Example #1
 private static void PO2VO(IMES.DataModel.SATestCheckRuleDef def, PcaTestCheckInfo info)
     info.id = def.id;
     info.code = def.code;
     info.mac = (def.mac == "Y" ? "Y" : "N");
     info.mbct = (def.mbct == "Y" ? "Y" : "N");
     info.hddv = def.hddv;
     info.bios = def.bios;
     info.editor = def.editor;
     info.cdt = Convert.ToDateTime(def.cdt);
     info.udt = Convert.ToDateTime(def.udt);
Example #2
        public int AddSATestCheckRuleItem(IMES.DataModel.SATestCheckRuleDef def)
            int id=0;
                IList<PcaTestCheckInfo> count = itemRepository.CheckSATestCheckRuleExist(def.code.Trim());
                    List<string> param = new List<string>();
                    FisException fe = new FisException("DMT147",param);
                    throw fe;
                PcaTestCheckInfo info = new PcaTestCheckInfo();
                PO2VO(def, info);

                id = info.id;
            return id;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Combine Pcb in Lot 检查异常情况
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override ActivityExecutionStatus DoExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            IMB currentMB = (IMB)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.MB);
            IMBRepository currentMBRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IMBRepository, IMB>();

            CurrentSession.AddValue("NewTerstLogremark", "");

            //2.28.	MBCode:若第6码为’M’,则取MBSN前3码为MBCode,若第5码为’M’,则取前2码
            string strMBCode = "";
            string strCheckCode = "";

            if (currentMB.Sn.Substring(5, 1) == "M" || currentMB.Sn.Substring(5, 1) == "B")
                strMBCode = currentMB.Sn.Substring(0, 3);
                strCheckCode = currentMB.Sn.Substring(6, 1);
            else if (currentMB.Sn.Substring(4, 1) == "M" || currentMB.Sn.Substring(4, 1) == "B")
                strMBCode = currentMB.Sn.Substring(0, 2);
                strCheckCode = currentMB.Sn.Substring(5, 1);

                strMBCode = currentMB.Sn.Substring(0, 2);
                strCheckCode = currentMB.Sn.Substring(5, 1);
            //1.是否存在成功过ICT Input的Log(PCBLog.Station=10 and Status=1),若不存在,则报错:“请先刷入ICT Input”
            IList<MBLog> resultLogList = currentMBRepository.GetMBLog(currentMB.Sn, "10", 1);
            if (resultLogList == null || resultLogList.Count == 0)
                List<string> errpara2 = new List<string>();
                throw new FisException("PAK078", errpara2);
            //2.	是否在修护区若存在记录,则报错:“请先将MBSno刷出修护区”参考方法:
            //      select * from PCBRepair nolock where PCBNo = @MBSno and Status = '0'
            Repair repairreturn = currentMB.GetCurrentRepair();
            if (repairreturn != null)
                List<string> errpara3 = new List<string>();
                throw new FisException("CHK220", errpara3);
            //3.	是否结合主机若存在记录,则报错:“此MB已经结合了主机”参考方法:
            //select * from IMES2012_FA..Product nolock where PCBID = @MBSno
            IProductRepository ProductRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IProductRepository, IProduct>();
            if (ProductRepository.IfBindPCB(currentMB.Sn))
                List<string> errpara4 = new List<string>();
                throw new FisException("CHK221", errpara4);
            //4.	若MB_Test存在维护记录(MB_Test.Code=MBCode and Type=0),则进行如下操作。
              var lstmbtestrec = currentMBRepository.GetMBTestList_NotCut(strMBCode, false);
              if  ((lstmbtestrec!=null)&&(lstmbtestrec.Count!=0))
                  //a.	Model是否存在,若存在获取@Model(PCB.PCBModelID, Condition: PCB.PCBNo=@MBSno)
                  if ((currentMB.Model == null) || (currentMB.Model == ""))
                      List<string> errpara5 = new List<string>();
                      throw new FisException("CHK222", errpara5);
                  //b.	Family是否存在,若存在获取@family(GetData..Part.Descr, Contidion: GetData..Part.PartNo=@Model)
                   if ((currentMB.Family == null) || (currentMB.Family == ""))
                        List<string> errpara6 = new List<string>();
                        throw new FisException("CHK223", errpara6);
                  //c.	获取@ImageRemark(rTrim(MB_Test.Remark) Condition:Code=MBCode and Type=0)
                   string ImageRemark = "";
                   IList<MBTestDef> MbTestRemarkLst = currentMBRepository.GetMBTestList_NotCut(strMBCode, false);
                   if ((MbTestRemarkLst != null) && (MbTestRemarkLst.Count != 0))
                       ImageRemark = MbTestRemarkLst[0].remark.Trim();
                  //d.	板子为RCTO板子(MBSno的CheckCode为R),检查MBSN是否已经上传全测版测试Log
                  //(select * from PCBTestLog nolock where PCBNo = @MBSno and Type = ‘M/B’ 
                  //and Station=当前站 and Cdt>PCBLog中当前MB的最大过站时间),
                  //若不存在测试Log,则报错:“此机器未进行全测版测试,请去SA1 Test刷不良!”
                   DateTime maxpcblogcdt = currentMBRepository.GetMaxCdtFromPCBLog(currentMB.Sn);
                   if (maxpcblogcdt == System.DateTime.MinValue)
                       maxpcblogcdt = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);//System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-365); 

