Example #1
        private static void getLevels(ref int? DemandLevel, ref int? SupplyLevel, Dictionary<String, int?> Levels, Listing StationListing)
                DemandLevel = null;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StationListing.DemandLevel))
                    if (!Levels.TryGetValue(StationListing.DemandLevel, out DemandLevel))
                        dsEliteDB.tblevellocalizationRow[] LocRow = (dsEliteDB.tblevellocalizationRow[])Program.Data.BaseData.tblevellocalization.Select(String.Format("locname = '{0}'", StationListing.DemandLevel));

                        if (LocRow.GetUpperBound(0) >= 0)
                            DemandLevel = LocRow[0].economylevel_id;
                            Levels.Add(StationListing.DemandLevel, LocRow[0].economylevel_id);
                SupplyLevel = null;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StationListing.SupplyLevel))
                    if (!Levels.TryGetValue(StationListing.SupplyLevel, out SupplyLevel))
                        dsEliteDB.tblevellocalizationRow[] LocRow = (dsEliteDB.tblevellocalizationRow[])Program.Data.BaseData.tblevellocalization.Select(String.Format("locname = '{0}'", StationListing.SupplyLevel));

                        if (LocRow.GetUpperBound(0) >= 0)
                            SupplyLevel = LocRow[0].economylevel_id;
                            Levels.Add(StationListing.SupplyLevel, LocRow[0].economylevel_id);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while caching levels", ex);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a list of "EDStations" with price listings from csv-array in EDDB format
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CSV_Strings">String to be converted</param>
        /// <param name="foundSystems"></param>
        /// <param name="csvRowList">for optional processing outside: a list of the data converted to CsvRow-objects</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List<EDStation> fromCSV_EDDB(String[] CSV_Strings)
            List<EDStation> foundValues                     = new List<EDStation>();
            Dictionary<Int32, Int32> foundIndex             = new Dictionary<Int32, Int32>();
            Dictionary<String, Int32> foundSystemIndex      = new Dictionary<String, Int32>();
            Int32 LastID                                    = 0;
            EDSystem LastSystem                             = null;
            Int32 currentID                                 = 0;
            EDStation currentStation                        = null;
            Int32 Index                                     = 0;
            Dictionary<String, Int32> commodityIDCache      = new Dictionary<string,Int32>();            // quick cache for finding commodity names
            Int32 currentItem                               = 0;
            ProgressEventArgs eva;

                eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0), NewLine= true};

                foreach (String CSV_String in CSV_Strings)

		                Listing currentRow           = new Listing(CSV_String);

                        currentID = currentRow.StationId;

                        if(LastID != currentID)
                            if(currentStation != null)
                                currentStation.ListingExtendMode = false;

                            if(foundIndex.TryGetValue(currentID, out Index))
                                currentStation = foundValues[Index];
                                currentStation  = new EDStation(currentRow);

                                foundIndex.Add(currentID, foundValues.Count-1);
                            LastID = currentRow.StationId;

                            currentStation.ListingExtendMode = true;


                    eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0)};



                if(currentStation != null)
                    currentStation.ListingExtendMode = false;

                eva = new ProgressEventArgs() { Info="converting data...", CurrentValue=currentItem, TotalValue=CSV_Strings.GetUpperBound(0), ForceRefresh=true};

                return foundValues;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while getting station values from CSV-String", ex);
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// adds a record to the pricelistings of this station
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CSV_String"></param>
        public void addListing(Listing listingRow)
                ListingExtendMode       = true;

                Listings[currentIndex+1] = listingRow;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while adding a record to the pricelistings", ex);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// adds a record to the pricelistings of this station
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CSV_String"></param>
        public void addListing(CsvRow Csv_Row, ref Dictionary<string,Int32> foundCommodityCache)
            SQL.Datasets.dsEliteDB.tbcommoditylocalizationRow[] CommodityRow;
            Int32 CommodityID = 0;
            Boolean known = false;

                if(foundCommodityCache != null)
                    if (!foundCommodityCache.TryGetValue(Csv_Row.CommodityName, out CommodityID)) 
                        CommodityRow = (SQL.Datasets.dsEliteDB.tbcommoditylocalizationRow[])Program.Data.BaseData.tbcommoditylocalization.Select(
                                            String.Format("locname = '{0}'", SQL.DBConnector.DTEscape(Csv_Row.CommodityName)));

                        if(CommodityRow.GetUpperBound(0) >= 0)
                            CommodityID = (Int32)CommodityRow[0].commodity_id;

                            foundCommodityCache.Add(Csv_Row.CommodityName, CommodityID);

                            known = true;
                        known = true;
                    CommodityRow = (SQL.Datasets.dsEliteDB.tbcommoditylocalizationRow[])Program.Data.BaseData.tbcommoditylocalization.Select(
                                        String.Format("locname = '{0}'", SQL.DBConnector.DTEscape(Csv_Row.CommodityName)));

                    if(CommodityRow.GetUpperBound(0) >= 0)
                        CommodityID = (Int32)CommodityRow[0].commodity_id;
                        known = true;

