Example #1
			public override void Visit(Field f)
				var location = LocationsBag.GetMemberLocation(f);
				var newField = new FieldDeclaration();
				AddAttributeSection(newField, f);
				AddModifiers(newField, location);
				newField.AddChild(ConvertToType(f.TypeExpression), Roles.Type);
				var variable = new VariableInitializer();
				variable.AddChild(Identifier.Create(f.MemberName.Name, Convert(f.MemberName.Location)), Roles.Identifier);
				int locationIdx = 0;
				if (f.Initializer != null) {
					if (location != null)
						variable.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(location [locationIdx++]), Roles.Assign), Roles.Assign);
					variable.AddChild((Expression)f.Initializer.Accept(this), Roles.Expression);
				newField.AddChild(variable, Roles.Variable);
				if (f.Declarators != null) {
					foreach (var decl in f.Declarators) {
						var declLoc = LocationsBag.GetLocations(decl);
						if (declLoc != null)
							newField.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(declLoc [0]), Roles.Comma), Roles.Comma);
						variable = new VariableInitializer();
						variable.AddChild(Identifier.Create(decl.Name.Value, Convert(decl.Name.Location)), Roles.Identifier);
						if (decl.Initializer != null) {
							if (declLoc != null)
								variable.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(declLoc [1]), Roles.Assign), Roles.Assign);
							variable.AddChild((Expression)decl.Initializer.Accept(this), Roles.Expression);
						newField.AddChild(variable, Roles.Variable);
				if (location != null && location.Count > locationIdx)
					newField.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(location [locationIdx++]), Roles.Semicolon), Roles.Semicolon);

				typeStack.Peek().AddChild(newField, Roles.TypeMemberRole);
Example #2
		public override bool Define ()
			if (!base.Define ())
				return false;

			MetaType[] required_modifier = null;
			if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.VOLATILE) != 0) {
				var mod = Module.PredefinedTypes.IsVolatile.Resolve ();
				if (mod != null)
					required_modifier = new MetaType[] { mod.GetMetaInfo () };

			FieldBuilder = Parent.TypeBuilder.DefineField (
				Name, member_type.GetMetaInfo (), required_modifier, null, ModifiersExtensions.FieldAttr (ModFlags));

			spec = new FieldSpec (Parent.Definition, this, MemberType, FieldBuilder, ModFlags);

			// Don't cache inaccessible fields except for struct where we
			// need them for definitive assignment checks
			if ((ModFlags & Modifiers.BACKING_FIELD) == 0 || Parent.Kind == MemberKind.Struct) {
				Parent.MemberCache.AddMember (spec);

			if (initializer != null) {
				Parent.RegisterFieldForInitialization (this, new FieldInitializer (this, initializer, TypeExpression.Location));

			if (declarators != null) {
				foreach (var d in declarators) {
					var f = new Field (Parent, d.GetFieldTypeExpression (this), ModFlags, new MemberName (d.Name.Value, d.Name.Location), OptAttributes);
					if (d.Initializer != null)
						f.initializer = d.Initializer;

					f.Define ();
					Parent.PartialContainer.Members.Add (f);

			return true;
Example #3
		protected override Expression DoResolve (ResolveContext ec)
			var expr = base.DoResolve (ec);
			if (expr == null)
				return ErrorExpression.Instance;

			if (ec.IsInProbingMode)
				return expr;

			// Cache any static delegate creation
			if (method_group.InstanceExpression != null)
				return expr;

			// Cannot easily cache types with MVAR
			if (!HasMvar ())
				return expr;

			// Create type level cache for a delegate instance
			var parent = ec.CurrentMemberDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer;
			int id = parent.MethodGroupsCounter++;

			mg_cache = new Field (parent, new TypeExpression (type, loc),
				Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED,
				new MemberName (CompilerGeneratedContainer.MakeName (null, "f", "mg$cache", id), loc), null);
			mg_cache.Define ();
			parent.AddField (mg_cache);

			return expr;
Example #4
		public virtual void Visit (Field f)
Example #5
		protected HoistedVariable (AnonymousMethodStorey storey, Field field)
			this.storey = storey;
			this.field = field;
Example #6
		public HoistedThis (AnonymousMethodStorey storey, Field field)
			: base (storey, field)
Example #7
		public static AnonymousTypeClass Create (TypeContainer parent, IList<AnonymousTypeParameter> parameters, Location loc)
			string name = ClassNamePrefix + parent.Module.CounterAnonymousTypes++;

