Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads BSP Data
        /// </summary>
        public static void ExportBSPData(ProcessReader reader, long assetPoolsAddress, long assetSizesAddress, string gameType, Action <object> printCallback = null)
            // Found her
            printCallback?.Invoke("Found supported game: Call of Duty: Black Ops");

            // Get XModel Name
            var firstXModelName = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(reader.ReadInt32(reader.ReadInt32(assetPoolsAddress + 0x14) + 4));

            // Validate by XModel Name
            if (firstXModelName == "void" || firstXModelName == "defaultactor" || firstXModelName == "defaultweapon")
                // Load BSP Pools (they only have a size of 1 so we have no free header)
                var gfxMapAsset = reader.ReadStruct <GfxMap>(reader.ReadInt32(assetPoolsAddress + 0x44));

                // Name
                string gfxMapName = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(gfxMapAsset.NamePointer);
                string mapName    = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(gfxMapAsset.MapNamePointer);

                // Verify a BSP is actually loaded (if in base menu, etc, no map is loaded)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gfxMapName))
                    printCallback?.Invoke("No BSP loaded. Enter Main Menu or a Map to load in the required assets.");
                    // New IW Map
                    var mapFile = new IWMap();
                    // Print Info
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Loaded Gfx Map     -   {0}", gfxMapName));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Loaded Map         -   {0}", mapName));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Vertex Count       -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxVertexCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Indices Count      -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Surface Count      -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.SurfaceCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Model Count        -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount));

                    // Build output Folder
                    string outputName = Path.Combine("exported_maps", "black_ops", gameType, mapName, mapName);

                    // Stop watch
                    var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    // Read Vertices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing vertex data....");
                    var vertices = ReadGfxVertices(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxVerticesPointer, gfxMapAsset.GfxVertexCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed vertex data in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Read Indices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing surface indices....");
                    var indices = ReadGfxIndices(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesPointer, gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed indices in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Read Indices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing surfaces....");
                    var surfaces = ReadGfxSufaces(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxSurfacesPointer, gfxMapAsset.SurfaceCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed surfaces in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Write OBJ
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Generating map files...");

                    // Create new OBJ
                    var obj = new WavefrontOBJ();

                    // Append Vertex Data
                    foreach (var vertex in vertices)

                    // Image Names (for Search String)
                    HashSet <string> imageNames = new HashSet <string>();

                    // Append Faces
                    foreach (var surface in surfaces)
                        // Create new Material
                        var material = ReadMaterial(reader, surface.MaterialPointer);
                        // Add to images
                        // Add it
                        // Add points
                        for (ushort i = 0; i < surface.FaceCount; i++)
                            // Face Indices
                            var faceIndex1 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex] + surface.VertexIndex;
                            var faceIndex2 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex + 1] + surface.VertexIndex;
                            var faceIndex3 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex + 2] + surface.VertexIndex;

                            // Validate unique points, and write to OBJ
                            if (faceIndex1 != faceIndex2 && faceIndex1 != faceIndex3 && faceIndex2 != faceIndex3)
                                // new Obj Face
                                var objFace = new WavefrontOBJ.Face(material.Name);

                                // Add points
                                objFace.Vertices[0] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex1, faceIndex1, faceIndex1);
                                objFace.Vertices[2] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex2, faceIndex2, faceIndex2);
                                objFace.Vertices[1] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex3, faceIndex3, faceIndex3);

                                // Add to OBJ

                    // Save it
                    obj.Save(outputName + ".obj");

                    // Build search strinmg
                    string searchString = "";
                    // Loop through images, and append each to the search string (for Wraith/Greyhound)
                    foreach (string imageName in imageNames)
                        searchString += String.Format("{0},", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName));

                    // Create .JSON with XModel Data
                    List <IDictionary> ModelData  = CreateXModelDictionary(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsPointer, (int)gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount);
                    string             xmodeljson = JToken.FromObject(ModelData).ToString(Formatting.Indented);
                    File.WriteAllText(outputName + "_xmodels.json", xmodeljson);

                    // Loop through xmodels, and append each to the search string (for Wraith/Greyhound)
                    List <string> xmodelList = CreateXModelList(ModelData);

                    // Dump it
                    File.WriteAllText(outputName + "_search_string.txt", searchString);
                    File.WriteAllText(outputName + "_xmodelList.txt", String.Join(",", xmodelList.ToArray()));

                    // Read entities and dump to map
                    mapFile.Entities.AddRange(ReadStaticModels(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsPointer, (int)gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount));
                    mapFile.DumpToMap(outputName + ".map");