                    ListingExtendMode       = true;
                    Listing newListing      = new Listing();

                    newListing.StationId    = this.Id;
                    newListing.CommodityId  = CommodityID;
                    newListing.Supply       = (Int32)Csv_Row.Supply;
                    newListing.SupplyLevel  = Csv_Row.SupplyLevel.Trim() == "" ? null : Csv_Row.SupplyLevel;
                    newListing.BuyPrice     = (Int32)Csv_Row.BuyPrice;
                    newListing.SellPrice    = (Int32)Csv_Row.SellPrice;
                    newListing.Demand       = (Int32)Csv_Row.Demand;
                    newListing.DemandLevel  = Csv_Row.DemandLevel.Trim() == "" ? null : Csv_Row.DemandLevel;
                    newListing.CollectedAt  =  new System.DateTimeOffset(Csv_Row.SampleDate).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
                    newListing.DataSource   = Csv_Row.DataSource;

                    newListing.UpdateCount  = -1;

                    Listings[currentIndex+1] = newListing;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while adding a record to the pricelistings", ex);
Example #5
        public void clear()
            Id                    = 0;
            SystemId              = 0;
            Name                  = string.Empty;
            MaxLandingPadSize     = null;
            DistanceToStar        = null;
            Faction               = null;
            Government            = null;
            Allegiance            = null;
            State                 = null;
            Type                  = null;
            HasBlackmarket        = false;
            HasMarket             = false;
            HasRefuel             = false;
            HasRepair             = false;
            HasRearm              = false;
            HasOutfitting         = false;
            HasShipyard           = false;

            ImportCommodities     = new String[0];
            ExportCommodities     = new String[0];
            ProhibitedCommodities = new String[0];
            Economies             = new String[0];

            Listings              = new Listing[0];

            UpdatedAt             = 0; //new System.DateTimeOffset(##).ToUnixTimeSeconds();
            Shipyard_UpdatedAt    = 0;
            Outfitting_UpdatedAt  = 0;
            Market_UpdatedAt      = 0;
            TypeID                = null;
            HasCommodities        = false; 
            IsPlanetary           = false;
            SellingShips          = new String[0];
            SellingModules        = new Int32[0];

            ListingExtendMode     = false;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// creates a new station with values from the CsvRow object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentRow"></param>
        public EDStation(Listing listingString)
                var SystemsAndStations =  Program.Data.BaseData.visystemsandstations;

                Id                    = 0;
                SystemId              = 0;

                var stationID = (SQL.Datasets.dsEliteDB.visystemsandstationsRow[])SystemsAndStations.Select(
                                        String.Format("stationid = '{0}'",  
                if(stationID.GetUpperBound(0) >= 0)
                    Id                    = stationID[0].StationID;
                    SystemId              = stationID[0].SystemID;
                    throw new Exception("unknown station id");

                Name                  = stationID[0].StationName;
                SystemName            = stationID[0].SystemName;  
                MaxLandingPadSize     = null;
                DistanceToStar        = null;
                Faction               = null;
                Government            = null;
                Allegiance            = null;
                State                 = null;
                Type                  = null;
                HasBlackmarket        = false;
                HasMarket             = false;
                HasRefuel             = false;
                HasRepair             = false;
                HasRearm              = false;
                HasOutfitting         = false;
                HasShipyard           = false;

                ImportCommodities     = new String[0];
                ExportCommodities     = new String[0];
                ProhibitedCommodities = new String[0];
                Economies             = new String[0];

                Listings              = new Listing[0];
                UpdatedAt             = 0; 
                Shipyard_UpdatedAt    = 0;
                Outfitting_UpdatedAt  = 0;
                Market_UpdatedAt      = 0;
                TypeID                = null;
                HasCommodities        = false; 
                IsPlanetary           = false;
                SellingShips          = new String[0];
                SellingModules        = new Int32[0];

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while creating new EDStation object with values from CsvRow object", ex);
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// adds a record to the pricelistings of this station
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="CSV_String"></param>
        public void addListing(CsvRow Csv_Row)
            SQL.Datasets.dsEliteDB.tbcommoditylocalizationRow[] CommodityRow;

                CommodityRow = (SQL.Datasets.dsEliteDB.tbcommoditylocalizationRow[])Program.Data.BaseData.tbcommoditylocalization.Select(
                                    String.Format("locname = '{0}'", SQL.DBConnector.DTEscape(Csv_Row.CommodityName)));

                if(CommodityRow.GetUpperBound(0) >= 0)
                    ListingExtendMode       = true;
                    Listing newListing      = new Listing();

                    newListing.StationId    = this.Id;
                    newListing.CommodityId  = (Int32)CommodityRow[0].commodity_id;
                    newListing.Supply       = (Int32)Csv_Row.Supply;
                    newListing.SupplyLevel  = Csv_Row.SupplyLevel.Trim() == "" ? null : Csv_Row.SupplyLevel;
                    newListing.BuyPrice     = (Int32)Csv_Row.BuyPrice;
                    newListing.SellPrice    = (Int32)Csv_Row.SellPrice;
                    newListing.Demand       = (Int32)Csv_Row.Demand;
                    newListing.DemandLevel  = Csv_Row.DemandLevel.Trim() == "" ? null : Csv_Row.DemandLevel;
                    newListing.CollectedAt  =  new System.DateTimeOffset(Csv_Row.SampleDate).ToUnixTimeSeconds();

                    newListing.UpdateCount  = -1;

                    Listings[currentIndex+1] = newListing;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while adding a record to the pricelistings", ex);