public void relayUnknownPreservedAsKnownPreserved(IRelayPrx r, Ice.Current current) { IRelayPrx p = current.Connection.CreateProxy(r.Identity, IRelayPrx.Factory); p.unknownPreservedAsKnownPreserved(); test(false); }
public void finished(Ice.Current current, Ice.Object servant, System.Object cookie) { lock (this) { test(!_deactivated); } // // Ensure finished() is only called once per request. // test(_requestId == current.requestId); _requestId = -1; test( || _category.Length == 0); test("locate") ||"finished")); if ("finished")) { exception(current); } Cookie co = (Cookie)cookie; test(co.message().Equals("blahblah")); }
public override string GetStockCodesInfo(Ice.Current current__) { //DataService ds = GetDataService(); //if (ds is DataService) //{ // DSIceStockCode[] codes = null; // List<StockCode> mcd; // int count = ds.GetStockCodes(out mcd); // App.Logger.Info(string.Format("ICE订阅服务:获取股票定义{0}", count)); // if (count > 0 && mcd != null) // { // codes = new DSIceStockCode[count]; // for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) // { // codes[i] = mcd[i].GetDSIceStockCode(); // } // } // else // { // codes = null; // } // //string codesInfo = ds.GetStockCodesInfo(); // App.Logger.Info("ICE订阅服务:获取股票定义"); // return codes == null ? null : Helper.JsonHelper.ToJSON(codes); // //return codesInfo; //} //App.Logger.Error("DataService对象不存在!"); return(null); }
getLog(Ice.LogMessageType[] messageTypes, string[] categories, int messageMax, out string prefix, Ice.Current current) { LinkedList <Ice.LogMessage> logMessages = null; lock (this) { if (messageMax != 0) { logMessages = new LinkedList <Ice.LogMessage>(_queue); } else { logMessages = new LinkedList <Ice.LogMessage>(); } } prefix = _logger.getPrefix(); if (logMessages.Count > 0) { Filters filters = new Filters(messageTypes, categories); filterLogMessages(logMessages, filters.messageTypes, filters.traceCategories, messageMax); } return(logMessages.ToArray()); }
detachRemoteLogger(Ice.RemoteLoggerPrx remoteLogger, Ice.Current current) { if (remoteLogger == null) { return(false); } // // No need to convert the proxy as we only use its identity // bool found = removeRemoteLogger(remoteLogger); if (_traceLevel > 0) { if (found) { _logger.trace(_traceCategory, "detached `" + remoteLogger.ToString() + "'"); } else { _logger.trace(_traceCategory, "cannot detach `" + remoteLogger.ToString() + "': not found"); } } return(found); }
public void findAdapterById(string domainId, string adapterId, LookupReplyPrx reply, Ice.Current current) { if (!domainId.Equals(_domainId)) { return; // Ignore } bool isReplicaGroup; Ice.IObjectPrx proxy = _registry.findAdapter(adapterId, out isReplicaGroup); if (proxy != null) { // // Reply to the multicast request using the given proxy. // try { reply.foundAdapterByIdAsync(adapterId, proxy, isReplicaGroup); } catch (Ice.LocalException) { // Ignore. } } }
setReplicatedAdapterDirectProxyAsync(string adapterId, string replicaGroupId, Ice.IObjectPrx proxy, Ice.Current current) { lock (this) { if (proxy != null) { _adapters.Add(adapterId, proxy); HashSet <string> adapterIds; if (!_replicaGroups.TryGetValue(replicaGroupId, out adapterIds)) { adapterIds = new HashSet <string>(); _replicaGroups.Add(replicaGroupId, adapterIds); } adapterIds.Add(adapterId); } else { _adapters.Remove(adapterId); HashSet <string> adapterIds; if (_replicaGroups.TryGetValue(replicaGroupId, out adapterIds)) { adapterIds.Remove(adapterId); if (adapterIds.Count == 0) { _replicaGroups.Remove(replicaGroupId); } } } } return(null); }
ice_invokeAsync(byte[] inEncaps, Ice.Current current) { Debug.Assert(current.Connection != null); var prx = current.Connection.createProxy(current.Id).Clone(facet: current.Facet, oneway: current.RequestId == 0); return(prx.InvokeAsync(current.Operation, current.Mode, inEncaps, current.Context)); }
IceInvokeAsync(byte[] inEncaps, Ice.Current current) { Debug.Assert(current.Connection != null); var prx = current.Connection.CreateProxy(current.Id, IObjectPrx.Factory) .Clone(facet: current.Facet, oneway: current.RequestId == 0); return prx.InvokeAsync(current.Operation, current.IsIdempotent, inEncaps, current.Context); }
public Ice.Object locate(Ice.Current current, out System.Object cookie) { lock (this) { test(!_deactivated); } test( || _category.Length == 0); if ("unknown")) { cookie = null; return(null); } test("locate") ||"finished")); if ("locate")) { exception(current); } // // Ensure locate() is only called once per request. // test(_requestId == -1); _requestId = current.requestId; cookie = new CookieI(); return(new TestI()); }
