Example #1
        public static void CreateUser(string username, string email, bool receiveEmailNewsletter, Host host, string ipAddress)
            username = username.Trim();
            email = email.Trim();

            string password = PasswordGenerator.Generate(8);
            string passwordSalt = Cipher.GenerateSalt();
            string passwordHash = Cipher.Hash(password, passwordSalt);

            User user = new User();
            user.Username = username;
            user.Email = email;
            user.Password = passwordHash;
            user.PasswordSalt = passwordSalt;
            user.IsGeneratedPassword = true;
            user.IsValidated = false;
            user.IsBanned = false;
            user.ReceiveEmailNewsletter = receiveEmailNewsletter;
            user.HostID = host.HostID;
            user.IPAddress = ipAddress;
            user.LastActiveOn = DateTime.Now;
            user.IsVetted = host.AutoVetUsers;

            using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) {

                EmailHelper.SendNewUserEmail(email, username, password, host);
                UserAction.RecordUserRegistration(user.HostID, user);

Example #2
 public static void Send(MailMessage message, Host host)
     SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(host.SmtpHost, host.SmtpPort);
     smtpClient.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(host.SmtpUsername, host.SmtpPassword);
     smtpClient.EnableSsl = host.SmtpEnableSsl;
Example #3
        public string GravatarUrl(Host host)
            string root = "";
            if (host != null)
                root = host.RootUrl;

            if (this.User.UseGravatar) {
                string gravatarHash = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(this._user.GravatarEmail, "MD5").ToLower();
                return String.Format("{0}/gravatar/{1}/{2}", root, gravatarHash, this._size);
            } else {
                return String.Format("{0}/static/images/cache/defaultgravatars/gravatar_{1}.jpg", root, this._size);
Example #4
        public static void SendChangedEmailEmail(string toEmail, string username, string currentEmail, Host host)
            // Send a verify email address.  Add a 64bit encryption "hash" to verify when they click it.
            Send(host.Email, toEmail, host.SiteTitle + " has requested you to verify your email",
                This is to verify that the email address you have selected is valid.

                Please click on the link below to verify this email address:


                If you did not request to change your email address, pleas disreguard this message.

                {1}", host.RootUrl + "/verifyemail/" + Security.Cipher.EncryptToBase64(username + "#" + currentEmail + "#" + toEmail), host.SiteTitle), host);
Example #5
        public static void SendPasswordEmail(string toEmail, string username, string password, Host host)
            Send(host.Email, toEmail, "Your new " + host.SiteTitle + " password",

                Please keep this email for your records. Your account information is as follows:

                Username: {0}
                Password: {1}

                You can log in to kick at the following location : {2}

                {3}", username, password, host.RootUrl + "/login", host.SiteTitle), host);
Example #6
        public static void SendNewUserEmail(string toEmail, string username, string password, Host host)
            Send(host.Email, toEmail, "Welcome to " + host.SiteTitle + " " + username,
                Welcome to {3}.

                Your account information is as follows:

                Username: {0}
                Password: {1}

                You can log in to kick at the following location : {2}

                Thanks for joining our site,
                {3}", username, password, host.RootUrl + "/login", host.SiteTitle), host);
        public static RssChannel ConvertToRssChannel(StoryCollection stories, string title, string description, string link, Host host)
            RssChannel channel = new RssChannel();
            channel.Title = title;
            channel.Description = description;
            channel.Link = new System.Uri(link);
            channel.Language = "en-us";
            channel.Generator = host.SiteTitle + " - " + host.TagLine;
            channel.Docs = "";
            channel.TimeToLive = 30;
            channel.Copyright = "Atweb Publishing Ltd.";

            if (stories.Count == 0) {
                RssItem item = new RssItem();
                item.Title = " ";
                item.Description = " ";
                item.PubDate = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime();

            } else {

                foreach (Story story in stories) {
                    string storyUrl = host.RootUrl + UrlFactory.CreateUrl(UrlFactory.PageName.ViewStory, story.StoryIdentifier, CategoryCache.GetCategory(story.CategoryID, host.HostID).CategoryIdentifier);

                    //TODO: GJ: add category info

                    RssItem item = new RssItem();
                    item.Title = story.Title;
                    item.Description = story.Description + " <br /><br /><br />" + Incremental.Common.Web.Helpers.ControlHelper.RenderControl(new Incremental.Kick.Web.Controls.StoryDynamicImage(story.Url, host));
                    item.PubDate = story.PublishedOn.ToUniversalTime();
                    RssGuid guid = new RssGuid();
                    guid.Name = storyUrl;
                    guid.PermaLink = true;
                    item.Guid = guid;
                    item.Link = new Uri(storyUrl);


            return channel;
        public virtual void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            this._hostProfile = HostCache.GetHost(HostHelper.GetHostAndPort(context.Request.Url));

            int storyCount =
                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(context.Request["count"]) ? Convert.ToUInt16(context.Request["count"]) : _stories.Count,

