Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Get sortby by looking for the topic label and content label in the qnum survey and using that qnum
        /// if the content label isnt there, use the qnum for the last instance of the topic label, adding !00 to it
        /// if neither are there, use z
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="topic"></param>
        /// <param name="content"></param>
        /// <param name="qnumSurvey"></param>
        /// <returns>string. The first Qnum that contains the provided Topic and Content labels</returns>
        private string GetFirstQnum(string topic, string content, ReportSurvey qnumSurvey)
            string firstQnum;

            List <SurveyQuestion> foundQs;

            foundQs = qnumSurvey.Questions.Where(x => x.VarName.Topic.LabelText.Equals(topic) && x.VarName.Content.LabelText.Equals(content)).ToList();

            if (foundQs.Count != 0)
                firstQnum = foundQs[0].Qnum;
                foundQs = qnumSurvey.Questions.Where(x => x.VarName.Topic.LabelText.Equals(topic)).ToList();

                if (foundQs.Count != 0)
                    firstQnum = foundQs[0].Qnum + "!00";
                    firstQnum = "z";

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sq">The deleted question.</param>
        /// <param name="refSurvey">The survey that contains the deleted question.</param>
        public void RenumberDeletion(SurveyQuestion sq, ReportSurvey refSurvey, ReportSurvey otherSurvey)
            // we need to find the last common varname between the 2 surveys, set the qnum of the row to that common row's qnum + the z-qnum

            string varname;
            string previousvar;
            string previousqnum = "";

            varname = sq.VarName.RefVarName;

            for (int i = 0; i < refSurvey.Questions.Count; i++)
                if (refSurvey.Questions[i].VarName.RefVarName.Equals(varname))
                    if (i == 0)
                        previousqnum = "000";
                        previousvar  = refSurvey.Questions[i - 1].VarName.RefVarName;
                        previousqnum = GetPreviousCommonVar(varname, refSurvey, otherSurvey);
            sq.Qnum = previousqnum + '^' + sq.Qnum;
Example #3
 public void CreateSyntax(ReportSurvey s, SyntaxFormat format)
     OutputPath += "\\" + s.SurveyCode + " " + DateTime.Today.ToString("d"); // add the extension to this
     switch (format)
     case SyntaxFormat.EpiData:
Example #4
        private void CreateEpiCHK(ReportSurvey s)
            using (StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter(OutputPath + ".chk"))
                // for each question, if it has response options, create a block containing:
                // VarName
                //   LEGAL...END (if ro/nr not null)
                //   AFTER ENTRY...END (if pstp not null)
                // END
                foreach (SurveyQuestion sq in s.Questions)
                    if (sq.ScriptOnly)

                    // varname

                    // RANGE
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sq.RespOptions) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sq.NRCodes))
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sq.RespOptions) && !sq.VarType.Equals("numeric"))
                            tw.WriteLine("  Range 0 " + new string('7', sq.NumCol));

                    // LEGAL
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sq.RespOptions) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(sq.NRCodes) && sq.VarType.Equals("numeric"))
                        tw.WriteLine("  LEGAL");

                        tw.WriteLine("    " + string.Join("\r\n    ", sq.GetRespNumbers()));

                        tw.WriteLine("  END");

                    // AFTER ENTRY
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sq.PstP))
                        tw.WriteLine("  AFTER ENTRY");

                        tw.WriteLine(GetAfterEntry(sq.VarName.FullVarName, new QuestionRouting(sq.PstP, sq.RespOptions), s.Questions.ToList()));
                        tw.WriteLine("  END");

