protected override void ExecuteCore()
            // Get the keywords we need to perform a search for
            foreach (var kw in VirtualMailBox.Current.StreamSearchKeywords.GetKeyWords())
                #region Parse channelname and keyword

                var parts = kw.Split('|');

                if (parts.Length != 2)
                    Logger.Warn("Invalid search keyword. Keyword = {0}", LogSource.Sync, kw);

                var channelname = parts[0];
                var keyword = parts[1];

                // Find channel with given name
                var channels = ChannelsManager.GetStatusChannels();
                var channel = channels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Configuration.DisplayName == channelname);

                if (channel == null)
                    Logger.Warn("Could not find channel for search keyword. ChannelName = {0}, Keyword = {1}", LogSource.Sync, channelname, keyword);


                // Perform keyword search
                    var parser = new UserStatusParser(channel.Configuration, kw);
                    var updates = channel.StatusUpdatesChannel.GetUpdates(keyword, 50);

                    foreach (var statusupdate in updates)
                        Logger.Debug("Received search update. ChannelStatusKey = {0}, DatePosted = {1}", LogSource.Sync, statusupdate.ChannelStatusKey, statusupdate.DatePosted);

                        parser.ProcessStatusUpdate(statusupdate, StatusTypes.SearchUpdate);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error("An error has occured while getting search result from {0}. Keyword = {1} Exception = {2}", LogSource.Sync, channelname, keyword, ex);

            // Save last run time
            ChannelContext.Current.ClientContext.SaveSetting("LastSyncSearchStreamDate", DateTime.Now);

        protected override void ExecuteCore()
            // Get the keywords we need to perform a search for
            foreach (var kw in VirtualMailBox.Current.StreamSearchKeywords.GetKeyWords())
                #region Parse channelname and keyword

                var parts = kw.Split('|');

                if (parts.Length != 2)
                    Logger.Warn("Invalid search keyword. Keyword = {0}", LogSource.Sync, kw);

                var channelname = parts[0];
                var keyword     = parts[1];

                // Find channel with given name
                var channels = ChannelsManager.GetStatusChannels();
                var channel  = channels.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Configuration.DisplayName == channelname);

                if (channel == null)
                    Logger.Warn("Could not find channel for search keyword. ChannelName = {0}, Keyword = {1}", LogSource.Sync, channelname, keyword);


                // Perform keyword search
                    var parser  = new UserStatusParser(channel.Configuration, kw);
                    var updates = channel.StatusUpdatesChannel.GetUpdates(keyword, 50);

                    foreach (var statusupdate in updates)
                        Logger.Debug("Received search update. ChannelStatusKey = {0}, DatePosted = {1}", LogSource.Sync, statusupdate.ChannelStatusKey, statusupdate.DatePosted);

                        parser.ProcessStatusUpdate(statusupdate, StatusTypes.SearchUpdate);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Logger.Error("An error has occured while getting search result from {0}. Keyword = {1} Exception = {2}", LogSource.Sync, channelname, keyword, ex);

            // Save last run time
            ChannelContext.Current.ClientContext.SaveSetting("LastSyncSearchStreamDate", DateTime.Now);

        void GetFriendUpdates()
                // Get updates for the last 7 days
                var parser = new UserStatusParser(config);
                var updates = channel.GetUpdates(50).Where(u => u.DatePosted > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7));

                foreach (var statusupdate in updates)
                    Logger.Debug("Received friend update. ChannelStatusKey = {0}, DatePosted = {1}", LogSource.Sync, statusupdate.ChannelStatusKey, statusupdate.DatePosted);

                    parser.ProcessStatusUpdate(statusupdate, StatusTypes.FriendUpdate);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("An error has occured while trying to get friend updates. Exception = {0}", LogSource.Sync, ex);
        void GetMentions()
                // Get updates for the last 7 days
                var parser  = new UserStatusParser(config);
                var updates = channel.GetMentions(50).Where(u => u.DatePosted > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7));

                foreach (var statusupdate in updates)
                    Logger.Debug("Received mention. ChannelStatusKey = {0}, DatePosted = {1}", LogSource.Sync, statusupdate.ChannelStatusKey, statusupdate.DatePosted);

                    parser.ProcessStatusUpdate(statusupdate, StatusTypes.Mention);
            catch (Exception ex)
                Logger.Error("An error has occured while trying to get mentions. Exception = {0}", LogSource.Sync, ex);