Example #1
        public ulong[,] total_req_per_procbank; //total number of requests per processor for each bank [proc, bank]

        public MemSchedStat(int proc_max, Bank[] bank, int bank_max)
            //collect stats
            is_collect_stat = new bool[Config.N];
            for (int p = 0; p < Config.N; p++) {
                is_collect_stat[p] = true;

            this.bank = bank;
            this.bank_max = bank_max;
            //this.proc_max = proc_max;

            //other stats
            tick_load_per_proc = new ulong[proc_max];
            time_avg_load_per_proc = new double[proc_max];

            tick_req = new ulong[proc_max];
            tick_req_cnt = new ulong[proc_max];

            tick_marked = new ulong[proc_max];
            tick_marked_req = new ulong[proc_max];

            tick_unmarked = new ulong[proc_max];
            tick_unmarked_req = new ulong[proc_max];

            total_req_per_procbank = new ulong[proc_max, bank_max];
Example #2
        public OUR(int total_size, Bank[] bank)
            : base(total_size, bank)
            num_groups = Simulator.network.workload.GroupCount;

            priority = new int[num_groups];

            for(int g = 0; g < num_groups; g++)
                priority[g] = 1;

            rankGroups = new int[num_groups];

            AU = new float[Config.N];
            AUMinFrame = new float[Config.N];
            groupAU = new float[Config.N];
            groupAUMinFrame = new float[Config.N];
            totAU = new float[Config.N];

            rankGroups = new int[num_groups];

            utilityMinFrame = new int[Config.N];
            utility = new int[Config.N];
            rank = new int[Config.N];

            priority = new int[num_groups];
            nCoresInGroup = new int[num_groups];
Example #3
 public FR_FCFS_Cap(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
     : base(totalSize, bank)
     bankTimers = new ulong[Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
     bankRowHitCount = new int[Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized FR_FCFS_Cap_MemoryScheduler");
Example #4
        public BatchMemSchedHelper bhelper;         //ranking algorithm helper

         * Constructor
        public BatchMemSched(int buf_size, Bank[] bank, RankAlgo rank_algo, BatchSchedAlgo batch_sched_algo)
            : base(buf_size, bank)
            bstat = new BatchMemSchedStat(this);

            this.rank_algo = rank_algo;
            this.batch_sched_algo = batch_sched_algo;

            rank_to_proc = new int[Config.N];
            proc_to_rank = new int[Config.N];
            for (int p = 0; p < Config.N; p++) {
                rank_to_proc[p] = p;
                proc_to_rank[p] = Config.N - 1;

            //batch formulation; marking
            markable = new MemoryRequest[Config.N][][];
            for (int p = 0; p < Config.N; p++) {
                markable[p] = new MemoryRequest[bank_max][];
                for (int b = 0; b < bank_max; b++) {
                    markable[p][b] = new MemoryRequest[markable_len];

            markable_cnt = new int[Config.N][];
            for (int p = 0; p < Config.N; p++) {
                markable_cnt[p] = new int[bank_max];

            markable_cnt_unbound = new int[Config.N][];
            for (int p = 0; p < Config.N; p++) {
                markable_cnt_unbound[p] = new int[bank_max];

            //marked requests per processor
            cur_marked_per_proc = new int[Config.N];
            cur_period_marked_per_proc = new int[Config.N];

            //marked requests per processor, bank
            cur_marked_per_procbank = new int[Config.N, bank_max];
            cur_period_marked_per_procbank = new int[Config.N, bank_max];

            bhelper = new BatchMemSchedHelper(this);

            Console.WriteLine("Initialized BATCH_MemoryScheduler");
            Console.WriteLine("Ranking Scheme: " + rank_algo.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("WithinBatch Priority: " + batch_sched_algo.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("BatchingCap: " + Config.memory.batch_cap);
Example #5
        public ulong[] row_miss_per_proc;   //total row misses (conflicts), by originating processor

         * Constructor
        public BankStat(Bank bank)
            //collecting stats
            is_collect_stat = true;

            //owning processor
            this.bank = bank;
            bank_id = bank.bank_id;

