Inheritance: TypeContainer, ITypeDefinition
Example #1
		public Const (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod_flags, MemberName name, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, type, mod_flags, AllowedModifiers, name, attrs)
			ModFlags |= Modifiers.STATIC;
Example #2
		TypeSpec CheckRecursiveDefinition (TypeDefinition tc)
			if (InTransit != null)
				return spec;

			InTransit = tc;

			if (base_type != null) {
				var ptc = base_type.MemberDefinition as TypeDefinition;
				if (ptc != null && ptc.CheckRecursiveDefinition (this) != null)
					return base_type;

			if (iface_exprs != null) {
				foreach (var iface in iface_exprs) {
					// the interface might not have been resolved, prevents a crash, see #442144
					if (iface == null)
					var ptc = iface.MemberDefinition as Interface;
					if (ptc != null && ptc.CheckRecursiveDefinition (this) != null)
						return iface;

			if (!IsTopLevel && Parent.PartialContainer.CheckRecursiveDefinition (this) != null)
				return spec;

			InTransit = null;
			return null;
Example #3
		protected MemberBase (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod, Modifiers def_mod, MemberName name, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, name, attrs)
			this.Parent = parent;
			this.type_expr = type;

			if (name != MemberName.Null)
				ModFlags = ModifiersExtensions.Check (allowed_mod, mod, def_mod, Location, Report);
Example #4
TypeContainer pop_current_class ()
	var retval = current_container;

	current_container = current_container.Parent;
	current_type = current_type.Parent as TypeDefinition;

	return retval;
Example #5
		public virtual void AddPartial (TypeDefinition next_part)
			MemberCore mc;
			(PartialContainer ?? this).defined_names.TryGetValue (next_part.MemberName.Basename, out mc);

			AddPartial (next_part, mc as TypeDefinition);
Example #6
		protected Method (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression return_type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers amod,
					MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, return_type, mod, amod, name, attrs, parameters)
Example #7
void case_1086()
#line 7387 "cs-parser.jay"
		current_container = current_type = new Class (current_container, new MemberName ("<InteractiveExpressionClass>"), Modifiers.PUBLIC, null);

		/* (ref object retval)*/
		Parameter [] mpar = new Parameter [1];
		mpar [0] = new Parameter (new TypeExpression (compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, Location.Null), "$retval", Parameter.Modifier.REF, null, Location.Null);

		ParametersCompiled pars = new ParametersCompiled (mpar);
		var mods = Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC;
		if (settings.Unsafe)
			mods |= Modifiers.UNSAFE;

		current_local_parameters = pars;
		var method = new InteractiveMethod (
			new TypeExpression (compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void, Location.Null),
		current_type.AddMember (method);			
		oob_stack.Push (method);

		interactive_async = false;

		start_block (lexer.Location);
Example #8
		public Constructor (TypeDefinition parent, string name, Modifiers mod, Attributes attrs, ParametersCompiled args, Location loc)
			: base (parent, null, mod, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (name, loc), attrs, args)
Example #9
		public bool Define (TypeDefinition container, string method_full_name)
			PendingImplementation pending = container.PendingImplementations;
			MethodSpec ambig_iface_method;
			bool optional = false;

			if (pending != null) {
				implementing = pending.IsInterfaceMethod (method.MethodName, member.InterfaceType, this, out ambig_iface_method, ref optional);

				if (member.InterfaceType != null) {
					if (implementing == null) {
						if (member is PropertyBase) {
							container.Compiler.Report.Error (550, method.Location,
								"`{0}' is an accessor not found in interface member `{1}{2}'",
									  method.GetSignatureForError (), member.InterfaceType.GetSignatureForError (),
									  member.GetSignatureForError ().Substring (member.GetSignatureForError ().LastIndexOf ('.')));

						} else {
							container.Compiler.Report.Error (539, method.Location,
									  "`{0}.{1}' in explicit interface declaration is not a member of interface",
									  member.InterfaceType.GetSignatureForError (), member.ShortName);
						return false;
					if (implementing.IsAccessor && !method.IsAccessor) {
						container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing);
						container.Compiler.Report.Error (683, method.Location,
							"`{0}' explicit method implementation cannot implement `{1}' because it is an accessor",
							member.GetSignatureForError (), implementing.GetSignatureForError ());
						return false;
				} else {
					if (implementing != null && !optional) {
						if (!method.IsAccessor) {
							if (implementing.IsAccessor) {
								container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing);
								container.Compiler.Report.Error (470, method.Location,
									"Method `{0}' cannot implement interface accessor `{1}'",
									method.GetSignatureForError (), TypeManager.CSharpSignature (implementing));
						} else if (implementing.DeclaringType.IsInterface) {
							if (!implementing.IsAccessor) {
								container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing);
								container.Compiler.Report.Error (686, method.Location,
									"Accessor `{0}' cannot implement interface member `{1}' for type `{2}'. Use an explicit interface implementation",
									method.GetSignatureForError (), TypeManager.CSharpSignature (implementing), container.GetSignatureForError ());
							} else {
								PropertyBase.PropertyMethod pm = method as PropertyBase.PropertyMethod;
								if (pm != null && pm.HasCustomAccessModifier && (pm.ModFlags & Modifiers.PUBLIC) == 0) {
									container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing);
									container.Compiler.Report.Error (277, method.Location,
										"Accessor `{0}' must be declared public to implement interface member `{1}'",
										method.GetSignatureForError (), implementing.GetSignatureForError ());
			} else {
				ambig_iface_method = null;

