public InputName(TFaceRecord Photo) { InitializeComponent(); RealPhoto = Photo; facePhoto = Photo.faceImage; Image frameImage = Photo.faceImage.ToCLRImage(); picBox.Image = frameImage; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TFaceRecord fr = new TFaceRecord(); fr = RealPhoto; fr.ImageFileName = "NA"; fr.Fullname = txtName.Text.Trim(); fr.Title = comTitle.Text.Trim(); fr.Gender = comGender.Text.Trim(); fr.ListType = "Open"; if (Global.AutomaticTaining) { Global.Fullname = fr.Fullname; Global.Title = fr.Title; Global.Gender = fr.Gender; Global.ListType = "Open"; } //fr.FacePosition = new FSDK.TFacePosition(); //fr.FacialFeatures = new FSDK.TPoint[2]; //fr.Template = new byte[FSDK.TemplateSize]; //fr.image = facePhoto; //fr.FacePosition = fr.image.DetectFace(); if (0 == fr.FacePosition.w) { MessageBox.Show("No face found. Try to lower the Minimal Face Quality parameter in the Options dialog box.\r\n", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { fr.faceImage = fr.image.CopyRect((int)(fr.FacePosition.xc - Math.Round(fr.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fr.FacePosition.yc - Math.Round(fr.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fr.FacePosition.xc + Math.Round(fr.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fr.FacePosition.yc + Math.Round(fr.FacePosition.w * 0.5))); fr.FacialFeatures = fr.image.DetectEyesInRegion(ref fr.FacePosition); fr.Template = fr.image.GetFaceTemplateInRegion(ref fr.FacePosition); // get template with higher precision if (fx.AddPerson(fr)) { fx.GetPersons(); MessageBox.Show(fr.Fullname + " Has Been Added Successfully.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information); } else { } } this.Close(); }
public void GetPerson(TFaceRecord faceIn, out string FaceFullName) { bool ok = false; string fName = "Unknown Face"; if (Global.Persons == null) { FaceFullName = fName; return; } try { float Threshold = 0.034455f; //float Threshold = 0.001155f; SimilarFaces[] Faces = null; SimilarFaces[] faces = new SimilarFaces[Global.Persons.Length]; List <SimilarFaces> Fa = new List <SimilarFaces>(); int i = -1; foreach (TFaceRecord fac in Global.Persons) { TFaceRecord F = new TFaceRecord(); F = fac; float Similarity = 0.0f; FSDK.MatchFaces(ref faceIn.Template, ref F.Template, ref Similarity); if (Similarity >= Threshold) { i++; faces[i].FullName = fac.Fullname; faces[i].Similarity = Similarity; } } if (faces != null) { Faces = faces.Where(v => v.FullName != null).ToArray(); fName = GetMostAcurateFace(Faces); //fName = SortSimilarFaces(Faces)[0].FullName; } } catch (Exception n) { } FaceFullName = fName; //return ok; }
public bool GetPerson(TFaceRecord faceIn, out TFaceRecord faceOut) { bool ok = false; TFaceRecord f = new TFaceRecord(); if (Global.Persons == null) { faceOut = f; return(ok); } try { float Threshold = 0.001155f; //FSDK.GetMatchingThresholdAtFAR(0.0009f, ref Threshold); List <float> sFaces = new List <float>(); SimilarFaces[] Faces = null; SimilarFaces[] faces = new SimilarFaces[Global.Persons.Length]; int i = -1; foreach (TFaceRecord fac in Global.Persons.AsParallel()) { TFaceRecord F = new TFaceRecord(); F = fac; float Similarity = 0.0f; //0.000026273356E == 0.00228634826 FSDK.MatchFaces(ref faceIn.Template, ref F.Template, ref Similarity); if (Similarity >= Threshold) { i++; faces[i].FullName = fac.Fullname; faces[i].Similarity = Similarity; ok = true; f = fac; break; } } //Faces.OrderByDescending<SimilarFaces,> //Parallel.ForEach(Global.Persons.AsParallel(), fac => // { // float Similarity = 0.0f; // FSDK.MatchFaces(ref faceIn.Template, ref fac.Template, ref Similarity); // if (Similarity >= Threshold) // { // ok = true; // f = fac; // } // }); } catch (Exception n) { } faceOut = f; return(ok); }
