Example #1
        //=    public static UnicodeReplacer valueOf(String output,
        //=                                          int cursorPos,
        //=                                          RuleBasedTransliterator.Data data) {
        //=        if (output.length() == 1) {
        //=            char c = output.charAt(0);
        //=            UnicodeReplacer r = data.lookupReplacer(c);
        //=            if (r != null) {
        //=                return r;
        //=            }
        //=        }
        //=        return new StringReplacer(output, cursorPos, data);
        //=    }

        /// <summary>
        /// <see cref="IUnicodeReplacer"/> API
        /// </summary>
        public virtual int Replace(IReplaceable text,
                                   int start,
                                   int limit,
                                   int[] cursor)
            int outLen;
            int newStart = 0;

            // NOTE: It should be possible to _always_ run the complex
            // processing code; just slower.  If not, then there is a bug
            // in the complex processing code.

            // Simple (no nested replacers) Processing Code :
            if (!isComplex)
                text.Replace(start, limit, output);
                outLen = output.Length;

                // Setup default cursor position (for cursorPos within output)
                newStart = cursorPos;

            // Complex (nested replacers) Processing Code :
                /* When there are segments to be copied, use the Replaceable.copy()
                 * API in order to retain out-of-band data.  Copy everything to the
                 * end of the string, then copy them back over the key.  This preserves
                 * the integrity of indices into the key and surrounding context while
                 * generating the output text.
                StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
                int          oOutput; // offset into 'output'
                isComplex = false;

                // The temporary buffer starts at tempStart, and extends
                // to destLimit + tempExtra.  The start of the buffer has a single
                // character from before the key.  This provides style
                // data when addition characters are filled into the
                // temporary buffer.  If there is nothing to the left, use
                // the non-character U+FFFF, which Replaceable subclasses
                // should treat specially as a "no-style character."
                // destStart points to the point after the style context
                // character, so it is tempStart+1 or tempStart+2.
                int tempStart = text.Length; // start of temp buffer
                int destStart = tempStart;   // copy new text to here
                if (start > 0)
                    int len = UTF16.GetCharCount(text.Char32At(start - 1));
                    text.Copy(start - len, start, tempStart);
                    destStart += len;
                    text.Replace(tempStart, tempStart, "\uFFFF");
                int destLimit = destStart;
                int tempExtra = 0; // temp chars after destLimit

                for (oOutput = 0; oOutput < output.Length;)
                    if (oOutput == cursorPos)
                        // Record the position of the cursor
                        newStart = buf.Length + destLimit - destStart; // relative to start
                                                                       // the buf.length() was inserted for bug 5789
                                                                       // the problem is that if we are accumulating into a buffer (when r == null below)
                                                                       // then the actual length of the text at that point needs to add the buf length.
                                                                       // there was an alternative suggested in #5789, but that looks like it won't work
                                                                       // if we have accumulated some stuff in the dest part AND have a non-zero buffer.
                    int c = UTF16.CharAt(output, oOutput);

                    // When we are at the last position copy the right style
                    // context character into the temporary buffer.  We don't
                    // do this before because it will provide an incorrect
                    // right context for previous replace() operations.
                    int nextIndex = oOutput + UTF16.GetCharCount(c);
                    if (nextIndex == output.Length)
                        tempExtra = UTF16.GetCharCount(text.Char32At(limit));
                        text.Copy(limit, limit + tempExtra, destLimit);

                    IUnicodeReplacer r = data.LookupReplacer(c);
                    if (r == null)
                        // Accumulate straight (non-segment) text.
                        UTF16.Append(buf, c);
                        isComplex = true;

                        // Insert any accumulated straight text.
                        if (buf.Length > 0)
                            text.Replace(destLimit, destLimit, buf.ToString());
                            destLimit += buf.Length;
                            buf.Length = 0;

                        // Delegate output generation to replacer object
                        int len = r.Replace(text, destLimit, destLimit, cursor);
                        destLimit += len;
                    oOutput = nextIndex;
                // Insert any accumulated straight text.
                if (buf.Length > 0)
                    text.Replace(destLimit, destLimit, buf.ToString());
                    destLimit += buf.Length;
                if (oOutput == cursorPos)
                    // Record the position of the cursor
                    newStart = destLimit - destStart; // relative to start

                outLen = destLimit - destStart;

                // Copy new text to start, and delete it
                text.Copy(destStart, destLimit, start);
                text.Replace(tempStart + outLen, destLimit + tempExtra + outLen, "");