			// For implicit implementations, make sure we are public, for
			// explicit implementations, make sure we are private.
			if (implementing != null){
				if (member.IsExplicitImpl) {
					if (method.ParameterInfo.HasParams && !implementing.Parameters.HasParams) {
						container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing);
						container.Compiler.Report.Error (466, method.Location,
							"`{0}': the explicit interface implementation cannot introduce the params modifier",
							method.GetSignatureForError ());

					if (ambig_iface_method != null) {
						container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (ambig_iface_method);
						container.Compiler.Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (implementing);
						container.Compiler.Report.Warning (473, 2, method.Location,
							"Explicit interface implementation `{0}' matches more than one interface member. Consider using a non-explicit implementation instead",
							method.GetSignatureForError ());
				} else {
					// Setting implementin to null inside this block will trigger a more
					// verbose error reporting for missing interface implementations
					if (implementing.DeclaringType.IsInterface) {
						// If this is an interface method implementation,
						// check for public accessibility
						if ((flags & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) != MethodAttributes.Public) {
							implementing = null;
						} else if (optional && (container.Interfaces == null || !container.Definition.Interfaces.Contains (implementing.DeclaringType))) {
							// We are not implementing interface when base class already implemented it
							implementing = null;
					} else if ((flags & MethodAttributes.MemberAccessMask) == MethodAttributes.Private) {
						// We may never be private.
						implementing = null;

					} else if ((modifiers & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) == 0) {
						// We may be protected if we're overriding something.
						implementing = null;
				// Static is not allowed
				if ((modifiers & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0){
					implementing = null;
			// If implementing is still valid, set flags
			if (implementing != null){
				// When implementing interface methods, set NewSlot
				// unless, we are overwriting a method.
				if ((modifiers & Modifiers.OVERRIDE) == 0 && implementing.DeclaringType.IsInterface) {
					flags |= MethodAttributes.NewSlot;

				flags |= MethodAttributes.Virtual | MethodAttributes.HideBySig;

				// Set Final unless we're virtual, abstract or already overriding a method.
				if ((modifiers & (Modifiers.VIRTUAL | Modifiers.ABSTRACT | Modifiers.OVERRIDE)) == 0)
					flags |= MethodAttributes.Final;

				// clear the pending implementation flag (requires explicit methods to be defined first)
				pending.ImplementMethod (method.MethodName,
					member.InterfaceType, this, member.IsExplicitImpl, out ambig_iface_method, ref optional);

				// Update indexer accessor name to match implementing abstract accessor
				if (!implementing.DeclaringType.IsInterface && !member.IsExplicitImpl && implementing.IsAccessor)
					method_full_name = implementing.MemberDefinition.Name;

			full_name = method_full_name;
			declaring_type = container.Definition;

			return true;
Example #10
		protected FieldBase (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod, MemberName name, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, type, mod, allowed_mod | Modifiers.ABSTRACT, Modifiers.PRIVATE, name, attrs)
			if ((mod & Modifiers.ABSTRACT) != 0)
				Report.Error (681, Location, "The modifier 'abstract' is not valid on fields. Try using a property instead");
Example #11
		public PrimaryConstructorField (TypeDefinition parent, Parameter parameter)
			: base (parent, new TypeExpressionFromParameter (parameter), Modifiers.PRIVATE, new MemberName (parameter.Name, parameter.Location), null)
			caching_flags |= Flags.IsUsed | Flags.IsAssigned;
Example #12
		public Field (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, MemberName name, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, type, mod, AllowedModifiers, name, attrs)
Example #13
		public override void AddPartial (TypeDefinition next_part)
			var existing = ns.LookupType (this, next_part.MemberName.Name, next_part.MemberName.Arity, LookupMode.Probing, Location.Null);
			var td = existing != null ? existing.MemberDefinition as TypeDefinition : null;
			AddPartial (next_part, td);
Example #14
		void VisitTypeDefinition (TypeDefinition tc)
			foreach (var member in tc.Members) {
				member.Accept (this);
Example #15
		protected MethodOrOperator (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod, MemberName name,
				Attributes attrs, ParametersCompiled parameters)
			: base (parent, type, mod, allowed_mod, name, attrs, parameters)
Example #16
		void DefineOverride (TypeDefinition container)
			if (implementing == null)