                    if (strCheckCode== "R")
                        //检查MBSN是否已经上传全测版测试Log(select * from PCBTestLog nolock where PCBNo = @MBSno and Type = ‘M/B’ and Station=当前站 and Cdt>PCBLog中当前MB的最大过站时间),若不存在测试Log,则提示(不是报错):“此机器未进行全测版测试,只能刷不良!”,不执行step 6,等待刷入不良代码;若存在测试Log,则继续执行Step 6。
                        string[] param1 = { "M/B" };
                        var lstalltestlog = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, param1, this.Station, maxpcblogcdt);
                        if ((lstalltestlog == null) || (lstalltestlog.Count == 0))
                             throw new FisException("CHK243", new List<string>());//此机器未进行全测版测试,请去SA1 Test刷不良  --改
                  // e.	若板子存在修护记录(Condition:PCBRepair.PCBNo=@MBSno and Status = 1 and Station<>’19’)
                  //    或PCBTestLog不存在Station=08的Fail记录(PCBTestLog.PCBNo=@MBSno and Station=’08’ and Status=’0’),
                  //    则进行如下检查:
                    var bRepairRecord = false;
                    //UC Update  2012/09/29
                    //foreach (var repair in currentMB.Repairs)
                    //    if ((repair.Status == Repair.RepairStatus.Finished) && (repair.Station.Trim() != "19"))
                    //    {
                    //        bRepairRecord = true;
                    //        break;
                    //    }
                    //select PCBNo from PCBRepair 
                    //     where PCBNo = @PCBNo and Station<>'10' and Station <>'19' and Status = 1
                    //select PCBNo from PCBRepair a, PCBRepair_DefectInfo b 
                    //where a.PCBNo = @PCBNo and a.Station = '10' and a.Status  = 1
                    //and a.ID = b.PCARepairID
                    //     and UPPER(b.Remark) like '%YNB%'
                    //IMBRepository::IList<string> GetPcbNoFromPcbRepairAndPcbRepairDefectInfo(string pcbNo, string remarkLike);
                    IList<string> pcblistbyRepair = currentMBRepository.GetPcbNoFromPcbRepairAndPcbRepairDefectInfo(currentMB.Sn, "YNB");
                    if ((pcblistbyRepair == null) || (pcblistbyRepair.Count == 0))
                        bRepairRecord = false;
                        bRepairRecord = true;
                    var bFailtestlog = false;
                    DateTime tmpCdt = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                    var Failtestloglst = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, 0, "08", tmpCdt);
                    if ((Failtestloglst != null) && (Failtestloglst.Count != 0))
                        bFailtestlog = true;
                    //若@ImageRemark=’R’,检查MBSN是否已经上传全测版测试Log(select * from PCBTestLog nolock where PCBNo = @MBSno and Type = ‘M/B’ and Station=当前站 and Cdt>PCBLog中当前MB的最大过站时间),若不存在测试Log,则报错:“此机器未进行全测版测试, 请去SA1 Test 刷不良!”
                    //若@ImageRemark<>’R’,检查MBSN是否已经上传测试Log(select * from PCBTestLog nolock where PCBNo = @MBSno and Station=当前站 and Cdt>PCBLog中当前MB的最大过站时间),若不存在,则报错:“该机器未进行测试,请去SA1 Test 刷不良!”
                    if ((bRepairRecord == true) || (bFailtestlog == true))
                        if (ImageRemark == "R")
                            string[] param1 = { "M/B" };
                            var lstalltestlog = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, param1, this.Station, maxpcblogcdt);
                            if ((lstalltestlog == null) || (lstalltestlog.Count == 0))
                                throw new FisException("CHK243", new List<string>());
                            var lstalltestlog = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, this.Station, maxpcblogcdt);
                            if ((lstalltestlog == null) || (lstalltestlog.Count == 0))
                                throw new FisException("CHK244", new List<string>());
                    //f.	若板子不存在修护记录(Condition:PCBRepair.PCBNo=@MBSno and Status = 1 and Station<>’19’)
                    //和 PCBTestLog存在Station=08的Fail记录(PCBTestLog.PCBNo=@MBSno and Station=’08’ and Status=’0’),
                    //若CheckCode等于C或者数字,@ImageRemark<>’R’, 检查MBSN是否已经上传测试Log(select * from PCBTestLog nolock where PCBNo = @MBSno and Station=当前站 and Cdt>PCBLog中当前MB的最大过站时间),若不存在,则报错:“该机器未进行测试,请去SA1 Test刷不良!”
                    if ((bRepairRecord == false) && (bFailtestlog == false)) //Modify 2012/05/29
                       if ((strCheckCode == "C") || (Char.IsNumber(strCheckCode, 0) == true))
                            if (ImageRemark != "R")
                                var lstalltestlog = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, this.Station, maxpcblogcdt);
                                if ((lstalltestlog == null) || (lstalltestlog.Count == 0))
                                   throw new FisException("CHK244", new List<string>());
                    //g.	若MB没有最新的测试Log,则不执行MBCT的比对。获取该MB的MBCT(PCBInfo.InfoValue, Condition: InfoType = ‘MBCT’ and PCBNo=@MBSno),
                    //检查最新(测试Log上传时间> PCBLog中当前MB的最大过站时间)上传当前检测站的测试Log的Remark栏位中MBCT的值是否与
                    //MBCT(PCBInfo.InfoValue, Condition: InfoType = ‘MBCT’ and PCBNo=@MBSno)一致,
                    var lstPCBtestlogbyPCB = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, this.Station, maxpcblogcdt);
                    if ((lstPCBtestlogbyPCB != null) && (lstPCBtestlogbyPCB.Count != 0))
                        string strMBCT = "";
                        strMBCT = currentMB.GetExtendedProperty("MBCT") == null ? "": (string) currentMB.GetExtendedProperty("MBCT");
                        strMBCT = strMBCT.Trim();
                        string remarkfortestlog = lstPCBtestlogbyPCB[0].Remark;
                        var ilocMBCT = remarkfortestlog.IndexOf("MBCT:");
                        if (ilocMBCT != -1)
                            ilocMBCT = ilocMBCT + 5;
                            string strremarkMBCT = remarkfortestlog.Substring(ilocMBCT);
                            var ilenMBCT = strremarkMBCT.IndexOf("~");
                            var strMBCTremark = "";
                            if (ilenMBCT == -1)
                                strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT;
                                strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT.Substring(0, ilenMBCT);
                            if (strMBCT != strMBCTremark)
                                ////Debug Mantis1225
                                var iFindMBCTPos = strMBCTremark.IndexOf(strMBCT);
                                if (iFindMBCTPos == -1)
                                    throw new FisException("CHK246", new List<string>());//改号:BIOS燒錄CT錯誤,請重新燒錄