                // Delete the old text (the key)
                text.Replace(start + outLen, limit + outLen, "");

            if (hasCursor)
                // Adjust the cursor for positions outside the key.  These
                // refer to code points rather than code units.  If cursorPos
                // is within the output string, then use newStart, which has
                // already been set above.
                if (cursorPos < 0)
                    newStart = start;
                    int n = cursorPos;
                    // Outside the output string, cursorPos counts code points
                    while (n < 0 && newStart > 0)
                        newStart -= UTF16.GetCharCount(text.Char32At(newStart - 1));
                    newStart += n;
                else if (cursorPos > output.Length)
                    newStart = start + outLen;
                    int n = cursorPos - output.Length;
                    // Outside the output string, cursorPos counts code points
                    while (n > 0 && newStart < text.Length)
                        newStart += UTF16.GetCharCount(text.Char32At(newStart));
                    newStart += n;
                    // Cursor is within output string.  It has been set up above
                    // to be relative to start.
                    newStart += start;

                cursor[0] = newStart;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Implements <see cref="Transliterator.HandleTransliterate(IReplaceable, Position, bool)"/>.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void HandleTransliterate(IReplaceable text,
                                                    Position offsets, bool isIncremental)
            int maxLen = UCharacterName.Instance.MaxCharNameLength + 1; // allow for temporary trailing space

            StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer(maxLen);

            // Get the legal character set
            UnicodeSet legal = new UnicodeSet();


            int cursor = offsets.Start;
            int limit  = offsets.Limit;

            // Modes:
            // 0 - looking for open delimiter
            // 1 - after open delimiter
            int mode    = 0;
            int openPos = -1; // open delim candidate pos

            int c;

            while (cursor < limit)
                c = text.Char32At(cursor);

                switch (mode)
                case 0:   // looking for open delimiter
                    if (c == OPEN_DELIM)
                    {     // quick check first
                        openPos = cursor;
                        int i = Utility.ParsePattern(OPEN_PAT, text, cursor, limit);
                        if (i >= 0 && i < limit)
                            mode        = 1;
                            name.Length = 0;
                            cursor      = i;
                            continue;     // *** reprocess char32At(cursor)

                case 1:     // after open delimiter
                            // Look for legal chars.  If \s+ is found, convert it
                            // to a single space.  If closeDelimiter is found, exit
                            // the loop.  If any other character is found, exit the
                            // loop.  If the limit is reached, exit the loop.

                    // Convert \s+ => SPACE.  This assumes there are no
                    // runs of >1 space characters in names.
                    if (PatternProps.IsWhiteSpace(c))
                        // Ignore leading whitespace
                        if (name.Length > 0 &&
                            name[name.Length - 1] != SPACE)
                            // If we are too long then abort.  maxLen includes
                            // temporary trailing space, so use '>'.
                            if (name.Length > maxLen)
                                mode = 0;

                    if (c == CLOSE_DELIM)
                        int len = name.Length;

                        // Delete trailing space, if any
                        if (len > 0 &&
                            name[len - 1] == SPACE)
                            name.Length = --len;

                        c = UCharacter.GetCharFromExtendedName(name.ToString());
                        if (c != -1)
                            // Lookup succeeded

                            // assert(UTF16.getCharCount(CLOSE_DELIM) == 1);
                            cursor++;     // advance over CLOSE_DELIM

                            string str = UTF16.ValueOf(c);
                            text.Replace(openPos, cursor, str);

                            // Adjust indices for the change in the length of
                            // the string.  Do not assume that str.length() ==
                            // 1, in case of surrogates.
                            int delta = cursor - openPos - str.Length;
                            cursor -= delta;
                            limit  -= delta;
                            // assert(cursor == openPos + str.length());
                        // If the lookup failed, we leave things as-is and
                        // still switch to mode 0 and continue.
                        mode    = 0;
                        openPos = -1; // close off candidate
                        continue;     // *** reprocess char32At(cursor)

                    if (legal.Contains(c))
                        UTF16.Append(name, c);
                        // If we go past the longest possible name then abort.
                        // maxLen includes temporary trailing space, so use '>='.
                        if (name.Length >= maxLen)
                            mode = 0;

                    // Invalid character
                        --cursor;     // Backup and reprocess this character
                        mode = 0;


                cursor += UTF16.GetCharCount(c);

            offsets.ContextLimit += limit - offsets.Limit;
            offsets.Limit         = limit;
            // In incremental mode, only advance the cursor up to the last
            // open delimiter candidate.
            offsets.Start = (isIncremental && openPos >= 0) ? openPos : cursor;
Example #3
        private StringBuffer Map(UCharacterIterator iter, StringPrepOptions options)
            Values       val             = new Values();
            char         result          = (char)0;
            int          ch              = UCharacterIterator.DONE;
            StringBuffer dest            = new StringBuffer();
            bool         allowUnassigned = ((options & StringPrepOptions.AllowUnassigned) > 0);

            while ((ch = iter.NextCodePoint()) != UCharacterIterator.DONE)
                result = GetCodePointValue(ch);
                GetValues(result, val);