			if (!member.IsExplicitImpl)

			container.TypeBuilder.DefineMethodOverride (builder, (MethodInfo) implementing.GetMetaInfo ());
Example #17
		public Method (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression return_type, Modifiers mod, MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, return_type, mod,
				parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Interface ? AllowedModifiersInterface :
				parent.PartialContainer.Kind == MemberKind.Struct ? AllowedModifiersStruct | Modifiers.ASYNC :
				AllowedModifiersClass | Modifiers.ASYNC,
				name, attrs, parameters)
Example #18
		// Creates partial MethodBuilder for the method when has generic parameters used
		// as arguments or return type
		public MethodBuilder DefineMethodBuilder (TypeDefinition container)
			if (builder != null)
				throw new InternalErrorException ();

			builder = container.TypeBuilder.DefineMethod (full_name, flags, method.CallingConventions);
			return builder;
Example #19
		public static Method Create (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression returnType, Modifiers mod,
				   MemberName name, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs)
			var m = new Method (parent, returnType, mod, name, parameters, attrs);

			if ((mod & Modifiers.PARTIAL) != 0) {
				const Modifiers invalid_partial_mod = Modifiers.AccessibilityMask | Modifiers.ABSTRACT | Modifiers.EXTERN |
					Modifiers.NEW | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.SEALED | Modifiers.VIRTUAL;

				if ((mod & invalid_partial_mod) != 0) {
					m.Report.Error (750, m.Location,
						"A partial method cannot define access modifier or any of abstract, extern, new, override, sealed, or virtual modifiers");
					mod &= ~invalid_partial_mod;

				if ((parent.ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) == 0) {
					m.Report.Error (751, m.Location, 
						"A partial method must be declared within a partial class or partial struct");

			if ((mod & Modifiers.STATIC) == 0 && parameters.HasExtensionMethodType) {
				m.Report.Error (1105, m.Location, "`{0}': Extension methods must be declared static",
					m.GetSignatureForError ());

			return m;
Example #20
		// Creates full MethodBuilder for the method 
		public MethodBuilder DefineMethodBuilder (TypeDefinition container, ParametersCompiled param)
			DefineMethodBuilder (container);
			builder.SetReturnType (method.ReturnType.GetMetaInfo ());
			builder.SetParameters (param.GetMetaInfo ());
			return builder;
Example #21
void push_current_container (TypeDefinition tc, object partial_token)
	if (module.Evaluator != null){
		tc.Definition.Modifiers = tc.ModFlags = (tc.ModFlags & ~Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) | Modifiers.PUBLIC;
		if (undo == null)
			undo = new Undo ();

		undo.AddTypeContainer (current_container, tc);
	if (partial_token != null)
		current_container.AddPartial (tc);
		current_container.AddTypeContainer (tc);
	current_container = tc;
	current_type = tc;
Example #22
		// Emits the code
		public void Emit (TypeDefinition parent)
			DefineOverride (parent);

			method.ParameterInfo.ApplyAttributes (method, MethodBuilder);

			ToplevelBlock block = method.Block;
			if (block != null) {
				BlockContext bc = new BlockContext (method, block, method.ReturnType);
				if (block.Resolve (bc, method)) {
					debug_builder = member.Parent.CreateMethodSymbolEntry ();
					EmitContext ec = method.CreateEmitContext (MethodBuilder.GetILGenerator (), debug_builder);

					block.Emit (ec);
Example #23
		public DynamicSiteClass (TypeDefinition parent, MemberBase host, TypeParameters tparams)
			: base (parent, MakeMemberName (host, "DynamicSite", parent.DynamicSitesCounter, tparams, Location.Null), tparams, Modifiers.STATIC, MemberKind.Class)
Example #24
		public Destructor (TypeDefinition parent, Modifiers mod, ParametersCompiled parameters, Attributes attrs, Location l)
			: base (parent, null, mod, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (MetadataName, l), attrs, parameters)
			ModFlags &= ~Modifiers.PRIVATE;
			ModFlags |= Modifiers.PROTECTED | Modifiers.OVERRIDE;
Example #25
		protected void AddPartial (TypeDefinition next_part, TypeDefinition existing)
			next_part.ModFlags |= Modifiers.PARTIAL;

			if (existing == null) {
				AddTypeContainer (next_part);

			if ((existing.ModFlags & Modifiers.PARTIAL) == 0) {
				if (existing.Kind != next_part.Kind) {
					AddTypeContainer (next_part);
				} else {
					Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (next_part);
					Error_MissingPartialModifier (existing);


			if (existing.Kind != next_part.Kind) {
				Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (existing);
				Report.Error (261, next_part.Location,
					"Partial declarations of `{0}' must be all classes, all structs or all interfaces",
					next_part.GetSignatureForError ());