                        else if (strMBCT != "")
                            throw new FisException("CHK246", new List<string>());//改号:BIOS燒錄CT錯誤,請重新燒錄
                  //h.	板子为非RCTO(MBSno的CheckCode为不为R)
                  //if (strCheckCode != "R")
                      var brepairFinished = false;
                      foreach (var repair in currentMB.Repairs)
                        if (repair.Station == "33")
                            brepairFinished = true;
                      if (brepairFinished)
                          DateTime maxcdt = currentMBRepository.GetMaxCdtFromPCBRepair(currentMB.Sn, "33");
                          if (maxcdt == System.DateTime.MinValue)
                              maxcdt = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);//System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7); 
                          var lstItcNDcheck = currentMBRepository.GetITCNDDefectChecks_NotCut(strMBCode, "M/B");//(MB_SNo.Substring(0, 2), "M/B");

                          string[] param1 = { "M/B" };
                          var lstItcNDcheckstd = currentMBRepository.GetITCNDDefectChecks_NotCut(strMBCode, "MB");//(MB_SNo.Substring(0, 2), "MB");
                          string[] param2 = { "MB" };
                          var lsttestlogforall = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, param1, 1, this.Station, maxcdt);
                          var lsttestlogforstd = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, param2, 1, this.Station, maxcdt);
                          if (strCheckCode != "R")
                              if (lstItcNDcheck.Count > 0)
                                  if ((lsttestlogforall == null) || (lsttestlogforall.Count == 0))
                                      List<string> errpara7 = new List<string>();
                                      throw new FisException("CHK224", errpara7);
                                  else if (lsttestlogforall[0].Remark.Trim() == "")
                                      List<string> errpara7 = new List<string>();
                                      throw new FisException("CHK224", errpara7);
                              else if (lstItcNDcheckstd.Count > 0)
                                  if ((lsttestlogforstd == null) || (lsttestlogforstd.Count == 0))
                                      List<string> errpara8 = new List<string>();
                                      throw new FisException("CHK225", errpara8);
                                  else if (lsttestlogforstd[0].Remark.Trim() == "")
                                      List<string> errpara8 = new List<string>();
                                      throw new FisException("CHK225", errpara8);
                                  if ((lsttestlogforall == null) || (lsttestlogforall.Count == 0))
                                      List<string> errpara9 = new List<string>();
                                      throw new FisException("CHK224", errpara9);
                                  else if (lsttestlogforall[0].Remark.Trim() == "")
                                      List<string> errpara9 = new List<string>();
                                      throw new FisException("CHK224", errpara9);
                          //i.	若板子为成退板子(成退WC=33,PCBRepair存在成退的维修信息),且ITCNDefect Check Maintain (Table: Maintain_ITCNDefect_Check) 中有设置,
                          //则检查PCBTestLog Remark栏位的格式
                          var lstItcNDcheckMark = currentMBRepository.GetITCNDDefectChecks_NotCut(strMBCode);//.Substring(0, 2));
                          var lsttestlogforMark = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, 1, this.Station, maxcdt);
                          if (lstItcNDcheckMark.Count > 0)
                              if ((lsttestlogforMark == null) || (lsttestlogforMark.Count == 0))
                                  List<string> errpararemark10 = new List<string>();
                                  throw new FisException("CHK226", errpararemark10);
                              string logremark = lsttestlogforMark[0].Remark.Trim().ToUpper();
                              //需求变更,去掉remark 50位长度限制
                              //if (!((logremark.Substring(0, 4) == "MAC:") && (logremark.Substring(16, 6) == "~MBCT:") && (logremark.Substring(36, 3) == "~V:") && (logremark.Length == 50)))
                              if (logremark.Length < 39)
                                  List<string> errpara10 = new List<string>();
                                  throw new FisException("CHK226", errpara10);
                              if (!((logremark.Substring(0, 4) == "MAC:") && (logremark.Substring(16, 6) == "~MBCT:") && (logremark.Substring(36, 3) == "~V:")))
                                  List<string> errpara10 = new List<string>();
                                  throw new FisException("CHK226", errpara10);


              //5.	根据PCATest_Check表中设置信息进行测试Log最新(测试Log上传时间> PCBLog中当前MB的最大过站时间)上传当前检测站的Remark栏位信息卡站,详细卡站如下:
              //1)	若PCATest_Check中存在Code= MBCode的数据,则执行下面程序;若不存在,则执行Step 2)。
              var lstPcatestCheckinfo = currentMBRepository.GetPcaTestCheckInfoListByCode_NotCut(strMBCode);
              DateTime maxcdt5 = currentMBRepository.GetMaxCdtFromPCBLog(currentMB.Sn);
              if (maxcdt5 == System.DateTime.MinValue)
                  maxcdt5 = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);//System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7); 
              var strgetremark = "";
              var lstPCBtestlogbyPCB5 = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, this.Station, maxcdt5);

              if ((lstPCBtestlogbyPCB5 == null) || (lstPCBtestlogbyPCB5.Count == 0))
                  strgetremark = "";
                  strgetremark = lstPCBtestlogbyPCB5[0].Remark;