public override void Shutdown(Ice.Current current) { current.adapter.getCommunicator().shutdown(); var logger = current.adapter.getCommunicator().getLogger(); logger.print("Ice Shutting downed!"); }
ice_invokeAsync(byte[] inParams, Ice.Current current) { lock (this) { var request = new Request(this, current.operation, current.mode, inParams, current.ctx); invoke(null, request); return(request.Task); } }
public void knownPreservedAsKnownPreserved(Ice.Current current) { KnownPreservedDerived ex = new KnownPreservedDerived(); ex.b = "base"; = "preserved"; ex.kpd = "derived"; throw ex; }
/// <summary>Creates a new response frame that represents "success" with a void return value. The returned /// frame is complete and no additional data can be included in its payload.</summary> /// <param name="current">The current parameter holds decoded header data and other information about the /// request currently dispatched.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="Ice.OutputStream"/> that holds the new frame.</returns> public static Ice.OutputStream CreateEmptyResponseFrame(Ice.Current current) { var ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(current.Adapter.Communicator, Ice.Util.CurrentProtocolEncoding); ostr.WriteBlob(Protocol.replyHdr); ostr.WriteInt(current.RequestId); ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyOK); ostr.WriteEmptyEncapsulation(current.Encoding); return(ostr); }
/// <summary>Starts a new response frame and the encapsulation in that frame. This frame encodes a "success" /// response.</summary> /// <param name="current">The current parameter holds decoded header data and other information about the /// request currently dispatched.</param> /// <param name="format">The Slice format (Compact or Sliced) used by the encapsulation.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="Ice.OutputStream"/> that holds the new frame.</returns> public static Ice.OutputStream StartResponseFrame(Ice.Current current, Ice.FormatType?format = null) { var ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(current.Adapter.Communicator, Ice.Util.CurrentProtocolEncoding); ostr.WriteBlob(Protocol.replyHdr); ostr.WriteInt(current.RequestId); ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyOK); ostr.StartEncapsulation(current.Encoding, format); return(ostr); }
/// <summary>Starts a new response frame and the encapsulation in that frame. This frame encodes a "failure" /// response.</summary> /// <param name="current">The current parameter holds decoded header data and other information about the /// request currently dispatched.</param> /// <returns>An <see cref="Ice.OutputStream"/> that holds the new frame.</returns> public static Ice.OutputStream StartFailureResponseFrame(Ice.Current current) { var ostr = new Ice.OutputStream(current.Adapter.Communicator, Ice.Util.CurrentProtocolEncoding); ostr.WriteBlob(Protocol.replyHdr); ostr.WriteInt(current.RequestId); ostr.WriteByte(ReplyStatus.replyUserException); // Exceptions are always marshaled in the sliced format: ostr.StartEncapsulation(current.Encoding, FormatType.SlicedFormat); return(ostr); }
unknownPreservedAsKnownPreservedAsync(Ice.Current current) { SPreserved2 ex = new SPreserved2(); ex.b = "base"; = "preserved"; ex.kpd = "derived"; ex.p1 = new SPreservedClass("bc", "spc"); ex.p2 = ex.p1; throw ex; }
public void unknownPreservedAsKnownPreserved(Ice.Current current) { Preserved2 ex = new Preserved2(); ex.b = "base"; = "preserved"; ex.kpd = "derived"; ex.p1 = new PreservedClass("bc", "pc"); ex.p2 = ex.p1; throw ex; }
public override void shutdown(Ice.Current current) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("Shutting down..."); try { current.adapter.getCommunicator().shutdown(); } catch (System.Exception ex) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); } }
public void relayUnknownPreservedAsKnownPreserved(IRelayPrx?r, Ice.Current current) { TestHelper.Assert(r != null); IRelayPrx p = current.Connection !.CreateProxy(r.Identity, IRelayPrx.Factory); try { p.unknownPreservedAsKnownPreserved(); } catch (RemoteException ex) { TestHelper.Assert(ex.ConvertToUnhandled); ex.ConvertToUnhandled = false; throw; } TestHelper.Assert(false); }
