//保存印章信息 public bool SaveSignature() { IDbTransaction tran = Utility.Database.BeginDbTransaction(); try { B_OA_SendDoc sendDoc = new B_OA_SendDoc(); sendDoc.Condition.Add("caseid = " + mRecordID); sendDoc = Utility.Database.QueryObject<B_OA_SendDoc>(sendDoc, tran); sendDoc.qf = mFieldValue; sendDoc.Condition.Add("caseid = " + mRecordID); Utility.Database.Update(sendDoc, tran); Utility.Database.Commit(tran); return true; } catch (Exception e) { Utility.Database.Rollback(tran); return false; } }
/// <summary> /// 创建一个Word数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="caseid"></param> /// <returns></returns> private Dictionary<string, Object> CreateWordSendDocData(string caseid, IDbTransaction tran, string fwzh) { B_OA_SendDoc boacd = new B_OA_SendDoc(); boacd.Condition.Add("caseid = " + caseid);//设置查询条件 boacd = Utility.Database.QueryObject<B_OA_SendDoc>(boacd); FX_WorkFlowBusAct wfba = new FX_WorkFlowBusAct(); wfba.Condition.Add("CaseID = " + caseid);//设置查询条件 List<FX_WorkFlowBusAct> wfbaList = Utility.Database.QueryList(wfba); var boacdmjsql = @"select a.csz as id, a.mc as mc from Para_BizTypeItem a , Para_BizTypeDictionary b where a.flid = b.id and b.lx = 'mjTypeDic' and a.csz =" + boacd.mj; DataSet boacdmjds = Utility.Database.ExcuteDataSet(boacdmjsql); // 发文 Dictionary<string, Object> dict = new Dictionary<string, Object>(); dict.Add("caseid", boacd.caseid == "" ? "" : boacd.caseid);//业务ID dict.Add("fwrq", boacd.fwrq == null ? "" : Convert.ToDateTime(boacd.fwrq).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));//发文日期 dict.Add("wjbh", boacd.wjbh == "" ? "" : boacd.wjbh);//文件编号 dict.Add("fwzh", fwzh); dict.Add("fwlx", boacd.fwlx == "" ? "" : boacd.fwlx);//发文类型 dict.Add("mj", boacdmjds.Tables.Count > 0 ? (boacdmjds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ? boacdmjds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mc"] : "") : ""); //密级 //处理显示名称 dict.Add("ys", boacd.ys == "" ? "" : boacd.ys);//印数 //公开程度 DataSet gkcdgkcdds = new DataSet(); var gkcdgkcdsql = ""; if (boacd.gkcd != null) { gkcdgkcdsql = @"select a.csz as id, a.mc as mc from Para_BizTypeItem a , Para_BizTypeDictionary b where a.flid = b.id and b.lx = 'gkcdTypeDic' and a.csz =" + boacd.gkcd; gkcdgkcdds = Utility.Database.ExcuteDataSet(gkcdgkcdsql); dict.Add("gkcd", gkcdgkcdds.Tables.Count > 0 ? (gkcdgkcdds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0 ? gkcdgkcdds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["mc"] : "") : ""); //公开程度 } else { dict.Add("gkcd", ""); } dict.Add("wjbt", boacd.wjbt == "" ? "" : boacd.wjbt);//文件标题 dict.Add("zs", boacd.zs == "" ? "" : boacd.zs);//主送 dict.Add("cb", boacd.cb == "" ? "" : boacd.cb);//抄报 dict.Add("cs", boacd.cs == "" ? "" : boacd.cs);//抄送 dict.Add("ztc", boacd.ztc == "" ? "" : boacd.ztc);// 主题词 dict.Add("zbbm", boacd.zbbm == "" ? "" : boacd.zbbm);//主办部门 dict.Add("jd", boacd.jd == "" ? "" : boacd.jd);//校对 dict.Add("dzy", boacd.dzy == "" ? "" : boacd.dzy);// 打字员 dict.Add("bz", boacd.bz == "" ? "" : boacd.bz);//备注 dict.Add("yx", boacd.yx == "" ? "" : boacd.yx);//一校 dict.Add("ex", boacd.ex == "" ? "" : boacd.ex);//二校 string gklx = boacd.gklx;//公开类型 switch (gklx) { case "1": dict.Add("gklx1", "√"); break; case "2": dict.Add("gklx2", "√"); break; case "3": dict.Add("gklx3", "√"); break; } // 打印日期 dict.Add("printTime", DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString()); DataTable dataTable = CommonFunctional.GetUserNameAndDepartNameByActId(caseid, "A002", tran); if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { string name = dataTable.Rows[0][1] + " " + dataTable.Rows[0][0]; dict.Add("ngr", name);// 拟稿人 } //评阅意见的插入 #region //获取所有评阅意见 FX_WorkFlowBusAct work = new FX_WorkFlowBusAct(); work.Condition.Add("CaseID = " + caseid); work.OrderInfo = "ReceDate asc"; List<FX_WorkFlowBusAct> listWork = Utility.Database.QueryList<FX_WorkFlowBusAct>(work, tran); //将所有工作流信息格式化 List<B_OA_PrintParagragh> listPara = CommonFunctional.ChangeListToMatch(listWork); List<B_OA_PrintParagragh> ngbmfzrhgList = new List<B_OA_PrintParagragh>(); List<B_OA_PrintParagragh> hbdwyjList = new List<B_OA_PrintParagragh>(); List<B_OA_PrintParagragh> fgldshList = new List<B_OA_PrintParagragh>(); List<B_OA_PrintParagragh> jbgsfzrhgList = new List<B_OA_PrintParagragh>(); List<B_OA_PrintParagragh> qfList = new List<B_OA_PrintParagragh>(); //领导批示 for (int i = 0; i < listPara.Count; i++) { // 拟稿部门负责人核稿 if (listPara[i].ActID == "A002") { ngbmfzrhgList.Add(listPara[i]); } //局办公室负责人核稿 else if (listPara[i].ActID == "A004") { jbgsfzrhgList.Add(listPara[i]); } // 分管领导审核 else if (listPara[i].ActID == "A005") { fgldshList.Add(listPara[i]); } //会办单位意见 else if (listPara[i].ActID == "A010") { hbdwyjList.Add(listPara[i]); } //会办单位意见 else if (listPara[i].ActID == "A006") { qfList.Add(listPara[i]); } } int k = 0; //拟稿部门负责人 var imgNgbmfzrhgList = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray[ngbmfzrhgList.Count]; for (k = 0; k < ngbmfzrhgList.Count; k++) { imgNgbmfzrhgList[k] = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray(); imgNgbmfzrhgList[k].Images = ngbmfzrhgList[k].Image; imgNgbmfzrhgList[k].Text = ngbmfzrhgList[k].Text; imgNgbmfzrhgList[k].Foots = ngbmfzrhgList[k].Foots; imgNgbmfzrhgList[k].FootAlign = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Right; } dict.Add("ngbmfzrhg", imgNgbmfzrhgList); //局办公室负责人核稿 var imgJbgsfzrhgList = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray[jbgsfzrhgList.Count]; for (k = 0; k < jbgsfzrhgList.Count; k++) { imgJbgsfzrhgList[k] = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray(); imgJbgsfzrhgList[k].Images = jbgsfzrhgList[k].Image; imgJbgsfzrhgList[k].Text = jbgsfzrhgList[k].Text; imgJbgsfzrhgList[k].Foots = jbgsfzrhgList[k].Foots; imgJbgsfzrhgList[k].FootAlign = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Right; } dict.Add("jbgsfzrhg", imgJbgsfzrhgList); //分管领导审核 var imgFgldshList = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray[fgldshList.Count]; for (k = 0; k < fgldshList.Count; k++) { imgFgldshList[k] = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray(); imgFgldshList[k].Images = fgldshList[k].Image; imgFgldshList[k].Text = fgldshList[k].Text; imgFgldshList[k].Foots = fgldshList[k].Foots; imgFgldshList[k].FootAlign = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Right; } dict.Add("fgldsh", imgFgldshList); //会办单位意见 var imgHbdwyjList = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray[hbdwyjList.Count]; for (k = 0; k < hbdwyjList.Count; k++) { imgHbdwyjList[k] = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray(); imgHbdwyjList[k].Images = hbdwyjList[k].Image; imgHbdwyjList[k].Text = hbdwyjList[k].Text; imgHbdwyjList[k].Foots = hbdwyjList[k].Foots; imgHbdwyjList[k].FootAlign = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Right; } dict.Add("hbdwyj", imgHbdwyjList); //签发 var imgQfList = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray[qfList.Count]; for (k = 0; k < qfList.Count; k++) { imgQfList[k] = new OpenXmlHelper.ImageTextArray(); imgQfList[k].Images = qfList[k].Image; imgQfList[k].Text = qfList[k].Text; imgQfList[k].Foots = qfList[k].Foots; imgQfList[k].FootAlign = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Wordprocessing.JustificationValues.Right; } dict.Add("qf", imgQfList); #endregion //读取签发图片 StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.AppendFormat(@" select s.