Example #1
        public static void addPreciousMetalSpots(EWrapperImpl ibClient)
            string[] names = new string[] {
            foreach (string symbol in names)
                Contract contract = new Contract();
                contract.Symbol   = symbol;
                contract.SecType  = "CMDTY";
                contract.Currency = "USD";

                int reqId = TickerGenerator.instance.get();
                ibClient.IBClientSocket.reqContractDetails(reqId, contract);
                while (!ibClient.contractDetailsMap.ContainsKey(reqId))
                ContractDetails details = ibClient.contractDetailsMap[reqId];
                if (DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.setContract(details, "US", new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(16, 0, 0), true))
                    Console.WriteLine("Added " + symbol);
Example #2
        public static void addFXSpots(EWrapperImpl ibClient)
            string[][] names = new string[][] {
                new string[] { "NZD", "USD" },
                new string[] { "AUD", "USD" },
                new string[] { "GBP", "USD" },
                new string[] { "USD", "JPY" },
                new string[] { "EUR", "USD" },
                new string[] { "USD", "CAD" },
                new string[] { "USD", "CHF" }
            foreach (string[] symbol in names)
                Contract contract = new Contract();
                contract.Symbol   = symbol[0];
                contract.SecType  = "CASH";
                contract.Currency = symbol[1];

                int reqId = TickerGenerator.instance.get();
                ibClient.IBClientSocket.reqContractDetails(reqId, contract);
                while (!ibClient.contractDetailsMap.ContainsKey(reqId))
                ContractDetails details = ibClient.contractDetailsMap[reqId];
                if (DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.setContract(details, "CME", new TimeSpan(17, 15, 0), new TimeSpan(17, 0, 0), true))
                    Console.WriteLine("Added " + symbol);
Example #3
        public BacktestEngine(EWrapperImpl wrapper, DBAccess.DBAccess db, XmlNode config)
            _wrapper = wrapper;
            _db      = db;
            _tm      = ThreadManager.instance;
            lock (_lock)
                _wrapper.nextOrderId = DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.getMaxOrderId() + 1;
            _config    = config;
            _account   = config["Account"].InnerText;
            _startDate = DateTime.Parse(config["StartDate"].InnerText);
            string endDateStr = config["EndDate"].InnerText;

            if (endDateStr == "Today")
                _endDate = DateTime.Today;
                _endDate = DateTime.Parse(endDateStr);
            _barType            = config["BarType"].InnerText;
            _minBarSize         = Int32.Parse(config["MinBarSize"].InnerText);
            _slippage           = Int32.Parse(config["Slippage"].InnerText);
            _limitIncludeTouch  = Boolean.Parse(config["LimitIncludeTouch"].InnerText);
            _source             = config["MarketDataSource"].InnerText;
            _reportFolder       = config["ReportFolder"].InnerText;
            _interval           = new TimeSpan(0, 0, _minBarSize);
            _mktData            = new Dictionary <int, Bar[]>();
            _currMktIndices     = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            _barIds             = new List <int>();
            _barTickerMap       = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            _tickTickerMap      = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            _mktTimeZoneMap     = new Dictionary <int, TimeZoneInfo>();
            _contractBarMap     = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            _orderContractMap   = new Dictionary <int, Contract>();
            _barSlippageMap     = new Dictionary <int, double>();
            _currTime           = _startDate;
            _currd              = _currTime.Date;
            _liveOrders         = new SortedDictionary <int, Order>();
            _ocaGroups          = new Dictionary <string, List <int> >();
            _childOrders        = new Dictionary <int, List <int> >();
            _executions         = new SortedDictionary <int, Execution>();
            _timeEventHandlers  = new SortedDictionary <int, List <onTime> >();
            _timeEventRefreshed = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
            _isDone             = new Dictionary <int, bool>();
            _sleepId            = 0;
            _sleepEvents        = new Dictionary <int, AutoResetEvent>();
            _nextBarEvent       = new ManualResetEvent(true);
Example #4
        //IBStrategy.exe --strategies=43,44,42 --run_config=E:\Temp\AccountConfig.xml
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <int> strategy_ids = new List <int>();
            string     run_config_file;
            Dictionary <string, string> argmap = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            if (args != null && args.Length > 0)
                foreach (string arg in args)
                    if (arg.StartsWith("--strategies"))
                        argmap.Add("strategies", arg.Substring(13));
                    if (arg.StartsWith("--run_config"))
                        argmap.Add("run_config", arg.Substring(13));
            if (!argmap.ContainsKey("run_config"))
                Console.Write("Please input run config file: ");
                argmap.Add("run_config", Console.ReadLine());
            if (!argmap.ContainsKey("strategies"))
                Console.Write("Please input strategy ids: ");
                argmap.Add("strategies", Console.ReadLine());
            string[] strats = argmap["strategies"].Split(',');
            int      ret;

            foreach (string strat in strats)
                if (Int32.TryParse(strat, out ret))
                    Console.WriteLine("Adding strategy " + ret.ToString());
            run_config_file = argmap["run_config"];
            Console.WriteLine("Run Config: " + run_config_file);
            string      run_config = File.ReadAllText(run_config_file);
            XmlDocument xml        = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNode xn1      = xml.SelectSingleNode("/Config");
            string  server   = xn1["Server"].InnerText;
            string  database = xn1["Database"].InnerText;

            //string engine_type = xn1["EngineType"].InnerText;
            DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.connect(server, database);