			if ((existing.ModFlags & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) != (next_part.ModFlags & Modifiers.AccessibilityMask) &&
				((existing.ModFlags & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFIER) == 0 &&
				 (next_part.ModFlags & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFIER) == 0)) {
					 Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (existing);
				Report.Error (262, next_part.Location,
					"Partial declarations of `{0}' have conflicting accessibility modifiers",
					next_part.GetSignatureForError ());

			var tc_names = existing.CurrentTypeParameters;
			if (tc_names != null) {
				for (int i = 0; i < tc_names.Count; ++i) {
					var tp = next_part.MemberName.TypeParameters[i];
					if (tc_names[i].MemberName.Name != tp.MemberName.Name) {
						Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (existing.Location, "");
						Report.Error (264, next_part.Location, "Partial declarations of `{0}' must have the same type parameter names in the same order",
							next_part.GetSignatureForError ());

					if (tc_names[i].Variance != tp.Variance) {
						Report.SymbolRelatedToPreviousError (existing.Location, "");
						Report.Error (1067, next_part.Location, "Partial declarations of `{0}' must have the same type parameter variance modifiers",
							next_part.GetSignatureForError ());

			if ((next_part.ModFlags & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFIER) != 0) {
				existing.ModFlags |= next_part.ModFlags & ~(Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFIER | Modifiers.AccessibilityMask);
			} else if ((existing.ModFlags & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFIER) != 0) {
				existing.ModFlags &= ~(Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFIER | Modifiers.AccessibilityMask);
				existing.ModFlags |= next_part.ModFlags;
			} else {
				existing.ModFlags |= next_part.ModFlags;

			existing.Definition.Modifiers = existing.ModFlags;

			if (next_part.attributes != null) {
				if (existing.attributes == null)
					existing.attributes = next_part.attributes;
					existing.attributes.AddAttributes (next_part.attributes.Attrs);

			next_part.PartialContainer = existing;

			existing.AddPartialPart (next_part);

			AddTypeContainerMember (next_part);
Example #26
		public virtual void Emit (TypeDefinition parent)
			method_data.Emit (parent);

			if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED) != 0 && !Parent.IsCompilerGenerated)
				Module.PredefinedAttributes.CompilerGenerated.EmitAttribute (method_data.MethodBuilder);
			if (((ModFlags & Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN) != 0))
				Module.PredefinedAttributes.DebuggerHidden.EmitAttribute (method_data.MethodBuilder);

			if (ReturnType.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic) {
				return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, method_data.MethodBuilder, Location);
				Module.PredefinedAttributes.Dynamic.EmitAttribute (return_attributes.Builder);
			} else if (ReturnType.HasDynamicElement) {
				return_attributes = new ReturnParameter (this, method_data.MethodBuilder, Location);
				Module.PredefinedAttributes.Dynamic.EmitAttribute (return_attributes.Builder, ReturnType, Location);

			if (OptAttributes != null)
				OptAttributes.Emit ();

			if (declarative_security != null) {
				foreach (var de in declarative_security) {
					method_data.MethodBuilder.__AddDeclarativeSecurity (de);
					method_data.MethodBuilder.AddDeclarativeSecurity (de.Key, de.Value);

			block = null;
Example #27
		protected InterfaceMemberBase (TypeDefinition parent, FullNamedExpression type, Modifiers mod, Modifiers allowed_mod, MemberName name, Attributes attrs)
			: base (parent, type, mod, allowed_mod, Modifiers.PRIVATE, name, attrs)
			IsInterface = parent.Kind == MemberKind.Interface;
			IsExplicitImpl = (MemberName.ExplicitInterface != null);
			explicit_mod_flags = mod;
Example #28
		public Operator (TypeDefinition parent, OpType type, FullNamedExpression ret_type, Modifiers mod_flags, ParametersCompiled parameters,
				 ToplevelBlock block, Attributes attrs, Location loc)
			: base (parent, ret_type, mod_flags, AllowedModifiers, new MemberName (GetMetadataName (type), loc), attrs, parameters)
			OperatorType = type;
			Block = block;
Example #29
		public void AddPartialPart (TypeDefinition part)
			if (Kind != MemberKind.Class)

			if (class_partial_parts == null)
				class_partial_parts = new List<TypeDefinition> ();

			class_partial_parts.Add (part);
Example #30
		public AnonymousMethodStorey (ExplicitBlock block, TypeDefinition parent, MemberBase host, TypeParameters tparams, string name, MemberKind kind)
			: base (parent, MakeMemberName (host, name, parent.PartialContainer.CounterAnonymousContainers, tparams, block.StartLocation),
				tparams, 0, kind)
			OriginalSourceBlock = block;
			ID = parent.PartialContainer.CounterAnonymousContainers++;