            //hit or miss per originating processor
            row_hit_per_proc = new ulong[Config.N];
            row_miss_per_proc = new ulong[Config.N];
        public BATCH_WITH_PRIORITIES_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank, RankAlgo rankingScheme)
            : base(totalSize, bank)
            this.rankingScheme = rankingScheme;
            procRank = new int[Config.N];
            Rank = new int[Config.N];
            markedReqThisBatchPerPriority = new int[Config.memory.prio_max];

            curMarkedPerProc = new int[Config.N];
            curMarkedPerProcBank = new int[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
            exceedsBatchingCap = new bool[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];

            threadPriority = new int[Config.N];
            minimumPriorityLevel = Config.memory.prio_max + 1;
            for (int p = 0; p < Config.N; p++) {
                threadPriority[p] = (int)Config.memory.weight[p];  // TODO: Properly rescale between weights and priorities!
                Console.WriteLine("Processor " + p + " has priority-level: " + threadPriority[p]);
                if (threadPriority[p] < minimumPriorityLevel) minimumPriorityLevel = threadPriority[p];

            avgNumReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            avgMaxReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            avgNumReqPerProcRecomp = new ulong[Config.N];
            avgMaxReqPerProcRecomp = new ulong[Config.N];
            avgMarkedReqAtBatchEnd = new ulong[Config.N];
            avgNumMarkedReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            avgMaxMarkedReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgNumMarkedReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgMaxMarkedReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            markCountPerPriority = new ulong[Config.memory.prio_max];
            finalmarkCountPerPriority = new ulong[Config.N];
            finalavgNumReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgMaxReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgNumReqPerProcRecomp = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgMaxReqPerProcRecomp = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgMarkedReqAtBatchEnd = new double[Config.N];
            avgFullBatchingDuration = new ulong[Config.N];
            finalavgFullBatchingDuration = new double[Config.N];
            batchStart = new ulong[Config.memory.prio_max];
            for (int i = 0; i < Config.N; i++) {
                procRank[i] = i;
                Rank[i] = Config.N - 1;
            Console.WriteLine("Initialized BATCH_WITH_PRIORITIES_MemoryScheduler");
            Console.WriteLine("Ranking Scheme: " + rankingScheme.ToString());
Example #7
         * Constructor
        protected AbstractMemSched(int buf_size, Bank[] bank)
            bank_max = bank.Length; //shared MC see global, non-shared
            this.buf_size = buf_size;
            shared_size = buf_size - Config.N * Config.memory.buf_size_per_proc;
            Debug.Assert(shared_size >= 0);

            this.bank = bank;
            buf = new MemoryRequest[bank_max, buf_size];
            buf_load = new int[bank_max];

            cur_load = 0;
            cur_nonwb_load = 0;
            cur_shared_load = 0;

            //load per proc
            cur_load_per_proc = new int[Config.N];
            cur_load_per_procbank = new int[Config.N, bank_max];

            cur_nonwb_per_proc = new int[Config.N];
            cur_nonwb_per_procbank = new int[Config.N, bank_max];

              bankRank = new int[Config.N];
              bankRankPerThread = new int[Config.memory.mem_max * Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem,Config.N];

            //max-load per proc
            cur_max_load_per_proc = new int[Config.N];

            helper = new MemSchedHelper(bank, bank_max, cur_max_load_per_proc);

            stat = new MemSchedStat(Config.N, bank, bank_max);
Example #8
 public FULL_BATCH(int total_size, Bank[] bank, RankAlgo rank_algo, BatchSchedAlgo batch_sched_algo)
     : base(total_size, bank, rank_algo, batch_sched_algo)
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized FULL_BATCH_MemoryScheduler");
Example #9
 public FCFS_MemoryScheduler_WB(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
     : base(totalSize, bank)
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized FCFS_MemoryScheduler_WB");
Example #10
File: DRAM.cs Project: hirous/test
 public Rank(int index, DRAM mem, Channel chan)
     this.index = index;
     this.mem = mem;
     this.chan = chan;
     numBanks = Config.memory.numBanks;
     banks = new Bank[numBanks];
     for(int i=0;i<numBanks;i++)
         banks[i] = new Bank(i,mem,chan,this);
Example #11
        public PERBANK_BATCH_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank,
            RankAlgo rankingScheme, BatchSchedAlgo withinBatchPriority)
            : base(totalSize, bank)
            this.rankingScheme = rankingScheme;
            this.withinBatchPriority = withinBatchPriority;
            procRank = new int[Config.N];
            Rank = new int[Config.N];
            perBankprocRank = new int[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
            perBankRank = new int[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
            curMarkedPerProc = new int[Config.N];
            thisPeriodMarkedPerProc = new int[Config.N];
            avgNumReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            avgMaxReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            avgNumMarkedReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            avgMaxMarkedReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            avgNumReqPerProcRecomp = new ulong[Config.N];
            avgMaxReqPerProcRecomp = new ulong[Config.N];
            avgMarkedReqAtBatchEnd = new ulong[Config.N];
            totalBatchCompletionTime = new ulong[Config.N];
            numberOfActiveBatches = new ulong[Config.N];
            sample_totalBatchCompletionTime = new ulong[Config.N];
            sample_numberOfActiveBatches = new ulong[Config.N];
            LPoptimal_totalBatchCompletionTime = new ulong[Config.N];
            LPoptimal_numberOfActiveBatches = new ulong[Config.N];
            nrTotalMarkedRequests = new ulong[Config.N];
            nrTotalRequests = new ulong[Config.N];
            finalavgNumReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgMaxReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgNumMarkedReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgMaxMarkedReqPerProcRemark = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgNumReqPerProcRecomp = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgMaxReqPerProcRecomp = new double[Config.N];
            finalavgMarkedReqAtBatchEnd = new double[Config.N];
            finaltotalBatchCompletionTime = new ulong[Config.N];
            finalnumberOfActiveBatches = new ulong[Config.N];
            final_sample_totalBatchCompletionTime = new ulong[Config.N];
            final_sample_numberOfActiveBatches = new ulong[Config.N];
            final_LPoptimal_totalBatchCompletionTime = new ulong[Config.N];
            final_LPoptimal_numberOfActiveBatches = new ulong[Config.N];
            finalnrTotalMarkedRequests = new ulong[Config.N];
            finalnrTotalRequests = new ulong[Config.N];
            curMarkedPerProcBank = new int[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
            thisPeriodMarkedPerProcBank = new int[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
            exceedsBatchingCap = new bool[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
            thisPeriodMarkedMaxPerProc = new int[Config.N];
            thisPeriodMarkedTotalPerProc = new int[Config.N];