                    // END
Example #5
        public bool HasSurvey(ReportSurvey s)
            bool found = false;

            foreach (ReportSurvey rs in Surveys)
                if (rs.SurveyCode.Equals(s.SurveyCode) && rs.Backend.Equals(s.Backend))
                    found = true;
Example #6
        public ReportSurvey GetSurvey(string code, DateTime backup)
            ReportSurvey s = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Surveys.Count; i++)
                if (Surveys[i].SurveyCode == code && Surveys[i].Backend == backup)
                    s = Surveys[i]; break;
Example #7
        // Returns the first survey object matching the specified id.
        public ReportSurvey GetSurvey(int id)
            ReportSurvey s = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Surveys.Count; i++)
                if (Surveys[i].ID == id)
                    s = Surveys[i]; break;
Example #8
        // Returns the first survey object matching the specified code.
        public ReportSurvey GetSurvey(string code)
            ReportSurvey s = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Surveys.Count; i++)
                if (Surveys[i].SurveyCode == code)
                    s = Surveys[i]; break;
Example #9
        // Returns the survey object that defines the Qnum order
        public ReportSurvey QnumSurvey()
            ReportSurvey s = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Surveys.Count; i++)
                if (Surveys[i].Qnum)
                    s = Surveys[i];
Example #10
        // Returns the survey object that has been designated primary
        public ReportSurvey PrimarySurvey()
            ReportSurvey s = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < Surveys.Count; i++)
                if (Surveys[i].Primary)
                    s = Surveys[i];
Example #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the VarName of the last common VarName between 2 datatables, starting from a specified VarName.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="varname">The starting point from which we will look back to find the first common VarName.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the Qnum of the first common VarName that occurs before the specified VarName. If there are no common VarNmaes before this VarName, returns '000'.</returns>
        private string GetPreviousCommonVar(string varname, ReportSurvey refSurvey, ReportSurvey otherSurvey)
            string previousQnum = "";
            string prev         = "";
            string curr         = "";

            refSurvey.Questions.ToList().Sort((x, y) => x.Qnum.CompareTo(y.Qnum));
            otherSurvey.Questions.ToList().Sort((x, y) => x.Qnum.CompareTo(y.Qnum));

            for (int i = refSurvey.Questions.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                curr = refSurvey.Questions[i].VarName.RefVarName;

                // get the previous var in refSurvey
                if (curr.Equals(varname))
                    if (i == 0)
                        prev = "";
                        prev = refSurvey.Questions[i - 1].VarName.RefVarName;

                        // check if it exists in otherSurvey
                        var foundRow = otherSurvey.Questions.SingleOrDefault(x => x.VarName.RefVarName == prev);

                        if (foundRow != null)
                            previousQnum = foundRow.Qnum;
                            varname = refSurvey.Questions[i - 1].VarName.RefVarName;

            if (prev.Equals(""))
                previousQnum = "000";

Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a survey from the list
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <remarks>Update the primary survey, then renumber the remaining surveys.</remarks>
        public void RemoveSurvey(ReportSurvey s)



            // renumber surveys
            for (int i = 1; i <= Surveys.Count; i++)
                Surveys[i - 1].ID = i;

            //RemoveColumn(s.SurveyCode + " " + s.Backend.ToString("d"));
Example #13
        // Add a Survey object to the list of surveys and set it's ID to the next available number starting with 1
        public void AddSurvey(ReportSurvey s)
            int newID = 1;




            while (GetSurvey(newID) != null)

            s.ID = newID;

            //AddColumn(s.SurveyCode + " " + s.Backend.ToString("d"));
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the name of the column, in the final survey table, containing the question text.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns: string.</returns>
        protected string GetQuestionColumnName(ReportSurvey s)
            string column = "";

            column = s.SurveyCode.Replace(".", "");
            if (!s.Backend.Equals(DateTime.Today))
                column += " " + s.Backend.ToString("d");
            if (s.Corrected)
                column += " Corrected";
            if (s.Marked)
                column += " Marked";
Example #15
        public Comparison(ReportSurvey p, ReportSurvey o)
            PrimarySurvey = p;
            OtherSurvey   = o;

            SimilarWords = new string[1][];

            ShowDeletedFields    = true;
            ShowDeletedQuestions = true;
            ReInsertDeletions    = true;

            IgnoreSimilarWords = true;

            Highlight       = true;
            HighlightStyle  = HStyle.Classic;
            HighlightScheme = HScheme.Sequential;
            HighlightNR     = true;