              if ((lstPcatestCheckinfo != null) && (lstPcatestCheckinfo.Count != 0))
                  //i.	若PCATest_Check.MAC = ‘Y’若Remark栏位获取的MAC值,与PCB中绑定的MAC(PCB.MAC)信息不一致,则报错:“MAC比对错误”
                  if (lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].mac.Trim() == "Y")
                      string strMAC = currentMB.MAC == null ? "" : currentMB.MAC.Trim();
                      var ilocMAC = strgetremark.IndexOf("MAC:");
                      if (ilocMAC != -1)
                          ilocMAC = ilocMAC + 4;
                          string strremarkMAC = strgetremark.Substring(ilocMAC);
                          var ilenMAC = strremarkMAC.IndexOf("~");
                          var strMACremark = "";
                          if (ilenMAC == -1)
                              strMACremark = strremarkMAC;
                              strMACremark = strremarkMAC.Substring(0, ilenMAC);
                          if (strMAC != strMACremark)
                              //Debug Mantis1225
                              var iFindMacPos = strMACremark.IndexOf(strMAC);
                              if (iFindMacPos ==-1)
                                  List<string> errparaNewB = new List<string>();
                                  throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewB);
                      else if (strMAC != "")
                          List<string> errparaNewB = new List<string>();
                          throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewB);
                  //ii.	若PCATest_Check.MBCT = ‘Y’若Remark栏位获取的MBCT值,与PCB绑定的MBCT(PCBInfo.InfoValue, Condition: InfoType=’MBCT’)信息不一致,则报错:“MBCT比对错误”
                  if (lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].mbct.Trim() == "Y")
                      var strMBCT = (string)currentMB.GetExtendedProperty("MBCT");
                      if (strMBCT == null)
                          strMBCT = "";
                      var ilocMBCT = strgetremark.IndexOf("MBCT:");
                      if (ilocMBCT != -1)
                          ilocMBCT = ilocMBCT + 5;
                          string strremarkMBCT = strgetremark.Substring(ilocMBCT);
                          var ilenMBCT = strremarkMBCT.IndexOf("~");
                          var strMBCTremark = "";
                          if (ilenMBCT == -1)
                              strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT;
                              strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT.Substring(0, ilenMBCT);
                          //if (strMBCT.IndexOf(strMBCTremark) == -1)
                          if (strMBCT != strMBCTremark)
                              //Debug Mantis1225
                              var iFindMBCTPos = strMBCTremark.IndexOf(strMBCT);
                              if (iFindMBCTPos ==-1)
                                  List<string> errparaNewC = new List<string>();
                                  throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewC);
                      else if (strMBCT != "")
                          List<string> errparaNewC = new List<string>();
                          throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewC);
                  //iii.	@HDDV=PCATest_Check.HDDV,@HDDV不等于空(‘’)且不等于’N’,若Remark栏位获取的HDDV值与@HDDV的信息不一致,则报错:“V比对错误”
                  string[] remarklst = strgetremark.Split('~');
                  string strBIOSinRemark = "BIOS:";
                  string strHDDVinRemark = "V:";
                  foreach (string splitItem in remarklst)
                      if ((splitItem != null) && (splitItem != ""))
                          if (splitItem.Substring(0, 2) == "V:")
                              strHDDVinRemark = splitItem.ToUpper();
                          else if (splitItem.Substring(0, 5) == "BIOS:")
                              strBIOSinRemark = splitItem.ToUpper();

                  if ((lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].hddv != "") && (lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].hddv != "N"))
                      string strHDDVremark = "V:" + lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].hddv.Trim().ToUpper();
                      //var ilocHDDV = strgetremark.IndexOf(strHDDVremark);
                      //if (ilocHDDV == -1)
                      if (strHDDVremark != strHDDVinRemark)
                          //Debug Mantis1225
                          var iFindHDDVPos = strHDDVinRemark.IndexOf(strHDDVremark);
                          if (iFindHDDVPos == -1)
                              List<string> errparaNewD = new List<string>();
                              throw new FisException("CHK250", errparaNewD);
                  //iv.	@BIOS=PCATest_Check.BIOS,@ BIOS不等于空(‘’)且不等于’N’,若Remark栏位获取的BIOS值与@BIOS的信息不一致,则报错:“BIOS比对错误”
                  if ((lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].bios != "") && (lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].bios != "N"))
                      string strBIOSremark = "BIOS:" + lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].bios.Trim().ToUpper();
                      if (strBIOSremark != strBIOSinRemark)
                          //Debug Mantis1225
                           var iFindBIOSPos = strBIOSinRemark.IndexOf(strBIOSremark);
                           if (iFindBIOSPos == -1)
                               List<string> errparaNewE = new List<string>();
                               throw new FisException("CHK251", errparaNewE);

