Example #1
        // サブサブプロシージャ:グリットビュー右端にボタンを追加
        private void addButtonsToDataGridView(DataGridView dgv)
            bool  adm_flag = false;
            TfSQL flag     = new TfSQL();
            bool  fl       = flag.sqlExecuteScalarBool("select admin_flag from qc_user where qcuser = '******'");

            if (fl == true)
                adm_flag = true;
            Open      = new DataGridViewButtonColumn();
            Open.Text = "Open";
            Open.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = true;
            Open.Width = 45;

            if (adm_flag == true)
                btnDelete.Visible = true;
Example #2
        // ロード時の処理
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            this.Left      = 0;
            this.Top       = 0;
            dtInspectItems = new DataTable();
            dtLine         = new DataTable();
            defineItemTable(ref dtInspectItems);
            defineLineTable(ref dtLine);
            getComboListFromDB(ref cmbModel);
            updateDataGripViews(ref dgvMeasureItem, true);
            load_cmb = false;
            //  loadline();
            TfSQL flag = new TfSQL();
            bool  fl   = flag.sqlExecuteScalarBool("select admin_flag from qc_user where qcuser = '******'");

            if (fl == true)
                adm_flag = true;
            if (adm_flag == true)
                btnEditMaster.Enabled = true;

            //Exit app if user has been log in by another device and log in again
            string ipadd = flag.sqlExecuteScalarString("select ip_address from qc_user where qcuser = '******'");

            if (ipadd == "null")
                flag.sqlExecuteScalarString("UPDATE qc_user SET ip_address = '" + _ip + "' where qcuser = '******'");
            if (ipadd != "null" && ipadd != _ip)
                DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("User is logged in " + _ip + "," + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                                   "Do you want to log out and log in again ?", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                if (res == DialogResult.OK)
            //New option
                if (!Directory.Exists(@"D:\Database IPQC\"))
                    Directory.CreateDirectory(@"D:\Database IPQC\");
                if (File.Exists(@"D:\Database IPQC\Template.xlsx"))
                    File.Delete(@"D:\Database IPQC\Template.xlsx");
                File.Copy(@"\\\checksheet\Template.xlsx", @"D:\Database IPQC\Template.xlsx");
                if (File.Exists(@"D:\Database IPQC\Template-CheckUCL.xlsx"))
                    File.Delete(@"D:\Database IPQC\Template-CheckUCL.xlsx");
                File.Copy(@"\\\checksheet\Template-CheckUCL.xlsx", @"D:\Database IPQC\Template-CheckUCL.xlsx");
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
Example #3
        // ユーザーログイン時、パスワードとログイン状態の確認(2重ログインの防止)
        private void btnLogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (btnLogIn.Text == "Log In")
                TfSQL  tf   = new TfSQL();
                string logt = tf.sqlExecuteScalarString("select login_times from qc_user where qcuser = '******'");
                if (logt == "0")
                    grLogin.Text         = "Change Default Password";
                    lblUser.Text         = "New Password";
                    txtPwd.Size          = new Size(100, 20);
                    txtPwd.Location      = new Point(123, 47);
                    lblPass.Text         = "Confirm Password";
                    txtPassword.Size     = new Size(100, 20);
                    txtPassword.Location = new Point(123, 87);
                    btnLogIn.Text        = "Change Password";
                    btnLogIn.Enabled     = false;
                    txtPwd.Visible = true;
                    cmbUserName.Visible   = false;
                    btnChangePass.Visible = false;
                    string sql   = null;
                    string user  = null;
                    string pass  = null;
                    string ip    = null;
                    bool   login = false;

                    user = cmbUserName.Text;

                    if (user != null)
                        sql  = "select pass FROM qc_user WHERE qcuser='******'";
                        pass = tf.sqlExecuteScalarString(sql);

                        sql   = "select loginstatus FROM qc_user WHERE qcuser='******'";
                        login = tf.sqlExecuteScalarBool(sql);

                        sql = "select ip_address from qc_user where qcuser = '******'";
                        ip  = tf.sqlExecuteScalarString(sql);


                        if (pass == str_md5)
                            if (login && ip != "null" && ip != lblIP.Text)
                                DialogResult reply = MessageBox.Show("This user account is currently used by " + ip + "," + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                                                     "or the log out last time had a problem.", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);
                                sql = "UPDATE qc_user SET loginstatus=false, ip_address = '" + lblIP.Text + "' WHERE qcuser='******'";
                                bool res1 = tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, false);

                            //Check IP Address
                            if (ip == "null")
                                tf.sqlExecuteScalarString("UPDATE qc_user SET ip_address = '" + lblIP.Text + "' where qcuser = '******'");

                            // ログイン状態をTRUEへ変更
                            sql = "UPDATE qc_user SET loginstatus=true WHERE qcuser='******'";
                            bool res = tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, false);