            Intersection = new List <SurveyQuestion>();
            PrimeOnly    = new List <SurveyQuestion>();
            OtherOnly    = new List <SurveyQuestion>();
Example #16
        // TODO create method for getting SortBy (even for Qnum survey)

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a DataTable containing all combinations of Topic and Content labels found in the survey list. Each question that appears under these
        /// combinations is displayed under it's own survey heading. The table is sorted by the Qnum from the first survey and any labels not found in that
        /// survey are collected at the bottom of the table.
        /// </summary>
        public DataTable CreateTCReport(BindingList <ReportSurvey> surveyList)
            DataTable report = new DataTable();
            DataRow   newrow;
            string    currentT;
            string    currentC;
            string    qs             = "";
            string    firstQnum      = "";
            string    otherFirstQnum = "";

            List <SurveyQuestion> foundQs;
            ReportSurvey          qnumSurvey = null;

            // start with a table containing all Topic/Content combinations present in the surveys
            report = CreateTCBaseTable(surveyList);

            foreach (ReportSurvey s in surveyList)
                if (s.Qnum)
                    qnumSurvey = s;

            // for each T/C combination, add each survey's questions that match
            // there should be one row for each T/C combo, so we need to concatenate all questions with that combo
            foreach (DataRow tc in report.Rows)
                currentC = (string)tc["Info"];
                currentC = currentC.Substring(currentC.IndexOf("<em>") + 4, currentC.IndexOf("</em>") - currentC.IndexOf("<em>") - 4);

                currentT = (string)tc["Info"];
                currentT = currentT.Substring(8, currentT.IndexOf("</strong>") - 8);

                // now for each survey, add the questions that match the topic content pair
                foreach (ReportSurvey s in surveyList)
                    foundQs = s.Questions.Where(x => x.VarName.Topic.LabelText.Equals(currentT) && x.VarName.Content.LabelText.Equals(currentC)).ToList();

                    foreach (SurveyQuestion sq in foundQs)
                        if (firstQnum.Equals(""))
                            firstQnum = sq.Qnum;

                        qs += "<strong>" + sq.Qnum + "</strong> (" + sq.VarName + ")" + "\r\n" + sq.GetQuestionText(s.StdFieldsChosen, true) + "\r\n\r\n";

                    qs = Utilities.TrimString(qs, "\r\n\r\n");
                    tc[s.SurveyCode] = qs;
                    if (s.Qnum)
                        tc["SortBy"] = firstQnum;
                        tc["Qnum"]   = firstQnum;
                        if (tc["SortBy"] == DBNull.Value || tc["SortBy"].Equals(""))
                            otherFirstQnum = GetFirstQnum(currentT, currentC, qnumSurvey);

                            if (otherFirstQnum.Equals("z"))
                                firstQnum = otherFirstQnum + firstQnum;
                                firstQnum = otherFirstQnum;

                            tc["SortBy"] = firstQnum;
                    qs        = "";
                    firstQnum = "";
            // add a row to start the section for unmatched labels (labels that do not exist in the Qnum survey)
            newrow           = report.NewRow();
            newrow["Info"]   = "<strong>Unmatches Labels</strong>";
            newrow["SortBy"] = "z000";

Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// // TODO replace with server function
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s"></param>
        /// <param name="commentTypes"></param>
        /// <param name="commentDate"></param>
        /// <param name="commentAuthors"></param>
        /// <param name="commentSources"></param>
        public static void FillCommentsBySurvey(ReportSurvey s)
            QuestionComment c;
            string          query = "SELECT * FROM qryCommentsQues WHERE SurvID = @sid";

            using (SqlDataAdapter sql = new SqlDataAdapter())
                using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ISISConnectionString"].ConnectionString))

                    sql.SelectCommand = new SqlCommand();
                    sql.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@sid", s.SID);

                    if (s.CommentFields != null && s.CommentFields.Count != 0)
                        query += " AND (";
                        for (int i = 0; i < s.CommentFields.Count; i++)
                            sql.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@commentTypes" + i, s.CommentFields[i]);
                            query += " NoteType = @commentTypes" + i + " OR ";
                        query  = Utilities.TrimString(query, " OR ");
                        query += ")";

