAccountStatus() : " + acc.ex.Message, false); acc.url = "Failed To Retrieve Username"; if (acc.ex.Message.Contains("403")) //Forbidden { UnlinkAccount(); Notification.DisplayBubbleMessage(5, "InfiniPad", "InfiniPad lost access to your Imgur account. Please relink it to continue usage."); acc.url = "none"; } } } lblUsername.InvokeIfRequired(() => { lblUsername.Text = linked ? "Signed in as " + acc.url : ""; }); lblAccountID.InvokeIfRequired(() => { lblAccountID.Text = linked ? "ID: " + : ""; }); btnUnlink.InvokeIfRequired(() => { btnUnlink.Visible = Properties.Settings.Default.account_authed; }); }
public static AuthInfo authAccount(string pin) { using (WebClient wc = new WebClient()) { NameValueCollection nvc = new NameValueCollection { { "client_id", APIKeys.ImgurClientID }, { "client_secret", APIKeys.ImgurClientSecret }, { "grant_type", "pin" }, { "pin", pin }, }; wc.Headers.Add("Authorization", Imgur.getAuth()); AuthInfo info = new AuthInfo(); try { byte[] response = wc.UploadValues("", nvc); string res = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(response); var JsonReader = JsonReaderWriterFactory.CreateJsonReader(response, new System.Xml.XmlDictionaryReaderQuotas()); var root = System.Xml.Linq.XElement.Load(JsonReader); info.access_token = root.Element("access_token").Value; info.expires_in = root.Element("expires_in").Value; info.token_type = root.Element("token_type").Value; info.scope = root.Element("scope").Value; info.refresh_token = root.Element("refresh_token").Value; info.account_id = Int32.Parse(root.Element("account_id").Value); info.account_username = root.Element("account_username").Value; info.success = true; } catch (Exception e) { info.success = false; info.ex = e; } return(info); } }