              else  //2)	PCATest_Check中存在Code=@family的数据
                    PcaTestCheckInfo testCheckinfo = new PcaTestCheckInfo();
                    testCheckinfo.code = currentMB.Family;
                    var lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM = currentMBRepository.GetPcaTestCheckInfoListByCode(testCheckinfo);
                    if ((lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM != null) && (lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM.Count != 0))
                        //i.	若PCATest_Check.MAC = ‘Y’若Remark栏位获取的MAC值与PCB绑定的MAC信息不一致,则报错:“MAC比对错误”
                        if (lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM[0].mac.Trim() == "Y")
                            string strMAC = currentMB.MAC == null ? "" : currentMB.MAC.Trim();
                            var ilocMAC = strgetremark.IndexOf("MAC:");
                            if (ilocMAC != -1)
                                ilocMAC = ilocMAC + 4;
                                string strremarkMAC = strgetremark.Substring(ilocMAC);
                                var ilenMAC = strremarkMAC.IndexOf("~");
                                var strMACremark = "";
                                if (ilenMAC == -1)
                                    strMACremark = strremarkMAC;
                                    strMACremark = strremarkMAC.Substring(0, ilenMAC);
                                if (strMAC != strMACremark)
                                    var iFindMacPos = strMACremark.IndexOf(strMAC);
                                    if (iFindMacPos == -1)
                                        List<string> errparaNewF = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewF);
                            else if (strMAC != "")
                                List<string> errparaNewB = new List<string>();
                                throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewB);
                        //ii.	若PCATest_Check.MBCT = ‘Y’若Remark栏位获取的MBCT值与PCB绑定的MBCT信息不一致,则报错:“MBCT比对错误”
                        if (lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM[0].mbct.Trim() == "Y")
                            var strMBCT = (string)currentMB.GetExtendedProperty("MBCT");
                            if (strMBCT == null)
                                strMBCT = "";
                            strMBCT = strMBCT.Trim();
                            var ilocMBCT = strgetremark.IndexOf("MBCT:");
                            if (ilocMBCT != -1)
                                ilocMBCT = ilocMBCT + 5;
                                string strremarkMBCT = strgetremark.Substring(ilocMBCT);
                                var ilenMBCT = strremarkMBCT.IndexOf("~");
                                var strMBCTremark = "";
                                if (ilenMBCT == -1)
                                    strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT;
                                    strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT.Substring(0, ilenMBCT);
                                if (strMBCT != strMBCTremark)
                                    //Debug Mantis1225
                                    var iFindMBCTPos = strMBCTremark.IndexOf(strMBCT);
                                    if (iFindMBCTPos == -1)
                                        List<string> errparaNewG = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewG);
                            else if (strMBCT != "")
                                List<string> errparaNewG = new List<string>();
                                throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewG);
              //6.	测试log卡站已设置(Table MB_Test存在记录,Conditon: MB_Test.Code = MBCode and MB_Test.Type=0),则进行以下检查:
              bool bCheckFollowStep = true;
              if ((lstmbtestrec != null) && (lstmbtestrec.Count != 0))
                  //1)	若板子不存在修护记录(Condition:PCBRepair.PCBNo=@MBSno and Status = 1 and Station<>’19’)和PCBTestLog不存在Station=08的Fail记录(PCBTestLog.PCBNo=@MBSno and Station=’08’ and Status=’0’),CheckCode等于C或者数字,@ImageRemark=’R’,则不进行下面的操作
                  var bRepairRecord = false;
                  var bFailtestlog = false;
                  foreach (var repair in currentMB.Repairs)
                      if ((repair.Status == Repair.RepairStatus.Finished) && (repair.Station.Trim() != "19"))
                          bRepairRecord = true;
                  DateTime tmpCdt = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                  var Failtestloglst = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, 0, "08", tmpCdt);
                  if ((Failtestloglst != null) && (Failtestloglst.Count != 0))
                      bFailtestlog = true;
                  if ((bRepairRecord == false) && (bFailtestlog == false))  //Modify 2012/05/29 
                      if ((strCheckCode == "C") || (Char.IsNumber(strCheckCode, 0) == true))
                          string ImageRemark = "";
                          IList<MBTestDef> MbTestRemarkLst = currentMBRepository.GetMBTestList_NotCut(strMBCode, false);
                          if ((MbTestRemarkLst != null) && (MbTestRemarkLst.Count != 0))
                              ImageRemark = MbTestRemarkLst[0].remark.Trim();
                          if (ImageRemark == "R")
                              bCheckFollowStep = false;
              //2)	系统设置匹配测试Log。若本次(MB测试的时间大于最新过站的时间)测试Log的Status=1,则通过;
              //  若Status=0报告错误:“Function Test Is Failure,Can Not Input As OK!”;若测试记录不存在,则报告错误:“Please Goto SA Funtion Test!”
              if (bCheckFollowStep)
                  string[] param = { "MB", "M/B", "RCTO" };
                  var lsttestlog = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, param, 0, this.Station, maxcdt5);
                  var lsttestlognoexist = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, param, 1, this.Station, maxcdt5);
                  if (lstmbtestrec.Count > 0)
                      if (lsttestlog.Count > 0)
                          //'Function Test Is Failure,Can Not Input As OK!'
                          List<string> errparaD = new List<string>();
                          throw new FisException("CHK230", errparaD);
                      else if ((lsttestlognoexist == null) || (lsttestlognoexist.Count == 0))
                          //若测试记录不存在,则报告错误:“Please Goto SA Funtion Test!”
                          //'Please Goto SA Funtion Test!'
                          List<string> errparaE = new List<string>();
                          throw new FisException("CHK229", errparaE);
            //-------------------------------------- END--------------------------------------------------------------
           return base.DoExecute(executionContext);
        /// <summary>
        /// PCA Test Station 检查MBSNO,处理15种异常情况
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="executionContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected internal override ActivityExecutionStatus DoExecute(ActivityExecutionContext executionContext)
            IMB currentMB = (IMB)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.MB);
            IMBRepository currentMBRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IMBRepository, IMB>();

            string strMBCode = "";
            if (currentMB.Sn.Substring(5, 1) == "M")
                strMBCode = currentMB.Sn.Substring(0, 3);
            else if (currentMB.Sn.Substring(4, 1) == "M")
                strMBCode = currentMB.Sn.Substring(0, 2);
            //12. Check Input Pass
            //若当前检查站为SMD_A或SMD_B,则检查是否已经通过此站,若通过此战,则报告错误:“SMD A/B Duplicate Input!”
            //IList<MBLog> mblogs = currentMB.MBLogs;
            var strStation = this.Station;
            var strcurstation = this.Station;
            if (strStation.Length >= 2)
                if ((strStation.Substring(0, 2) == "05") || (strStation.Substring(0, 2) == "06"))
                    foreach (var mblogcheck in currentMB.MBLogs)
                        if ((mblogcheck.StationID.Substring(0, 2) == "05") || (mblogcheck.StationID.Substring(0, 2) == "06"))
                            if (Session != null)
                            //SMD A/B Duplicate Input!重复输入
                            List<string> errparaA = new List<string>();
                            throw new FisException("CHK227", errparaA);
          //var lstmbtestrec = currentMBRepository.GetMBTestList(currentMB.Sn.Trim(), false);
            var lstmbtestrec = currentMBRepository.GetMBTestList_NotCut(strMBCode, false);
            DateTime maxcdt = currentMBRepository.GetMaxCdtFromPCBLog(currentMB.Sn);
            //Session.AddValue(Session.SessionKeys.DefectList, defectList);
            IList<string> defectList = (IList<string>)CurrentSession.GetValue(Session.SessionKeys.DefectList);