            for (int i = 0; i < Config.N; i++)
                procRank[i] = i;
                Rank[i] = Config.N - 1;

                for (int b = 0; b < Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem; b++)
                    perBankprocRank[i, b] = i;
                    perBankRank[i, b] = Config.N - 1;
            Console.WriteLine("Initialized PERBANK_BATCH_MemoryScheduler");
            Console.WriteLine("Ranking Scheme: " + rankingScheme.ToString() + " Sampling: " + Config.memory.ACTSamplingBatchInterval);
            Console.WriteLine("WithinBatch Priority: " + withinBatchPriority.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("BatchingCap: " + Config.memory.batch_cap);
Example #12
 public LAS_FR_FCFS(int total_size, Bank[] bank)
     : base(total_size, bank)
Example #13
 public FR_LAS_BA(int total_size, Bank[] bank)
     : base(total_size, bank)
Example #14
        public Nesbit_Full_MemoryScheduler_WB(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
            : base(totalSize, bank)

            Console.WriteLine("Initialized Nesbit_Full_MemoryScheduler_WB");
Example #15
         * A
        public static MemSched alloc_sched(Bank[] bank, int buf_size, MemSchedAlgo mem_sched_algo, bool wb_special_sched)
            if (wb_special_sched)
                switch (mem_sched_algo) {
                    case MemSchedAlgo.FairMemScheduler:
                        return new Ideal_MM_MemoryScheduler_WB(buf_size, bank);
                    case MemSchedAlgo.FRFCFS:
                        return new FR_FCFS_WB(buf_size, bank);
                    case MemSchedAlgo.FCFS:
                        return new FCFS_MemoryScheduler_WB(buf_size, bank);
                    case MemSchedAlgo.NesbitBasic:
                        return new Nesbit_Basic_MemoryScheduler_WB(buf_size, bank);
                    case MemSchedAlgo.NesbitFull:
                        return new Nesbit_Full_MemoryScheduler_WB(buf_size, bank);
                    case MemSchedAlgo.FairMemMicro:
                        return new Ideal_MICRO_MemoryScheduler_WB(buf_size, bank);
                    case MemSchedAlgo.FR_FCFS_Cap:
                        return new FR_FCFS_Cap_WB(buf_size, bank);
                        return null;

            switch (mem_sched_algo) {
                //LAS_BA --- start
                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_BA_FR:
                    return new LAS_BA_FR(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.FR_LAS_BA:
                    return new FR_LAS_BA(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_BA2_FR:
                    return new LAS_BA2_FR(buf_size, bank);