public TFaceRecord[] GetPersons() { TFaceRecord[] faces = null; using (OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection()) { try { cn.ConnectionString = cnString; cn.Open(); string sql = "SELECT * FROM PersonTable"; OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sql, cn); OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd); DataTable table = new DataTable(); da.Fill(table); if (table.Rows.Count > 0) { faces = new TFaceRecord[table.Rows.Count]; int i = -1; foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { TFaceRecord f = new TFaceRecord(); f.Fullname = row.ItemArray[1].ToString(); f.Title = row.ItemArray[2].ToString(); f.Gender = row.ItemArray[3].ToString(); f.ListType = row.ItemArray[4].ToString(); f.ImageFileName = row.ItemArray[5].ToString(); f.FacePosition = new FSDK.TFacePosition(); f.FacePosition.xc = Convert.ToInt32(row.ItemArray[6].ToString()); f.FacePosition.yc = Convert.ToInt32(row.ItemArray[7].ToString()); f.FacePosition.w = Convert.ToInt32(row.ItemArray[8].ToString()); f.FacePosition.angle = Convert.ToDouble(row.ItemArray[9].ToString()); f.FacialFeatures = new FSDK.TPoint[2]; f.FacialFeatures[0] = new FSDK.TPoint(); f.FacialFeatures[0].x = Convert.ToInt32(row.ItemArray[10].ToString()); f.FacialFeatures[0].y = Convert.ToInt32(row.ItemArray[11].ToString()); f.FacialFeatures[1] = new FSDK.TPoint(); f.FacialFeatures[1].x = Convert.ToInt32(row.ItemArray[12].ToString()); f.FacialFeatures[1].y = Convert.ToInt32(row.ItemArray[13].ToString()); f.Template = Convert.FromBase64String(row.ItemArray[14].ToString()); Image img = Base64ToImage(row.ItemArray[15].ToString()); f.image = new FSDK.CImage(img); Image fImg = Base64ToImage(row.ItemArray[16].ToString()); f.faceImage = new FSDK.CImage(fImg); i++; faces[i] = f; } Global.Persons = faces; } } catch (Exception n) { } } return(faces); }
public bool AddPerson(TFaceRecord fr) { bool ok = true; try { //preparing FaceRecord to save Image img = null; Image img_face = null; MemoryStream strm = new MemoryStream(); MemoryStream strm_face = new MemoryStream(); img = fr.image.ToCLRImage(); img_face = fr.faceImage.ToCLRImage(); img.Save(strm, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); img_face.Save(strm_face, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); byte[] img_array = new byte[strm.Length]; byte[] img_face_array = new byte[strm_face.Length]; strm.Position = 0; strm.Read(img_array, 0, img_array.Length); strm_face.Position = 0; strm_face.Read(img_face_array, 0, img_face_array.Length); OleDbConnection cn = new OleDbConnection(); try { cn.ConnectionString = cnString; cn.Open(); //string sqlStr = "INSERT INTO PersonTable(Fname, Title, Gender, ListType, ImageFileName, FacePositionXc, FacePositionYc, FacePositionW, FacePositionAngle, Eye1X, Eye1Y, Eye2X, Eye2Y, Template, Image, FaceImage) Values(@Fname, @Title, @Gender, @ListType, @ImageFileName, @FacePositionXc, @FacePositionYc, @FacePositionW, @FacePositionAngle, @Eye1X, @Eye1Y, @Eye2X, @Eye2Y, @Template, @Image, @FaceImage)"; string sqlStr = "INSERT INTO PersonTable(Fname, Title, Gender, ListType, ImageFileName, FacePositionXc, FacePositionYc, FacePositionW, FacePositionAngle, Eye1X, Eye1Y, Eye2X, Eye2Y, Template, Imaged, FaceImage) Values(@Fname, @Title, @Gender, @ListType, @ImageFileName, @FacePositionXc, @FacePositionYc, @FacePositionW, @FacePositionAngle, @Eye1X, @Eye1Y, @Eye2X, @Eye2Y, @Template, @Image, @FaceImage)"; OleDbCommand oCmd = new