Example #1
        /*public ViewResultOfDupl[] GetResult()
         * {
         *  uint size;
         *  IntPtr ptr = _dll.GetFinalResult(out size);
         *  // Create the managed array that will be returned
         *  CoreDll.DuplPairExport[] array = new CoreDll.DuplPairExport[size];
         *  // For efficiency, only compute the element size once
         *  int elemSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CoreDll.DuplPairExport));
         *  // Populate the array
         *  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
         *  {
         *      array[i] = (CoreDll.DuplPairExport)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr + (elemSize * i), typeof(CoreDll.DuplPairExport));
         *  }
         *  //return array.Select(a => a.Path).ToArray();
         *  return array.Select(a => new ViewResultOfDupl(a)).ToArray();
         * }*/

         * public DuplPairViewModel[] GetResult2()
         * {
         *  List<DuplPairViewModel> result = new List<DuplPairViewModel>();
         *  uint size;
         *  size = _dll.GetResultSize();
         *  // For efficiency, only compute the element size once
         *  int elemSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CoreDll.DuplPairExport));
         *  // Populate the array
         *  for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
         *  {
         *      // Initialize unmanged memory to hold the struct.
         *      IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(elemSize);
         *      //CoreDll.DuplPairExport str = new CoreDll.DuplPairExport();
         *      // Copy the struct to unmanaged memory.
         *      // Marshal.StructureToPtr(str, ptr, false);
         *      //IntPtr ptr = _dll.GetResult(i);
         *      //CoreDll.DuplPairExport dpExport = _dll.GetResult(i);
         *      _dll.FillResult(ptr, i);
         *      CoreDll.DuplPairExport dpExport = (CoreDll.DuplPairExport)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(CoreDll.DuplPairExport));
         *      CheckDPExport(dpExport);
         *      result.Add(new DuplPairViewModel(dpExport));
         *      // Clean-up
         *      Marshal.DestroyStructure(ptr, typeof(CoreDll.DuplPairExport));
         *      // Free the unmanaged memory.
         *      Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
         *  }
         *  return result.ToArray();
         * }
         * private void CheckDPExport(CoreDll.DuplPairExport dpExport)
         * {
         *  if (dpExport.FirstFile.JpegQuality < 0)
         *      throw new ArgumentException("FirstFile.JpegQuality < 0");
         *  if (dpExport.SecondFile.JpegQuality < 0)
         *      throw new ArgumentException("SecondFile.JpegQuality < 0");
         *  if (dpExport.FirstFile.Sharpness < 0)
         *      throw new ArgumentException("FirstFile.Sharpness < 0");
         *  if (dpExport.SecondFile.Sharpness < 0)
         *      throw new ArgumentException("SecondFile.Sharpness < 0");
         *  if (dpExport.FirstFile.FileSize == 0)
         *      throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("FileSize for {0} is 0!", dpExport.FirstFile.Path));
         *  if (dpExport.SecondFile.FileSize == 0)
         *      throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("FileSize for {0} is 0!", dpExport.SecondFile.Path));
         * }
         * public void SetOptions(DllModel model)
         * {
         *  _dll.OptionsSet(model);
         * }
         * public bool DrawMathes(string firstImage, string secondImage)
         * {
         *  return _dll.DrawMathes(firstImage, secondImage) == CoreDll.Error.Ok;
         * }
         * public bool ClearHashStrorage(CoreDll.WorkProgressInteropNegotiator negotiator, bool deleteResized)
         * {
         *  if (_dll.ClearHashStrorage == null)
         *      throw new NullReferenceException("Функции ClearHashStrorage в библиотеке не существует!");
         *  return _dll.ClearHashStrorage(negotiator, deleteResized) == CoreDll.Error.Ok;
         * }
         * public bool SetSearchPath(IEnumerable<SearchPath> searchPathList)
         * {
         *  _dll.ClearSearchPath();
         *  foreach (SearchPath item in searchPathList)
         *  {
         *      _dll.AddSearchPath(item);
         *  }
         *  return true;
         * }*/

        public void CalculateMultiImageMetric(CoreDll.ImageInfo[] files, CoreDll.WorkProgressInteropNegotiator negotiator)
            _dll.CalculateMultiImageMetric(files, files.Length, negotiator);

            /*List<CoreDll.ImageInfo> result = new List<CoreDll.ImageInfo>();
             * uint size;
             * size = _dll.GetResultSize();
             * // For efficiency, only compute the element size once
             * int elemSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CoreDll.DuplPairExport));
             * // Populate the array
             * for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++)
             * {
             *  // Initialize unmanged memory to hold the struct.
             *  IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(elemSize);
             *  //CoreDll.DuplPairExport str = new CoreDll.DuplPairExport();
             *  // Copy the struct to unmanaged memory.
             *  // Marshal.StructureToPtr(str, ptr, false);
             *  //IntPtr ptr = _dll.GetResult(i);
             *  //CoreDll.DuplPairExport dpExport = _dll.GetResult(i);
             *  _dll.FillResult(ptr, i);
             *  CoreDll.DuplPairExport dpExport = (CoreDll.DuplPairExport)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(CoreDll.DuplPairExport));
             *  CheckDPExport(dpExport);
             *  result.Add(new DuplPairViewModel(dpExport));
             *  // Clean-up
             *  Marshal.DestroyStructure(ptr, typeof(CoreDll.DuplPairExport));
             *  // Free the unmanaged memory.
             *  Marshal.FreeHGlobal(ptr);
             * }*/
Example #2
        //public CoreDll.Error ComputeHashes(CoreDll.WorkProgressInteropNegotiator negotiator)
        //    return _dll.ComputeHashes(negotiator);

        //public CoreDll.Error CompareHashes(CoreDll.WorkProgressInteropNegotiator negotiator)
        //    return _dll.CompareHashes(negotiator);

        //public CoreDll.Error PostCheckBySURF(CoreDll.WorkProgressInteropNegotiator negotiator)
        //    return _dll.PostCheckBySURF(negotiator);

        public CoreDll.ImageInfo CalculateImageMetric(string path, CoreDll.WorkProgressInteropNegotiator negotiator)
            int    elemSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(CoreDll.ImageInfo));
            IntPtr ptr      = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(elemSize);

            _dll.CalculateImageMetric(path, negotiator, ptr);
            CoreDll.ImageInfo dpExport = (CoreDll.ImageInfo)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr, typeof(CoreDll.ImageInfo));