protected override Literal Next() { char ch; while (true) { int nextChar = ReaderRead(); if (nextChar == -1) { break; } Literal token = null; switch (nextChar) { case ' ': case '\t': continue; case '\r': case '\n': HandleLineEnd((char)nextChar); continue; case '"': token = ReadString(); break; case '\'': token = ReadChar(); break; case '@': int next = ReaderRead(); if (next == -1) { Error(Line, Col, String.Format("EOF after @")); continue; } else { int x = Col - 1; int y = Line; ch = (char)next; if (ch == '"') { token = ReadVerbatimString(); } else if (Char.IsLetterOrDigit(ch) || ch == '_') { bool canBeKeyword; string s = ReadIdent(ch, out canBeKeyword); return(new Literal(null, null, LiteralFormat.None)); } else { HandleLineEnd(ch); Error(y, x, String.Format("Unexpected char in Lexer.Next() : {0}", ch)); continue; } } break; default: // non-ws chars are handled here ch = (char)nextChar; if (Char.IsLetter(ch) || ch == '_' || ch == '\\') { int x = Col - 1; // Col was incremented above, but we want the start of the identifier int y = Line; bool canBeKeyword; string s = ReadIdent(ch, out canBeKeyword); return(new Literal(null, null, LiteralFormat.None)); } else if (Char.IsDigit(ch)) { token = ReadDigit(ch, Col - 1); } break; } // try error recovery (token = null -> continue with next char) if (token != null) { return(token); } } return(new Literal(null, null, LiteralFormat.None)); }
Literal ReadDigit(char ch, int x) { unchecked { // prevent exception when ReaderPeek() = -1 is cast to char int y = Line; sb.Length = 0; sb.Append(ch); string prefix = null; string suffix = null; bool ishex = false; bool isunsigned = false; bool islong = false; bool isfloat = false; bool isdouble = false; bool isdecimal = false; char peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); if (ch == '.') { isdouble = true; while (Char.IsDigit((char)ReaderPeek())) // read decimal digits beyond the dot { sb.Append((char)ReaderRead()); } peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); } else if (ch == '0' && (peek == 'x' || peek == 'X')) { ReaderRead(); // skip 'x' sb.Length = 0; // Remove '0' from 0x prefix from the stringvalue while (IsHex((char)ReaderPeek())) { sb.Append((char)ReaderRead()); } if (sb.Length == 0) { sb.Append('0'); // dummy value to prevent exception Error(y, x, "Invalid hexadecimal integer literal"); } ishex = true; prefix = "0x"; peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); } else { while (Char.IsDigit((char)ReaderPeek())) { sb.Append((char)ReaderRead()); } peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); } Literal nextToken = null; // if we accidently read a 'dot' if (peek == '.') // read floating point number { ReaderRead(); peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); if (!Char.IsDigit(peek)) { nextToken = new Literal(null, null, LiteralFormat.None); peek = '.'; } else { isdouble = true; // double is default if (ishex) { Error(y, x, "No hexadecimal floating point values allowed"); } sb.Append('.'); while (Char.IsDigit((char)ReaderPeek())) // read decimal digits beyond the dot { sb.Append((char)ReaderRead()); } peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); } } if (peek == 'e' || peek == 'E') // read exponent { isdouble = true; sb.Append((char)ReaderRead()); peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); if (peek == '-' || peek == '+') { sb.Append((char)ReaderRead()); } while (Char.IsDigit((char)ReaderPeek())) // read exponent value { sb.Append((char)ReaderRead()); } isunsigned = true; peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); } if (peek == 'f' || peek == 'F') // float value { ReaderRead(); suffix = "f"; isfloat = true; } else if (peek == 'd' || peek == 'D') // double type suffix (obsolete, double is default) { ReaderRead(); suffix = "d"; isdouble = true; } else if (peek == 'm' || peek == 'M') // decimal value { ReaderRead(); suffix = "m"; isdecimal = true; } else if (!isdouble) { if (peek == 'u' || peek == 'U') { ReaderRead(); suffix = "u"; isunsigned = true; peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); } if (peek == 'l' || peek == 'L') { ReaderRead(); peek = (char)ReaderPeek(); islong = true; if (!isunsigned && (peek == 'u' || peek == 'U')) { ReaderRead(); suffix = "Lu"; isunsigned = true; } else { suffix = isunsigned ? "uL" : "L"; } } } string digit = sb.ToString(); string stringValue = prefix + digit + suffix; if (isfloat) { float num; if (float.TryParse(digit, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) { return(new Literal(stringValue, num, LiteralFormat.DecimalNumber)); } else { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse float {0}", digit)); return(new Literal(stringValue, 0f, LiteralFormat.DecimalNumber)); } } if (isdecimal) { decimal num; if (decimal.TryParse(digit, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) { return(new Literal(stringValue, num, LiteralFormat.DecimalNumber)); } else { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse decimal {0}", digit)); return(new Literal(stringValue, 0m, LiteralFormat.DecimalNumber)); } } if (isdouble) { double num; if (double.TryParse(digit, NumberStyles.Any, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) { return(new Literal(stringValue, num, LiteralFormat.DecimalNumber)); } else { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse double {0}", digit)); return(new Literal(stringValue, 0d, LiteralFormat.DecimalNumber)); } } // Try to determine a parsable value using ranges. ulong result; if (ishex) { if (!ulong.TryParse(digit, NumberStyles.HexNumber, null, out result)) { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse hexadecimal constant {0}", digit)); return(new Literal(stringValue.ToString(), 0, LiteralFormat.HexadecimalNumber)); } } else { if (!ulong.TryParse(digit, NumberStyles.Integer, null, out result)) { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse integral constant {0}", digit)); return(new Literal(stringValue.ToString(), 0, LiteralFormat.DecimalNumber)); } } if (result > long.MaxValue) { islong = true; isunsigned = true; } else if (result > uint.MaxValue) { islong = true; } else if (islong == false && result > int.MaxValue) { isunsigned = true; } Literal token; LiteralFormat literalFormat = ishex ? LiteralFormat.HexadecimalNumber : LiteralFormat.DecimalNumber; if (islong) { if (isunsigned) { ulong num; if (ulong.TryParse(digit, ishex ? NumberStyles.HexNumber : NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) { token = new Literal(stringValue, num, literalFormat); } else { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse unsigned long {0}", digit)); token = new Literal(stringValue, 0UL, literalFormat); } } else { long num; if (long.TryParse(digit, ishex ? NumberStyles.HexNumber : NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) { token = new Literal(stringValue, num, literalFormat); } else { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse long {0}", digit)); token = new Literal(stringValue, 0L, literalFormat); } } } else { if (isunsigned) { uint num; if (uint.TryParse(digit, ishex ? NumberStyles.HexNumber : NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) { token = new Literal(stringValue, num, literalFormat); } else { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse unsigned int {0}", digit)); token = new Literal(stringValue, (uint)0, literalFormat); } } else { int num; if (int.TryParse(digit, ishex ? NumberStyles.HexNumber : NumberStyles.Number, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out num)) { token = new Literal(stringValue, num, literalFormat); } else { Error(y, x, String.Format("Can't parse int {0}", digit)); token = new Literal(stringValue, 0, literalFormat); } } } = nextToken; return(token); } }
/// <summary> /// Must be called before a peek operation. /// </summary> public void StartPeek() { peekToken = curToken; }