        /// <summary>
        ///  Gets or try to create property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="Exception">
        ///  Thrown when an exception error condition occurs.
        /// </exception>
        /// <param name="propertyName">
        ///  Name of the property.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="type">
        ///  The type.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///  The or try to create property.
        /// </returns>
        protected ISchemaProperty GetOrTryToCreateProperty(string propertyName, Type type)
            DebugContract.RequiresNotEmpty(propertyName, "protectedName");
            DebugContract.Requires(type, "type");

            var propertyMetadata = ((IModelElement)this).SchemaInfo.GetProperty(propertyName);

            if (propertyMetadata == null)
                //Session.Current.AcquireLock(LockType.ExclusiveWait, String.Format("{0}.{1}", Metadata.Id, propertyName));
                //propertyMetadata = Metadata.GetProperty(propertyName);
                //if (propertyMetadata == null)
                //    var pmetadata = Store.GetMetadata(typeName) as IMetaValue;
                //    if (pmetadata == null)
                //        throw new Exception("Unknow meta value type " + typeName);

                //    propertyMetadata = new MetaProperty(Metadata, propertyName, pmetadata);
                //    Metadata.DefineProperty(propertyMetadata);
                throw new PropertyDefinitionException(string.Format(ExceptionMessages.UnknownPropertyFormat, propertyName));

        /// <summary>
        ///  Persist element.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="commandFactory">
        ///  .
        /// </param>
        protected virtual void PersistElement(Func <IDomainModel, Identity, ISchemaElement, IDomainCommand> commandFactory)
            Contract.Requires(commandFactory, "commandFactory");

            Session.Current.Execute(commandFactory(DomainModel, _id, ((IModelElement)this).SchemaInfo));
        private void ReleaseLock(LockInfo lockInfo)
            DebugContract.Requires(lockInfo, "lockInfo");

            if (lockInfo.Lock.IsWriteLockHeld)

            if (lockInfo.Lock.IsUpgradeableReadLockHeld)

            _trace.WriteTrace(TraceCategory.LockManager, "Release lock for {0} in tx {1}", lockInfo.Ressource, lockInfo.SessionId);

            // Suppression des locks associés à cette transaction si il n'y en a pas en attente.
            if (lockInfo.DecRef() == 0)
                Debug.Assert(lockInfo.Lock.WaitingWriteCount == 0 && lockInfo.Lock.WaitingUpgradeCount == 0);
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        ///     Notification de la fin de la session
        /// </summary>
        private ISessionInformation OnSessionCompleted(SessionLocalInfo info, IEnumerable <IEventNotifier> notifiers, IExecutionResultInternal messages)
            DebugContract.Requires(notifiers != null, "notifiers");
            // On fait une copie de la session car les événements peuvent
            // être souscrits dans un autre thread
            var sessionContext = new SessionInformation(this, info, SessionDataContext.TrackingData, messages);

                // Notifications via RX.
                foreach (var notifier in notifiers)
                    notifier.NotifySessionCompleted(sessionContext, SessionContext);

                // Déclenchement des événements
                // D'abord évenement hard
                var tmp = Completing;
                if (tmp != null)
                    tmp(this, new SessionCompletingEventArgs(sessionContext));
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Si une erreur survient dans une notification, on l'intercepte
                Log(new DiagnosticMessage(MessageType.Error, ex.Message, "SessionTerminated", SessionDataContext.InValidationProcess, null, ex));
        // Création d'une référence 0..1 à partir de l'élément courant ou vers l'élement courant si opposite vaut true
        internal void SetReference(ref Identity relationshipId, ISchemaRelationship relationshipSchema, IModelElement target, bool opposite)
            DebugContract.Requires(relationshipSchema, "relationshipMetadata");

            using (var session = EnsuresRunInSession())
                var commands = new List <IDomainCommand>();
                IModelRelationship relationship = null;

                // !opposite ? this -> target : target -> this
                IModelElement start = !opposite ? this : null;
                IModelElement end   = !opposite ? null : this;

