public JsonResult DeleteAccounts(Account[] accounts)
            using (var orgSession = OrgStore.OpenSession())
                var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (var user in accounts.Select(account => orgSession.Load<User>(account.Id)))
                    if (user == null)
                        errorBuilder.Append("Cannot find user");
                    if (user != null) user.IsDeleted = true;
                    // flag the membership reboot acount as closed.
                    var userAccountService = MvcApplication.UserAccountService;
                    var account = userAccountService.GetByEmail(user.EmailAddress);
                if (errorBuilder.Length > 0)
                    return JsonError(new AccountsAdminViewModel { ErrorMessage = errorBuilder.ToString() }, errorBuilder.ToString());
                var vm = new AccountsAdminViewModel();

                //save the changes to Raven and send a success message to the client
                    vm.SuccessMessage = string.Format("Succesfully soft deleted {0} employee accounts", accounts.Length);
                    return JsonSuccess(vm, vm.SuccessMessage);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    GetLogger().Error("Administration:Delete accounts:", ex);
                    vm.ErrorMessage = "Cannot delete accounts";
                    return JsonError(vm, vm.ErrorMessage);
        // need to verify that e-mail address given doesn't exist already in database.
        //used to both edit existing employees and add new ones
        private JsonResult EditOrCreateAccounts(Account[] accounts, bool isEdit)
            //check the all the details are correct and if not send message to client
            var errors = CheckAccounts(accounts);
            if (errors.Length > 0)
                return JsonError(new AccountsAdminViewModel { ErrorMessage = errors }, errors);
            var users = new List<IUser>();
            var errorBuilder = new StringBuilder();
            // create/edit the users
            foreach (var account in accounts)
                    var user = CreateOrEditUser(account, isEdit);
                    if (user == null && isEdit)//cant find user in database
                        errorBuilder.Append("Cannot find user");
                    using (var session = OrgStore.OpenSession())
                        if (session.Query<User>().Any(u => u.EmailAddress == account.EmailAddress) && !isEdit)
                            GetLogger().Error("Admin:EditOrCreateAccounts: attempted to add a user with an e-mail address already in OrgDB");
                            errorBuilder.Append("Cannot add user with this e-mail address. E-mail address already registered to another user");
                            //set the user details to that coming from the client
                            AccountToUser(account, user);// only do this if account.EmailAddress is not in DB, check master or OrgDB?
                    //user = UserADSettings(user);
                    //if (isEdit) continue;
                    // in original loop, user was saved here, but as only users being added are added to users, can loop through user list and add each one later.
            if (errorBuilder.Length > 0)
                    return JsonError(new AccountsAdminViewModel { ErrorMessage = errorBuilder.ToString() }, errorBuilder.ToString());
            var vm = new AccountsAdminViewModel();
            // now open session here, first, store users
            using (var orgSession = OrgStore.OpenSession())
                foreach (var user in users)
                //save the changes to Raven and send a success message to the client
                    var shouldSave = true;
                    var editedAdded = "added";
                    if (isEdit)
                        editedAdded = "edited";
                    if (shouldSave)
                        vm.SuccessMessage = string.Format("Succesfully {0} {1} employee accounts", editedAdded,
                        return JsonSuccess(vm, vm.SuccessMessage);
                        GetLogger().Error("Admin:EditOrCreateAccounts: attempted to add a user with an e-mail address already in MasterDB");
                        vm.ErrorMessage = "Cannot add user with this e-mail address. E-mail address already registered to another user";
                        return JsonError(vm, vm.ErrorMessage);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    GetLogger().Error(string.Format("Admin:EditOrCreateAccounts: Cannot save changes to Raven"), ex);
                    vm.ErrorMessage = "Cannot save changes";
                    return JsonError(vm, vm.ErrorMessage);
        /// <summary>
        /// Return employees to search on
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="request"></param>
        /// <param name="onlyManagers"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private AccountsAdminViewModel GetEmployees(Request request, bool onlyManagers)
            //the default parameter to sort employees on if one isnt supplied by the client
            var order = string.Empty;

            //use the sort details in the request to construct a string to be used in the linq query (dynamic linq)
            if (request.sort != null && request.sort.Count > 0)
                var sorts = new List<string>();
                    x =>
                    sorts.Add(x.field.ToLower() == "photo" ? string.Empty : string.Format("{0} {1}", x.field, x.dir)));
                order = string.Join(",", sorts.ToArray());
                order = order.Replace("Name", "LastName");
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(order))
                order = "LastName";
            order = order.Trim(',');

            var startsWith = string.Empty;
            if (request.filter != null && request.filter.filters[0] != null && request.filter.filters[0].Field.ToLower() == "name" &&
                request.filter.filters[0].Operator.ToLower() == "startswith")
                startsWith = request.filter.filters[0].Value;
            //query raven, supplying the sort info plus take and skip for server side paging
            using (var orgSession = OrgStore.OpenSession())
                var query =
                              .Where(user => !user.IsDeleted)
                                  user =>
                                  user.LastName.StartsWith(startsWith, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) ||
                                  user.FirstName.StartsWith(startsWith, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture) ||
                                  user.Name.StartsWith(startsWith, true, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)
                if (onlyManagers)
                    query = query.Where(user => user.Roles.Any(r => r.Name == Role.BuiltInRole.Manager.ToString()));
                var accounts = query.Skip(request.skip)
                                    .Select(user => new Account
                                        Name = user.Name,
                                        PersonnelNumber = user.PersonnelNumber,
                                        Position = user.Position,
                                        EmailAddress = user.EmailAddress,
                                        DateOfBirth = user.DateOfBirth,
                                        Id = user.Id,
                                        PhotoId = user.Avatar.PublicID,
                                        Roles = user.Roles,
                                        MobilePhoneNumber = user.MobilePhoneNumber,
                                        //NeedsAD = user.NeedsAD

                //in case some DOBs havent been set  - set them to a sensible value to make ir easier for the user
                foreach (var account in accounts.Where(a => a.DateOfBirth == DateTime.MinValue))
                    account.DateOfBirth = DateTime.Now.Date.AddYears(-35);

                //this is the safe way to get the total number of docs of a particaular type - we need this to make paging work
                RavenQueryStatistics stats;
                orgSession.Query<User>().Statistics(out stats).Where(user => !user.IsDeleted).ToArray();
                foreach (var account in accounts)
                    account.IsManager = account.Roles.Any(r => r.Name == Role.BuiltInRole.Manager.ToString());
                    account.IsAdministrator = account.Roles.Any(r => r.Name == Role.BuiltInRole.Administrator.ToString());
                    account.IsAnalytics = account.Roles.Any(r => r.Name == Role.BuiltInRole.Analytics.ToString());
                //put our results plus the total count in the view model and send it back as JSON
                var vm = new AccountsAdminViewModel { Accounts = accounts, Count = stats.TotalResults };
                return vm;