                            // 子フォームForm1を表示し、デレゲートイベントを追加:
                            frmItem f1 = new frmItem();
                            f1.RefreshEvent += delegate(object sndr, EventArgs excp)
                                // Form1を閉じる際、ログイン状態をFALSEへ変更し、当フォームForm5も閉じる
                                sql          = "UPDATE qc_user SET loginstatus=false, ip_address = 'null' WHERE qcuser='******'";
                                res          = tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, false);
                                this.Visible = true;
                            f1.updateControls(user, lblIP.Text);
                            this.Visible = false;
                        else if (pass != txtPassword.Text)
                            MessageBox.Show("Password does not match", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                if (txtPwd.Text != txtPassword.Text)
                    lblStatus.Text      = "Password is not avaliable!";
                    lblStatus.ForeColor = Color.Red;
                    string pass = txtPwd.Text;
                    TfSQL up = new TfSQL();
                    up.sqlExecuteScalarString("update qc_user set pass = '******' where qcuser = '******'");
                    up.sqlExecuteScalarString("update qc_user set login_times = '1' where qcuser = '******'");
                    btnLogIn.Text        = "Log In";
                    lblUser.Text         = "Username:"******"Password:"******"Your password has been changed!", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                    if (result == DialogResult.OK)
Example #4
        private void login()
            string sql   = null;
            string user  = null;
            string pass  = null;
            string ip    = null;
            bool   login = false;

            user = cmbUserName.Text;

            if (user != null)
                TfSQL tf = new TfSQL();
                sql  = "select pass FROM qc_user WHERE qcuser='******'";
                pass = tf.sqlExecuteScalarString(sql);

                sql   = "select loginstatus FROM qc_user WHERE qcuser='******'";
                login = tf.sqlExecuteScalarBool(sql);

                sql = "select ip_address from qc_user where qcuser = '******'";
                ip  = tf.sqlExecuteScalarString(sql);

                //Check IP Address
                if (ip == "null")
                    tf.sqlExecuteScalarString("UPDATE qc_user SET ip_address = '" + lblIP.Text + "'");


                if (pass == str_md5)
                    if (login && ip != "null" && ip != lblIP.Text)
                        DialogResult reply = MessageBox.Show("This user account is currently used by " + ip + "," + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                                             "or the log out last time had a problem.", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2);

                    // ログイン状態をTRUEへ変更
                    sql = "UPDATE qc_user SET loginstatus=true WHERE qcuser='******'";
                    bool res = tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, false);

                    // 子フォームForm1を表示し、デレゲートイベントを追加:
                    frmItem f1 = new frmItem();
                    f1.RefreshEvent += delegate(object sndr, EventArgs excp)
                        // Form1を閉じる際、ログイン状態をFALSEへ変更し、当フォームForm5も閉じる
                        sql          = "UPDATE qc_user SET loginstatus=false, ip_address = 'null' WHERE qcuser='******'";
                        res          = tf.sqlExecuteNonQuery(sql, false);
                        this.Visible = true;
                    f1.updateControls(user, lblIP.Text);
                    this.Visible = false;
                else if (pass != txtPassword.Text)
                    MessageBox.Show("Password does not match", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Example #5
        // ロード時の処理
        private void frmScale_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // 当フォームの表示場所を指定
            this.Left = 300;
            this.Top  = 15;

            if (cmbLine.Text == "")
                btnMeasure.Enabled = false;

            //Exit app if user has been log in by another device
            TfSQL  flag    = new TfSQL();
            string ipadd   = flag.sqlExecuteScalarString("select ip_address from qc_user where qcuser = '******'");
            bool   expmiss = flag.sqlExecuteScalarBool("select export_permission from qc_user where qcuser = '******'");

            if (ipadd == "null")
                flag.sqlExecuteScalarString("UPDATE qc_user SET loginstatus=true, ip_address = '" + _ip + "' where qcuser = '******'");
            if (ipadd != "null" && ipadd != _ip)
                DialogResult res = MessageBox.Show("User is logged in " + _ip + "," + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                                   "Do you want to log out and log in again ?", "Notice", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Question);
                if (res == DialogResult.OK)
            if (txtUser.Text != "Admin")
                string[] a = txtUser.Text.Split('_');

                //User permission
                if (a[1] != "CHK" && txtUser.Text != "Admin")
                    btnMeasure.Enabled  = false;
                    btnRegister.Enabled = false;
                    btnDelete.Enabled   = false;
                if (expmiss == false && txtUser.Text != "Admin")
                    btnExport.Enabled = false;

            // DATETIMEPICKERを10日前の日付にする

            // DATETIMEPICKERの分以下を切り上げる

            // DATETIMEPICKERの分以下を下げる

            // 感知された1つ目のシリアルポートを選択し、オープンする

            // 各種処理用のテーブルを生成してデータを読み込む
            dtBuffer = new DataTable();
            defineBufferAndHistoryTable(ref dtBuffer);
            dtHistory = new DataTable();
            defineBufferAndHistoryTable(ref dtHistory);
            readDtHistory(ref dtHistory);
            dtUpLowIns = new DataTable();
            setLimitSetAndCommand(ref dtUpLowIns);

            // グリットビューの更新
            updateDataGripViews(dtBuffer, dtHistory, ref dgvBuffer, ref dgvHistory);

            // グリットビュー右端にボタンを追加(初回のみ)