                    // Done
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Generated files in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));
                printCallback?.Invoke("Call of Duty: Black Ops is supported, but this EXE is not.");
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads BSP Data
        /// </summary>
        public static void ExportBSPData(uint assetPoolsAddress, uint assetSizesAddress, string gameType,
                                         Action <object> printCallback = null)
            if (!console.activeConnection)
                printCallback?.Invoke("Couldn't connect");

            // Found her
            printCallback?.Invoke("Found supported game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2");
            // Validate by XModel Name
            printCallback?.Invoke($"AssetPools Address: {assetPoolsAddress:X}");
            var _void = console.ReadUInt32(console.ReadUInt32(assetPoolsAddress + 0x10) + 4);
            var txt   = console.ReadString(_void);

            printCallback?.Invoke($"Address Found: {txt}");
            if (txt == "void")
                var gfxMapAsset = (GfxMap)console.ReadUInt32(assetPoolsAddress + 0x4C);
                var gfxMapName  = console.ReadString((uint)gfxMapAsset.NamePointer);
                var mapName     = console.ReadString((uint)gfxMapAsset.MapNamePointer);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gfxMapName))
                    printCallback?.Invoke("No BSP loaded. Enter a Map to load in the required assets.");
                    var mapFile = new IWMap();
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Loaded Gfx Map     -   {gfxMapName}");
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Loaded Map         -   {mapName}");
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Vertex Count       -   {gfxMapAsset.GfxVertexCount}");
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Indices Count      -   {gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesCount}");
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Surface Count      -   {gfxMapAsset.SurfaceCount}");
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Model Count        -   {gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount}");

                    string outputName = Path.Combine("exported_maps", "modern_warfare_2", gameType, mapName, mapName);
                    var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                    //Read vertex
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing vertex data....");
                    var vertices = ReadGfxVertices(gfxMapAsset.GfxVerticesPointer, gfxMapAsset.GfxVertexCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Parsed vertex data in {stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0:0.00} seconds.");
                    // Reset timer
                    //Read Indices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing surface indices....");
                    var indices = ReadGfxIndices(gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesPointer, gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Parsed indices in {stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0:0.00} seconds.");
                    // Reset timer

                    // Read Indices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing surfaces....");
                    var surfaces = ReadGfxSufaces(gfxMapAsset.GfxSurfacesPointer, gfxMapAsset.SurfaceCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Parsed surfaces in {stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0:0.00} seconds.");

                    // Reset timer

                    // Write OBJ
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Converting to OBJ....");

                    // Create new OBJ
                    var obj = new WavefrontOBJ();

                    // Append Vertex Data
                    foreach (var vertex in vertices)

                    //Image Names (for Search String)
                    var imageNames = new HashSet <string>();

                    // Append Faces
                    foreach (var surface in surfaces)
                        // Create new Material
                        var material = ReadMaterial(surface.MaterialPointer);
                        // Add to images
                        // Add it
                        //Add points
                        for (ushort i = 0; i < surface.FaceCount; i++)
                            //Face Indices
                            var faceIndex1 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex] + surface.VertexIndex;
                            var faceIndex2 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex + 1] + surface.VertexIndex;
                            var faceIndex3 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex + 2] + surface.VertexIndex;

                            //Validate unique points, and write to OBJ
                            if (faceIndex1 != faceIndex2 && faceIndex1 != faceIndex3 && faceIndex2 != faceIndex3)
                                //new Obj Face
                                var objFace = new WavefrontOBJ.Face(material.Name);

                                //Add points
                                objFace.Vertices[0] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex1, faceIndex1, faceIndex1);
                                objFace.Vertices[2] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex2, faceIndex2, faceIndex2);
                                objFace.Vertices[1] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex3, faceIndex3, faceIndex3);

                                //Add to OBJ

                    // Save it
                    obj.Save(outputName + ".obj");

                    //// Build search strinmg
                    //var searchString = imageNames.Aggregate("", (current, imageName) => current + $"{Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName)},");

                    // Loop through images, and append each to the search string (for Wraith/Greyhound)

                    // Dump it
                    //File.WriteAllText(outputName + "_search_string.txt", searchString);

                    // Read entities and dump to map
                    mapFile.Entities.AddRange(ReadStaticModels((uint)gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsPointer, gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount));
                    mapFile.DumpToMap(outputName + ".map");

                    // Done
                    printCallback?.Invoke($"Converted to OBJ in {stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0:0.00} seconds.");
                printCallback?.Invoke("Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is supported, but this EXE is not.");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads BSP Data
        /// </summary>
        public static void ExportBSPData(ProcessReader reader, long assetPoolsAddress, long assetSizesAddress, string gameType, Action <object> printCallback = null)
            // Found her
            printCallback?.Invoke("Found supported game: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered");