                    if (s.CommentDate != null)
                        sql.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@commentDate", s.CommentDate.Value);
                        query += " AND NoteDate >= @commentDate";

                    if (s.CommentAuthors != null && s.CommentAuthors.Count != 0)
                        query += " AND (";
                        for (int i = 0; i < s.CommentAuthors.Count; i++)
                            sql.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@commentAuthors" + i, s.CommentAuthors[i]);
                            query += " NoteInit = @commentAuthors" + i + " OR ";
                        query  = Utilities.TrimString(query, " OR ");
                        query += ")";

                    if (s.CommentSources != null && s.CommentSources.Count != 0)
                        query += " AND (";
                        for (int i = 0; i < s.CommentSources.Count; i++)
                            sql.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@commentSources" + i, s.CommentSources[i]);
                            query += " SourceName = @commentSources" + i + " OR ";
                        query  = Utilities.TrimString(query, " OR ");
                        query += ")";

                    if (s.CommentText != null)
                        query += " AND ";
                        sql.SelectCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@commentText", s.CommentText);
                        query += " Notes LIKE '%' + @commentText + '%'";

                    query += " ORDER BY NoteDate ASC";

                    sql.SelectCommand.CommandText = query;
                    sql.SelectCommand.Connection  = conn;

                        using (SqlDataReader rdr = sql.SelectCommand.ExecuteReader())
                            while (rdr.Read())
                                c = new QuestionComment
                                    Notes         = new Note((int)rdr["ID"], (string)rdr["Notes"]),
                                    QID           = (int)rdr["QID"],
                                    Survey        = (string)rdr["Survey"],
                                    VarName       = (string)rdr["VarName"],
                                    CID           = (int)rdr["CID"],
                                    NoteDate      = (DateTime)rdr["NoteDate"],
                                    NoteInit      = (int)rdr["NoteInit"],
                                    Name          = (string)rdr["Name"],
                                    NoteType      = (string)rdr["NoteType"],
                                    ShortNoteType = (string)rdr["ShortForm"],
                                    SurvID        = (int)rdr["SurvID"]
                                if (!rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("SourceName")))
                                    c.SourceName = (string)rdr["SourceName"];
                                if (!rdr.IsDBNull(rdr.GetOrdinal("Source")))
                                    c.Source = (string)rdr["Source"];

                    catch (Exception e)
Example #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a table using the provided ReportSurvey data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="s">Report survey</param>
        public DataTable MakeFinalTable(ReportSurvey s)
            DataTable finalTable;
            DataRow   newrow;
            string    questionColumnName = GetQuestionColumnName(s);
            string    varname; // (potentially) edited VarName field
            string    questionFilter;

            // construct finalTable
            // finalTable will have fields for ID, Qnum, VarName, Question Text, and Labels by default
            // comments, translations, filters will be added if needed
            finalTable = new DataTable();
            finalTable.Columns.Add("ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add("SortBy", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add("Qnum", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add("AltQnum", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add("VarName", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add("refVarName", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName, Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " AltQnum2", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " AltQnum3", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " VarLabel", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " Domain", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " Topic", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " Content", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " Product", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add("CorrectedFlag", Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));
            finalTable.Columns.Add("TableFormat", Type.GetType("System.Boolean"));

            // comment column
            if (s.CommentFields != null && s.CommentFields.Count != 0)
                finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " Comments", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            // translation column
            foreach (string lang in s.TransFields)
                finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " " + lang, Type.GetType("System.String"));
            // filter columns
            if (s.FilterCol)
                finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " Filters", Type.GetType("System.String"));
            // section bounds
            if (ShowSectionBounds)
                finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " FirstVarName", Type.GetType("System.String"));
                finalTable.Columns.Add(questionColumnName + " LastVarName", Type.GetType("System.String"));

            // for each question, edit the fields according to the chosen options,
            // then add the fields to a new row in the final table.
            foreach (SurveyQuestion q in s.Questions)
                // create a deep copy of just the wordings so that we can format them without affecting the original wordings
                SurveyQuestion wordings = q.DeepCopyWordings();