public override int UnsubscribeCodes(string username, string[] codelist, Ice.Current current__) { try { DataServantPrx prx = GetDataServant(); if (prx != null) { int retval = prx.UnsubscribeCodes(username, codelist); return(retval); } } catch (Ice.Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:UnsubscribeCodes调用失败\n" + ex.Message); } return(0); }
public override int GetPubType(Ice.Current current__) { try { DataServantPrx prx = GetDataServant(); if (prx != null) { var re = prx.GetPubType(); LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:获取当前pub模式成功"); return(re); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:获取当前pub模式失败!异常信息:" + ex.Message); } return(-1); }
relayKnownPreservedAsBaseAsync(IRelayPrx?r, Ice.Current current) { Debug.Assert(r != null); IRelayPrx p = current.Connection.CreateProxy(r.Identity, IRelayPrx.Factory); try { p.knownPreservedAsBase(); } catch (RemoteException ex) { test(ex.ConvertToUnhandled); ex.ConvertToUnhandled = false; throw; } test(false); return(new ValueTask(Task.CompletedTask)); }
//DataService _dataService; //private DataService GetDataService() //{ // if (!(_dataService is DataService)) // { // _dataService = UnityContainerHost.Container.Resolve<IDataService>() as DataService; // } // return _dataService; //} public override int SubscribeCodes(string username, string[] codelist, Ice.Current current__) { try { DataServantPrx prx = GetDataServant(); if (prx != null && codelist.Length > 0) { int retval = prx.SubscribeCodes(username, codelist); LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:" + username + " 已订阅股票:" + string.Join(",", codelist)); return(retval); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:SubscribeCodes调用失败\n" + ex.Message); } return(0); }
public override bool SetSubType(string username, int subType, Ice.Current current__) { try { DataServantPrx prx = GetDataServant(); if (prx != null) { var re = prx.SetSubType(username, subType); LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:设置订阅模式成功"); return(re); } } catch (System.Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:设置订阅模式失败!异常信息:" + ex.Message); } return(false); }
public override void FlushCodes(string username, string[] codelist, Ice.Current current__) { try { DataServantPrx prx = GetDataServant(); if (prx != null) { if (codelist.Length > 0) { prx.FlushCodes(username, codelist); } } } catch (System.Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:FlushCodes调用失败\n" + ex.Message); } }
public override int GetStockCodes(out DSIceStockCode[] codes, Ice.Current current__) { try { DataServantPrx prx = GetDataServant(); if (prx != null) { DSIceStockCode[] arr; var re = prx.GetStockCodes(out arr); LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:获取全市场股票代码成功,股票总数:" + arr.Length); codes = arr; } } catch (System.Exception ex) { LogHelper.Instance.Info("AASDataWService:GetStockCodes调用失败\r\n Message:" + ex.Message); } codes = null; return(0); }
public override void initiateCallback(CallbackReceiverPrx proxy, Ice.Current current) { System.Console.Out.WriteLine("initiating callback"); try { Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { while (true) { proxy.callback(); Console.Out.WriteLine("call back"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } }); } catch (System.Exception ex) { System.Console.Error.WriteLine(ex); } }
public Ice.Instrumentation.DispatchObserver getDispatchObserver(Ice.Current c, int size) { if (_dispatch.isEnabled()) { try { Ice.Instrumentation.DispatchObserver del = null; if (_delegate != null) { del = _delegate.getDispatchObserver(c, size); } return(_dispatch.getObserver(new DispatchHelper(c, size), del)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _metrics.getLogger().error("unexpected exception trying to obtain observer:\n" + ex); } } return(null); }
public void AddObserver(IServiceObserverPrx observer, Ice.Current current) { List <string> activeServices = new List <string>(); // // Null observers and duplicate registrations are ignored // lock (this) { if (observer != null) { try { _observers.Add(observer, true); } catch (ArgumentException) { return; } if (_traceServiceObserver >= 1) { _logger.trace("IceBox.ServiceObserver", $"Added service observer {observer}"); } foreach (ServiceInfo info in _services) { if (info.Status == ServiceStatus.Started) { activeServices.Add(info.Name); } } } } if (activeServices.Count > 0) { observer !.ServicesStartedAsync(activeServices.ToArray()).ContinueWith((t) => observerCompleted(observer, t), TaskScheduler.Current); } }