private ArrayList _users; // SimpleUser objects

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Channel
        /// </summary>
        public Channel(string name, IRCServer server, SimpleUser op)
            Console.WriteLine("new {0} with name: {1}, is available", this, name);
            this._modes = new IRCChannelMode();
            this._name = name;
            this._topic = String.Empty;
            this._members = new ArrayList();
            this._users = new ArrayList();
            this._server = server;
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove a SimpleUser object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">SimpleUser to remove</param>
        public virtual void RemoveUser(SimpleUser user)
            if (user == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("user");

            lock (this._users)
                if (this._users.Contains(user))

 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if "usr" has mode 'o'|'O'
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="usr>SimpleUser object to check</param>
 public bool IsOper(SimpleUser usr)
     return (usr.UserMode.HasMode(IRCUserModes.MODE_OP) | usr.UserMode.HasMode(IRCUserModes.MODE_LOCAL_OP));
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public bool IsMyClient(SimpleUser usr)
     if (usr.UpLink.GetType() == typeof(IRCUserConnection))
         return true;
     return false;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 public OperData GetOperData(string name, SimpleUser usr)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private string UserPrefix(SimpleUser usr)
     return (":" + usr.NickName + "!" +
         usr.UserName + "@" + usr.HostName + " ");
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void SendCommand(SimpleUser usr, string command, params string[] args)
            if (usr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("usr");

            this.SendCommand(this.UserPrefix(usr), command, args);
        public virtual void Part(SimpleUser usr, Channel channel, string message)
            if (usr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("usr");

            if (channel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("channel");

            lock (channel)
                if (channel.HasUser(usr))
                    channel.Part(usr, message);
 public virtual void Part(SimpleUser usr, Channel channel)
     this.Part(usr, channel, usr.NickName);
 private void AddUser(SimpleUser usr)
     lock (this._users)
         if (this._users.Contains(usr))
         usr.UpLink.Channels.Add(this.Name, this); // TODO: wird auch von server benutzt um bei einen netspliet schneller zu aggieren
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="text"></param>
        public virtual void SendChat(IRCConnection sender, string text)
        {// TODO: wenn eine object (Socket) nicht zugreifbar ist --> absturz
            foreach (DictionaryEntry myDE in this._nicks)
                if (((ChannelState)myDE.Value).connection == sender)

                if (sender.IsInChannel(this))
                    IRCConnection connection = ((ChannelState)myDE.Value).connection;
                    connection.SendLine(":" + sender.NickName + // BUGFIX: SendLine
                                    "!~" + connection.ClientName +
                                    "@" + connection.HostName + " " +
                                    "PRIVMSG " + this.Name + " " + text);

                    Console.WriteLine(":" + sender.NickName +
                                    "!~" + connection.ClientName +
                                    "@" + connection.HostName + " " +
                                    "PRIVMSG " + this.Name + " " + text);
                    // send (404):
        public virtual void SendChat(IRCConnection sender, SimpleUser usr, string text)
            if (sender == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("sender");

            if (usr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("usr");

            if (this.HasConnection(sender))
                foreach (IRCConnection connection in this._members)
            //					if (myDE.Value == sender)
            //						continue;

            //					IRCUserConnection connection = (IRCUserConnection)myDE.Value;
                    // TODO: SendCommand
            // :[email protected] PRIVMSG :-kein probelm das tut meine auchohne arts
                    connection.SendLine(":" + usr.NickName + // TODO: usr.SendCommand(); sender findet dann keine verwengung mehr
                                        "!" + usr.UserName +
                                        "@" + usr.HostName + " " +
                                        "PRIVMSG " + this.Name + " " + text);
                    //connection.SendCommamd("Primsg" + this.Name + " " + text);
        // TODO
        public void RemoveUser(SimpleUser usr, ExitType type)
            if (usr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("usr");

            lock (this._users)
                if (this._users.Contains(usr))
            /* TODO: nachrichten senden
                    switch (type)
                        case ExitType.Quit:
                        case ExitType.Kick:
                        case ExitType.Part:
                            * Server informieren <-- nicht notwendig, sieht Part()

            if (this.HasMode('P')) // pre-defined channel

            if (this.MemberCount == 0)
        // TODO: SimpleUser
        public virtual void Part(SimpleUser usr, string message)
            if (usr == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("usr");

            this.RemoveUser(usr, ExitType.Part);
            // TODO: server informieren
            #if false
            //connection.SendLine(":" + connection.NickName +
            //			"!" + connection.UserName +
            //			"@" + connection.HostName + " PART " + this.Name);

            //			if( ! Remove_Client( REMOVE_PART, chan, Client, Origin, Reason, true)) return false;
            //				else return true;
 public virtual bool HasUser(SimpleUser usr)
     if (this._users.Contains(usr))
         return true;
     return false;