            // Validate by XModel Name
            var baseAddr = reader.GetBaseAddress();
            var si       = reader.ReadInt64(reader.ReadInt64(baseAddr + assetPoolsAddress + 0x38) + 8);
            var po       = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(si) == "fx";

            if (po)
                // Load BSP Pools (they only have a size of 1 so we don't care about reading more than 1)
                var gfxMapAsset = reader.ReadStruct <GfxMap>(reader.ReadInt64(reader.GetBaseAddress() + assetPoolsAddress + 0xF8));

                // Name
                string gfxMapName = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(gfxMapAsset.NamePointer);
                string mapName    = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(gfxMapAsset.MapNamePointer);

                // Verify a BSP is actually loaded (if in base menu, etc, no map is loaded)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gfxMapName))
                    printCallback?.Invoke("No BSP loaded. Enter Main Menu or a Map to load in the required assets.");
                    // New IW Map
                    var mapFile = new IWMap();
                    // Print Info
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Loaded Gfx Map     -   {0}", gfxMapName));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Loaded Map         -   {0}", mapName));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Vertex Count       -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxVertexCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Indices Count      -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Surface Count      -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.SurfaceCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Model Count        -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount));

                    // Build output Folder
                    string outputName = Path.Combine("exported_maps", "modern_warfare_rm", gameType, mapName, mapName);

                    // Stop watch
                    var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    // Read Vertices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing vertex data....");
                    var vertices = ReadGfxVertices(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxVerticesPointer, (int)gfxMapAsset.GfxVertexCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed vertex data in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Read Indices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing surface indices....");
                    var indices = ReadGfxIndices(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesPointer, (int)gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed indices in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Read Indices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing surfaces....");
                    var surfaces = ReadGfxSufaces(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxSurfacesPointer, gfxMapAsset.SurfaceCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed surfaces in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Write OBJ
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Converting to OBJ....");

                    // Create new OBJ
                    var obj = new WavefrontOBJ();

                    // Append Vertex Data
                    foreach (var vertex in vertices)

                    // Image Names (for Search String)
                    HashSet <string> imageNames = new HashSet <string>();

                    // Append Faces
                    foreach (var surface in surfaces)
                        // Create new Material
                        var material = ReadMaterial(reader, surface.MaterialPointer);
                        // Add to images
                        // Add it
                        // Add points
                        for (ushort i = 0; i < surface.FaceCount; i++)
                            // Face Indices
                            var faceIndex1 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex] + surface.VertexIndex;
                            var faceIndex2 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex + 1] + surface.VertexIndex;
                            var faceIndex3 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex + 2] + surface.VertexIndex;

                            // Validate unique points, and write to OBJ
                            if (faceIndex1 != faceIndex2 && faceIndex1 != faceIndex3 && faceIndex2 != faceIndex3)
                                // new Obj Face
                                var objFace = new WavefrontOBJ.Face(material.Name);

                                // Add points
                                objFace.Vertices[0] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex1, faceIndex1, faceIndex1);
                                objFace.Vertices[2] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex2, faceIndex2, faceIndex2);
                                objFace.Vertices[1] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(faceIndex3, faceIndex3, faceIndex3);

                                // Add to OBJ

                    // Save it
                    obj.Save(outputName + ".obj");

                    // Build search strinmg
                    string searchString = "";

                    // Loop through images, and append each to the search string (for Wraith/Greyhound)
                    foreach (string imageName in imageNames)
                        searchString += String.Format("{0},", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName));

                    // Dump it
                    File.WriteAllText(outputName + "_search_string.txt", searchString);

                    // Read entities and dump to map
                    mapFile.Entities.AddRange(ReadStaticModels(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsPointer, (int)gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount));
                    mapFile.DumpToMap(outputName + ".map");

                    // Done
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Converted to OBJ in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));
                printCallback?.Invoke("Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is supported, but this EXE is not.");
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads BSP Data
        /// </summary>
        public static void ExportBSPData(ProcessReader reader, long assetPoolsAddress, long assetSizesAddress, string gameType, Action <object> printCallback = null)
            // Found her
            printCallback?.Invoke("Found supported game: Call of Duty: Black Ops 2");
            // Validate by XModel Name
            if (reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(reader.ReadInt32(reader.ReadInt32(assetPoolsAddress + 0x14) + 4)) == "defaultvehicle")
                // Load BSP Pools (they only have a size of 1 so we have no free header)
                var gfxMapAsset = reader.ReadStruct <GfxMap>(reader.ReadInt32(assetPoolsAddress + 0x44));