            context.Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";

            this.WriteJavaScriptLine(@"<div class=""KickStoryList"">", context);
            foreach (Story story in this._stories.GetRange(0, storyCount)) {
                this.WriteJavaScriptLine(@"<div class=""KickStory"">", context);
                this.WriteJavaScriptLine(String.Format(@"<a href=""{0}"">{1}</a>",
                    UrlFactory.CreateUrl(UrlFactory.PageName.ViewStory, story.StoryIdentifier, CategoryCache.GetCategory(story.CategoryID, this._hostProfile.HostID).CategoryIdentifier, this._hostProfile),
                    story.Title), context);
                this.WriteJavaScriptLine(@"</div>", context);

            this.WriteJavaScriptLine(@"</div>", context);
Example #9
 public ApiShout ToApi(Host host)
     //NOTE: GJ: PERFORMANCE: should we be hitting the cache here, we could defer until later and just add the id here
     return new ApiShout(this.ShoutID, UserCache.GetUser(this.FromUserID).ToApi(host), this.Message, this.CreatedOn);
Example #10
        public static void SendUserBanEmail(User user, Host host)
            Send_Begin(host.Email, user.Email, "[" + host.SiteTitle + "]",
                A moderator has banned you from {0}.

                Please let us know if you think this was in error.", host.SiteTitle), host);
Example #11
        public static void SendStoryDeletedEmail(Story story, Host host)
            Send_Begin(host.Email, story.User.Email, "[" + host.SiteTitle + "]",
                Your post


                was deleted by a moderator.

                Please let us know if you think this was in error.", story.Title, story.Description), host);
Example #12
        public static void UserPassedTest(User user, Host host)
            user.IsVetted = true;

            UserAction.RecordUserPassedTest(host.HostID, user);
Example #13
 public static void BanUser(int userID, User moderator, Host host)
     User user = User.FetchByID(userID);
     user.Ban(moderator, host);
Example #14
        public static void SendPasswordResetEmail(int userID, Host host)
            User user = User.FetchByID(userID);

            EmailHelper.SendPasswordResetEmail(user.Email, user.Username, user.LastActiveOn, host);
Example #15
        public static void UpdatePassword(int userID, string newPassword, Host host)
            newPassword = newPassword.Trim();
            string passwordSalt = Cipher.GenerateSalt();
            string passwordHash = Cipher.Hash(newPassword, passwordSalt);

            User user = User.FetchByID(userID);
            user.Password = passwordHash;
            user.PasswordSalt = passwordSalt;
            user.IsGeneratedPassword = false;

            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("UpdatePassword: " + userID);

            EmailHelper.SendChangedPasswordEmail(user.Email, user.Username, newPassword, host);
Example #16
 public static void SendUserUnBanEmail(User user, Host host)
     Send_Begin(host.Email, user.Email, "[" + host.SiteTitle + "]",
         A moderator has un-banned you from {0}. Welcome back!!", host.SiteTitle), host);
Example #17
 public static int GetUpcomingStoryCount(Host host)
     return GetStoryCount(host.HostID, false, DateTime.Now.AddHours(-host.Publish_MaximumStoryAgeInHours), DateTime.Now);
Example #18
 private static int GetStoryScore(Story story, Host host)
     int score = 0;
     score += story.KickCount * host.Publish_KickScore;
     score += story.CommentCount * host.Publish_CommentScore;
     System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Pub: Score of [" + score + "] for storyID " + story.StoryID);
     return score;
Example #19
 public ApiUser ToApi(Host host)
     return new ApiUser(this.Username, host.RootUrl + UrlFactory.CreateUrl(UrlFactory.PageName.UserProfile, this.Username), new Gravatar(this, 50).GravatarUrl(host));
Example #20
 public static void Send_Begin(string from, string to, string subject, string body, Host host)
     AsyncHelper.FireAndForget(delegate { Send(from, to, subject, body, host); });
Example #21
        internal static void SendPasswordResetEmail(string toEmail, string username, DateTime createdDateTime, Host host)
            Send(host.Email, toEmail, "Reset you " + host.SiteTitle + " password",
                Please follow the link below to reset your password:


                {1}", host.RootUrl + "/resetpassword/" + username + "/" + createdDateTime.Ticks.GetHashCode().ToString(), host.SiteTitle), host);
Example #22
 public static void Send(string from, string to, string subject, string body, Host host)
     Send(new MailMessage(from, to, subject, body), host);
Example #23
        public void UnBan(User moderator, Host host)
            this.IsBanned = false;

            EmailHelper.SendUserUnBanEmail(this, host);
            UserAction.RecordUserUnBan(this.HostID, this, moderator);
 public StoryDynamicImage(string url, Host hostProfile)
     _url = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(url);
     _hostProfile = hostProfile;
Example #25
        private static bool IsWeakStory(Story story, Host host)
            if ((story.KickCount < host.Publish_MinimumStoryKickCount) || (story.CommentCount < host.Publish_MinimumStoryCommentCount))
                return true;