            if (maxcdt == System.DateTime.MinValue)
                maxcdt = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);//System.DateTime.Now.AddDays(-365); 
            if (!(defectList == null || defectList.Count == 0))
                //Delete :2012/03/09 :UC Update,删除不良品相关的检查
                var lsttestfaillog1 = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, 1, this.Station, maxcdt);
                var lsttestfaillog0 = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, 0, this.Station, maxcdt);
                //不良品,且进行测试log卡站设置(Table MB_Test存在记录,Conditon: MB_Test.Code = MBCode and MB_Test.Type=0),则进行以下检查
                //if (lstmbtestrec.Count > 0)
                //Modify Kaisheng,UC Changed  不良品,检测站为“15:SA1 Test;16:SA2 Test;17:SA3 Test”,且进行测试log卡站设置(Table MB_Test存在记录,Conditon: MB_Test.Code = MBCode and MB_Test.Type=0),则进行以下检查
                if ((lstmbtestrec.Count > 0) && ((strcurstation == "15") || (strcurstation == "16") || (strcurstation == "17")))
                    if (lsttestfaillog1.Count > 0)
                        //if (Session != null)
                        //    SessionManager.GetInstance.RemoveSession(Session);
                        //Function Test Is OK,Can Not Input As Failure!'
                        List<string> errparaB = new List<string>();
                        throw new FisException("CHK228", errparaB);
                    if ((lsttestfaillog0 == null) || (lsttestfaillog0.Count == 0))
                        //if (Session != null)
                        //    SessionManager.GetInstance.RemoveSession(Session);
                        //Please Goto SA Funtion Test!
                        List<string> errparaC = new List<string>();
                        throw new FisException("CHK229", errparaC);

                //Add Kaisheng: 需求变更
                //2.	若MB未刷入Defect,且系统已经提示:“不良机器,需输入Defect Code!”或“BIOS燒錄CT錯誤,請重新燒錄!”,则报错:“不良机器,需输入Defect Code!”
                string strcheckPromptinfo = (string)CurrentSession.GetValue("HavePromptinfo");
                if (strcheckPromptinfo != "NO!") 
                    //“不良机器,需输入Defect Code!”
                    List<string> errparaNewA = new List<string>();
                    throw new FisException("CHK247", errparaNewA);
                //Mantis:1396:Test Check Rule检查前,判断是否上传过Log
                //3.	前提条件:[op_PCATestStation_PostCheckState]		@MBSN = @MBSno,    @MBCode = @MBCode;
                //      若返回”Y”,则执行PCATest_Check设置的相关检查;若返回其他,则不执行
                SqlParameter[] paramsArray = new SqlParameter[2];
                paramsArray[0] = new SqlParameter("MBSN", currentMB.Sn);
                paramsArray[1] = new SqlParameter("MBCode", strMBCode);
                IProductRepository CurrentProductRepository = RepositoryFactory.GetInstance().GetRepository<IProductRepository, IProduct>();
                DataTable returnTable = CurrentProductRepository.ExecSpForQuery(SqlHelper.ConnectionString_PCA, "op_PCATestStation_PostCheckState", paramsArray);
                string GetreturnString = "";
                if (returnTable != null && returnTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    GetreturnString = returnTable.Rows[0][0].ToString();
                    List<string> errpara = new List<string>();
                    throw new FisException("IEC006", errpara);
                if (GetreturnString == "Y")
                    //Add Kaisheng: 需求变更
                    //3.	MB为良品,检测站为“15:SA1 Test;16:SA2 Test;17:SA3 Test”,根据PCATest_Check表中设置信息进行测试Log最新上传的Remark栏位信息卡站

                    if ((strcurstation == "15") || (strcurstation == "16") || (strcurstation == "17"))
                        var strgetremark = "";
                        //Modify Kaisheng UC Update Add Station Check
                        //var lstPCBtestlogbyPCB = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn);
                        var lstPCBtestlogbyPCB = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn,

                        if ((lstPCBtestlogbyPCB == null) || (lstPCBtestlogbyPCB.Count == 0))
                            strgetremark = "";
                            strgetremark = lstPCBtestlogbyPCB[0].Remark;

                        //var strgetremark = (string)CurrentSession.GetValue("NewTerstLogremark");
                        //var lstPcatestCheckinfo=currentMBRepository.GetPcaTestCheckInfoListByCode(currentMB.Sn);
                        var lstPcatestCheckinfo = currentMBRepository.GetPcaTestCheckInfoListByCode_NotCut(strMBCode);
                        if ((lstPcatestCheckinfo != null) && (lstPcatestCheckinfo.Count != 0))
                            //i.	若PCATest_Check.MAC = ‘Y’

                            if (lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].mac.Trim() == "Y")
                                //CurrentSession.AddValue("NewTerstLogremark", lstPCBtestlogbyPCB[0].Remark);
                                string strMAC = currentMB.MAC == null ? "" : currentMB.MAC.Trim();
                                var ilocMAC = strgetremark.IndexOf("MAC:");
                                if (ilocMAC != -1)
                                    ilocMAC = ilocMAC + 4;
                                    string strremarkMAC = strgetremark.Substring(ilocMAC);
                                    var ilenMAC = strremarkMAC.IndexOf("~");
                                    var strMACremark = "";
                                    if (ilenMAC == -1)
                                        strMACremark = strremarkMAC;
                                        strMACremark = strremarkMAC.Substring(0, ilenMAC);
                                    if (strMAC != strMACremark)
                                        //Debug Mantis1225
                                        var iFindMacPos = strMACremark.IndexOf(strMAC);
                                        if (iFindMacPos == -1)
                                            List<string> errparaNewB = new List<string>();
                                            throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewB);
                                else if (strMAC != "")
                                    List<string> errparaNewB = new List<string>();
                                    throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewB);
                            //ii.	若PCATest_Check.MBCT = ‘Y’
                            //若Remark栏位获取的MBCT值,与PCB绑定的MBCT(PCBInfo.InfoValue, Condition: InfoType=’MBCT’)信息不一致,则报错:“MBCT比对错误”
                            if (lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].mbct.Trim() == "Y")
                                var ilocMBCT = strgetremark.IndexOf("MBCT:");
                                var strMBCT = (string) currentMB.GetExtendedProperty("MBCT");
                                if (strMBCT == null)
                                    strMBCT = "";
                                if (ilocMBCT != -1)
                                    ilocMBCT = ilocMBCT + 5;
                                    string strremarkMBCT = strgetremark.Substring(ilocMBCT);
                                    var ilenMBCT = strremarkMBCT.IndexOf("~");
                                    var strMBCTremark = "";
                                    if (ilenMBCT == -1)
                                        strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT;
                                        strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT.Substring(0, ilenMBCT);
                                    //if (strMBCT.IndexOf(strMBCTremark) == -1)