			ParametersCompiled all_parameters;
			TypeParameters tparams = null;
			SimpleName[] t_args;

			if (parameters.Count == 0) {
				all_parameters = ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters;
				t_args = null;
			} else {
				t_args = new SimpleName[parameters.Count];
				tparams = new TypeParameters ();
				Parameter[] ctor_params = new Parameter[parameters.Count];
				for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
					AnonymousTypeParameter p = parameters[i];
					for (int ii = 0; ii < i; ++ii) {
						if (parameters[ii].Name == p.Name) {
							parent.Compiler.Report.Error (833, parameters[ii].Location,
								"`{0}': An anonymous type cannot have multiple properties with the same name",

							p = new AnonymousTypeParameter (null, "$" + i.ToString (), p.Location);
							parameters[i] = p;

					t_args[i] = new SimpleName ("<" + p.Name + ">__T", p.Location);
					tparams.Add (new TypeParameter (i, new MemberName (t_args[i].Name, p.Location), null, null, Variance.None));
					ctor_params[i] = new Parameter (t_args[i], p.Name, Parameter.Modifier.NONE, null, p.Location);

				all_parameters = new ParametersCompiled (ctor_params);

			// Create generic anonymous type host with generic arguments
			// named upon properties names
			AnonymousTypeClass a_type = new AnonymousTypeClass (parent.Module, new MemberName (name, tparams, loc), parameters, loc);

			Constructor c = new Constructor (a_type, name, Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN,
				null, all_parameters, loc);
			c.Block = new ToplevelBlock (parent.Module.Compiler, c.ParameterInfo, loc);

			// Create fields and constructor body with field initialization
			bool error = false;
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
				AnonymousTypeParameter p = parameters [i];

				Field f = new Field (a_type, t_args [i], Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.READONLY | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN,
					new MemberName ("<" + p.Name + ">", p.Location), null);

				if (!a_type.AddField (f)) {
					error = true;

				c.Block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
					new SimpleAssign (new MemberAccess (new This (p.Location), f.Name),
						c.Block.GetParameterReference (i, p.Location))));

				ToplevelBlock get_block = new ToplevelBlock (parent.Module.Compiler, p.Location);
				get_block.AddStatement (new Return (
					new MemberAccess (new This (p.Location), f.Name), p.Location));

				Property prop = new Property (a_type, t_args [i], Modifiers.PUBLIC,
					new MemberName (p.Name, p.Location), null);
				prop.Get = new Property.GetMethod (prop, 0, null, p.Location);
				prop.Get.Block = get_block;
				a_type.AddMember (prop);

			if (error)
				return null;

			a_type.AddConstructor (c);
			return a_type;
Example #8
		protected Field AddCompilerGeneratedField (string name, FullNamedExpression type, bool privateAccess)
			Modifiers mod = Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED | (privateAccess ? Modifiers.PRIVATE : Modifiers.INTERNAL);
			Field f = new Field (this, type, mod, new MemberName (name, Location), null);
			AddField (f);
			return f;
Example #9
		public override void Emit (EmitContext ec)
			// Use same anonymous method implementation for scenarios where same
			// code is used from multiple blocks, e.g. field initializers
			if (method == null) {
				// Delay an anonymous method definition to avoid emitting unused code
				// for unreachable blocks or expression trees
				method = DoCreateMethodHost (ec);
				method.Define ();
				method.PrepareEmit ();

			bool is_static = (method.ModFlags & Modifiers.STATIC) != 0;
			if (is_static && am_cache == null && !ec.IsStaticConstructor) {
				// Creates a field cache to store delegate instance if it's not generic
				if (!method.MemberName.IsGeneric) {
					var parent = method.Parent.PartialContainer;
					int id = parent.AnonymousMethodsCounter++;
					var cache_type = storey != null && storey.Mutator != null ? storey.Mutator.Mutate (type) : type;

					am_cache = new Field (parent, new TypeExpression (cache_type, loc),
						Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED,
						new MemberName (CompilerGeneratedContainer.MakeName (null, "f", "am$cache", id), loc), null);
					am_cache.Define ();
					parent.AddField (am_cache);
				} else {
					// TODO: Implement caching of generated generic static methods
					// Idea:
					// Some extra class is needed to capture variable generic type
					// arguments. Maybe we could re-use anonymous types, with a unique
					// anonymous method id, but they are quite heavy.
					// Consider : "() => typeof(T);"
					// We need something like
					// static class Wrap<Tn, Tm, DelegateType> {
					//		public static DelegateType cache;
					// }
					// We then specialize local variable to capture all generic parameters
					// and delegate type, e.g. "Wrap<Ta, Tb, DelegateTypeInst> cache;"