            EWrapperImpl ibClient    = new EWrapperImpl(run_config, true);
            string       engine_type = xn1["EngineType"].InnerText;

            if (engine_type == "TWS")
                XmlNode xnib      = xn1.SelectSingleNode("IBConfig");
                string  ip        = xnib["IP"].InnerText;
                int     port      = Int32.Parse(xnib["Port"].InnerText);
                bool    extraAuth = Boolean.Parse(xnib["ExtraAuth"].InnerText);
                ibClient.IBClientSocket.eConnect(ip, port, 0, extraAuth);
                var reader = new EReader(ibClient.IBClientSocket, ibClient.Signal);
                new Thread(() => { while (ibClient.IBClientSocket.IsConnected())
                                       ibClient.Signal.waitForSignal(); reader.processMsgs();
                    IsBackground = true
            while (ibClient.nextOrderId <= 0)
            OrderManager.instance.set(Math.Max(ibClient.nextOrderId - 1, DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.getMaxOrderId()));

            if (engine_type == "TWS")
                while (true)
Example #5
 public static void addSGXFutures(EWrapperImpl ibClient)
     string[] expiries = new string[] {
     string[] expiries_nk = new string[]
     Tuple <string, string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, string[]>[] symbols = new Tuple <string, string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, string[]>[] {
         new Tuple <string, string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, string[]>("STW", "USD", new TimeSpan(8, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(13, 45, 0), expiries),
         new Tuple <string, string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, string[]>("SSG", "SGD", new TimeSpan(8, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(17, 10, 0), expiries),
         new Tuple <string, string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, string[]>("XINA50", "USD", new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(16, 30, 0), expiries),
         new Tuple <string, string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, string[]>("NIFTY", "USD", new TimeSpan(9, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(18, 15, 0), expiries),
         new Tuple <string, string, TimeSpan, TimeSpan, string[]>("SGXNK", "JPY", new TimeSpan(7, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(14, 30, 0), expiries_nk),
     foreach (var info in symbols)
         foreach (string expiry in info.Item5)
             Contract stw = new Contract();
             stw.Symbol   = info.Item1;
             stw.SecType  = "FUT";
             stw.Currency = info.Item2;
             stw.Exchange = "SGX";
             stw.LastTradeDateOrContractMonth = expiry;
             stw.IncludeExpired = true;
             int reqId = TickerGenerator.instance.get();
             ibClient.IBClientSocket.reqContractDetails(reqId, stw);
             while (!ibClient.contractDetailsMap.ContainsKey(reqId))
             ContractDetails details = ibClient.contractDetailsMap[reqId];
             if (DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.setContract(details, "SGX", info.Item3, info.Item4, true))
                 Console.WriteLine("Added " + stw.Symbol + " " + expiry);
Example #6
 public static void addNYMEXFutures(EWrapperImpl ibClient)
     string[] names = new string[] {
     string[] expiries = new string[] {
     foreach (string symbol in names)
         foreach (string expiry in expiries)
             Contract contract = new Contract();
             contract.Symbol   = symbol;
             contract.SecType  = "FUT";
             contract.Currency = "USD";
             contract.Exchange = "NYMEX";
             contract.LastTradeDateOrContractMonth = expiry;
             contract.IncludeExpired = true;
             int reqId = TickerGenerator.instance.get();
             ibClient.IBClientSocket.reqContractDetails(reqId, contract);
             while (!ibClient.contractDetailsMap.ContainsKey(reqId))
             ContractDetails details = ibClient.contractDetailsMap[reqId];
             if (DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.setContract(details, "CME", new TimeSpan(18, 0, 0), new TimeSpan(17, 0, 0), true)) // EST
                 Console.WriteLine("Added " + symbol);
Example #7
 public static void addUSHighVolStocks(EWrapperImpl ibClient)
     //These names are of top intraday volatilities,
     //with daily volume > 2M and price in [20,200]
     string[] names = new string[] {
     foreach (string symbol in names)
         Contract contract = new Contract();
         contract.Symbol   = symbol;
         contract.SecType  = "STK";
         contract.Currency = "USD";
         contract.Exchange = "SMART";
         int reqId = TickerGenerator.instance.get();
         ibClient.IBClientSocket.reqContractDetails(reqId, contract);
         while (!ibClient.contractDetailsMap.ContainsKey(reqId))
         ContractDetails details = ibClient.contractDetailsMap[reqId];
         if (DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.setContract(details, "US", new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(16, 0, 0), true))
             Console.WriteLine("Added " + symbol);
     Console.WriteLine("US High Vol stocks all loaded!");
Example #8
        public static void addUSLiquidETFs(EWrapperImpl ibClient)
            string[] names = new string[] {

            foreach (string symbol in names)
                Contract contract = new Contract();
                contract.Symbol   = symbol;
                contract.SecType  = "STK";
                contract.Currency = "USD";
                contract.Exchange = "SMART";
                int reqId = TickerGenerator.instance.get();
                ibClient.IBClientSocket.reqContractDetails(reqId, contract);
                while (!ibClient.contractDetailsMap.ContainsKey(reqId))
                ContractDetails details = ibClient.contractDetailsMap[reqId];
                if (DBAccess.DBAccess.instance.setContract(details, "US", new TimeSpan(9, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(16, 0, 0), true))
                    Console.WriteLine("Added " + symbol);
            Console.WriteLine("US Liquid ETFs all loaded!");