Example #1
 public IKLink(IKSegment reference)
     GameObject go = new GameObject();
     transform = go.transform;
     go.name = "Spoof"+ reference.name;
     go.transform.localScale = reference.transform.localScale;
     go.transform.rotation = reference.transform.rotation;
     go.transform.position = reference.transform.position;
     segRef = reference;
Example #2
        public static bool CCD(IKSegment[] segments, IKEndEffector effector, IKTarget target, out Quaternion[] goals)
            goals = new Quaternion[segments.Length];
            Transform contact;
            var links = createLinks(segments, effector.transform, out contact);
            if (links.Length < 2) return false;
            IKLink end = links[links.Length - 1];
            end.transform.localRotation = target.transform.rotation;
            int link = links.Length - 2;
            bool success = false;
            for(int i = 0; i < links.Length*30; i++) {
                IKLink root = links[link];
                if (Vector3.Distance(contact.position, target.transform.position) > target.Radius) {
                    Vector3 currentVector = (contact.position - root.transform.position).normalized;
                    Vector3 targetVector = (target.transform.position - root.transform.position).normalized;

                    float cosAngle = Vector3.Dot(targetVector, currentVector);

                    if (cosAngle < 0.9999f) {
                        Vector3 cross = Vector3.Cross(currentVector, targetVector).normalized;
                        float turn = Mathf.Min(Mathf.Rad2Deg * Mathf.Acos(cosAngle), root.segRef.DampDegrees);
                        Quaternion result = Quaternion.AngleAxis(turn, cross);
                        //Constrain the joint if it is to be constrained
                        if (root.segRef.Constrain) {
                            if (root.segRef.JointType == IKJointType.Cone) {
                                result = constrainCone(result, root);
                            } else {
                                Vector3 toChild = root.transform.parent.rotation * root.segRef.originalDir;
                                Vector3 dir = (result * toChild).normalized;
                                Vector3 xAxis = root.segRef.ParentOffset*root.transform.parent.up;
                                float actualAngle;
                                //Debug.Log("Constraining x");
                                Quaternion xConstrain = constrainAxis(root, xAxis, Vector3.up, toChild, dir, root.segRef.Min.x, root.segRef.Max.x, out actualAngle);
                                if (root.segRef.JointType == IKJointType.TwoDOF) {
                                    Vector3 dirMinusXAxis = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.AngleAxis(actualAngle, Vector3.up)) * dir;
                                    Vector3 yAxis = root.segRef.ParentOffset*root.transform.parent.forward;
                                    //Debug.Log("Constraining y");
                                    Quaternion yConstrain = constrainAxis(root, yAxis, Vector3.forward, toChild, dirMinusXAxis, root.segRef.Min.y, root.segRef.Max.y, out actualAngle);
                                    result = xConstrain * yConstrain;
                                } else {
                                    result = xConstrain;

                            if (root.segRef.Twist) {
                               // Debug.Log("Constraining twist");
                                Vector3 toChild = root.transform.parent.rotation * root.segRef.originalDir;
                                Vector3 dir = (result * toChild).normalized;
                                float actualAngle;
                                //get legal twist
                                Quaternion zRot = constrainAxis(root, Vector3.right, Vector3.right, toChild, dir, root.segRef.Min.z, root.segRef.Max.z, out actualAngle);
                                //untwist by actual twist and reapply with legal twist
                                result = Quaternion.Inverse(Quaternion.AngleAxis(actualAngle, Vector3.right)) * result;
                                result = zRot * result;
                        root.transform.rotation = result*root.transform.rotation;


                    if (link < 0) link = links.Length - 2;
                } else {
                    success = true;
            if (success) {
                for (int i = 0; i < links.Length; i++) {
                    goals[i] = links[i].transform.localRotation;


            return success;
Example #3
        private static IKLink[] createLinks(IKSegment[] segments, Transform effector, out Transform contact)
            IKLink[] links = new IKLink[segments.Length];
            IKLink previous = null;
            for(int i = 0; i < links.Length; i++) {
                links[i] = new IKLink(segments[i]);
                if(previous != null) {
                    //Debug.LogFormat("from {0} to {1}", previous.transform.name, links[i].transform.name);
                    connectTransform(previous.segRef.transform, links[i].segRef.transform, links[i].transform, previous.transform);
                } else {
                previous = links[i];

            GameObject go = new GameObject();
            go.name = "Effector";
            go.transform.SetParent(links[links.Length - 1].transform);
            go.transform.position = effector.position;
            go.transform.rotation = effector.rotation;
            go.transform.localScale = effector.localScale;
            contact = go.transform;

            return links;
Example #4
 private void addToChain(ref List<IKSegment> chain, IKSegment segment)
     if (segment != null) chain.Add(segment);
Example #5
        IEnumerator ScheduleIK(IKSegment segment, float reachDuration = 1f, float holdDuration = 1f, float revertDuration = 1f, float delay = 0f)
            yield return new WaitForSeconds(delay);
            int process = segment.StartIK();
            float elapsed = 0f;
            float easeIn = (segment.EaseIn != 0 ? segment.EaseIn : 1f);
            float easeOut = segment.EaseOut;
            while (process == segment.CurrentIK() && elapsed <= reachDuration) {
                float t = IKMath.Catmull(elapsed / reachDuration, easeIn, 0, 1, easeOut);
                yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
                elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
            elapsed = 0f;
            while(process == segment.CurrentIK() && elapsed <= holdDuration) {
                yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
                elapsed += Time.deltaTime;
            //yield return new WaitForSeconds(segment.LagFactor * revertDuration);
            elapsed = 0f;
            if (revertDuration > 0) {
                while (process == segment.CurrentIK() && elapsed <= revertDuration) {
                    float t = IKMath.Catmull(elapsed / revertDuration, easeIn, 0, 1, easeOut);
                    segment.RotateStep(1 - t, reverting: true);
                    yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
                    elapsed += Time.deltaTime;

            if (process == segment.CurrentIK()) segment.StopIK();
Example #6
        IEnumerator ScheduleIK(IKSegment[] chain, IKTiming[] timings, List<Quaternion[]> rotations, float duration)
            float lastTiming = 0;
            for(int i = 0; i < timings.Length; i++) {
                float revert = 0f;
                float reach = (timings[i].Timing - lastTiming) * duration;

                if (i == timings.Length - 1) {
                    revert = (1 - timings[i].Timing) * duration;

                for (int seg = 0; seg < chain.Length; seg++) {
                    StartCoroutine(ScheduleIK(chain[seg], reach, 0, revert, 0));

                lastTiming = timings[i].Timing;
                yield return new WaitForSeconds(reach);
                if(timings[i].GrabTarget) {
                    chain[chain.Length - 1].Grab(timings[i].Target);
Example #7
        void OnEnable()
            seg = (IKSegment)target;

            type = serializedObject.FindProperty("JointType");
            coneRad = serializedObject.FindProperty("ConeRadius");
            damping = serializedObject.FindProperty("DampDegrees");
            easeIn = serializedObject.FindProperty("EaseIn");
            easeOut = serializedObject.FindProperty("EaseOut");
            end = serializedObject.FindProperty("End");