Example #1
 private static void copyProperties(string prefix, Ice.Properties from, Ice.Properties to)
     foreach (var p in from.getPropertiesForPrefix(prefix))
         to.setProperty(p.Key, p.Value);
Example #2
        public void loadPlugins(ref string[] cmdArgs)
            Debug.Assert(_communicator != null);
            string     prefix     = "Ice.Plugin.";
            Properties properties = _communicator.getProperties();
            Dictionary <string, string> plugins = properties.getPropertiesForPrefix(prefix);

            // First, load static plugin factories which were setup to load on
            // communicator initialization. If a matching plugin property is
            // set, we load the plugin with the plugin specification. The
            // entryPoint will be ignored but the rest of the plugin
            // specification might be used.
            foreach (var name in _loadOnInitialization)
                string key = "Ice.Plugin." + name + ".clr";
                string r   = null;
                plugins.TryGetValue(key, out r);
                if (r != null)
                    plugins.Remove("Ice.Plugin." + name);
                    key = "Ice.Plugin." + name;
                    plugins.TryGetValue(key, out r);

                if (r != null)
                    loadPlugin(name, r, ref cmdArgs);
                    loadPlugin(name, "", ref cmdArgs);

            // Load and initialize the plug-ins defined in the property set
            // with the prefix "Ice.Plugin.". These properties should
            // have the following format:
            // Ice.Plugin.name[.<language>]=entry_point [args]
            // The code below is different from the Java/C++ algorithm
            // because C# must support full assembly names such as:
            // Ice.Plugin.Logger=logger, Version=, Culture=neutral:LoginPluginFactory
            // If the Ice.PluginLoadOrder property is defined, load the
            // specified plug-ins in the specified order, then load any
            // remaining plug-ins.

            string[] loadOrder = properties.getPropertyAsList("Ice.PluginLoadOrder");
            for (int i = 0; i < loadOrder.Length; ++i)
                if (loadOrder[i].Length == 0)

                if (findPlugin(loadOrder[i]) != null)
                    PluginInitializationException e = new PluginInitializationException();
                    e.reason = "plug-in `" + loadOrder[i] + "' already loaded";
                    throw e;

                string key   = "Ice.Plugin." + loadOrder[i] + ".clr";
                string value = null;
                plugins.TryGetValue(key, out value);
                if (value != null)
                    plugins.Remove("Ice.Plugin." + loadOrder[i]);
                    key = "Ice.Plugin." + loadOrder[i];
                    plugins.TryGetValue(key, out value);

                if (value != null)
                    loadPlugin(loadOrder[i], value, ref cmdArgs);
                    PluginInitializationException e = new PluginInitializationException();
                    e.reason = "plug-in `" + loadOrder[i] + "' not defined";
                    throw e;

            // Load any remaining plug-ins that weren't specified in PluginLoadOrder.
            while (plugins.Count > 0)
                IEnumerator <KeyValuePair <string, string> > p = plugins.GetEnumerator();
                string key  = p.Current.Key;
                string val  = p.Current.Value;
                string name = key.Substring(prefix.Length);

                int dotPos = name.LastIndexOf('.');
                if (dotPos != -1)
                    string suffix = name.Substring(dotPos + 1);
                    if (suffix.Equals("cpp") || suffix.Equals("java"))
                        // Ignored
                    else if (suffix.Equals("clr"))
                        name = name.Substring(0, dotPos);
                        loadPlugin(name, val, ref cmdArgs);
                        plugins.Remove("Ice.Plugin." + name);
                        // Name is just a regular name that happens to contain a dot
                        dotPos = -1;

                if (dotPos == -1)

                    // Is there a .clr entry?
                    string clrKey = "Ice.Plugin." + name + ".clr";
                    if (plugins.ContainsKey(clrKey))
                        val = plugins[clrKey];
                    loadPlugin(name, val, ref cmdArgs);