*,u.CnName from B_OA_Sighture as s LEFT JOIN FX_UserInfo as u on s.userid = u.UserID where s.caseid='{0}' and s.tableName='{1}' and s.columnName='{2}' and s.type='{3}'", caseid, "SendDoc", "qf", "0"); DataSet sightureDs = Utility.Database.ExcuteDataSet(strSql.ToString()); string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(sightureDs.Tables[0]); List<B_OA_Sighture> listSighture = (List<B_OA_Sighture>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonData, typeof(List<B_OA_Sighture>)); if (listSighture.Count > 0) { B_OA_Sighture sighture = new B_OA_Sighture(); sighture = listSighture[0]; string rootPath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/"); rootPath = rootPath.Replace("\\", "/"); string path = rootPath + sighture.path; if (File.Exists(path)) { dict.Add("qf", System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(path));//备注 } } return dict; }
/// <summary> /// 保存到文档中心和文档中心审核意见表和文章关系表中 /// </summary> /// <param name="tran"></param> /// <param name="caseid"></param> /// <param name="userid"></param> public void SaveToNotice(IDbTransaction tran, string caseid, string userid) { StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); string DPName = "";//部门名称 string DPID = "";//部门ID string CnName = "";//归档人姓名 string saveFileName = "";//需要存档的文件夹名称 string dir = ""; string UserID = ""; dir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;//获取应用程序跟目录 dir = dir.Replace("\\", "/"); strSql.Clear(); strSql.AppendFormat(@"select * from FX_AttachMent where CaseID='{0}'", caseid); DataSet ds = Utility.Database.ExcuteDataSet(strSql.ToString(), tran); if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ds.Tables[0]); List<FX_AttachMent> list_fx = (List<FX_AttachMent>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonData, typeof(List<FX_AttachMent>)); //将文件复制文档中心下的相应目录 string path = dir + "attachment/documentCenter/"; if (Directory.Exists(path) == false)//如果不存在就创建文件夹 { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } for (int f = 0; f < list_fx.Count(); f++) { string path1 = ""; string path2 = ""; path1 = dir + "附件目录/" + list_fx[f].FilePath; string fileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日HH时mm分ss秒") + "_" + list_fx[f].FileName; path2 = path + fileName; //取出文件并保存到相应目录中 File.Copy(path1, path2, true); saveFileName += "attachment/documentCenter/" + fileName; if (f != (list_fx.Count() - 1)) { saveFileName += "|"; } } } //取出用户相关信息 var userInfo = ComClass.GetUserInfo(userid); DPID = userInfo.DPID; CnName = userInfo.CnName; UserID = userInfo.UserID; //查找部门ID FX_Department department = new FX_Department(); department.Condition.Add("DPID=" + userInfo.DPID); FX_Department department_ad = Utility.Database.QueryList<FX_Department>(department, tran)[0]; DPName = department_ad.DPName; //放入的文件类型ID B_OA_SendDoc sendDoc = new B_OA_SendDoc(); sendDoc.Condition.Add("caseid=" + caseid); sendDoc = Utility.Database.QueryObject<B_OA_SendDoc>(sendDoc); //保存文档 B_OA_Notice newNotice = new B_OA_Notice(); //newNotice.NewsTitle = sendDoc.;//文档标题 newNotice.CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//现在时间 newNotice.NewsTitle = sendDoc.wjbt; newNotice.documentTypeId = sendDoc.fwlxId;//文档类型id string documentTypeName = getFileTypeNameByFileTypeId(sendDoc.fwlxId, tran); newNotice.documentTypeName = documentTypeName;//所选树状图名称,从根节点到子节点 newNotice.CreateMan = CnName;//创建人 newNotice.CreaterId = userid;//创建人 newNotice.AttachmentName = saveFileName;//保存文件路径 newNotice.ShareAttachment = "0";//是否共享文件 newNotice.isSeeInDoor = false;//是否在门户中查看 newNotice.status = "checkThrough";//审核状态 newNotice.caseid = sendDoc.caseid; newNotice.publicRange = 0;//非指定人查看 newNotice.NewsId = ComClass.GetGuid(); newNotice.publicRange = 0;//所有人查看 newNotice.isReadRecord = true;//查看记录 newNotice.isTextSuggetion = true;//可以发表意见 newNotice.ChkMId = UserID + ";"; newNotice.ChkM = CnName + ";"; newNotice.Chkdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//审核时间 Utility.Database.Insert<B_OA_Notice>(newNotice, tran); //插入审核记录 //取出审核人ID数组 string[] checkManId = newNotice.ChkMId.Split(';'); //插入审核表,用于文章修改后,或者新生成的文章审核 for (int i = 0; i < checkManId.Length - 1; i++) { B_OA_Notice_Addvice addvice = new B_OA_Notice_Addvice(); var user_check = ComClass.GetUserInfo(checkManId[i]); //审核人ID addvice.chkId = checkManId[i]; //审核人姓名 addvice.chkName = user_check.CnName; //审核状态为未审核 addvice.statuType = "checkThrough"; //审核状态名称 addvice.statusName = "审核通过"; //文章表外键 addvice.noticeId = newNotice.NewsId; Utility.Database.Insert(addvice, tran); } //插入文章关系表 B_OA_Notice_FileType_R fileType_r = new B_OA_Notice_FileType_R(); fileType_r.noticeId = newNotice.NewsId; fileType_r.fileTypeId = sendDoc.fwlxId; Utility.Database.Insert(fileType_r, tran); //sendDoc.fwlxId; }
public string PrintSendDocContent(string content, string userid) { IDbTransaction tran = Utility.Database.BeginDbTransaction(); SkyLandDeveloper developer = new SkyLandDeveloper("{}", userid, tran); try { dynamic jdata = JValue.Parse(content); string fwrqString = jdata["fwrqString"];//fwrqString string printType = jdata["printType"];//printType string caseid = jdata["caseid"]; string strFileName = "发文正文_"; strFileName += DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + "_temporary"; strFileName += ".docx"; string sendContentPath = CommonFunctional.GetDocumentPathByName("SendDocContent", "FileDir"); string targetPath = sendContentPath + strFileName; string savePath = "SendDocContent#" + strFileName; string realFileName = ""; switch (printType) { case "1": realFileName = "南宁市“美丽南宁 清洁水源”专项活动领导小组文件中红头.docx"; break; case "2": realFileName = "南宁市“美丽南宁 清洁水源”专项活动领导小组小红头.docx"; break; case "3": realFileName = "南宁市规划环境影响评价工作领导小组办公室文件红头.docx"; break; case "4": realFileName = "南宁市环保专项行动领导小组办公室上报红头文件.docx"; break; case "5": realFileName = "南宁市环保专项行动领导小组办公室文件红头.docx"; break; case "6": realFileName = "南宁市环保专项行动领导小组办公室小红头.docx"; break; case "7": realFileName = "南宁市环境保护局上报红头文件.docx"; break; case "8": realFileName = "南宁市环境保护局小红头.docx"; break; case "9": realFileName = "南宁市环境保护局中红头.docx"; break; case "10": realFileName = "南宁市环境保护委员会办公室文件红头(新).docx"; break; case "11": realFileName = "南宁市环境保护委员会办公室文件上报红头.docx"; break; case "12": realFileName = "南宁市环境保护委员会办公室小红头.docx"; break; case "14": realFileName = "中共南宁市环境保护局党组上报红头.docx"; break; } string modelPath = CommonFunctional.GetDocumentPathByName("Send", "FileModelDir"); //选择模版,将模版复制出一份 //通过caseid查找发文,并将字号贴上 B_OA_SendDoc sendDoc = new B_OA_SendDoc(); sendDoc.Condition.Add("caseid=" + caseid); sendDoc = Utility.Database.QueryObject(sendDoc, tran); string fwzh = sendDoc.fwzh; Dictionary<string, Object> dict = new Dictionary<string, Object>(); dict.Add("fwzh", fwzh == "" ? "" : fwzh);//发文字号 realFileName = modelPath + realFileName; //将字号赋到文档的相应位置 IWorkFlow.OfficeService.IWorkFlowOfficeHandler.ProduceWord2007UP(realFileName,targetPath, dict); //获取正文的路径 B_Common_CreateDoc createDoc = new B_Common_CreateDoc(); createDoc.Condition.Add("caseid=" + caseid); createDoc.Condition.Add("docType=" + "mainBody"); createDoc = Utility.Database.QueryObject(createDoc, tran); if (createDoc == null) { throw (new Exception("选择模版失败:此发文未生成过正文,请编辑正文后再选择模版!")); } string fileName = createDoc.filename.Replace("#", "/"); string filePath = CommonFunctional.GetDocumentPathByName("", "") + fileName; if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { developer.RollBack(); return Utility.JsonResult(false, "此正文路径不存在,无法套红"); } //删除旧的套红过的源数据 B_Common_CreateDoc delDoc = new B_Common_CreateDoc(); delDoc.Condition.Add("caseid = " + caseid); delDoc.Condition.Add("type = " + "SendDoc"); delDoc.Condition.Add("docType = " + "redCover"); delDoc = Utility.Database.QueryObject<B_Common_CreateDoc>(delDoc); if (delDoc != null) { delDoc.Condition.Add("id =" + delDoc.id); Utility.Database.Delete(delDoc, tran); } //存入新的套红模版路径 B_Common_CreateDoc redCover = new B_Common_CreateDoc(); redCover.caseid = caseid; redCover.type = "SendDoc"; redCover.filename = savePath; redCover.createdate = DateTime.Now; redCover.createman = userid; redCover.docType = "redCover"; Utility.Database.Insert(redCover, tran); //将发文的正文路径 GetDataModel dataModel = new GetDataModel(); dataModel.mainBodyPath = filePath; dataModel.redCoverPath = targetPath; Utility.Database.Commit(tran); return Utility.JsonResult(true, "发送成功!", dataModel); } catch (Exception ex) { developer.RollBack(); ComBase.Logger(ex); return Utility.JsonResult(false, "选择模版失败:" + ex.Message.Replace(":", " ")); } }
public object GetData(string userid, string caseId, string baid) { try { //只有待办箱才有设置为已读 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(baid)) engineAPI.SetIsReaded(caseId, baid, userid); GetDataModel data = new GetDataModel(); B_OA_SendDoc en = new B_OA_SendDoc(); en.Condition.Add("caseid=" + caseId); data.sendDocBaseInfo = Utility.Database.QueryObject<B_OA_SendDoc>(en); if (data.sendDocBaseInfo == null) { var baseInfo = new B_OA_SendDoc(); baseInfo.fwrq = DateTime.Now; baseInfo.dzy = ComClass.GetUserInfo(userid).CnName; //baseInfo.gklx = "1";//公开类型默认为主动公开 data.sendDocBaseInfo = baseInfo; } return data; } catch (Exception ex) { ComBase.Logger(ex); throw (new Exception("获取数据失败!", ex)); } }
public string FilePlaceS(string caseid, string title, string userid) { var tran = Utility.Database.BeginDbTransaction(); string DPName = "";//部门名称 string DPID = "";//部门ID string CnName = "";//归档人姓名 string AttachmentType = "";//归档文件夹ID string saveFileName = "";//需要存档的文件夹名称 string dir = ""; string UserID = ""; try { dir = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;//获取应用程序跟目录 StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(); strSql.AppendFormat("select * from FX_AttachMent where CaseID='{0}' and FileName like '归档_%'", caseid); DataSet ds = Utility.Database.ExcuteDataSet(strSql.ToString(), tran); string jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ds.Tables[0]); List<FX_AttachMent> list_fx = (List<FX_AttachMent>)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonData, typeof(List<FX_AttachMent>)); if (list_fx.Count == 0) { return Utility.JsonResult(false, "没有归档文件,请上传归档文件"); } if (list_fx.Count > 1) { return