            //TODO: check the average kicks and comments per hour
            //TODO: check the view count

            return false;
Example #26
        public static void ResetPassword(int userID, Host host)
            //generate a password
            User user = User.FetchByID(userID);
            string password = PasswordGenerator.Generate(8);
            string passwordSalt = Cipher.GenerateSalt();
            string passwordHash = Cipher.Hash(password, passwordSalt);

            user.PasswordSalt = passwordSalt;
            user.Password = passwordHash;
            user.LastActiveOn = DateTime.Now;
            user.IsGeneratedPassword = true;

            EmailHelper.SendPasswordEmail(user.Email, user.Username, password, host);
        public void Insert(string HostName,string RootUrl,string SiteTitle,string SiteDescription,string TagLine,string LogoPath,DateTime CreatedOn,string BlogUrl,string Email,string Template,bool ShowAds,string Culture,string UICulture,short Publish_MinimumStoryAgeInHours,short Publish_MaximumStoryAgeInHours,short Publish_MaximumSimultaneousStoryPublishCount,short Publish_MinimumStoryScore,short Publish_MinimumStoryKickCount,short Publish_MinimumStoryCommentCount,short Publish_MinimumAverageStoryKicksPerHour,short Publish_MinimunAverageCommentsPerHour,short Publish_MinimumViewCount,short Publish_KickScore,short Publish_CommentScore,string AdsenseID,string TrackingHtml,string AnnouncementHtml,string FeedBurnerMainRssFeedUrl,string FeedBurnerMainRssFeedCountHtml,bool UseStaticRoot,string SmtpHost,int SmtpPort,string SmtpUsername,string SmtpPassword,bool SmtpEnableSsl,string SubmitAStoryMessage,string JoinTheCommunityMessage,string ReCaptchaPublicKey,string ReCaptchaPrivateKey,bool AutoVetUsers)
            Host item = new Host();

            item.HostName = HostName;

            item.RootUrl = RootUrl;

            item.SiteTitle = SiteTitle;

            item.SiteDescription = SiteDescription;

            item.TagLine = TagLine;

            item.LogoPath = LogoPath;

            item.CreatedOn = CreatedOn;

            item.BlogUrl = BlogUrl;

            item.Email = Email;

            item.Template = Template;

            item.ShowAds = ShowAds;

            item.Culture = Culture;

            item.UICulture = UICulture;

            item.Publish_MinimumStoryAgeInHours = Publish_MinimumStoryAgeInHours;

            item.Publish_MaximumStoryAgeInHours = Publish_MaximumStoryAgeInHours;

            item.Publish_MaximumSimultaneousStoryPublishCount = Publish_MaximumSimultaneousStoryPublishCount;

            item.Publish_MinimumStoryScore = Publish_MinimumStoryScore;

            item.Publish_MinimumStoryKickCount = Publish_MinimumStoryKickCount;

            item.Publish_MinimumStoryCommentCount = Publish_MinimumStoryCommentCount;

            item.Publish_MinimumAverageStoryKicksPerHour = Publish_MinimumAverageStoryKicksPerHour;

            item.Publish_MinimunAverageCommentsPerHour = Publish_MinimunAverageCommentsPerHour;

            item.Publish_MinimumViewCount = Publish_MinimumViewCount;

            item.Publish_KickScore = Publish_KickScore;

            item.Publish_CommentScore = Publish_CommentScore;

            item.AdsenseID = AdsenseID;

            item.TrackingHtml = TrackingHtml;

            item.AnnouncementHtml = AnnouncementHtml;

            item.FeedBurnerMainRssFeedUrl = FeedBurnerMainRssFeedUrl;

            item.FeedBurnerMainRssFeedCountHtml = FeedBurnerMainRssFeedCountHtml;

            item.UseStaticRoot = UseStaticRoot;

            item.SmtpHost = SmtpHost;

            item.SmtpPort = SmtpPort;

            item.SmtpUsername = SmtpUsername;

            item.SmtpPassword = SmtpPassword;

            item.SmtpEnableSsl = SmtpEnableSsl;

            item.SubmitAStoryMessage = SubmitAStoryMessage;

            item.JoinTheCommunityMessage = JoinTheCommunityMessage;

            item.ReCaptchaPublicKey = ReCaptchaPublicKey;

            item.ReCaptchaPrivateKey = ReCaptchaPrivateKey;

            item.AutoVetUsers = AutoVetUsers;

Example #28
 public static string CreateUrl(PageName pageName, string storyIdentifier, string categoryIdentifier, Host hostProfile)
     switch (pageName) {
         case PageName.ViewStory:
             return hostProfile.RootUrl + String.Format("/{0}/{1}", categoryIdentifier, storyIdentifier);
             throw new Exception("not enough params to create url");