                // Si l'identifiant est fourni c'est que la relation existe surement dèjà
                if (relationshipId != null)
                    relationship = DomainModel.GetRelationship(relationshipId);

                if (relationship == null)
                    relationship = DomainModel.GetRelationships(relationshipSchema, start, end).FirstOrDefault();

                start = !opposite ? this : target;
                end   = !opposite ? target : this;

                // Si cette relation existe dèjà mais sur un autre élement, on la supprime
                if (relationship != null)
                    // Si elle existe sur le même élement, c'est bon on la conserve
                    if (end != null && relationship.End.Id == end.Id && start != null && relationship.Start.Id == start.Id)
                        relationshipId = relationship.Id;

                    // Suppression car elle pointe sur un élement diffèrent
                    commands.Add(new RemoveRelationshipCommand(relationship));

                relationship   = null;
                relationshipId = null;

                // Si elle n'a pas été mise à null
                if (end != null && start != null)
                    relationshipId = DomainModel.IdGenerator.NextValue(relationshipSchema);
                    commands.Add(new AddRelationshipCommand(relationshipSchema, start, end, relationshipId));


                if (session != null)
 /// <summary>
 ///  Releases the locks.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="locks">
 ///  The locks.
 /// </param>
 /// <param name="sessionAborted">
 ///  true if session aborted.
 /// </param>
 public void ReleaseLocks(ICollection <ILockInfo> locks, bool sessionAborted)
     foreach (LockInfo lockInfo in locks)
         lockInfo.SessionStatus = sessionAborted ? TransactionStatus.Aborted : TransactionStatus.Committed;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        ///  Called when [deserializing].
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schemaElement">
        ///  The schema element.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="domainModel">
        ///  The domain model.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="key">
        ///  The key.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="start">
        ///  The start.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="end">
        ///  The end.
        /// </param>
        protected override void OnDeserializing(ISchemaElement schemaElement, IDomainModel domainModel, string key, Identity start, Identity end)

            base.OnDeserializing(schemaElement, domainModel, key, start, end);

            _startId = start;
            _endId   = end;
        internal ExtensionSchemaDefinition(ISchemaDefinition definition, ISchema extendedSchema, SchemaConstraintExtensionMode mode)
            : base(definition.SchemaName)
            DebugContract.Requires(extendedSchema, "extendedSchema");
            DebugContract.Requires(definition, "definition");

            _definition     = definition;
            _extendedSchema = extendedSchema;
            _mode           = mode;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        ///     Constructeur interne. Il est appelé par le store quand il crée la session
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="store">The store.</param>
        /// <param name="cfg">The CFG.</param>
        internal Session(IHyperstore store, SessionConfiguration cfg)
            DebugContract.Requires(store, "store");

            if (SessionIndex == null)
                SessionIndex = s_sessionSequences.GetFirstFreeValue();

            _trace = store.Trace;

            var ctx = SessionDataContext;

            if (ctx == null)
                // _statSessionCount.Incr();

                // Nouvelle session
                ctx = new SessionDataContext // TODO optimize memory size
                    TrackingData          = new SessionTrackingData(this),
                    SessionIsolationLevel = cfg.IsolationLevel,
                    Locks              = new List <ILockInfo>(),
                    ReadOnly           = cfg.Readonly,
                    ReadOnlyStatus     = cfg.Readonly,
                    Current            = this,
                    OriginStoreId      = cfg.Origin ?? store.Id,
                    Mode               = cfg.Mode,
                    SessionId          = cfg.SessionId != 0 ? cfg.SessionId : Interlocked.Increment(ref s_sessionIdSequences),
                    Store              = store,
                    CancellationToken  = cfg.CancellationToken,
                    Enlistment         = new List <ISessionEnlistmentNotification>(),
                    SessionInfos       = new Stack <SessionLocalInfo>(),
                    TopLevelSession    = this,
                    DefaultDomainModel = cfg.DefaultDomainModel,

                SessionDataContext = ctx;