OleDbCommand(sqlStr, cn); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Fname", OleDbType.VarChar); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Title", OleDbType.VarChar); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Gender", OleDbType.VarChar); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@ListType", OleDbType.VarChar); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@ImageFileName", OleDbType.VarChar); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@FacePositionXc", OleDbType.Integer); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@FacePositionYc", OleDbType.Integer); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@FacePositionW", OleDbType.Integer); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@FacePositionAngle", OleDbType.Single); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Eye1X", OleDbType.Integer); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Eye1Y", OleDbType.Integer); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Eye2X", OleDbType.Integer); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Eye2Y", OleDbType.Integer); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Template", OleDbType.VarChar); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Image", OleDbType.VarChar); oCmd.Parameters.Add("@FaceImage", OleDbType.VarChar); /* * oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Template", OleDbType.VarBinary); * oCmd.Parameters.Add("@Image", OleDbType.VarBinary); * oCmd.Parameters.Add("@FaceImage", OleDbType.VarBinary); * */ oCmd.Parameters["@Fname"].Value = fr.Fullname; oCmd.Parameters["@Title"].Value = fr.Title; oCmd.Parameters["@Gender"].Value = fr.Gender; oCmd.Parameters["@ListType"].Value = fr.ListType; oCmd.Parameters["@ImageFileName"].Value = fr.ImageFileName; oCmd.Parameters["@FacePositionXc"].Value = fr.FacePosition.xc; oCmd.Parameters["@FacePositionYc"].Value = fr.FacePosition.yc; oCmd.Parameters["@FacePositionW"].Value = fr.FacePosition.w; oCmd.Parameters["@FacePositionAngle"].Value = (float)fr.FacePosition.angle; oCmd.Parameters["@Eye1X"].Value = fr.FacialFeatures[0].x; oCmd.Parameters["@Eye1Y"].Value = fr.FacialFeatures[0].y; oCmd.Parameters["@Eye2X"].Value = fr.FacialFeatures[1].x; oCmd.Parameters["@Eye2Y"].Value = fr.FacialFeatures[1].y; string template = Convert.ToBase64String(fr.Template); oCmd.Parameters["@Template"].Value = template; string image = Convert.ToBase64String(img_array); oCmd.Parameters["@Image"].Value = image; string faceImage = Convert.ToBase64String(img_face_array); oCmd.Parameters["@FaceImage"].Value = faceImage; int iresult = oCmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cn.Close(); cn.Open(); string sqlString_student = "INSERT INTO students(regno,fullname,gender,level) VALUES('" + fr.Title + "','" + fr.Fullname + "','" + fr.Gender + "','" + fr.course + "')"; OleDbCommand cmds = new OleDbCommand(sqlString_student, cn); cmds.ExecuteNonQuery(); cn.Close(); img.Dispose(); img_face.Dispose(); } catch (Exception ex) { ok = false; MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Exception on saving to database"); } finally { cn.Close(); } }catch (Exception n) { ok = false; MessageBox.Show(n.Message); } return(ok); }
private void StartStreamingAndDetecting() { int r = FSDKCam.OpenVideoCamera(ref cameraName, ref cameraHandle); if (r != FSDK.FSDKE_OK) { MessageBox.Show("Error opening the first camera", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Exit(); } try { int tracker = 0; // creating a Tracker if (FSDK.FSDKE_OK != FSDK.LoadTrackerMemoryFromFile(ref tracker, TrackerMemoryFile)) // try to load saved tracker state { FSDK.CreateTracker(ref tracker); // if could not be loaded, create a new tracker } int err = 0; // set realtime face detection parameters