         * This method uses the SDK to generate the authorization code URL, and redirects the browser to the generated URL.
         * @author [email protected]
         * @Copyright Oracle
        public ActionResult Oracle()
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Debug ActionResult Oracle");
            System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <String, String> options = new ConnectionOptions().GetOptions();
            //Authentication Manager loaded with the configurations.
            IDCSClient.AuthenticationManager am = new IDCSClient.AuthenticationManager(options);
            //Generating the authorization URL.
            String authzURL = am.getAuthorizationCodeUrl(options["redirectURL"], options["scope"], "1234", "code");

            //Redirecting to the authorization URL.
         * This method uses the authorization code parameter to request an access token.
         * The access token is then stored in the user session, along with other information of the signed in user.
         * Then, the method forwards the request to the Home page.
         * @author [email protected]
         * @Copyright Oracle
        public ActionResult Callback(String code)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Debug ActionResult Callback");

            if (code == null)
                return(RedirectToAction("Login", "Home"));
                ViewBag.Title = "Callback";

                //Authentication Manager loaded with the configurations.
                IDCSClient.AuthenticationManager am = new IDCSClient.AuthenticationManager(new ConnectionOptions().GetOptions());

                //Using the Authentication Manager to exchange the Authorization Code to an Access Token.
                IDCSClient.AuthenticationResult authResult = am.authorizationCode(code);

                //Getting the Access Token object and its String value.
                String accessTokenString = authResult.getAccessToken();
                //Getting the ID Token object and its String value.
                String idTokenString = authResult.getIdToken();

                //Converting both ID and access tokens from string to corresponding objects.
                AccessToken accessToken = am.verifyAccessToken(accessTokenString);
                IdToken     idToken     = am.verifyIdToken(idTokenString);

                //Storing token objects into the HTTP Session.
                Session["accessToken"] = accessToken;
                Session["idToken"]     = idToken;

                //Setting .NET framework authentication
                String id = idToken.GetUserId();
                FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(id, false);

                //Redirecting the browser to the Home page.
                return(RedirectToAction("Home", "Private"));