                //LAS_BA --- end

                case MemSchedAlgo.FairMemScheduler:
                    return new Ideal_MM_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_FCFS_F1:
                    return new LAS_FCFS_F1(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_FCFS_F2:
                    return new LAS_FCFS_F2(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_FCFS:
                    return new LAS_FCFS(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_FR_FCFS:
                    return new LAS_FR_FCFS(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_QT_FCFS:
                    return new LAS_QT_FCFS(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_QT_FR_FCFS:
                    return new LAS_QT_FR_FCFS(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.FR_LAS_QT_FCFS:
                    return new FR_LAS_QT_FCFS(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.FR_SLACK_LAS_QT_FCFS:
                    return new FR_SLACK_LAS_QT_FCFS(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.OUR:
                    return new OUR(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_FR_FCFS_FAIR_TS:
                    return new LAS_FR_FCFS_FAIR_TS(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.LAS_FCFS_FAIR_TS:
                    return new LAS_FCFS_FAIR_TS(buf_size, bank);

                case MemSchedAlgo.FR_LAS_FCFS:
                    return new FR_LAS_FCFS(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.FRFCFS:
                    Console.WriteLine("FRFCFS initiated");
                    return new FR_FCFS(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.FCFS:
                    Console.WriteLine("FCFS initiated");
                    return new FCFS(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.PLL:
                    Console.WriteLine("PLL initiated");
                    return new PLL_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.PURE_PRIORITY_SCHEME:
                    return new PURE_PRIORITY_SCHEME_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.STATIC_BATCH:
                    return new STATIC_BATCH(buf_size, bank, Config.memory.ranking_algo, Config.memory.batch_sched_algo);
                case MemSchedAlgo.FULL_BATCH:
                    return new FULL_BATCH(buf_size, bank, Config.memory.ranking_algo, Config.memory.batch_sched_algo);
                case MemSchedAlgo.FULL_BATCH_RV:
                    return new FULL_BATCH_RV(buf_size, bank, Config.memory.ranking_algo, Config.memory.batch_sched_algo);
                case MemSchedAlgo.PERBANK_FULL_BATCH:
                    return new PERBANK_FULL_BATCH_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank, Config.memory.ranking_algo, Config.memory.batch_sched_algo);
                case MemSchedAlgo.EMPTY_SLOT_FULL_BATCH:
                    return new EMPTY_SLOT_FULL_BATCH_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank, Config.memory.ranking_algo, Config.memory.batch_sched_algo);
                case MemSchedAlgo.STATIC_BATCH_WITH_PRIORITIES:
                    return new STATIC_BATCH_WITH_PRIORITIES_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank, Config.memory.ranking_algo);
                case MemSchedAlgo.FULL_BATCH_WITH_PRIORITIES:
                    return new FULL_BATCH_WITH_PRIORITIES_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank, Config.memory.ranking_algo);
                case MemSchedAlgo.NesbitBasic:
                    return new Nesbit_Basic_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.NesbitFull:
                    return new Nesbit_Full_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.FairMemMicro:
                    return new Ideal_MICRO_MemoryScheduler(buf_size, bank);
                case MemSchedAlgo.FR_FCFS_Cap:
                    return new FR_FCFS_Cap(buf_size, bank);
                    return null;

Example #16
 public LAS_BA2_FR(int total_size, Bank[] bank)
     : base(total_size, bank)
Example #17
 public Ideal_MM_MemoryScheduler_WB(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
     : base(totalSize, bank)
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized Ideal_MM_WB_MemoryScheduler");
Example #18
 public STATIC_BATCH(int buf_size, Bank[] bank,
     RankAlgo rank_algo, BatchSchedAlgo batch_sched_algo)
     : base(buf_size, bank, rank_algo, batch_sched_algo)
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized STATIC_BATCH_MemoryScheduler");
Example #19
        public Ideal_MM_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
            : base(totalSize, bank)
            // Initialization of variables. 
            timeCounter = 0;
            currentRowBuffer = new ulong[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
            realLatency = new ulong[Config.N];
            idealLatency = new ulong[Config.N];
            nrOfSamples = new int[Config.N];
            for (int i = 0; i < Config.N; i++)
                realLatency[i] = 0;
                idealLatency[i] = 0;
                nrOfSamples[i] = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem; j++)
                    currentRowBuffer[i, j] = EMPTY_SLOT;
            Console.WriteLine("Initialized Ideal_MM_MemoryScheduler");

