} // optional /// <summary> /// Construct a IfcPersonAndOrganization with all required attributes. /// </summary> public IfcPersonAndOrganization(IfcPerson thePerson, IfcOrganization theOrganization) : base() { Roles = new List <IfcActorRole>(); ThePerson = thePerson; TheOrganization = theOrganization; }
public IfcAsset(IfcGloballyUniqueId globalId, IfcOwnerHistory ownerHistory, IfcLabel name, IfcText description, IfcLabel objectType, IfcIdentifier identification, IfcCostValue originalValue, IfcCostValue currentValue, IfcCostValue totalReplacementCost, IfcActorSelect owner, IfcActorSelect user, IfcPerson responsiblePerson, IfcDate incorporationDate, IfcCostValue depreciatedValue) : base(globalId, ownerHistory, name, description, objectType) { Identification = identification; OriginalValue = originalValue; CurrentValue = currentValue; TotalReplacementCost = totalReplacementCost; Owner = owner; User = user; ResponsiblePerson = responsiblePerson; IncorporationDate = incorporationDate; DepreciatedValue = depreciatedValue; }
/// <summary> /// Create an IfcPerson. /// </summary> /// <param name="userId"></param> /// <param name="lastName"></param> /// <param name="firstName"></param> /// <param name="emailAddress"></param> /// <param name="role"></param> /// <returns></returns> private IfcPerson AddPerson(string userId, string lastName, string firstName, string emailAddress, IfcRoleEnum role) { var r = new IfcActorRole(role); this.AddEntity(r); var person = new IfcPerson(userId, lastName, firstName, null, null, null, new List <IfcActorRole> { r }, null); this.AddEntity(person); return(person); }
public Model(IDictionary <Guid, BaseIfc> storage, string name, string description, IfcAddress address, IfcPerson user, IfcOrganization owner) { this.storage = storage; this.storage.Add(address.Id, address); this.storage.Add(user.Id, user); this.storage.Add(owner.Id, owner); // Create an organization for app creation. var appOrg = new IfcOrganization(APPNAME); this.storage.Add(appOrg.Id, appOrg); // Create an authoring application. var v = owner.GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString(); var app = new IfcApplication(appOrg, v, APPNAME, APPNAME); this.storage.Add(app.Id, app); // Create an person and history for the owner history. var personAndOrg = new IfcPersonAndOrganization(user, owner); this.storage.Add(personAndOrg.Id, personAndOrg); // Create an owner history for the project. var history = new IfcOwnerHistory(personAndOrg, app, UnixNow()); this.storage.Add(history.Id, history); var lu = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.LENGTHUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.METRE); this.storage.Add(lu.Id, lu); var lengthUnit = new IfcUnit(lu); var au = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.AREAUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.SQUARE_METRE); this.storage.Add(au.Id, au); var areaUnit = new IfcUnit(au); var vu = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.VOLUMEUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.CUBIC_METRE); this.storage.Add(vu.Id, vu); var volumeUnit = new IfcUnit(vu); var sau = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.SOLIDANGLEUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.STERADIAN); this.storage.Add(sau.Id, sau); var solidAngleUnit = new IfcUnit(sau); var mu = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.MASSUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.GRAM); this.storage.Add(mu.Id, mu); var massUnit = new IfcUnit(mu); var tu = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.TIMEUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.SECOND); this.storage.Add(tu.Id, tu); var timeUnit = new IfcUnit(tu); var thu = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.THERMODYNAMICTEMPERATUREUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.DEGREE_CELSIUS); this.storage.Add(thu.Id, thu); var thermUnit = new IfcUnit(thu); var lmu = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.LUMINOUSINTENSITYUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.LUMEN); this.storage.Add(lmu.Id, lmu); var lumUnit = new IfcUnit(lmu); var pau = new IfcSIUnit(null, IfcUnitEnum.PLANEANGLEUNIT, IfcSIUnitName.RADIAN); this.storage.Add(pau.Id, pau); var planeAngleUnit = new IfcUnit(pau); var measure = new IfcMeasureWithUnit(new IfcValue(new IfcMeasureValue(new IfcPlaneAngleMeasure(1.745e-2))), planeAngleUnit); this.storage.Add(measure.Id, measure); var dimExp = new IfcDimensionalExponents(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.storage.Add(dimExp.Id, dimExp); var du = new IfcConversionBasedUnit(dimExp, IfcUnitEnum.PLANEANGLEUNIT, "DEGREE", measure); this.storage.Add(du.Id, du); var degree = new IfcUnit(du); var units = new List <IfcUnit> { lengthUnit, areaUnit, volumeUnit, solidAngleUnit, massUnit, timeUnit, thermUnit, lumUnit, planeAngleUnit, degree }; var unitAss = new IfcUnitAssignment(units); this.storage.Add(unitAss.Id, unitAss); // Create the project. var proj = new IfcProject(IfcGuid.ToIfcGuid(Guid.NewGuid()), history, name, description, null, null, null, null, unitAss); this.storage.Add(proj.Id, proj); }
public IfcResourceObjectSelect(IfcPerson choice) { this.choice = choice; }
public IfcObjectReferenceSelect(IfcPerson choice) { this.choice = choice; }
public IfcActorSelect(IfcPerson choice) { this.choice = choice; }
public IfcPersonAndOrganization(IfcPerson thePerson, IfcOrganization theOrganization, List <IfcActorRole> roles) : base() { ThePerson = thePerson; TheOrganization = theOrganization; Roles = roles; }