                // insert Qnums before variable names
                if (QNInsertion)
                    s.InsertQnums(wordings, Numbering);
                    s.InsertOddQnums(wordings, Numbering);

                // insert Country codes into variable names
                if (CCInsertion)

                // remove long lists in response option column
                if (!ShowLongLists && Utilities.CountLines(q.RespOptions) >= 25)
                    wordings.RespOptions = "[center](Response options omitted)[/center]";

                // NRFormat
                if (NrFormat != ReadOutOptions.Neither && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.NRCodes))
                    wordings.NRCodes = s.FormatNR(q.NRCodes, NrFormat);

                // Semi-telephone format
                if (SemiTel)
                    q.FormatSemiTel(out string changedPreI, out string changedRespOptions);
                    wordings.PreI        = changedPreI;
                    wordings.RespOptions = changedRespOptions;

                // in-line routing
                if (InlineRouting && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(q.PstP))

                // routing format
                if (!wordings.VarName.FullVarName.StartsWith("Z"))
                    if (s.RoutingFormat == RoutingStyle.None)
                        wordings.PreP = "";
                        wordings.PstP = "";
                    else if (s.RoutingFormat == RoutingStyle.Grey)
                        wordings.PreP = "<Font Color=#a6a6a6>" + wordings.PreP + "</Font>";
                        wordings.PstP = "<Font Color=#a6a6a6>" + wordings.PstP + "</Font>";

                // subset tables
                if (SubsetTables)
                    if (SubsetTablesTranslation)
                        if (q.TableFormat && q.Qnum.EndsWith("a"))
                            wordings.RespOptions = "[TBLROS]" + wordings.RespOptions;
                            wordings.NRCodes    += "[TBLROE]";
                            wordings.LitQ        = "[LitQ]" + wordings.LitQ + "[/LitQ]";

                // edit VarName, but don't edit the SurveyQuestion's VarName field, since this would update the refVarName field as well
                varname = q.VarName.FullVarName;

                if (VarChangesCol && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(q.VarName.FullVarName) && !q.VarName.FullVarName.StartsWith("Z") && (q.PreviousNameList.Count > 0))
                    varname += " (Prev. ";
                    foreach (VariableName v in q.PreviousNameList)
                        varname += v.RefVarName + ", ";
                    varname = varname.Substring(0, varname.Length - 2) + ")";

                // corrected
                if (q.CorrectedFlag)
                    if (s.Corrected)
                        varname += "\r\n" + "[C]";
                        varname += "\r\n" + "[A]";

                // now we can add the fields to a DataRow to be inserted into the final table
                newrow = finalTable.NewRow();

                newrow["ID"]         = q.ID;
                newrow["SortBy"]     = q.Qnum;
                newrow["Qnum"]       = q.GetQnum();
                newrow["VarName"]    = varname;
                newrow["refVarName"] = q.VarName.RefVarName;

                // concatenate the question fields, and if this is varname BI104, attach the essential questions list
                newrow[questionColumnName] = wordings.GetQuestionText(s.StdFieldsChosen);
                if (q.VarName.RefVarName.Equals("BI104"))
                    newrow[questionColumnName] += "\r\n<strong>" + s.EssentialList + "</strong>";

                // labels (only show labels for non-headings)
                if (!q.VarName.FullVarName.StartsWith("Z") || !ShowQuestion)
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " AltQnum2"] = q.AltQnum2;
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " AltQnum3"] = q.AltQnum3;
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " VarLabel"] = q.VarName.VarLabel;
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " Topic"]    = q.VarName.Topic.LabelText;
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " Content"]  = q.VarName.Content.LabelText;
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " Domain"]   = q.VarName.Domain.LabelText;
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " Product"]  = q.VarName.Product.LabelText;

                // comments
                    foreach (QuestionComment c in q.Comments)
                        newrow[questionColumnName + " Comments"] += c.GetComments() + "\r\n\r\n";