Example #20
 public PURE_PRIORITY_SCHEME_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
     : base(totalSize, bank)
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized PURE_PRIORITY_SCHEME_MemoryScheduler");
Example #21
 public EMPTY_SLOT_FULL_BATCH_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank,
     RankAlgo rankingScheme, BatchSchedAlgo withinBatchPriority)
     : base(totalSize, bank, rankingScheme, withinBatchPriority)
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized EMPTY_SLOT_FULL_BATCH_MemoryScheduler");
 public FULL_BATCH_WITH_PRIORITIES_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank, RankAlgo rankingScheme)
     : base(totalSize, bank, rankingScheme)
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized FULL_WITH_PRIORITIES_BATCH_MemoryScheduler");
Example #23
 public Nesbit_Full_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
     : base(totalSize, bank)
     totalScheduled = new ulong[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
     wonDueToFR = new ulong[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
     lostDueToFR = new ulong[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
     bankTimers = new ulong[Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized Nesbit_Full_MemoryScheduler");
Example #24
 public Nesbit_Basic_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
     : base(totalSize, bank)
     queueSize = 10 * totalSize;
     // Nesbit data structures
     vtmsBankFinishTime = new ulong[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
     vtmsBusFinishTime = new ulong[Config.N];
     oldestArrivalTime = new ulong[Config.N];
     toaQueue = new ulong[Config.N, queueSize];
     for (int i = 0; i < Config.N; i++)
         oldestArrivalTime[i] = EMPTY_SLOT;
         for (int j = 0; j < queueSize; j++)
             toaQueue[i, j] = EMPTY_SLOT;
     oldest = new int[Config.N];
     youngest = new int[Config.N];
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized Nesbit_Basic_MemoryScheduler");
Example #25
         * Constructor
        public MemCtlr(Node node)
            this.node = node;

            //locally visible bank
            bank = new Bank[Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];

            //allocate scheduler (sees local banks)
            sched = MemCtlr.alloc_sched(bank, Config.memory.buf_size_per_bank, Config.memory.mem_sched_algo, Config.memory.wb_special_sched);

            //allocate individual banks
            for (int b = 0; b < Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem; b++)
                bank[b] = new Bank(sched, this);
            //memory id
            mem_id = index++;

            this.bank_max = bank.Length;
            //Yoongu: giant hack to support shared MCs
            if(Config.memory.is_shared_MC == false)
                bank = new Bank[Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];

                //allocate scheduler (sees local banks)
                sched = MemCtlr.alloc_sched(bank, Config.memory.buf_size_per_mem, Config.memory.mem_sched_algo, Config.memory.wb_special_sched);
                //allocate individual banks
                for (int b = 0; b < Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem; b++)
                    bank[b] = new Bank(sched, this);
                //memory id
                mem_id = index++;
                this.bank_max = bank.Length;                
                //memory id
                mem_id = index++;
                if(mem_id == 0){
                    //only the first memory allocates the global banks
                    bank_global = new Bank[Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem * Config.memory.mem_max];
                    //allocate scheduler (sees local banks)
                    sched_global = MemCtlr.alloc_sched(bank_global, Config.memory.buf_size_per_mem * Config.memory.mem_max, 
                                                       Config.memory.mem_sched_algo, Config.memory.wb_special_sched);
                    //allocate individual banks
                    for (int b = 0; b < bank_global.Length; b++)
                        bank_global[b] = new Bank(sched_global, this);
                sched = sched_global;
                bank = new Bank[Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
                for(int b = 0; b < bank.Length; b++)
                    bank[b] = bank_global[mem_id * Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem + b];
                this.bank_max = bank.Length;                
Example #26
 public Ideal_MICRO_MemoryScheduler(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
     : base(totalSize, bank)
     // Initialization of variables. 
     timeCounter = 0;
     currentRowBuffer = new ulong[Config.N, Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem];
     stallShared = new ulong[Config.N];
     stallAlone = new ulong[Config.N];
     stallDelta = new ulong[Config.N];
     totParallelism = new ulong[Config.N];
     totParallelismSamples = new ulong[Config.N];
     maxParallelism = new int[Config.N];
     totExecParallelism = new ulong[Config.N];
     totExecParallelismSamples = new ulong[Config.N];
     maxExecParallelism = new int[Config.N];
     for (int i = 0; i < Config.N; i++)
         stallShared[i] = 5 * (ulong)Config.memory.row_conflict_latency;
         for (int j = 0; j < Config.memory.bank_max_per_mem; j++)
             currentRowBuffer[i, j] = EMPTY_SLOT;
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized Ideal_MICRO_MemoryScheduler");
Example #27
 public MemSchedHelper(Bank[] bank, int bank_max, int[] cur_max_load_per_proc)
     this.bank = bank;
     this.bank_max = bank_max;
     this.cur_max_load_per_proc = cur_max_load_per_proc;
Example #28
 protected LAS(int total_size, Bank[] bank)
     : base(total_size, bank)
Example #29
 public Ideal_MICRO_MemoryScheduler_WB(int totalSize, Bank[] bank)
     : base(totalSize, bank)
     // Initialization of variables. 
     Console.WriteLine("Initialized Ideal_MICRO_WB_MemoryScheduler");