void AddSystemDeviceProfile( UnityInputDeviceProfile deviceProfile )
     if (deviceProfile.IsSupportedOnThisPlatform)
         systemDeviceProfiles.Add( deviceProfile );
		void Initialize( UnityInputDeviceProfile profile, int joystickId )
			Profile = profile;
			Meta = Profile.Meta;

			var analogMappingCount = Profile.AnalogCount;
			for (int i = 0; i < analogMappingCount; i++)
				var analogMapping = Profile.AnalogMappings[i];
				var analogControl = AddControl( analogMapping.Target, analogMapping.Handle );

				analogControl.Sensitivity = Profile.Sensitivity;
				analogControl.UpperDeadZone = Profile.UpperDeadZone;
				analogControl.LowerDeadZone = Profile.LowerDeadZone;

			var buttonMappingCount = Profile.ButtonCount;
			for (int i = 0; i < buttonMappingCount; i++)
				var buttonMapping = Profile.ButtonMappings[i];
				AddControl( buttonMapping.Target, buttonMapping.Handle );

			JoystickId = joystickId;
			if (joystickId != 0)
				SortOrder = 100 + joystickId;
				Meta += " [id: " + joystickId + "]";
		void AttachKeyboardDeviceWithConfig( UnityInputDeviceProfile config )
			if (keyboardDevicesAttached)

			var keyboardDevice = new UnityInputDevice( config );
			AttachDevice( keyboardDevice );

			keyboardDevicesAttached = true;
Example #4
        public UnityInputDevice( UnityInputDeviceProfile profile, int joystickId = 0 )
            : base(profile.Name, profile.AnalogMappings.Length, profile.ButtonMappings.Length)
            Profile = profile;

            Meta = Profile.Meta;

            foreach (var analogMapping in Profile.AnalogMappings)
                AddAnalogControl( analogMapping.Target, analogMapping.Handle );

            foreach (var buttonMapping in Profile.ButtonMappings)
                AddButtonControl( buttonMapping.Target, buttonMapping.Handle );

            JoystickId = joystickId;

            if (joystickId != 0)
                Meta += " [id: " + joystickId + "]";
Example #5
 public bool IsConfiguredWith( UnityInputDeviceProfile deviceProfile, int joystickId )
     return Profile == deviceProfile && JoystickId == joystickId;
		public UnityInputDevice( UnityInputDeviceProfile profile )
			: base( profile.Name )
			Initialize( profile, 0 );
		public UnityInputDevice( UnityInputDeviceProfile profile, int joystickId )
			: base( profile.Name )
			Initialize( profile, joystickId );
        void Initialize( UnityInputDeviceProfile profile, int joystickId )
            Profile = profile;
            Meta = Profile.Meta;

            foreach (var analogMapping in Profile.AnalogMappings)
                AddAnalogControl( analogMapping.Target, analogMapping.Handle );

            foreach (var buttonMapping in Profile.ButtonMappings)
                AddButtonControl( buttonMapping.Target, buttonMapping.Handle );

            JoystickId = joystickId;
            if (joystickId != 0)
                SortOrder = 100 + joystickId;
                Meta += " [id: " + joystickId + "]";
 public UnityInputDevice( UnityInputDeviceProfile profile )
     : base(profile.Name, profile.AnalogMappings.Length, profile.ButtonMappings.Length)
     Initialize( profile, 0 );
        void DetectAttachedJoystickDevice(int unityJoystickId, string unityJoystickName)
            if (unityJoystickName == "WIRED CONTROLLER" ||
                unityJoystickName == " WIRED CONTROLLER")
                // Ignore Steam controller for now.

            if (unityJoystickName.IndexOf("webcam", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) != -1)
                // Unity thinks some webcams are joysticks. >_<

            // PS4 controller works properly as of Unity 4.5
            if (InputManager.UnityVersion <= new VersionInfo(4, 5))
                if (Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXEditor ||
                    Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXPlayer ||
                    Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.OSXWebPlayer)
                    if (unityJoystickName == "Unknown Wireless Controller")
                        // Ignore PS4 controller in Bluetooth mode on Mac since it connects but does nothing.

            var matchedDeviceProfile = deviceProfiles.Find(config => config.HasJoystickName(unityJoystickName));

            if (matchedDeviceProfile == null)
                matchedDeviceProfile = deviceProfiles.Find(config => config.HasLastResortRegex(unityJoystickName));

            UnityInputDeviceProfile deviceProfile = null;

            if (matchedDeviceProfile == null)
                deviceProfile = new UnityUnknownDeviceProfile(unityJoystickName);
                deviceProfile = matchedDeviceProfile;

            int deviceCount = devices.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < deviceCount; i++)
                var device      = devices[i];
                var unityDevice = device as UnityInputDevice;
                if (unityDevice != null && unityDevice.IsConfiguredWith(deviceProfile, unityJoystickId))
                    Logger.LogInfo("Device \"" + unityJoystickName + "\" is already configured with " + deviceProfile.Name);

            if (!deviceProfile.IsHidden)
                var joystickDevice = new UnityInputDevice(deviceProfile, unityJoystickId);

                if (matchedDeviceProfile == null)
                    Logger.LogWarning("Device " + unityJoystickId + " with name \"" + unityJoystickName + "\" does not match any known profiles.");
                    Logger.LogInfo("Device " + unityJoystickId + " matched profile " + deviceProfile.GetType().Name + " (" + deviceProfile.Name + ")");
                Logger.LogInfo("Device " + unityJoystickId + " matching profile " + deviceProfile.GetType().Name + " (" + deviceProfile.Name + ")" + " is hidden and will not be attached.");
Example #11
 public UnityInputDevice(UnityInputDeviceProfile profile)
     : base(profile.Name, profile.AnalogMappings.Length, profile.ButtonMappings.Length)
     Initialize(profile, 0);
Example #12
 public bool IsConfiguredWith(UnityInputDeviceProfile deviceProfile, int joystickId)
     return(Profile == deviceProfile && JoystickId == joystickId);
Example #13
 public UnityInputDevice(UnityInputDeviceProfile profile)
     : base(profile.Name)
     Initialize(profile, 0);
Example #14
 public UnityInputDevice(UnityInputDeviceProfile profile, int joystickId)
     : base(profile.Name)
     Initialize(profile, joystickId);