FSDK.SetTrackerMultipleParameters(tracker, "HandleArbitraryRotations=false; DetermineFaceRotationAngle=true; InternalResizeWidth=100; FaceDetectionThreshold=1;", ref err); FSDK.SetFaceDetectionParameters(false, true, 384); int FrameCounter = 0; Pen P = new Pen(Color.AliceBlue); int L = 0; int T = 0; int W = 0; string[] Names = new string[10]; while (!needClose) { Int32 imageHandle = 0; if (FSDK.FSDKE_OK != FSDKCam.GrabFrame(cameraHandle, ref imageHandle)) // grab the current frame from the camera { Application.DoEvents(); continue; } FSDK.CImage image = new FSDK.CImage(imageHandle); long[] IDs; long faceCount = 0; FSDK.FeedFrame(tracker, cameraHandle, image.ImageHandle, ref faceCount, out IDs, sizeof(long) * 256); // maximum of 256 faces detected Array.Resize(ref IDs, (int)faceCount); // make UI controls accessible (to find if the user clicked on a face) Application.DoEvents(); Image frameImage = image.ToCLRImage(); Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(frameImage); for (int i = 0; i < IDs.Length; ++i) { string FaceFullName = "Unknown Face"; // Name = ""; if (FaceFullName == "Unknown Face") { FSDK.TFacePosition facePosition = new FSDK.TFacePosition(); FSDK.GetTrackerFacePosition(tracker, cameraHandle, IDs[i], ref facePosition); int left = facePosition.xc - (int)(facePosition.w * 0.6); int top = facePosition.yc - (int)(facePosition.w * 0.5); int w = (int)(facePosition.w * 1.2); string name; TFaceRecord fIn = new TFaceRecord(); fIn.FacePosition = new FSDK.TFacePosition(); fIn.FacialFeatures = new FSDK.TPoint[2]; fIn.Template = new byte[FSDK.TemplateSize]; FSDK.CImage img = new FSDK.CImage(image.ImageHandle); img = image.CopyRect((int)(facePosition.xc - Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.yc - Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.xc + Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.yc + Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5))); fIn.image = img; fIn.FacePosition = fIn.image.DetectFace(); fIn.faceImage = fIn.image.CopyRect((int)(fIn.FacePosition.xc - Math.Round(fIn.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fIn.FacePosition.yc - Math.Round(fIn.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fIn.FacePosition.xc + Math.Round(fIn.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fIn.FacePosition.yc + Math.Round(fIn.FacePosition.w * 0.5))); fIn.FacialFeatures = fIn.image.DetectEyesInRegion(ref fIn.FacePosition); fIn.Template = fIn.image.GetFaceTemplateInRegion(ref fIn.FacePosition); // get template with higher precision //TFaceRecord fOut = new TFaceRecord(); //string FaceFullName = "Unknown Face"; //if (FrameCounter < 9) //{ // FrameCounter++; // StringFormat format = new StringFormat(); // format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; // gr.DrawString("Searching ...", new Font("Arial", 16), new SolidBrush(Color.LightGreen), facePosition.xc, top + w + 5, format); // Fx.GetPerson(fIn, out FaceFullName); // Names[FrameCounter] = FaceFullName; // name = FaceFullName; //} //else //{ //FrameCounter++; Fx.GetPerson(fIn, out FaceFullName); Names[FrameCounter] = FaceFullName; name = FaceFullName; if (FaceFullName != "") { IntruderFullName = FaceFullName; } FrameCounter = 0; /*/ draw name * name = (from n in Names * group n by n into g * select new * { * Key = g.Key, * Count = g.Count() * }).OrderByDescending(g => g.Count).ToArray()[0].ToString(); */ StringFormat format = new StringFormat(); format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; gr.DrawString(name, new Font("Arial", 16), new SolidBrush(Color.LightGreen), facePosition.xc, top + w + 5, format); Pen pen = Pens.LightGreen; gr.DrawRectangle(pen, left, top, w, w); if (mouseX >= left && mouseX <= left + w && mouseY >= top && mouseY <= top + w) { pen = Pens.Blue; } P = pen; L = left; T = top; W = w; gr.DrawRectangle(pen, left, top, w, w); if (FaceFullName == "Unknown Face") { un++; if (un >= 20) { //MessageBox.Show("I don't kno him"); } } else { kno++; if (kno >= 5) { //MessageBox.Show("i know him"); //Get detected student details var d_student = db.Students.Where(p => p.fullname == Name).FirstOrDefault(); var att = db.Attendances.Where(p => p.fullname == name && p.insertdate > DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1)); if (att.Count() == 0) { //save to attedance db.Attendances.Add( new Attendance { // regno = regno = d_student.regno, fullname = d_student.fullname, gender = d_student.gender, level = d_student.level, insertdate = DateTime.Now }); db.SaveChanges(); } } } if (MakingCall == false) { MakingCall = true; // timer.Tick += timer_Tick; //timer.Interval = 30000000; // timer.Start(); //MessageBox.Show("UNKNOWN"); Thread.Sleep(5000); TwilioClass call = new TwilioClass(); if (call.MakeCall(IntruderFullName)) { MakingCall = false; } } //} //gr.DrawRectangle(P, L, T, W, W); name = ""; IntruderFullName = ""; } } //programState = ProgramState.psRecognize; // display current frame imageBox.Image = frameImage; GC.Collect(); // collect the garbage after the deletion } FSDKCam.CloseVideoCamera(cameraHandle); FSDKCam.FinalizeCapturing(); } catch (Exception n) { StartStreamingAndDetecting(); } }
private void btnStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.btnStart.Enabled = false; //int FSDK.SetHTTPProxy("", 8080, "", ""); //int r = FSDKCam.OpenIPVideoCamera(FSDKCam.FSDK_VIDEOCOMPRESSIONTYPE.FSDK_MJPEG, "", "", "", 60, ref cameraHandle); int r = FSDKCam.OpenVideoCamera(ref cameraName, ref cameraHandle); if (r != FSDK.FSDKE_OK) { MessageBox.Show("Error opening the first camera", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Application.Exit(); } try { int tracker = 0; // creating a Tracker if (FSDK.FSDKE_OK != FSDK.LoadTrackerMemoryFromFile(ref tracker, TrackerMemoryFile)) // try to load saved tracker state { FSDK.CreateTracker(ref tracker); // if could not be loaded, create a new tracker } int err = 0; // set realtime face detection parameters FSDK.SetTrackerMultipleParameters(tracker, "HandleArbitraryRotations=false; DetermineFaceRotationAngle=true; InternalResizeWidth=100; FaceDetectionThreshold=1;", ref err); FSDK.SetFaceDetectionParameters(false, true, 384); while (!needClose) { Int32 imageHandle = 0; if (FSDK.FSDKE_OK != FSDKCam.GrabFrame(cameraHandle, ref imageHandle)) // grab the current frame from the camera { Application.DoEvents(); continue; } FSDK.CImage image = new FSDK.CImage(imageHandle); long[] IDs; long faceCount = 0; FSDK.FeedFrame(tracker, cameraHandle, image.ImageHandle, ref faceCount, out IDs, sizeof(long) * 256); // maximum of 256 faces detected Array.Resize(ref IDs, (int)faceCount); // make UI controls accessible (to find if the user clicked on a face) Application.DoEvents(); Image frameImage = image.ToCLRImage(); Graphics gr = Graphics.FromImage(frameImage); for (int i = 0; i < IDs.Length; ++i) { FSDK.TFacePosition facePosition = new FSDK.TFacePosition(); FSDK.GetTrackerFacePosition(tracker, cameraHandle, IDs[i], ref facePosition); int left = facePosition.xc - (int)(facePosition.w * 0.6); int top = facePosition.yc - (int)(facePosition.w * 0.5); int w = (int)(facePosition.w * 1.2); string name; TFaceRecord fIn = new TFaceRecord(); fIn.FacePosition = new FSDK.TFacePosition(); fIn.FacialFeatures = new FSDK.TPoint[2]; fIn.Template = new byte[FSDK.TemplateSize]; FSDK.CImage img = new FSDK.CImage(image.ImageHandle); img = image.CopyRect((int)(facePosition.xc - Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.yc - Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.xc + Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.yc + Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5))); fIn.image = img; fIn.FacePosition = fIn.image.DetectFace(); fIn.faceImage = fIn.image.CopyRect((int)(fIn.FacePosition.xc - Math.Round(fIn.