                // Name
                string gfxMapName = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(gfxMapAsset.NamePointer);
                string mapName    = reader.ReadNullTerminatedString(gfxMapAsset.MapNamePointer);

                // Verify a BSP is actually loaded (if in base menu, etc, no map is loaded)
                if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(gfxMapName))
                    printCallback?.Invoke("No BSP loaded. Enter Main Menu or a Map to load in the required assets.");
                    // New IW Map
                    var mapFile = new IWMap();
                    // Print Info
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Loaded Gfx Map     -   {0}", gfxMapName));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Loaded Map         -   {0}", mapName));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Vertex Count       -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxVertexCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Indices Count      -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Surface Count      -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.SurfaceCount));
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Model Count        -   {0}", gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount));

                    // Build output Folder
                    string outputName = Path.Combine("exported_maps", "black_ops_2", gameType, mapName, mapName);

                    // Stop watch
                    var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

                    // Read Vertices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing vertex data....");
                    var vertexBuffer = reader.ReadBytes(gfxMapAsset.GfxVerticesPointer, gfxMapAsset.GfxVertexBufferSize);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed vertex data in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Read Indices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing surface indices....");
                    var indices = ReadGfxIndices(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesPointer, gfxMapAsset.GfxIndicesCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed indices in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Read Indices
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Parsing surfaces....");
                    var surfaces = ReadGfxSufaces(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxSurfacesPointer, gfxMapAsset.SurfaceCount);
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Parsed surfaces in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));

                    // Reset timer

                    // Write OBJ
                    printCallback?.Invoke("Converting to OBJ....");

                    // Create new OBJ
                    var obj = new WavefrontOBJ();

                    // Image Names (for Search String)
                    HashSet <string> imageNames = new HashSet <string>();

                    // Vertex Index Tracker
                    int vertexIndex = 0;

                    // Append Faces
                    foreach (var surface in surfaces)
                        // Create new Material
                        var material = ReadMaterial(reader, surface.MaterialPointer);

                        // Add to images

                        // Add it

                        // Add points
                        for (ushort i = 0; i < surface.FaceCount; i++)
                            // Face Indices
                            var faceIndex1 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex];
                            var faceIndex2 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex + 1];
                            var faceIndex3 = indices[i * 3 + surface.FaceIndex + 2];

                            // Validate unique points, and write to OBJ
                            if (faceIndex1 != faceIndex2 && faceIndex1 != faceIndex3 && faceIndex2 != faceIndex3)
                                // new Obj Face
                                var objFace = new WavefrontOBJ.Face(material.Name);

                                // Unpack vertices
                                var vertex1 = UnpackVertex(ByteUtil.BytesToStruct <GfxVertex>(vertexBuffer, surface.VertexBufferOffset + (faceIndex1 * 36)));
                                var vertex2 = UnpackVertex(ByteUtil.BytesToStruct <GfxVertex>(vertexBuffer, surface.VertexBufferOffset + (faceIndex2 * 36)));
                                var vertex3 = UnpackVertex(ByteUtil.BytesToStruct <GfxVertex>(vertexBuffer, surface.VertexBufferOffset + (faceIndex3 * 36)));

                                // Add Offsets

                                // Add Normals

                                // Add UVs

                                // Add points
                                objFace.Vertices[0] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(vertexIndex, vertexIndex, vertexIndex);
                                objFace.Vertices[2] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(vertexIndex + 1, vertexIndex + 1, vertexIndex + 1);
                                objFace.Vertices[1] = new WavefrontOBJ.Face.Vertex(vertexIndex + 2, vertexIndex + 2, vertexIndex + 2);

                                // Add to OBJ

                                vertexIndex += 3;

                    // Save it
                    obj.Save(outputName + ".obj");

                    // Build search strinmg
                    string searchString = "";

                    // Loop through images, and append each to the search string (for Wraith/Greyhound)
                    foreach (string imageName in imageNames)
                        searchString += String.Format("{0},", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageName));

                    // Dump it
                    File.WriteAllText(outputName + "_search_string.txt", searchString);

                    // Read entities and dump to map
                    mapFile.Entities.AddRange(ReadStaticModels(reader, gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsPointer, gfxMapAsset.GfxStaticModelsCount));
                    mapFile.DumpToMap(outputName + ".map");

                    // Done
                    printCallback?.Invoke(String.Format("Converted to OBJ in {0:0.00} seconds.", stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0));
                printCallback?.Invoke("Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 is supported, but this EXE is not.");