			Label l_initialized = ec.DefineLabel ();

			if (am_cache != null) {
				ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldsfld, am_cache.Spec);
				ec.Emit (OpCodes.Brtrue_S, l_initialized);

			// Load method delegate implementation

			if (is_static) {
				ec.EmitNull ();
			} else if (storey != null) {
				Expression e = storey.GetStoreyInstanceExpression (ec).Resolve (new ResolveContext (ec.MemberContext));
				if (e != null) {
					e.Emit (ec);
			} else {
				ec.EmitThis ();

				// Special case for value type storey where this is not lifted but
				// droped off to parent class
				if (ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod != null && ec.AsyncTaskStorey != null)
					ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldfld, ec.AsyncTaskStorey.HoistedThis.Field.Spec);

			var delegate_method = method.Spec;
			if (storey != null && storey.MemberName.IsGeneric) {
				TypeSpec t = storey.Instance.Type;

				// Mutate anonymous method instance type if we are in nested
				// hoisted generic anonymous method storey
				if (ec.IsAnonymousStoreyMutateRequired) {
					t = storey.Mutator.Mutate (t);

				ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldftn, TypeBuilder.GetMethod (t.GetMetaInfo (), (MethodInfo) delegate_method.GetMetaInfo ()));
			} else {
				if (delegate_method.IsGeneric) {
					TypeParameterSpec[] tparams;
					var sm = ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod == null ? null : ec.CurrentAnonymousMethod.Storey as StateMachine;
					if (sm != null && sm.OriginalTypeParameters != null) {
						tparams = sm.CurrentTypeParameters.Types;
					} else {
						tparams = method.TypeParameters;

					delegate_method = delegate_method.MakeGenericMethod (ec.MemberContext, tparams);

				ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldftn, delegate_method);

			var constructor_method = Delegate.GetConstructor (type);
			ec.Emit (OpCodes.Newobj, constructor_method);

			if (am_cache != null) {
				ec.Emit (OpCodes.Stsfld, am_cache.Spec);
				ec.MarkLabel (l_initialized);
				ec.Emit (OpCodes.Ldsfld, am_cache.Spec);
Example #10
			public StoreyFieldPair (AnonymousMethodStorey storey, Field field)
				this.Storey = storey;
				this.Field = field;
Example #11
		public override bool Define()
			var mod_flags_src = ModFlags;

			if (!base.Define ())
				return false;

			if (declarators != null) {
				if ((mod_flags_src & Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFIER) != 0)
					mod_flags_src &= ~(Modifiers.AccessibilityMask | Modifiers.DEFAULT_ACCESS_MODIFIER);

				var t = new TypeExpression (MemberType, TypeExpression.Location);
				foreach (var d in declarators) {
					var ef = new EventField (Parent, t, mod_flags_src, new MemberName (d.Name.Value, d.Name.Location), OptAttributes);

					if (d.Initializer != null)
						ef.initializer = d.Initializer;

					ef.Define ();
					Parent.PartialContainer.Members.Add (ef);

			if (!HasBackingField) {
				SetIsUsed ();
				return true;

			backing_field = new Field (Parent,
				new TypeExpression (MemberType, Location),
				Modifiers.BACKING_FIELD | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED | Modifiers.PRIVATE | (ModFlags & (Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.UNSAFE)),
				MemberName, null);

			Parent.PartialContainer.Members.Add (backing_field);
			backing_field.Initializer = Initializer;
			backing_field.ModFlags &= ~Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED;

			// Call define because we passed fields definition
			backing_field.Define ();

			// Set backing field for event fields
			spec.BackingField = backing_field.Spec;

			return true;
Example #12
		public HoistedEvaluatorVariable (Field field)
			: base (null, field)
Example #13
		public PrimaryConstructorAssign (Field field, Parameter parameter)
			: base (null, null, parameter.Location)
			this.field = field;
			this.parameter = parameter;