                                    if (strMBCT != strMBCTremark)
                                        //Debug Mantis1225
                                        var iFindMBCTPos = strMBCTremark.IndexOf(strMBCT);
                                        if (iFindMBCTPos == -1)
                                            List<string> errparaNewC = new List<string>();
                                            throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewC);
                                else if (strMBCT != "")
                                    List<string> errparaNewC = new List<string>();
                                    throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewC);
                            //iii.	@HDDV=PCATest_Check.HDDV,@HDDV不等于空(‘’)且不等于’N’,若Remark栏位不包含@HDDV的信息,则报错:“HDDV比对错误”
                            //Kaisheng 03/01 UC变更 
                            string[] remarklst = strgetremark.Split('~');
                            string strBIOSinRemark = "BIOS:";
                            string strHDDVinRemark = "V:";
                            foreach (string splitItem in remarklst)
                                if ((splitItem != null) && (splitItem != ""))
                                    if (splitItem.Substring(0, 2) == "V:")
                                        strHDDVinRemark = splitItem.ToUpper();
                                    else if (splitItem.Substring(0, 5) == "BIOS:")
                                        strBIOSinRemark = splitItem.ToUpper();


                            if ((lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].hddv != "") && (lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].hddv != "N"))
                                string strHDDVremark = "V:" + lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].hddv.Trim().ToUpper();
                                //var ilocHDDV = strgetremark.IndexOf(strHDDVremark);
                                //if (ilocHDDV == -1)
                                if (strHDDVremark != strHDDVinRemark)
                                    //Debug Mantis1225
                                    var iFindHDDVPos = strHDDVinRemark.IndexOf(strHDDVremark);
                                    if (iFindHDDVPos == -1)
                                        List<string> errparaNewD = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK250", errparaNewD);
                            //iv.	@BIOS=PCATest_Check.BIOS,@ BIOS不等于空(‘’)且不等于’N’,若Remark栏位不包含@BIOS的信息,则报错:“BIOS比对错误”
                            if ((lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].bios != "") && (lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].bios != "N"))
                                string strBIOSremark = "BIOS:" + lstPcatestCheckinfo[0].bios.Trim().ToUpper();
                                //if (strgetremark.IndexOf(strBIOSremark) == -1)
                                if (strBIOSremark != strBIOSinRemark)
                                    //Debug Mantis1225
                                    var iFindBIOSPos = strBIOSinRemark.IndexOf(strBIOSremark);
                                    if (iFindBIOSPos == -1)
                                        List<string> errparaNewE = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK251", errparaNewE);

                            PcaTestCheckInfo testCheckinfo = new PcaTestCheckInfo();
                            testCheckinfo.code = currentMB.Family;
                            var lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM =
                            if ((lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM != null) && (lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM.Count != 0))
                                //i.	若PCATest_Check.MAC = ‘Y’若Remark栏位获取的MAC值与PCB绑定的MAC信息不一致,则报错:“MAC比对错误”
                                if (lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM[0].mac.Trim() == "Y")
                                    string strMAC = currentMB.MAC == null ? "" : currentMB.MAC.Trim();
                                    string strMACforremark ="";
                                    strMACforremark = "MAC:" + strMAC;
                                    if (strgetremark.IndexOf(strMACforremark) == -1)
                                        List<string> errparaNewF = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewF);
                                    else if (strMAC == "")
                                        List<string> errparaNewF = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewF);

                                    string strMAC = currentMB.MAC == null ? "" : currentMB.MAC.Trim();
                                    var ilocMAC = strgetremark.IndexOf("MAC:");
                                    if (ilocMAC != -1)
                                        ilocMAC = ilocMAC + 4;
                                        string strremarkMAC = strgetremark.Substring(ilocMAC);
                                        var ilenMAC = strremarkMAC.IndexOf("~");
                                        var strMACremark = "";
                                        if (ilenMAC == -1)
                                            strMACremark = strremarkMAC;
                                            strMACremark = strremarkMAC.Substring(0, ilenMAC);
                                        if (strMAC != strMACremark)
                                            var iFindMacPos = strMACremark.IndexOf(strMAC);
                                            if (iFindMacPos == -1)
                                                List<string> errparaNewF = new List<string>();
                                                throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewF);
                                    else if (strMAC != "")
                                        List<string> errparaNewB = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK248", errparaNewB);
                                //ii.	若PCATest_Check.MBCT = ‘Y’若Remark栏位获取的MBCT值与PCB绑定的MBCT信息不一致,则报错:“MBCT比对错误”
                                if (lstPcatestCheckinfobyFAM[0].mbct.Trim() == "Y")
                                    var strMBCT = (string)currentMB.GetExtendedProperty("MBCT");
                                    if (strMBCT == null)
                                        strMBCT = "";
                                    string strMBCTforremark = "MBCT:" + strMBCT.Trim();

                                    if (strgetremark.IndexOf(strMBCTforremark) == -1)
                                        List<string> errparaNewG = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewG);
                                    else if (strMBCT.Trim() == "")
                                        List<string> errparaNewG = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewG);
                                    var strMBCT = (string) currentMB.GetExtendedProperty("MBCT");
                                    if (strMBCT == null)
                                        strMBCT = "";
                                    strMBCT = strMBCT.Trim();
                                    var ilocMBCT = strgetremark.IndexOf("MBCT:");
                                    if (ilocMBCT != -1)
                                        ilocMBCT = ilocMBCT + 5;
                                        string strremarkMBCT = strgetremark.Substring(ilocMBCT);
                                        var ilenMBCT = strremarkMBCT.IndexOf("~");
                                        var strMBCTremark = "";
                                        if (ilenMBCT == -1)
                                            strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT;
                                            strMBCTremark = strremarkMBCT.Substring(0, ilenMBCT);
                                        if (strMBCT != strMBCTremark)
                                            //Debug Mantis1225
                                            var iFindMBCTPos = strMBCTremark.IndexOf(strMBCT);
                                            if (iFindMBCTPos == -1)
                                                List<string> errparaNewG = new List<string>();
                                                throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewG);