                _scope = Hyperstore.Modeling.Platform.PlatformServices.Current.CreateTransactionScope(this, cfg);
            else if (ctx.SessionInfos.Count == 0)
                throw new HyperstoreException(ExceptionMessages.CannotCreateNestedSessionInDisposingSession);

            ctx.SessionInfos.Push(new SessionLocalInfo
                DefaultDomainModel = cfg.DefaultDomainModel ?? ctx.DefaultDomainModel,
                Mode          = cfg.Mode | ctx.Mode,
                OriginStoreId = cfg.Origin ?? ctx.OriginStoreId
        /// <summary>
        ///  Queries if a given ensures schema exists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="domainModel">
        ///  .
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="name">
        ///  The name.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>
        ///  An ISchemaElement.
        /// </returns>
        protected virtual ISchemaElement EnsuresSchemaExists(IDomainModel domainModel, string name)
            Contract.Requires(domainModel, "domainModel");
            Contract.RequiresNotEmpty(name, "name");

            var metadata = domainModel.Store.GetSchemaElement(name, false);

            if (metadata != null)

            Session.Current.AcquireLock(LockType.ExclusiveWait, name);

            metadata = domainModel.Store.GetSchemaElement(name, !(domainModel is ISchema)) ?? new GeneratedSchemaEntity(domainModel as ISchema, name, GetType());
        internal IModelElement GetReference(ref Identity relationshipId, ISchemaRelationship relationshipSchema, bool isOpposite)
            DebugContract.Requires(relationshipSchema, "relationshipSchema");

            var propertyName = isOpposite ? relationshipSchema.EndPropertyName : relationshipSchema.StartPropertyName;


            IModelRelationship relationship = null;

            if (relationshipId != null)
                relationship = DomainModel.GetRelationship(relationshipId);

            if (relationship == null)
                var start = isOpposite ? null : this;
                var end   = isOpposite ? this : null;
                relationship = DomainModel.GetRelationships(relationshipSchema, start, end).FirstOrDefault();

            if (relationship != null)
                relationshipId = relationship.Id;

                var opposite = isOpposite ? relationship.Start : relationship.End;
                if (opposite != null)
                    var mel = _store.GetElement(opposite.Id);
                    if (mel == null)
                        throw new InvalidElementException(opposite.Id, ExceptionMessages.InvalidReference);


            relationshipId = null;
Example #12
        internal SessionInformation(Session session, SessionLocalInfo info, ISessionTrackingData trackingData, IExecutionResultInternal messages)
            DebugContract.Requires(session, "session");

            _context          = session.SessionContext;
            TrackingData      = trackingData;
            CancellationToken = session.CancellationToken;
            IsAborted         = session.IsAborted;
            IsNested          = session.IsNested;
            Store             = session.Store;
            IsReadOnly        = session.IsReadOnly;
            Mode               = info.Mode;
            OriginStoreId      = info.OriginStoreId;
            SessionId          = session.SessionId;
            DefaultDomainModel = info.DefaultDomainModel;
            _contextInfos      = info.Infos;
            Events             = session.Events.ToList();
            if (messages != null)
                HasErrors   = messages.HasErrors;
                HasWarnings = messages.HasWarnings;
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 ///     Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SessionCompletingEventArgs" /> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="session">The session.</param>
 internal SessionCompletingEventArgs(ISessionInformation session)
     Session = session;
Example #14
 internal MultiThreadedSession(ushort?sessionIndex, int threadId)
     DebugContract.Requires(sessionIndex > 0);
     SessionIndex = sessionIndex;
     _threadId    = threadId;
 internal SessionException(IEnumerable <DiagnosticMessage> messages)
     Messages = messages.ToList();
Example #16
 /// <summary>
 ///  Creates a schema.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="services">
 ///  The services.
 /// </param>
 /// <returns>
 ///  The new schema.
 /// </returns>
 ISchema <T> ISchemaDefinition.CreateSchema <T>(IServicesContainer services)
     return(CreateSchema <T>(services));
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 ///  Defines the schema.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schema">
 ///  The schema.
 /// </param>
 void ISchemaDefinition.DefineSchema(ISchema schema)
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 ///  Called when [schema loaded].
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schema">
 ///  The schema.
 /// </param>
 void ISchemaDefinition.OnSchemaLoaded(ISchema schema)
 internal DynamicModelElementMetaObject(Expression parameter, object value) : base(parameter, BindingRestrictions.Empty, value)
     DebugContract.Requires(parameter, "parameter");