                // check if the source codepoint is unassigned
                if (val.type == UNASSIGNED && allowUnassigned == false)
                    throw new StringPrepParseException("An unassigned code point was found in the input",
                                                       iter.GetText(), iter.Index);
                else if ((val.type == MAP))
                    int index, length;

                    if (val.isIndex)
                        index = val.value;
                        if (index >= indexes[ONE_UCHAR_MAPPING_INDEX_START] &&
                            index < indexes[TWO_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START])
                            length = 1;
                        else if (index >= indexes[TWO_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START] &&
                                 index < indexes[THREE_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START])
                            length = 2;
                        else if (index >= indexes[THREE_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START] &&
                                 index < indexes[FOUR_UCHARS_MAPPING_INDEX_START])
                            length = 3;
                            length = mappingData[index++];
                        /* copy mapping to destination */
                        dest.Append(mappingData, index, length);
                        ch -= val.value;
                else if (val.type == DELETE)
                    // just consume the codepoint and contine
                //copy the source into destination
                UTF16.Append(dest, ch);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// See if the decomposition of cp2 is at segment starting at <paramref name="segmentPos"/>
        /// (with canonical rearrangment!).
        /// If so, take the remainder, and return the equivalents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="comp"></param>
        /// <param name="segment"></param>
        /// <param name="segmentPos"></param>
        /// <param name="buf"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ISet <string> Extract(int comp, string segment, int segmentPos, StringBuffer buf)
            if (PROGRESS)
                Console.Out.WriteLine(" extract: " + Utility.Hex(UTF16.ValueOf(comp))
                                      + ", " + Utility.Hex(segment.Substring(segmentPos)));

            string decomp = nfcImpl.GetDecomposition(comp);

            if (decomp == null)
                decomp = UTF16.ValueOf(comp);

            // See if it matches the start of segment (at segmentPos)
            bool ok = false;
            int  cp;
            int  decompPos = 0;
            int  decompCp  = UTF16.CharAt(decomp, 0);

            decompPos += UTF16.GetCharCount(decompCp); // adjust position to skip first char
                                                       //int decompClass = getClass(decompCp);
            buf.Length = 0;                            // initialize working buffer, shared among callees

            for (int i = segmentPos; i < segment.Length; i += UTF16.GetCharCount(cp))
                cp = UTF16.CharAt(segment, i);
                if (cp == decompCp)
                { // if equal, eat another cp from decomp
                    if (PROGRESS)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("  matches: " + Utility.Hex(UTF16.ValueOf(cp)));
                    if (decompPos == decomp.Length)
                    {                                                              // done, have all decomp characters!
                        buf.Append(segment.Substring(i + UTF16.GetCharCount(cp))); // add remaining segment chars
                        ok = true;
                    decompCp   = UTF16.CharAt(decomp, decompPos);
                    decompPos += UTF16.GetCharCount(decompCp);
                    //decompClass = getClass(decompCp);
                    if (PROGRESS)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("  buffer: " + Utility.Hex(UTF16.ValueOf(cp)));
                    // brute force approach
                    UTF16.Append(buf, cp);

                    /* TODO: optimize
                     * // since we know that the classes are monotonically increasing, after zero
                     * // e.g. 0 5 7 9 0 3
                     * // we can do an optimization
                     * // there are only a few cases that work: zero, less, same, greater
                     * // if both classes are the same, we fail
                     * // if the decomp class < the segment class, we fail
                     * segClass = getClass(cp);
                     * if (decompClass <= segClass) return null;
            if (!ok)
                return(null);     // we failed, characters left over
            if (PROGRESS)
            if (buf.Length == 0)
                return(SET_WITH_NULL_STRING);                 // succeed, but no remainder
            string remainder = buf.ToString();

            // brute force approach
            // to check to make sure result is canonically equivalent

             * String trial = Normalizer.normalize(UTF16.valueOf(comp) + remainder, Normalizer.DECOMP, 0);
             * if (!segment.regionMatches(segmentPos, trial, 0, segment.length() - segmentPos)) return null;

            if (0 != Normalizer.Compare(UTF16.ValueOf(comp) + remainder, segment.Substring(segmentPos), 0))

            // get the remaining combinations