Utility.JsonResult(false, "该文有两份归档文件,无法归档"); } saveFileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分ss秒") + list_fx[0].FileName; //取出部门id var userInfo = ComClass.GetUserInfo(userid); DPID = userInfo.DPID; CnName = userInfo.CnName; UserID = userInfo.UserID; //查找部门ID FX_Department department = new FX_Department(); department.Condition.Add("DPID=" + userInfo.DPID); FX_Department department_ad = Utility.Database.QueryList<FX_Department>(department, tran)[0]; DPName = department_ad.DPName; //归档文件夹ID B_OA_FileType fileType = new B_OA_FileType(); fileType.Condition.Add("FileTypeName=" + "发文归档"); List<B_OA_FileType> listFileType = Utility.Database.QueryList<B_OA_FileType>(fileType, tran); if (listFileType.Count <= 0) { return Utility.JsonResult(false, "文档中心分类中未有“发文归档”文档,请联系管理员添加"); } B_OA_FileType fileType_ad = listFileType[0]; AttachmentType = fileType_ad.FileTypeId; //保存文档 B_OA_Notice newNotice = new B_OA_Notice(); newNotice.NewsTitle = title;//文档标题 newNotice.CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//现在时间 newNotice.documentTypeId = AttachmentType;//文档类型id newNotice.CreateMan = CnName; //创建人 newNotice.CreaterId = userid;//创建人ID newNotice.AttachmentName = "attachment/documentCenter/" + saveFileName;//保存文件路径 newNotice.ShareAttachment = "0";//是否共享文件 newNotice.Chk = "0";//是否已经审核 newNotice.ChkM = CnName + ";";//审核人 newNotice.Chkdate = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");//审核时间 newNotice.documentTypeName = "办公室;收发文归档;发文归档;";//文件文档分类名 newNotice.NewsId = ComClass.GetGuid(); newNotice.publicRange = 0;//所有人查看 newNotice.isReadRecord = true;//查看记录 newNotice.isTextSuggetion = true;//可以发表意见 newNotice.status = "waitCheck";//审核状态待审核 newNotice.ChkMId = UserID + ";"; string path = dir + "attachment\\documentCenter\\"; if (Directory.Exists(path) == false)//如果不存在就创建文件夹 { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } //取出文件并保存到相应目录中 File.Copy(dir + "附件目录\\" + list_fx[0].FilePath, path + saveFileName, true); Utility.Database.Insert<B_OA_Notice>(newNotice, tran); //插入审核记录 //取出审核人ID数组 string[] checkManId = newNotice.ChkMId.Split(';'); //插入审核表,用于文章修改后,或者新生成的文章审核 for (int i = 0; i < checkManId.Length - 1; i++) { B_OA_Notice_Addvice addvice = new B_OA_Notice_Addvice(); var user_check = ComClass.GetUserInfo(checkManId[i]); //审核人ID addvice.chkId = checkManId[i]; //审核人姓名 addvice.chkName = user_check.CnName; //审核状态为未审核 addvice.statuType = "waitcheck"; //审核状态名称 addvice.statusName = "待审核"; //文章表外键 addvice.noticeId = newNotice.NewsId; Utility.Database.Insert(addvice, tran); } //插入文件夹附件表 //B_OA_FileList newFileList = new B_OA_FileList(); //newFileList.NewsId = ComClass.GetGuid(); //newFileList.FileName = saveFileName; //newFileList.RelativePath = "attachment/fileDocument/" + saveFileName; //string a = dir.Replace("\\", "/"); //newFileList.AbsolutePath = a + saveFileName; //newFileList.Extension = saveFileName.Split('.')[1]; //newFileList.FileSize = 0; //newFileList.BeforeFileName = list_fx[0].FileName; //newFileList.Dept = DPID; //Utility.Database.Insert<B_OA_FileList>(newFileList, tran); //修改收文的归档状态 B_OA_SendDoc sendDoc = new B_OA_SendDoc(); sendDoc.Condition.Add("caseid=" + caseid); B_OA_SendDoc sendDoc_ad = Utility.Database.QueryList<B_OA_SendDoc>(sendDoc, tran)[0]; sendDoc_ad.sfgd = 1;//修改归档状态为已归档 Utility.Database.Update(sendDoc_ad, tran); Utility.Database.Commit(tran); return Utility.JsonResult(true, "归档成功,此文档上传的归档附件可在文档中心的“办公室》收发文归档》发文归档”文件夹中看到"); } catch (Exception e) { Utility.Database.Rollback(tran); return Utility.JsonResult(false, "数据加载失败!异常信息: " + e.Message); } }