                                    else if (strMBCT != "")
                                        List<string> errparaNewG = new List<string>();
                                        throw new FisException("CHK249", errparaNewG);



                //Add By Kaisheng 2012/05/22 UC Update
                //1)若板子不存在修护记录(Condition:PCBRepair.PCBNo=@MBSno and Status = 1 and Station<>’19’)
                //  和
                //  PCBTestLog存在Station=08的Fail记录(PCBTestLog.PCBNo=@MBSno and Station=’08’ and Status=’0’),
                //  CheckCode等于C或者数字,@ImageRemark=’R’,则不进行下面的操作
                //@ImageRemark: rtrim(MB_Test.Remark)
                bool bCheckFollowStep = true;
                if ((lstmbtestrec.Count > 0) && ((strcurstation == "15") || (strcurstation == "16") || (strcurstation == "17")))
                    var bRepairRecord = false;
                    var bFailtestlog = false;
                    foreach (var repair in currentMB.Repairs)
                        if ((repair.Status == Repair.RepairStatus.Finished) && (repair.Station.Trim() != "19"))
                            bRepairRecord = true;
                    // IList<TestLog> GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(string pcbNo, int status, string station, DateTime beginCdt);
                    DateTime tmpCdt = new DateTime(1900, 1, 1);
                    var Failtestloglst = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, 0, "08", tmpCdt);
                    if ((Failtestloglst != null) && (Failtestloglst.Count != 0))
                        bFailtestlog = true;
                    //if ((bRepairRecord == false) && (bFailtestlog == true))
                    if ((bRepairRecord == false) && (bFailtestlog == false))  //Modify 2012/05/29 
                        if ((currentMB.Sn.ToUpper().Substring(5, 1) == "C") || (Char.IsNumber(currentMB.Sn, 5) == true))
                            string ImageRemark = "";
                          //IList<MBTestDef> MbTestRemarkLst = currentMBRepository.GetMBTestList(currentMB.Sn.Trim(), false);
                            IList<MBTestDef> MbTestRemarkLst = currentMBRepository.GetMBTestList_NotCut(strMBCode, false);
                            if ((MbTestRemarkLst != null) && (MbTestRemarkLst.Count != 0))
                                ImageRemark = MbTestRemarkLst[0].remark.Trim();
                            if (ImageRemark == "R")
                                bCheckFollowStep = false;
                //-------------------------------- END-------------------------------
                if (bCheckFollowStep)

                    string[] param = { "MB", "M/B", "RCTO" };
                    var lsttestlog = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, param, 0, this.Station, maxcdt);
                    var lsttestlognoexist = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, param, 1, this.Station, maxcdt);

                    //进行测试log卡站设置(Table MB_Test存在记录,Conditon: MB_Test.Code = MBCode and MB_Test.Type=0),则进行以下检查
                    //Modify Kaisheng:UC变更
                    //MB为良品,检测站为“15:SA1 Test;16:SA2 Test;17:SA3 Test”,,且进行测试log卡站设置(Table MB_Test存在记录,Conditon: MB_Test.Code = MBCode and MB_Test.Type=0),则进行以下检查
                    //if (lstmbtestrec.Count > 0)
                    if ((lstmbtestrec.Count > 0) && ((strcurstation == "15") || (strcurstation == "16") || (strcurstation == "17")))
                        if (lsttestlog.Count > 0)
                            if (Session != null)
                            //'Function Test Is Failure,Can Not Input As OK!'
                            List<string> errparaD = new List<string>();
                            throw new FisException("CHK230", errparaD);
                        else if ((lsttestlognoexist == null) || (lsttestlognoexist.Count == 0))
                            if (Session != null)
                            //若测试记录不存在,则报告错误:“Please Goto SA Funtion Test!”
                            //'Please Goto SA Funtion Test!'
                            List<string> errparaE = new List<string>();
                            throw new FisException("CHK229", errparaE);
                ////Modify Kaisheng:UC变更 , 取消--检查Test Log Remark栏位已设置
                //检查Test Log Remark栏位已设置
                var lstITCNDefect = currentMBRepository.GetITCNDDefectChecks(currentMB.Sn);
                lsttestlog = currentMBRepository.GetPCBTestLogListFromPCBTestLog(currentMB.Sn, 1, this.Station, maxcdt);
                //DEBUG ITC-1360-0286 -- 且进行测试log卡站设置(Table MB_Test存在记录,Conditon: MB_Test.Code = MBCode and MB_Test.Type=0)
                if (lstmbtestrec.Count > 0)

                    var btestlogExist = false;
                    if (lsttestlog.Count > 0)
                        foreach (var testlogcheck in lsttestlog)
                            if (testlogcheck.Remark.ToUpper().IndexOf(currentMB.MAC.ToUpper()) != -1)
                                btestlogExist = true;
                    if (lstITCNDefect.Count > 0)
                        if ((currentMB.Sn.Trim().ToUpper().Substring(0, 2) != "5K") && (currentMB.Sn.Trim().ToUpper().Substring(0, 2) != "G3"))
                            if (((lsttestlog == null) || (lsttestlog.Count == 0)) || (btestlogExist == false))
                            //if (((lsttestlog == null) || (lsttestlog.Count == 0)) &&(btestlogExist)) 
                                //if (Session != null)
                                //    SessionManager.GetInstance.RemoveSession(Session);
                                List<string> errparaF = new List<string>();
                                throw new FisException("CHK231", errparaF);

                //currentMB.IsVB 未实现
                    if (currentMB.IsVB)
                        CurrentSession.AddValue("IsMBOKVGA", true);
                        CurrentSession.AddValue("IsMBOKVGA", false);
                catch (FisException)
                    CurrentSession.AddValue("IsMBOKVGA", false);
            return base.DoExecute(executionContext);