                // translations
                foreach (string lang in s.TransFields)
                    if (s.EnglishRouting)
                        newrow[questionColumnName + " " + lang] = wordings.GetEnglishRoutingTranslation(lang).Replace("<br>", "\r\n");
                        newrow[questionColumnName + " " + lang] = wordings.GetTranslationText(lang).Replace("<br>", "\r\n");

                // filters
                if (s.FilterCol)
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " Filters"] = q.Filters;

                newrow["CorrectedFlag"] = q.CorrectedFlag;
                newrow["TableFormat"]   = q.TableFormat;

                // section bounds
                if (ShowSectionBounds)
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " FirstVarName"] = s.GetSectionLowerBound(q);
                    newrow[questionColumnName + " LastVarName"]  = s.GetSectionUpperBound(q);

                // now add a new row to the finalTable DataTable
                // the new row will be a susbet of columns in the rawTable, after the above modifications have been applied

            // apply the question filters

            questionFilter = s.GetQuestionFilter();
            if (!questionFilter.Equals(""))
                try {
                    finalTable = finalTable.Select(questionFilter).CopyToDataTable().Copy();
                catch (InvalidOperationException)
                    return(null);// filters resulted in 0 records

            // set the primary key to be the refVarName column
            // so that surveys from differing countries can still be matched up
            finalTable.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { finalTable.Columns["refVarName"] };

            // remove unneeded fields
            if (!ShowQuestion)

            // check enumeration and delete AltQnum
            if (Numbering == Enumeration.Qnum)

            if (Numbering == Enumeration.AltQnum)

            if (!s.AltQnum2Col)
                finalTable.Columns.Remove(questionColumnName + " AltQnum2");

            if (!s.AltQnum3Col)
                finalTable.Columns.Remove(questionColumnName + " AltQnum3");

            if (!s.DomainLabelCol)
                finalTable.Columns.Remove(questionColumnName + " Domain");

            if (!s.TopicLabelCol)
                finalTable.Columns.Remove(questionColumnName + " Topic");

            if (!s.ContentLabelCol)
                finalTable.Columns.Remove(questionColumnName + " Content");

            if (!s.VarLabelCol)
                finalTable.Columns.Remove(questionColumnName + " VarLabel");

            if (!s.ProductLabelCol)
                finalTable.Columns.Remove(questionColumnName + " Product");

            // these are no longer needed

Example #19
        private void CreateEpiQES(ReportSurvey s)
            using (StreamWriter tw = new StreamWriter(OutputPath + ".qes"))
                string qnumPre;
                string line;
                int    longestVarLabel = 0;
                int    longestLine     = 0;

                // create a header section

                // ID Code section
                tw.WriteLine("- ID Code -");

                // survey/screener section
                if (s.SurveyCode.EndsWith("sc"))
                    qnumPre = "S";
                    tw.WriteLine("- SCREENER SECTION -");
                    qnumPre = "Q";
                    tw.WriteLine("- SURVEY SECTION -");

                // determine the longest varlabel
                foreach (SurveyQuestion sq in s.Questions)
                    if (sq.VarName.VarLabel.Length > longestVarLabel)
                        longestVarLabel = sq.VarName.VarLabel.Length;

                // longest possible line is:
                // VarName with CC and suffix  (10)
                // 2 spaces (2)
                // Qnum with suffix and 'Q' (5)
                // space dash dash space (4)
                // longest varlabel in list of questions
                longestLine = 10 + 2 + 5 + 4 + longestVarLabel;

                foreach (SurveyQuestion sq in s.Questions)
                    if (sq.ScriptOnly)

                    line = "{" + sq.VarName + "}  " + qnumPre + sq.Qnum + " -- " + sq.VarName.VarLabel.Replace("#", "num");

                    while (line.Length < longestLine)
                        line += " ";

                    switch (sq.VarType)
                    case "numeric":
                        for (int i = 0; i < sq.NumCol; i++)
                            line += "#";

                    case "string":
                        for (int i = 0; i < sq.NumCol; i++)
                            line += "_";