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fIn.FacePosition.yc - Math.Round(fIn.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fIn.FacePosition.xc + Math.Round(fIn.FacePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(fIn.FacePosition.yc + Math.Round(fIn.FacePosition.w * 0.5))); fIn.FacialFeatures = fIn.image.DetectEyesInRegion(ref fIn.FacePosition); fIn.Template = fIn.image.GetFaceTemplateInRegion(ref fIn.FacePosition); // get template with higher precision TFaceRecord fOut = new TFaceRecord(); //if (Fx.GetPerson(fIn, out fOut)) //{ //name = fOut.Fullname; // draw name //StringFormat format = new StringFormat(); //format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; //lblPersons.Text = name; // gr.DrawString(name, new Font("Arial", 16), new SolidBrush(Color.LightGreen), facePosition.xc, top + w + 5, format); //} //else //{ //lblPersons.Text = ""; if (0 != fIn.FacePosition.w) { //img = new FSDK.CImage(image.ImageHandle); //img = fIn.image.CopyRect((int)(facePosition.xc - Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.yc - Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.xc + Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.yc + Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5))); if (Global.AutomaticTaining) { InputName inputName = new InputName(fIn); inputName.AutoSave(); userName = inputName.userName; } else { InputName inputName = new InputName(fIn); if (DialogResult.OK == inputName.ShowDialog(this)) { userName = inputName.userName; if (userName == null || userName.Length <= 0) { String s = ""; } else { } } } //} } //int res = FSDK.GetAllNames(tracker, IDs[i], out name, 65536); // maximum of 65536 characters /*/if (FSDK.FSDKE_OK == res && name.Length > 0) * if (name.Length > 0) * { * // draw name * //name = "Prince Daniel"; * StringFormat format = new StringFormat(); * format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center; * * gr.DrawString(name, new Font("Arial", 16), new SolidBrush(Color.LightGreen), facePosition.xc, top + w + 5, format); * } * */ Pen pen = Pens.LightGreen; if (mouseX >= left && mouseX <= left + w && mouseY >= top && mouseY <= top + w) { pen = Pens.Blue; //programState = ProgramState.psRemember; if (ProgramState.psRemember == programState) { //FSDK.CImage img = new FSDK.CImage(image.ImageHandle); img = new FSDK.CImage(image.ImageHandle); img = image.CopyRect((int)(facePosition.xc - Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.yc - Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.xc + Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5)), (int)(facePosition.yc + Math.Round(facePosition.w * 0.5))); if (Global.AutomaticTaining) { InputName inputName = new InputName(img); inputName.AutoSave(); userName = inputName.userName; } else { InputName inputName = new InputName(img); if (DialogResult.OK == inputName.ShowDialog(this)) { userName = inputName.userName; if (userName == null || userName.Length <= 0) { String s = ""; } else { } } } } } gr.DrawRectangle(pen, left, top, w, w); } programState = ProgramState.psRecognize; // display current frame imageBox.Image = frameImage; GC.Collect(); // collect the garbage after the deletion } FSDKCam.CloseVideoCamera(cameraHandle); FSDKCam.FinalizeCapturing(); } catch (Exception n) { Application.DoEvents(); } }